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Dr. Tom Nichols


Here's what the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 means: Russia, with Vladimir Putin at the wheel, just drove off the edge of a cliff. The moment Flight 17 exploded was the moment that Putin's foreign policy officially went over the ledge, and with it his dreams of restored Russian greatness. Putin is deflecting blame, of course. He has no choice: he armed, paid, and unleashed a ragtag army of goons in eastern Ukraine, under the command of a Russian intelligence officer who was supposed to provide some adult supervision. Now they've betrayed the Kremlin and screwed up. Putin, a typical and mediocre product of Andropov's KGB, will never again be able to portray himself as a savvy, cool broker in international affairs, nor Russia as just another great power. Now, he's just another Soviet-era thug, a perception that was already growing before the Malaysian airliner plunged out of the sky. No matter how the current crisis ends, Putin's name will forever be tied to this outrage, and his personal bid to create a more respected Russia through violence and intimidation is permanently defunct.



"Murder In The Air" was the cover of Newsweek when the Kremlin shot down Korean Air 007 on Sept. 1, 1983.  To this day, the Kremlin has never apologized for what Reagan termed "the savagery of their crime against humanity."   Sound familiar?  This morning we learned that there are recordings of pro-Russian separatists talking with a Russian GRU (military intel) colonel about their shooting down the Malaysian airliner yesterday (7/17), and that they have recovered the airliner's black box and sent it to Moscow.  Putin Huilo promptly blamed Ukraine for the atrocity - while refusing to deny his mercenaries in Ukraine did it.  Indeed, he denies any of his total sponsorship of the "rebellion" in eastern Ukraine. The fallout of  the MH17 shootdown is that Russia economically and Putin Huilo politically are both seriously screwed... ... But when, we ask, will Zero be screwed?  On Monday, the liberal paper of  Capitol Hill, The Hill, helpfully answered in a story headlined:  Obama The Pariah.  Yet to realize just how much a pariah Zero has become, there's the feel-good story of the week, that of Peggy Joseph... ... The HFR gives three cheers for three countries this week.  First is, believe it or not, for France! ... The puzzle of the week:  How can such a teeny-tiny fraction of folks in the US be so fascistically powerful?  ...And here's the best news of the week:



From the time of the Ancient Greeks, this time of year has been known as the "dog days," when the heat and humidity caused "the seas to boil, wine to turn sour, dogs to go mad, and men subject to burning fevers, hysterics, and frenzies." Much of the US is certainly not experiencing such climate misery this week, with record low summer temps from Arkansas to Minnesota.  But in terms of what is happening to our country politically, economically, culturally and morally, these are indeed the Dog Days of America. And there doesn't seem to be any relief in sight.  Zero, rather than backing off in the midst of his growing unpopularity and unending scandals is "just getting started," according to Bryan Preston.  He's "going Soviet." Yet, the illegal, tyrannical, and unconstitutional acts of Zero's Imperial Presidency are not the cause of America's current crisis - they are the culmination of it.  The Reign of Zero is simply the apotheosis of a crisis that's been building since the 1880s. The crisis we face now is a cancer that has been growing slowly and steadily for 126 years, until finally under Zero it has metastasized perilously close to terminal stage.  Which means that if Zero were to vanish tomorrow, the cancer would still be there.  We need radical surgery to cure it, a Revolution.  It can certainly be peaceful - by no means need it be violent. For the Revolution We Need is a legal one that attacks the crisis at its foundation. So - what is the target of the Revolution We Need?  It is not Zero.  It is what makes him and his Imperial Presidency possible.  It is what is destroying any basis for Constitutional Government.  Indeed, it is eating our Constitution alive.  It is a medieval atavism in modern guise.  It is...



The greatest conspiracy in world history is being carried out by the real-life "Manchurian Candidate": President Barack Hussein Obama. My definition of a "Manchurian Candidate" is a person who hates everything America stands for and whose goal is to win the presidency for the express purpose of destroying the greatest nation, the greatest economic system, and the greatest middle class in world history. That, my friends, describes Obama. I'm not basing it on rumors or innuendo. I'm basing it on the facts. I know liberals hate facts, but bear with me. So here are a few, which I lay out more fully in my new book, The Murder of the Middle Class: For the first time in American history more businesses are closing each day than they are starting. More Americans now receive entitlements than work full-time. There are now 70 percent more Americans collecting entitlement checks than working in the private sector (148 million "takers" vs. 86 million "makers"). The average full-time male employee now earns less (adjusted for inflation) than he did forty years ago. Twenty percent of U.S. families don't have a single member who is employed.



Barack Obama did not blow apart Hillary Clinton's huge lead during the 2008 Democratic primaries just because he was a landmark African-American candidate, new to the scene, and a skilled campaigner. Even Democrats were all Clintoned out. By such weariness, I don't suggest that either of the Clintons is unpopular. Indeed, Americans apparently look fondly back on the high-growth 1990s as the continuation of the Reagan-Bush boom years, and a time when Democrats and Republicans finally fixed budget deficits. (Note well that when Obama went back to the Clinton-era tax rates for the more affluent, the deficit dipped, but certainly did not approach the balanced budget that was once achieved by spending discipline under the Clinton-Gingrich compromise.) The problem instead is Hillary Clinton herself. She is not a very good speaker, and is prone to shrill outbursts and occasional chortling. She has a bad habit of committing serial gaffes (e.g., speaking too candidly), and what she says on Monday is often contradicted by her rantings on Tuesday.  She seems cheap and obsessed with raking in free stuff. When Bill steps in to correct her mistakes, either sloppily or out of some strange psychological spite, he usually makes things even worse. We saw that often in 2008 and are seeing it again now. But aside from the cosmetics of her political style, the Clintons are faced with two fundamental obstacles in 2016.



Obama Huilo! I had to save this for the HFR instead of shoehorning it in to Putin Huilo! on Wednesday. And yes he is.  He is not just a "hapless putz" as Andrew Klaman claims.  The Obamahuilo is opening the floodgates of our border with Mexico on purpose - the purpose being revenge and spite.  He wants TB and other diseases brought by illegals to spread.  He wants to do damage to us more than ever, now that Americans have proved themselves not worthy of him, in having the inexcusably immoral temerity to think he's the worst US president rather than the best. As a pathological narcissist, his rejection by the American people is proof they need to be punished for not recognizing his magnificence.  As Clint Eastwood put it: 

Even Dems agree, sensing public outrage over Zero's "Katrina Moment."  Dem Congresscritters don't get more libtard partisan than Steny Hoyer, but even he's saying deport the illegals:  "The US cannot be expected to give sanctuary to every single child in the world." So let's start making this crisis into an opportunity.



What is Hamas doing? Hamas isn't going to defeat Israel. It isn't going to gain any territory. Israel isn't going to withdraw from Ashkelon or Sderot under a hail of rockets. So if Hamas can't win, why is it fighting? One reason is that Hamas has every reason to take heart from the responses it has received from Mr. Obama.



Michelle Obama's Food Police are on the prowl: if you hear a knock on the door, hide the sugar bowl, the butter dish and the salt. Her campaign to force us all to eat a "low-fat" diet - called "My Plate" - is just getting started.  What's happening in Tennessee is a good example. Her war on foods that are high in saturated fats, sugar and salt is all in the name of "protecting the children."  Yet there is a strong possibility that the "diabesity" epidemic she campaigns against has been caused largely by the very food police whom she champions. So argues a devastating new book: The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz, an experienced journalist who spent eight years tracking down all the evidence for and against the advice to eat low-fat diets. She finds that it was based on flimsy evidence, supported by an intolerant consensus backed by vested interests and amplified by a docile press. And it made us fatter. Low-fat became a craze. It still is: look at supermarket shelves.  Read Mrs. Obama's press releases.  But it's all a fraud.



Here is where it started - last April 16 with 100,000 Ukrainians at the NSC Olimpiyskiy stadium in Kiev happily, gloriously, chanting over and over POO-TEEN WEE-LOW

It was a soccer match between two bitter rivals, Dynamo Kiev and Shakhtar Donetsk.  What's more, the fans of the former are ethnic Ukrainians while those of the latter ethnic Russians, as Donetsk is the regional capital of predominantly Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine.  Yet, after Putin's military seizure of Crimea a month earlier (March), here they all are unified by their desire for their country to be free, shouting their mutual contempt of the man who would destroy it. Putin Huilo! has now become the global hit song of the year, sung by people all over the world.   Families in their homes, couples at their wedding, Belgian fans at the World Cup in Brazil beating Russia, on and on. So what is the world singing about Putin?  What does "Putin Huilo" - (the same word in Ukrainian and Russian, хуйло́ is also transliterated as "khuilo," "khylo," or "hylo," and is pronounced wee-low) mean? Yep, you guessed it - the world is laughing at Putin and calling him a......



Welcome to the Happy Fourth of July HFR! Today is when we celebrate the Birth of America - mankind's most successful nation, that has created more freedom and prosperity for more human beings than any society, culture, or country in the history of this planet or any other. Those who disagree are cordially invited to read the full text of America's founding document adopted and signed by America's Founders on this day 238 years ago, the most moral political document in history, The Declaration of Independence.  For it is its stated principles that created our nation. In fact, it would be worthwhile for all of us, before the barbeque, beer, and fireworks later today, to gather in a quiet place with friends, family, and loved ones to read the Declaration aloud, to have its moral genius resonate in our souls. And when you read aloud its 27 examples of "repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States," you will no doubt recognize that many of them are being purposefully perpetrated today - with the same direct object - by America's current tyrant, King Zero. The good news is that he is not King Zero I, as in "the First."  There will never be another, a "the Second."  This Fourth of July HFR will be devoted to discussing why.



The good news on this side of the Pond is that Britain could soon grow genetically modified crops commercially.  This is a victory for common sense over irrational opportunism, and also for the environment over pollution. Under pressure from the European Union's health and consumer commissioner, Tonio Borg, and Britain's environment secretary, Owen Paterson, the EU is on the brink of ceding control of the issue to national governments. That suits countries such as France and Austria, who are implacably opposed to GM crops -- and Britain, which thankfully is not. It is now clear that the opposition to GM crops has been counter-productive for the environment as well as harmful to the economy and the consumer. Remember, "organic" bean sprouts killed 51 people in one E coli outbreak in Germany in 2011. GM food has killed nobody. There's now simply no way to argue with a straight face, after billions of GM meals have been eaten all round the world, that the technology is a threat to our health. The reverse is actually the case. So this is a technology that is safe for human health, better for the environment, more effective than the alternative and economically beneficial to consumers and farmers. Let the French ban it if they want to.



The collapse of Ukraine's ceasefire yesterday (7/01) has shattered hopes for a quick end to the crisis in the Donbass, setting off fresh capital flight from Russia and raising the specter of further Western sanctions against Russian companies. Markets were caught off guard as Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko launched air strikes and an artillery barrage against rebels, pleading that he had no choice after they killed 27 Ukrainian servicemen. "We will attack and we will liberate our land. The end of the ceasefire is our response to terrorists, rebels, looters," he said. The International Monetary Fund said the conflict risks deep damage to Russia's economy, starving it of foreign funds and knowhow. "Geopolitical tensions have brought the Russian economy to a standstill... This comes at a crucial moment when the old growth model based on energy has been exhausted," the IMF said. The EU is holding the Kremlin accountable for the failed ceasefire. Its ambassadors agreed Monday (6/30) to "intensified preparations" for new sanctions, effectively cocking the gun. A strategy paper from Angela Merkel's Christian Democrat Party called for a complete change in policy, deeming it impossible to work with the Kremlin so long as Vladimir Putin is in charge.



An Open Letter to the President Dear Mr. President: My apologies for missing your commencement address at the University of California at Irvine on June 14, honoring the 50th anniversary of one of our fine academic institutions. Meetings with my constituents just seemed more pressing, and, of course, we can meet back in Washington whenever it's convenient for you. In any case, between fundraisers and enjoying the "Zot! Zot! Zot!" chants of the graduating Anteaters, the questions I have raised about your "green" agenda clearly were on your mind. You evidently determined that ridiculing those, like me, who question your "settled" science would be the best way to make your case. To the laughing grads, you said: "And today's Congress is full of folks who stubbornly and automatically reject the scientific evidence about climate change. They will tell you it is a hoax, or a fad. There was one member of Congress who mentioned a theory involving ‘dinosaur flatulence' - which I won't get into." Mr. President, we both know I have referred to the theory of man-made global warming as a "hoax," and, yes, I once used the phrase "dinosaur flatulence" as lighthearted ridicule at what I considered to be climate alarmism. What I have learned is never to underestimate humorless zealots, especially those cloaked in the pretensions of "science." One of the traits of a fanatic is the willingness to conduct personal attacks, to limit debate, to use questionable facts and to seek government to impose policy on others. Sir, my congressional colleagues and I cannot ignore costs when making decisions. Simply put, no matter how apocalyptic the theory behind it, we cannot make this crony-capitalist concoction of yours into a policy priority.



Before we descend into overwhelm regarding all that's been going on this week, let's first talk about the price of oil. After Stone Age Moslem marauders seized Mosul on June 11 and seemed poised to march on Baghdad, oil traders on both sides of the Pond panicked, sending Brent crude in Europe to a year-high of $116 and WTI in the US to $108.  Energy pundits breathlessly predicted soaring prices to $120 and far beyond. Yet since the panic spike, both prices have been dropping.  Today (6/27), Brent is at $113, WTI a little above $105.  How come?  One primary reason is the Kurds... ...America's leader doesn't have the cojones to stand up to Putin's bullying, but the leaders of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia sure do.  Today (6/27) in Brussels, they -- Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, and Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca - signed formal political and economic accords with the European Union. Putin stamped his foot and made all kinds of threats should they do so, and they shrugged and signed anyway... ... In addition to Jack Kelly standing in for me last week with another of his great HFRs, he also helped me keep abreast of what's been going on this week while I've been in Namibia.  Here are some excerpts from what he tells me:



Etosha Pan, Namibia.
This is the current edition of a Namibian weekly paper distributed throughout Southern Africa.  As you can see, the cover story is A Demon Facing Africa.  While it is ostensibly about a program of Zero's called Young Africa Leaders Initiative (YALI), the story makes it clear that the Demon is Zero himself as the chief agent of American imperialism. This is true cosmic irony, as one of the largest demons inhabiting Zero's soul is his hatred of America and Britain for White Western Imperialism regarding Kenya. Yet it is too easy to engage in the obverse opportunity to accuse Barack Obama of being The Demon Facing America.  For that is only ostensibly true.  He is the apotheosis of the Demon, but not the Demon himself. The Demon we are talking about has been the curse of most nations throughout history.  It is the real Demon facing almost every country in Africa, of which the anti-American idiots of The Southern Times haven't an inkling.  It is the Demon that America's Founders created America to suppress.  It is the Demon that America's Left is dedicated to unleashing.  And today, Barack Hussein Obama is the Demon's hero. The Etosha Pan is a wonderful place to forget about all of this.   Here is where you witness Africa Primeval.  It is simply breathtaking to watch a leopard stalk a wildebeest from yards away:



For most Westerners, Turkey is a hard nut to crack. How can you understand a state sponsor of terrorism that is also a member of NATO? How can you explain Turkey's facilitation of Kurdish independence in Iraq in light of Turkey's hundred-year opposition to Kurdish independence? What is Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyep Erdogan trying to accomplish here?  The answer is chaos - just like Iran albeit with a very different objective. On the terrorism support front, today Turkey vies with Iran for the title of leading state sponsor of terrorism.  Here's the explanation.



The current political and military upheavals in the Middle East are producing new and far-reaching demographic realities.  They are primarily due to Bashar Assad's desperation to keep power at any cost. Assad and his ruling clique are Alawites, a Shiite sect, while the rebels opposing him are primarily Sunnis.  He thus has a policy of ethnically and religiously cleansing Syria of Sunnis.  This includes the Palestinians in Syria.  The impact his policy is having on neighboring countries like Lebanon and Jordan is tremendous - and often counter-intuitive. So much so that various communities in the Levant and even in Libya are now expressing a positive attitude toward Israel and repudiating pan-Arabism.  Here's what's going on and why.



Windhoek, Namibia.  A merry Friday the 13th to you from the cleanest, friendliest, most pleasant capital in all of Africa.  The best pub with the best beer and the best steaks in all Africa is here as well - Joe's Beerhouse - which makes Windhoek especially enjoyable. I'm here a day early for my Hidden Africa safari so I can pen the HFR.  So much has happened this week with events continuing to unfold that there are more questions than answers.  For example:  How come a ragtag bunch of jihadist loonies naming themselves with cosmic irony after the Mother Goddess of Ancient Egypt - Isis - i.e., the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria acronymed ISIS, is suddenly on the verge of taking over Baghdad but not Damascus? This is a monumental disaster laid directly at Zero's feet.  Are there any silver linings, other than it will increase the loathing and contempt millions of Americans are feeling towards him?  Yes, there are several.  First is it helps the Kurds... ...Here's another question of the week:  Has Mexico declared war on America or has Obama? The answer is Yes.



There are no one-way bets in global finance, but Japan's stock market comes close. The authorities are about to funnel astronomical sums into Japanese stocks openly and deliberately under the next phase of Abenomics, both by regulatory fiat and by purchasing the Nikkei index directly with printed money. Prime minister Shinzo Abe is unshackling the world's biggest stash of savings, the $1.3 trillion Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). Officials say the ceiling on equity holdings will rise from 12% to around 20% as soon as August, opening the way for a $100 billion buying blitz. Mr. Abe's move comes sooner than expected and amounts to a market shock, though nobody should be shocked anymore as he keeps doubling down on the world's most radical economic experiment. The Nikkei index stalled in December after rising almost 100% since September 2012, even though the Bank of Japan (BoJ) is still showering the economy with money, buying $75 billion of bonds each month. The BoJ's balance sheet will reach 70% of GDP by March 2015, three times the US Federal Reserve's.



For many years now, I have been a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black. The remaining ten percent of my clients are mainly Hispanics but there are a few whites. I have no explanation for why this is, but crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In all my years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me. The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day. I have now served thousands of blacks and their families, protecting their rights and defending them in court. What follow are my observations. To be clear, my observations are of defendants in court and their families.  They do not apply to those many blacks leading law-abiding lives.



New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has come up with an exciting new theory as to why the world's economies are still proving reluctant to bomb themselves back to the dark ages in order to "combat climate change." Apparently, it's all the fault of a certain uncompromising Jewish Russian emigree:

Well, think about global warming from the point of view of someone who grew up taking Ayn Rand seriously, believing that the untrammeled pursuit of self-interest is always good and that government is always the problem, never the solution. Along come some scientists declaring that unrestricted pursuit of self-interest will destroy the world, and that government intervention is the only answer. It doesn't matter how market-friendly you make the proposed intervention; this is a direct challenge to the libertarian worldview. And the natural reaction is denial - angry denial. Read or watch any extended debate over climate policy and you'll be struck by the venom, the sheer rage, of the denialists.
Next week, he could maybe tell us why racism is caused by listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd.  What's certain is that Krugman badly needs a career change. He trained, I believe, as an economist but what's palpably clear when reading his article is that he doesn't really understand his subject at all. Let me give you some examples of what I mean.



I grew up with Mad Magazine as a kid.  I'm glad to see them at the top of their game. The question is:  Will this be the moment - terrorists being traded for a traitor in a criminal breaking of the law - when America finally snaps?  Is this the last straw on the gargantuan pile of scandal straws to break the camelidian spine of Zero's presidency? Especially when, in the face of a nation-wide explosion of outrage, Zero doubles-down - as he always does - announcing yesterday (6/05) that he has "absolutely no apologies" for trading Taliban terrorist leaders for a deserter so traitorous he taught the Taliban how murder his fellow soldiers. The last American soldier to be executed for desertion was Pvt. Eddie Slovik on January 31, 1945.  Bergdahl deserves a fair trial.  But if he is found guilty, he then deserves the fate of Eddie Slovik. And what fate does Zero deserve?  To be out of power, and to live a long life of humiliation in the realization that history will regard him as despised and loathsome.  Keep reading to find out how this may happen... and there's lots more in this HFR.



[This speech was delivered at the Israeli Embassy in Prague on May 26 in celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day, by Milos Zemin, President of the Czech Republic] Ladies and gentlemen, Let me thank you for the invitation to celebrate Israel's Independence Day. There are dozens of days of independence being celebrated every year in the Czech Republic. Some I may attend, others I cannot. There is one I can never miss, however: it's the Israeli Independence Day. There are states with whom we share the same values, such as the political horizon of free elections or a free market economy. However, no one threatens these states with wiping them off the map. No one fires at their border towns; no one wishes that their citizens would leave their country. There is a term, political correctness. This term I consider to be a euphemism for political cowardice. Therefore, let me not be cowardly. It is necessary to clearly name the enemy of human civilization.



"Feeding the masses on unicorn ribs". That was how Walter Russell Mead once poured scorn on Obama's misbegotten attempts to revive the US economy by creating five million "green jobs." Mead was quite right, of course. And there was plenty of evidence to back him up, such as the 2009 report by a Madrid university professor Gabriel Calzada Alvarez that for every expensive "green job" created by government subsidy, 2.2 jobs were destroyed in the real economy. The Obama administration responded as only the Obama administration knows how: by calling in its left-wing attack dogs. Friendly organizations including George Soros's Center for American Progress and various well-funded wind industry lobbyists were recruited to monster this unhelpful evidence, which was dismissed for its "lack of rigor." It's in this context we need to view the Environmental Protection Agency's dispiriting announcement of its latest assault on US industry - disingenuously billed as a "commonsense plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants." Because here's the bottom line:  The more "clean energy" you develop, the more scum-sucking corporatist parasites you attract, the more eagles you slice and dice, and the greater the burden you place on both the taxpayer and the economy - all to no discernible practical purpose whatsoever.



The prospect of the deliberate extinction of some harmful species is getting closer.  Be in no doubt - it would be an unambiguously good thing. Smallpox was eradicated outside laboratories in 1977, when Ali Maow Maalin recovered from the disease in Merca, Somalia (he died last year of malaria).  The last case of smallpox was the death of Janet Parker, a medical photographer, in Birmingham in 1978, who caught it from a laboratory. If you had predicted in 1978 that 36 years later we would have extinguished no more diseases (apart from rinderpest, a cattle disease), you would have been thought a dire pessimist. Yet smallpox turned out to be uniquely vulnerable to eradication because its short incubation period, lack of an animal reservoir and its obvious symptoms allowed rapid vaccination responses to contain outbreaks. Polio was expected to follow it to the viral grave soon afterwards, but that dream has been repeatedly postponed. Indeed, this year polio is resurgent, with 82 cases so far, compared with 34 by this date last year. Most of them are in Pakistan, a country where polio vaccinators are sometimes murdered by the Taliban on the suspicion that they are US or Israeli agents spreading Aids or sterilizing girls.



Before we dive into all the fun of this week, I really need to thank all of you who wrote such kind comments on the Forum regarding the completion of my Every Country in the World life goal.  It's still sinking in that I've done this at last, and your words meant a lot to me... By contrast, Zero's words certainly didn't mean very much to West Point graduating cadets when he spoke to them on Wednesday (5/28).  His speech was an "icy" disaster as described by CNN.  It was so bad that both the WaPo and the New York Times sneered at it... As Americans celebrated Memorial Day last Monday (5/26), with soldiers being told by their Commander-in-Chief that he will "never forget" their sacrifices, US Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is shackled in a pestilential Mexican prison cell with Zero not lifting a finger to get him out.  Here's what to do... I've regarded Eric Shinseki as an impossible jerk since he was Clinton's Army Chief of Staff - and by his unilateral decision decided to degrade the Army's elite soldiers by issuing black berets to every soldier in the entire army... OK, humor break. Question:  How do you brainwash a liberal? Answer:



[This commencement address was originally published in 2005. We rerun it at college graduation time. Feel quite free to send this to any recent college graduate you may know.] Mr. Chancellor, Members of the Board of Regents, Members of the Faculty, Honored Graduates, Families and Friends: It's funny that they call this ceremony a Commencement, for you've all reached the finish line:  college, goodbye, we're outta here.  Yet of course, "commencement" means a beginning, not an end. But one is supposed to at least start - commence - a talk such as this by saying funny things.  So I'll start by talking about Clark Gable movies.  If you've heard of Clark Gable at all, you know he was the biggest movie star in Hollywood a long time ago.  His most famous movie was Gone With The Wind. He made a movie in 1955 called The Tall Men with Jane Russell as his girlfriend and Robert Ryan as the heavy.  It's a pretty ordinary Western flick with outlaws and cowboys and Indians - and at the end, Ryan, the bad guy, and his henchmen get the drop on Gable, the good guy, and all seems lost.  Suddenly, surprise, Gable outfoxes Ryan and triumphs.  Gable makes his exit, and after he does, Ryan delivers a line that I want you to never forget. Serendipity is funny, a very funny thing, finding something where you least expect it.  Out of the blue, out of a movie awash with pedestrian dialogue, comes a line so profound it detonates inside your brain. Ryan turns to his men and says:



Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman were right when they blamed the noxious anti-Israel incitement rampant in Europe for Saturday's (5/24) murderous shooting attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels and the assault and battery of two Jewish brothers outside their synagogue in a Paris suburb later that day. Anti-Israel incitement is ubiquitous in Europe and is appearing in ever-widening circles of the Western world as a whole. Until this week, the Catholic Church stayed out of the campaign to dehumanize Jews and malign the Jewish state. Pope Benedict XVI was perceived as a friend of Israel, despite his childhood membership in the Hitler Youth. His opposition to Islam's rejection of reason, eloquently expressed at his speech at the University of Regensburg in 2006, positioned him as a religious champion of reason, individual responsibility and law - Judaism's primary contributions to humanity. His predecessor Pope John Paul II was less willing to confront Islamic violence. But his opposition to Communism made him respect Israel as freedom's outpost in the Middle East. John Paul's visit to Israel in 2000 was in some ways a historic gesture of friendship to the Jewish people of Israel. Alas, the Golden Age of Catholic-Jewish relations seems to have come to an end during Francis's visit to the Promised Land this week.



We all know the Moslem world is a political and cultural disaster zone. All you need to know is the spectacularly low level of book sales in the Arab world, and a similarly miserable record in winning Nobel prizes, whether in literature or hard science.  A dozen years ago, a group of Arab scholars did a report for the United Nations that ascribed the failure of Arab society to a lack of freedom, knowledge and womenpower.  And things have gotten considerably worse since 2002;  the authors could write that there were no ethnic conflicts then.  That's long gone. Never mind failed states -  we're talking about a failed civilization, even in the most culturally advanced Moslem domain, the Islamic Republic of Iran.  The root of their failure is the War Against Fun.  They're not only failures, but grim, humorless failures.  This is the miserable common denominator of the Moslem world. But it is a war that is being lost.



The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is the annual showpiece of Vladimir Putin, who began his political career as deputy mayor of St Petersburg.  In its opening session today (5/22), the most senior Western politician attending told Russia's leaders in the bluntest terms that their country will be frozen out of the global financial system and face slow economic breakdown unless the Kremlin steps back from confrontation with the West. Peter Mandelson, Member of the British House of Lords, former Deputy Prime Minister and EU Trade Commissioner, informed them:

"A sense of Russia-risk is crystallizing around the events in Ukraine. The great danger is that this negative sentiment will set in concrete around Russia.  It is the markets that are leading the way, not governments, and they are quickening the pace. This is the looming nightmare for the Russian economy and it will have to be dealt with very boldly by the Russian government. To be cut off from global capital markets is not a good idea."



Ilheu do Bom-Bom, Principe Island, São Tomé & Principe, Africa.  I have come here, one of the remotest and least known countries in Africa, for two reasons. First is to make a scientific pilgrimage. There's a profound relevance to what happened here almost a century ago, and how science is perverted in America today. So we'll begin there. "Africa" and "science" are two words you don't often see in combination.  Yet it was here that one of the most momentous experiments in the history of science took place.  Here is where the most famous scientist of modern times - Albert Einstein - became famous.  If it hadn't been for what happened here, he'd have remained unknown.  Here's the story.  We'll get to the second reason later.  But here's a hint -- you won't believe how magical this place is.  And yes, there are pictures.



My first email early this morning (5/16) was to congratulate TTPer Karma Singh.  You've been reading his reports on India, the last one being India's Ronald Reagan (4/30/14). The results of history's largest election - well over 500 million ballots cast - were announced today, giving India's Ronald Reagan - Narendra Modi - a stunningly massive victory.  The corrupt Congress Party, which has monopolized power in India for most of the last 67 years, had its clock cleaned.  Modi has a mandate to govern India as strong as Nehru's Congress Party in the 1950s. Nehru was a Third World Socialist who ruined India's economy.  Modi is and will do the opposite. India has much to be proud of today and much to look forward to.  Now we in America must hope that we'll follow in India's footsteps and elect a pro-capitalist pro-freedom pro-patriotism government, starting this November... ...But we certainly won't be taking those steps by electing an immoral idiot like Jeb Bush as president.



Just about any measure of "income inequality" reported by the media or trumpeted by Democrats is grossly misleading. How gross? Take a look at the table below. Note that it is for Mississippi, one of the lowest welfare payment states. Note, too, that this chart is pre-Obamacare, which is hugely redistributive. As you'll see, after considering taxes and redistribution, someone earning $60,000 per year has about $3,400 less effective income than someone earning $14,500 per year. The trend toward part time jobs started before Obamacare, though that made the incentives for part time work even stronger than shown in the chart. The big drop in the percentages of people participating in the work force is not due to aging Baby Boom demographics. The percentage of the 55 and older cohort that is employed has actually increased since 2009. The prime working age participation of the 18-44 and 45-55 year olds has dropped dramatically.  Looking at the chart, you can see that:



On May 12, the Washington Times revealed the latest impeachable outrage by President Barack Hussein Obama. In 2013, ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens from custody, putting them back on American streets instead of deporting them. The 36,000 illegals had more than 87,000 criminal convictions between them, many for murder, assault, drunk driving and the like. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) calls this "the worst jailbreak in American history," and obviously impeachable as it was "sanctioned by the president." Yet it is merely the latest in what would have been in pre-Obama America an unimaginably long list of impeachable "high crimes and misdemeanors" by the current Oval Office occupant.  They are the focus of Andy McCarthy's book, to be released next month, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama's Impeachment. The case can be made, of course, but there is a much faster and easier way to eject Zero from office.  It is the law that can put him in jail.



When it comes to fanatical Islam, we're entranced by the symptoms but refuse to name the disease. The extremes to which Western elites will go to avoid blaming radical Islam for terrorism cripples our efforts to protect innocent Moslems. Terrified of offending butchers, we insist that we're the bigots, not them. We make excuses for monsters. Boko Haram, whose name means "Western learning is forbidden," kidnaps 200 schoolgirls, and the world rightly takes notice. But what about the thousands of peaceful civilians, both Christian and Moslem, Boko Haram has killed, purportedly to install an Islamist state? What about the medical workers, pious volunteers, who are murdered in a faith's name? Hollywood suddenly woke up to Islamic fundamentalism last week in the strangest possible way, boycotting the Beverly Hills Hotel because it's owned by the Sultan of Brunei, who plans to impose the cruelest provisions of Sharia law on his fiefdom's women. Hey, I'm all for the boycott (can't afford the joint, anyway), but this is a combination fashion-statement and NIMBYism par excellence. On vacation, those same stars will stay happily at the Four Seasons, even though a Saudi prince has owned nearly half of its shares. How are women's rights going in Saudi Arabia?



We start with this Urgent Announcement from Carol Bundy, wife of Nevada's Patriot Rancher Cliven Bundy

Please make your way to Blanding Utah this Saturday May 10th 9AM to protest the BLM Closure of Recapture Canyon. Blanding has been the site of many BLM overreach efforts, including the horrific BLM SWAT team raids that resulted in the deaths of three Blanding residents. County Commissioner Phil Lyman has organized a peaceful ATV ride into "Recapture Canyon".  This Canyon was "temporarily" closed over 7 years ago by the BLM.  You do not need an ATV to participate.   We need to help the people of Blanding re-establish who is in control of the land.  This is your next stand.  Will you be there to help them like you helped us?  Please make the trip to Blanding, we need to keep sending the message loud and clear wherever the BLM is illegally asserting its power.  Thank you, Carol
A message with direction and map from San Juan County Commissioner Lyman is appended[1] at the end of this HFR.  Blanding is in the Four Corners region where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona meet.  For any TTPers anywhere near - Taos, Phoenix, even Denver - try to be there. The BLM - Bureau of Land Management - unconstitutionally controls over 270 million acres or 422,000 square miles of "public" lands.  That's an area as large as Texas and California combined, or twice the size of France.  It has morphed into a Fascist Police State agency of militarily-armed Gestapo goons.   The people of Blanding and all San Juan County are so totally fed up with federalie BLM fascism that San Juan County Sheriff Rick Eldredge personally went to the Bundy ranch in Mesquite, Nevada, to ask for their support.  Thus this plea from Carol Bundy. This is incredibly short notice, yes - but try to be there if at all possible.



How many times have you heard that we humans are "using up" the world's resources, "running out" of oil, "reaching the limits" of the atmosphere's capacity to cope with pollution or "approaching the carrying capacity" of the land's ability to support a greater population? The assumption behind all such statements is that there is a fixed amount of stuff-metals, oil, clean air, land-and that we risk exhausting it through our consumption. "We are using 50% more resources than the Earth can sustainably produce, and unless we change course, that number will grow fast-by 2030, even two planets will not be enough," says Jim Leape, director general of the World Wide Fund for Nature International (formerly the World Wildlife Fund). But here's a peculiar feature of human history: We burst through such limits again and again. After all, as a Saudi oil minister once said, the Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones.  So here's why all the ecologists' scaremongering is baloney.



Over the past couple of decades the Chinese have become more interested in the Jews.  Of late the Chinese regime has been bringing Jewish scholars and theologians to the People's Republic to discuss Torah, Talmud, Mishnah and even some of the more mystical tracts. Believe it or not, there are now Chinese government radio broadcasts in Hebrew.  The Jewish experts who are brought to China find themselves speaking Hebrew with their Chinese interlocutors.  Why? It's no surprise that China-Israel trade is increasing, nor that the China-Israel relationship has grown and deepened.  After all, Israel may well be the most dynamic country in the world, bursting at the seams with high-tech startups, dazzling inventions-especially in military and medical technologies-and highly educated and talented people. But I'm not talking about Israel here.  This is about the Chinese fascination with the Jews and Judaism, the religion and the People of the Book.  I've got a theory.



Hi, my name is Tal Fortgang, and I'm a freshman at Princeton University.  I'd like to tell you about a phrase that floats around college campuses, Princeton being no exception, that threatens to strike down opinions without regard for their merits, but rather solely on the basis of the person that voiced them. "Check your privilege," the saying goes, and I have been reprimanded by it several times this year. The phrase, handed down by my moral superiors, descends recklessly, like an Obama-sanctioned drone, and aims laser-like at my pinkish-peach complexion, my maleness, and the nerve I displayed in offering an opinion rooted in a personal Weltanschauung. "Check your privilege," they tell me in a command that teeters between an imposition to actually explore how I got where I am, and a reminder that I ought to feel personally apologetic because white males seem to pull most of the strings in the world. I do not accuse those who "check" me and my perspective of overt racism, although the phrase, which assumes that simply because I belong to a certain ethnic group I should be judged collectively with it, toes that line. But I do condemn them for diminishing everything I have personally accomplished, all the hard work I have done in my life, and for ascribing all the fruit I reap not to the seeds I sow but to some invisible patron saint of white maleness who places it out for me before I even arrive.



At an investment conference in Carlsbad, California last month, there were dozens of experts sharing their best ideas on stocks, bonds, interest rates, currencies, commodities, real estate and metals. But I had the distinct honor of introducing someone who wasn't there to tell attendees how to optimize their portfolios. He was there to show us how to optimize the rest of our lives. It was my good friend, Dr. Joel Wade. As one of Jack Wheeler's closest friends, Joel has been writing The Virtue of Happiness column since the inception of TTP in 2003.  But I thought you should know more about him beyond the wisdom of these columns. He offers a vital service.