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Daniel Greenfield


Hardly a week goes by without some Democrat Party hack putting finger to iPad and swiping out a screed about the Republican Party's problem with women or minorities. This time it was Debbie Wasserman Schultz with "The GOP's Woman Problem." Schultz claims that the Republican Party was "rejected again by a bloc of voters that make up more than half of the electorate." That claim is as real as Schultz's hair color. The Republican Party doesn't have a "woman problem." Romney in 2012 won the votes of white women in every age group; including young women. And Obama lost white women as he did all white voters. He lost white voters by 59% to 39%. He lost white voters of every age and gender. His loss among white voters was completely unprecedented for any winner of a presidential election. The GOP doesn't have a "woman problem," but the Democrats have a "white woman problem" and a "white man problem." The articles about the GOP's problem with minority voters blame the Republican Party for alienating minority voters. But shouldn't the Democrat Party be held accountable for alienating white voters? This is about more than just numbers.



Right now and for the next 46 days until November 4, we are in a street fight for the life of America.  Which is why Ann Coulter said yesterday (9/18) that the only thing that matters right now is winning the Senate.  She's right.  There's no possible way to even slow down Zero's commitment for America's demise with Harry Reid still Majority Leader for the next two years. But she forgot about Louisiana... Compounding the bad news (good news for us) for Putin's Russia is a host of threats by ISIS to "liberate Chechnya and all the Caucasus" from Russia.  Lots of Chechens are getting their "terrorist field training" with ISIS, and will now be bringing their skills back to their homeland.  Chechnya is one of a half-dozen regions of the Russian North Caucasus with a predominately Moslem population... Meanwhile, the Zero Madness continues in DC. On Monday (9/15), he announced he wants to send 3,000 US soldiers to Liberia to somehow combat the Ebola virus.  This is criminally insane.  But here's the big question, asked by IBD:  If protecting us from Ebola far away in Africa is so panic-button-pushing important, why is Zero doing nothing or saying anything about "the strange new diseases now spreading and infecting Americans here, which at least one prominent U.S. doctor says may be spread by illegal aliens now in our country with zero health care screening as part of Obama's open borders policy"?



I first met Darrell Issa on Halloween.  He was a freshman Congressman in 2001, and he came to a Halloween Party my wife and I had at our home in McLean, Virginia.  Two of his California colleagues, both good friends of ours, brought him. I make the world's greatest eggnog and it was served liberally.  Given the crowd, the conversation naturally turned to politics and geopolitics.  We were having a merry libational time solving the world's problems when the subject of Israel came up. Issa, who had been quiet, launched into a passionate plea for the Palestinian Arab "Right of Return."  John Fund of the Wall Street Journal and I instantly glanced at each other, for we both well knew this was code for advocating the extinction of Israel. My ever-vigilant bride Rebel noticed, realized the conversation could go quickly sideways, and deftly changed the subject. Given this introduction, it came as little surprise to me that, one month later (11/30/01) conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel denounced Issa as "Jihad Darrell" for his public support of Hezbollah and Yasser Arafat. As a freshman, Issa was touted as "the richest man in Congress" - which he still is, with a net worth of over $355 million.   That money, adroitly spent on generous campaign donations to one's colleagues, enables you to ascend the Congress power hierarchy.  Which is why, when the Pubs got their majority back in January 2011, he was anointed as Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. And what has he accomplished regarding the most scandal-ridden presidency in US history?  Nothing.  Why?



China’s leaders have brushed aside warnings of an incipient credit crunch in the Chinese economy, determined to purge excesses from the financial system despite falling house prices and the deepest industrial slowdown since the Lehman crisis.

Industrial production dropped 0.4% in August from a month earlier, a rare event that highlights how quickly China is coming off the boil. The growth of fixed asset investment fell to record lows.

“It is a shockingly sharp deceleration,” said Wei Yao, from Societe Generale. “What is surprising is the calm response from Beijing. The new leadership’s tolerance for short-term pain seems to have jumped by another big notch.”

Electricity output has dropped 2.2% over the past year as the authorities continue to force dinosaur industries into closure, chipping away at excess capacity.

New credit has fallen 40%, and there has been an outright contraction of trust loans and undiscounted bankers acceptances over the past two months, the result of a clampdown on parts of the shadow banking nexus.

Premier Li Keqiang has so far refused to blink, determined to drive through deep reforms and wean the economy off exorbitant levels of debt before the damage becomes irreversible. “We are restructuring instead of expanding the monetary supply,” he said last week, warning markets not to expect easy money to ignite a fresh boom this time.

But will he and his fellow Communist Party leaders keep not blinking?



When it comes to Iraq, Obama lectures the Sunnis and the Shiites on getting along and forming a government that won't exist for the sole benefit of a single group at the expense of the other. But in America he runs exactly that sort of government. Al Sharpton, Obama's close political ally, and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, his mentor, are familiar types in Iraq. You can find a thousand Jeremiah Wrights on any given Friday screaming about killing the Shiites or the Sunnis. You can find a million Al Sharptons community organizing local hatreds until they explode. Those are the ugly tribal politics that Obama has brought to America. Instead of repairing the economy, he focused on wealth redistribution. Instead of bringing Americans together as one nation, he calculatedly tore them apart around manufactured crises of race, gender, class and religion. He pitted blacks against whites, liberal Protestants against Catholics, the poor against the middle class and the cities against the suburbs. Obama promised us a united America and gave us a divided America. He has shown that he is a slicker and more polished version of Al Sharpton. After coming to prominence with a vision of "There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America," he shrugged off helping Americans as a whole and instead championed narrow tribal interests. Just-ousted Nouri al-Maliki wasn't the Prime Minister of Iraq. He was the Prime Minister of a Shiite Iraq. Obama isn't the President of the United States. He's trying to be the President of Black America, Gay America, Latino America, Asian America, Transgender America and a thousand other Micro-Americas. At no point in time has he been the President of the United States of America.



This is a first.  An opportunity for an extraordinary adventure has just arisen.  Ordinarily, I'd tell you all about it.  But I can't - that's what makes this a Mystery Adventure. I can tell you the dates:  November 7 to 19.  That's leaving the US and return, door-to-door.  I can tell you the cost:  $6,650.  That's everything except international airfare. But I can't tell you where.  Except to say that when you get back, it will blow your every friend's mind.  "You went where!?" they'll all ask in jaw-dropping amazement. I can't tell you the itinerary.  Except to say that once you see the pictures, you will be astounded that these places exist. I can tell you that we'll be safe and secure.  I can tell you that there is now a window of opportunity during which the welcome mat has been laid down for us.  This is why we must carpe diem, seize the day and opportunity, for who knows when it might arise again. Thus far, I have only told a few friends about this who have traveled with me often before.  They understand why I cannot make this public.  Yet, being TTPers themselves, they have suggested that I tell all TTPers about it, however elliptically. This is because I have three spaces left and I'm running out of time.  There are no special requirements, as the Mystery Adventure is not physically rigorous, you only need normal good health. There is no camping -- we'll stay in the best hotels and dine in the best restaurants in the country.  It is for men and women, couples and singles.   This is an adventure of thousands of years of culture and history, and as timely as current events get.  It is one of breathtaking natural beauty and eye-opening wonder at how friendly and pro-American people on the street are.  It is an experience you will never ever forget. Here's the deal.  I'll send you a Powerpoint PDF of the Mystery Adventure - it's a big 5.8MB file due to the photos - if you personally request it and provide your TTP bonafides.  Like how long you've been a TTPer and why.  Frankly, I have to be very sure of who I bring with me. Let me know at [email protected] or Miko at [email protected]. Please, though, don't make the request unless you're sure you can make the dates - November 7-19 - and the cost -- $6,650.  Yet if you can handle both, better let me know right now.  There's no time to spare.



Can't resist starting this HFR off with Red State's Erick Erickson's comment on Zero's Nothingburger speech to the nation Wednesday night (9/10): "This speech is what I imagine you'd try to say to your mom if she walked in on you playing with yourself. It was awkward and we've caught the President with his pants down." Amidst a lot of dumb stuff, Zero's dumbest claim of all was: "ISIL is not ‘Islamic.'  No religion condones the killing of innocents." The Koran does just this and repeatedly. A quartet of samples from a myriad... A perfect example of what we discussed in 9/11 and the 10th Commandment - emerged this week in Oklahoma.  Leave it to a Marine, State Rep. John Bennet, to provide it. You'd think that John Bennett would be a lay down for HFR Hero of the Week.  Problem is, there's a trio of other contenders... Actually, however, there is good news in the Islamic world this week.  Disgusted and enraged by ISIS barbarism in the name of their religion, Moslems all over the world are partaking in their version of the "ice bucket challenge" craze - the ISIS Flag Burning Challenge. I particularly like the topless Femen feminist flag burners.  Good for them all.



Any adult in America knows where they were 13 years ago today.  In the days following the Moslem Atrocity of 9/11, if someone had predicted 13 years hence that instead of having wiped Islamic Terrorism from the face of the earth, we'd still be cowering in fear of its threat, they would have been thought deranged.  Yet we are. How is this possible?  Let's ask another question.  In his TTP column this week, Richard Rahn contrasted "aspirational societies" where productive work and success are not punished, with societies consumed by envy.  He sums up America's crisis with one devastating observation:

"The United States used to be an aspirational society, but has increasingly become an envious society."  

How did this happen? It turns out that these two questions - among the most critical questions we can ask of our country today - have the same answer. The answer starts with our society's failure to follow the 10th Commandment of Exodus 20:17 -



Something extraordinary has happened.   On August 31, PLO chief and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told an audience of Fatah members that Egypt had offered to give - give, as in cede sovereignty to - the PA some 1,600 square kilometers (625 square miles) of land in Sinai adjacent to Gaza, thus quintupling the size of the Gaza Strip. Egypt even offered to allow all the so-called "Palestinian refugees" to settle in the expanded Gaza Strip.   Then Abbas told his Fatah followers that he rejected the Egyptian offer. On Monday (9/08), Israeli Army Radio substantiated Abbas's claim.   According to Army Radio, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi proposed that the Palestinians establish their state in the expanded Gaza Strip.   In his speech to Fatah members, Abbas said, "They [the Egyptians] are prepared to receive all the refugees, [and are saying] ‘Let's end the refugee story.'" "But," he insisted, "It's illogical for the problem to be solved at Egypt's expense. We won't have it."   In other words, Sisi offered Abbas a way to end the Palestinians' suffering and grant them political independence. And Abbas said, "No, forget statehood. Let my people suffer."



Powerful investors across the world have woken up to the possibility that Scotland may vote to break up the United Kingdom next week (9/18), with some already preparing defensive action that risks a potentially dangerous flight from sterling and Britain's bond market. Japan's biggest bank, Nomura, has advised clients to slash financial exposure to the UK and brace for a possible collapse of the pound after polls showed the independence campaign running neck and neck, warning that the separation of England and Scotland after more than 300 years would be a "cataclysmic shock." Stephen Jen, head of SLJ Macro Partners and a Chinese-speaker from Taiwan, said Asian investors are flabbergasted by the sight of an ancient and successful union tearing itself apart for no obvious reason. "It is totally bizarre. They simply don't understand it, and nor do I. Until a week and half ago everybody thought there was a zero probability of Scotland voting Yes," he said. "We have always assumed the United Kingdom would stay united, but now everything we thought about the UK has suddenly been tested, and will have to be repriced." Simon Derrick, from Bank of New York Mellon, said the UK is leveraged to global financial cycle and has become a magnet for the "carry trade", sucking in funds from Japan, the Middle East and other regions searching for yield. Mr. Derrick said a 15% plunge in sterling is "quite conservative" given the dangers of a messy divorce. "We think the high $1.40s against the dollar is entirely feasible. People always underestimate how far sterling can fall when the tide turns," he said.



One of Hollywood's legends is that their deaths always come in threes.  This proved true when Joan Rivers' came yesterday (9/04), which followed that of Lauren Bacall (8/12), and one day earlier, Robin Williams (8/11).  They were marvelously gifted, and we should be grateful for the joy they brought to our lives. As Howie Carr of the Boston Herald notes this morning (9/05), in Massachusetts bad news also come in threes - as it did this week.  On Wednesday (9/03), Secretary of State Lurch hinted he might run in 2016, as did Governor Incompetence and Senator Talking Bull. ...Two months from today we'll know if we're going to suffer the undiluted Curse of Zero for another 28½ months, or if it will be diluted enough to render Zero impotent.  Here's this week's Sitrep. ...You can't blame Mitt Romney for capitalizing on his clairvoyance.  The entire Zero-worshipping Enemedia made fun of his "gaffe" when, during the 2012 campaign, he told Wolf Blitzer that Russia was "without question, our number one geopolitical foe.  They fight every cause for the world's worst actors." Since it's now blindingly obvious he was right, you can't fault his timing by penning a piece in the WaPo yesterday (9/04):  The Need for a Mighty US Military. However, Mitt is playing catch up with Rick Perry.  Right now, Rick's the Pub front-runner for 2016.  He showed why in his fabulous speech in Dallas last Friday evening (8/29).  I encourage you take 24 minutes to watch it all.  He quotes Thomas Paine:  "The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government" - and goes from there.  Enjoy:



President Obama's White House statement on Aug. 28 was clear on two things: "ISIS must be defeated" and "we don't have a strategy yet." With this in mind, let me offer a modest proposal that requires no military escalation, no additional defense spending, and no sacrifice of the American troops in the Middle East. The president has already recognized the beheading of an American journalist as a terrorist attack on the United States and is said to be considering all options to protect Americans from the ISIS threat reaching the U.S. So let's take him at his own word and propose that his list of "all options" should begin with: (1) An end to political correctness, and (2) A moratorium on pandering to immigrant groups in order to win elections for the Democrats. Let's call them Option One and Option Two. Like it or not, they must be in place before the president can even begin to think about protecting our borders and profiling terrorists at the airports in order to prevent any of the 3,000 members of ISIS who have U.S. or European passports from slipping into America, where they know they have an extensive and well-funded support base. Which brings us to Option Three: Extinguish their support base inside the U.S.  There's an easy way to do it.



It's hard to see how US foreign policy under Zero could get much worse - but it certainly can as it continues to spiral downward.  President Pandora, as Jack Kelly calls him today (9/04) won't close his box of evils until he no longer infests the White House. Nonetheless, the world is filled with opportunities, and it's helpful to focus on how a pro-American president could maximize them.  Then we can see how candidates as they enter the 2016 fray stack up in their understanding of them and how they would implement their maximization. At the top of the list, of course, is repairing the monumental damage Zero has done to the American economy, and concomitantly, the willingness of foreign companies and countries to do business with it.  This means repealing FATCA as step one, with many steps to follow - such as those listed in The Speech I'd Give If I Were Running for President (July 2011). Next comes rebuilding alliances with our friends.  Zero's policy has been to spit on them, as he has done with Israel.  A post-Zero pro-American foreign policy would be to spit on our enemies instead.  Naturally, this starts with ISIS and other assorted Islamic crazies. ISIS, it turns out,  is a perfect example of the Chinese "danger=opportunity" equation.



The war with Hamas is not over. What we are experiencing today is a temporary cease-fire. The most basic reason the war is not over is because Hamas has no existence outside its war against the Jewish state. Hamas exists to obliterate Israel. The goal of each round of fighting is to soften Israel up for the next round.  Hamas will only stop fighting when it is defeated. And Israel did not defeat Hamas. Not only did Israel not defeat Hamas, but incredibly, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, senior IDF commanders are now lobbying the government to in effect surrender to Hamas.. The General Staff's behavior isn't the only reason that Hamas thinks aggression is the way to go. The US and Europe have gone out of their way, both during the fighting and today, to show Hamas that they are right to attack Israel.  Mr. Obama in particular.



He does have a strategy, but prefers to appear indecisive.  That's because the strategy would likely provoke even greater criticism than the false confession of endless dithering. The actual strategy is detente first, and then a full alliance with Iran throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  It has been on display since before the beginning of the Obama administration.  During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies.  The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the Shah's rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine.  Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign. Ever since, President Obama's quest for an alliance with Iran has been conducted through at least four channels: 



Well... (as "Bones" always begins his Forum posts) ...hours after he pledges peace in Ukraine, Putin Huilo orders his troops and tanks to invade; Iran claims to be arming terrorists within Israel itself; ISIS and Al Qaeda promise to take their terror war to America; the Chicoms dangerously intercept a US recon plane over international waters they illegally claim - and Rand Paul thinks he can be elected president by going to the left of Hillary Clinton? Before we get into the details of all the above, and a lot more, I need to tell you that our TTP Portugal Fall Retreat is filling up very fast.  We only have a few spaces remaining, so please, if you're considering having this marvelous experience with us, register as soon as you can.  And yes, that picture of the castle in the clouds is real, by the way. We'll begin discussing geopolitical reality vs. Blame America First isolationism with this map focused on a place you never heard of, James Shoal.  Then we'll detail how under Zero, the US government has become the most corrupt on earth.  Compared to it, Mexico's is a piker.  Actually, there's terrific news from Mexico -- and unbelievably good news from Saudi Arabia.



What do you get when you combine these three news stories? Breitbart, Monday 8/25:  Obama to Enact Amnesty for Five Million Illegals Next Week Fox, Yesterday 8/27: Al Qaeda Urges Bombing of Las Vegas AP, Today 8/28:  Americans' Pessimism on Economy Has Grown You get a perfect storm engulfing Democrats and the Zero Presidency on November 4. The Boston Globe on Wednesday (8/27) ran this dog-bites-man headline:  Obama Amnesty Plan Could Hurt Democrats.  Ya think?  Maybe.  Could be.  Just might be. There are 68 days until November 4.  That's several lifetimes long in politics.  Lots of time to prepare one or more "October Surprises," lots of ways a Black Swan event can come out of nowhere to change everything. What's got everyone in DC weirded out is that Zero seems hell-bent to engineer an October Surprise foisted on his own party - literally creating political hell for his fellow Dems - and in early September no less.  Zero's Amnesty will give us the Senate (and, ironically, no further amnesties).  But what about impeachment?  That requires a Black Swan, for which the odds are rising. 



The Islamic State's video-dissemination of one of its goons beheading an American is an existential challenge from which we cannot afford to shrink. Until the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS) did that, it made sense for the U.S. government to help contain it because the Islamic world, which the IS threatens most directly, must destroy it sooner or later. But internetting that beheading was a gory declaration of America's impotence - a dare-by-deed that is sure to move countless young persons around the globe to get in on killing us, anywhere they can. The longer the Islamic State survives, the more will take up its dare. Either we kill the IS, or we will deserve the wave of terrorism that will engulf us. Killing the IS requires neither more nor less than waging war - not as the former Bush administration waged its "war on terror," nor by the current Obama administration's pinpricks, nor according to the too-clever-by-half stratagems taught in today's politically correct military war colleges, but rather by war in the dictionary meaning of the word. To make war is to kill the spirit as well as the body of the enemy, so terribly as to make sure that it will not rise again, and that nobody will want to imitate it. That requires first isolating the Islamic State politically and physically to deprive all within it of the capacity to make war, and even to eat. Then it requires killing all who bear arms and all who are near them.




Last January, we learned about the history of Portugal in California in Europe.  We also learned that's where the first TTP International Retreat would be, in March.

It was so successful that we ran another in April.  Everyone had such a terrific time that there's clamor for a three-peat this Fall.

As before, this is an intimate get-together of no more than a dozen TTPers to discuss the world in depth with me.  And I might as well give you a warning up front.

In addition to learning more about the world than you thought possible in under a week, you run the risk of falling head over heels in love with Portugal.  I describe it as utterly captivating, and once you are there you'll easily understand why. Every TTPer who was with us last Spring agrees.

Portugal is the authentic Europe, unknown and unspoiled. It's legendary for its weather, wine, and food.  And for the friendliness of its people.  I hope you'll join us.  You'll never forget it.

Here's our schedule, a little different from the last two.  In mid-October, the summer crowds are gone, the fall colors are peaking, and the weather beautifully crisp and clear. Enjoy the pictures!



It's an understatement to say this has been an eventful week, reeking with horror, mayhem, and jaw-dropping Democrat thuggery. Yet, at week's end - at least Friday morning as this is written - the glass is turning out to be more than half-full.  The bad guys are taking it in the shorts from Austin to Ferguson to Donetsk to Gaza to Iraq. And it's been a bad week for Zero too... We'll start with the good news about Raed Atar, Muhammad Abu Shamaleh, and Muhammad Barhoum:  they're dead.  The three top Hamas military commanders were nailed in an IAF air strike yesterday (8/21).  It's a Moral and Military Blow for Hamas, declared the Jerusalem Post... You may have noticed there's a new YouTube graphic in the left side bar.  That's a link to the TTP YouTube video channel.  I kicked it off with four vids of me that I hope you enjoy (and yes, one is the Arm Wrestling Putin saga).  Feel free to send them to everyone you know on earth.  We'll be adding to our video library (and not just me pontificating!).  Let us know on the Forum what you think... OK, here's the question of the moment.  On January 20, 2017 when President-elect Perry takes the oath of office on the Capitol's West Portico, will he have sent a thank you note and personal invitation to attend to Rosemary Lehmberg?... Then there's the Epic Fail of Ferguson.



Twenty-three years ago this Sunday, August 24, 1991, Ukraine - by a vote of its Parliament of 321-2 - seceded from the Soviet Union and declared its independence.  Russian fascist imperialists have been desperately trying to reconquer it ever since, from massive bribes to Ukrainian politicians to be pro-Russia, to KGB destabilization of Ukraine's government, to KGB poisoning of Orange Revolution leader Viktor Yushchenko, to holding it hostage to Gazprom gas, to Putin's seizure of Crimea and attempt to seize all of eastern Ukraine. Putin's frantic aggression in Ukraine is not based entirely on a revanchist desire to recapitulate the USSR.  It turns out there's a lot of frackable shale gas in Ukraine's east - over 140 trillion cubic feet (tcf) in the Yazivska field alone right near where Putin's agents shot down MH17. The economy of Russia is an upside-down pyramid balanced not on its base but on its tip of Gazprom gas sales to Europe.  Should European countries start to frack their own reserves, Gazprom dies and Russia with it. Thus Putin has been bribing every EU bureaucrat, politician, journalist and enviroweenie he can to protest against, denounce in the news, and pass laws to ban fracking.  It has worked marvelously - until now. 



Is this the most ghastly season ever? August 2014 has brought rich pickings for doom-mongers. From Gaza to Liberia, from Donetsk to Sinjar, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse - conquest, war, famine and death - are thundering across the planet, leaving havoc in their wake. And (to paraphrase Henry V), at their heels, leashed in like hounds, debt, despair and hatred crouch for employment. Is there any hope for humankind? Think only of how often you have seen images of dead children this summer: strewn across a cornfield in Ukraine, decapitated on a street in Iraq, blown apart on a beach in Gaza, wounded in a hospital in Syria, being buried in Liberia. The fate of the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria is hardly any less horrible. Man is a wolf to man. In the world of money you can find plenty to cry about too. Argentina has defaulted on its debt. Britain's national debt has doubled in four years. The Eurozone is in permanent recession and teeters on the brink of its next crisis. Stock markets are wobbling. All true and all horrible. But the world is always full of atrocity, violence, death and debt. Are things really worse this year or are journalists just reporting the clouds in every silver lining?



Remember Barack Obama telling his followers to always "bring a gun to a knife fight"? Like good subjects do, his supporters in Texas obeyed. Friday (8/15), Texas Gov. Rick Perry was indicted on two counts of abuse of power.  This ridiculous politically motivated "indictment" of Governor Rick Perry stems from the ugly thug tactics of the "politics of personal destruction" that the left is known for. They draw blood and leave scars on conservatives who threaten their political power, hoping the threat retreats and hoping his or her base of support remains silent in fear of becoming collateral damage. First and foremost, today's liberals have no shame. Case in point: Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.  Here are the drunk, ugly, and thuggish details.



We begin by noting the passing of two famous women this week.  The first is the natural death at 89 of Lauren Bacall, a woman of sublime beauty, character, class, and talent:

She became a Hollywood icon with her very first movie in 1944, To Have and Have Not with Humphrey Bogart, whom she subsequently married.  Her "whistle" scene remains today as one of the most famous in motion picture history. The second passing is the political death at 66 of a lady who is the antithesis of beauty, character, class, and talent:



I was having dinner with Robin Williams' next door neighbor when we both learned of his suicide.  We were on a cruise ship on the Baltic Sea, where I was a lecturer.  We were both shocked at the news, he less than me. "I didn't know him well," he said, "and mostly saw him when he was walking his dog along our street in Tiburon.  He was always friendly and had a nice smile for you.  I must say, though, that over the last couple of weeks, he seemed quite depressed as if a dark heavy cloud was pushing down on him.  As a medical doctor, I was concerned." Most any of us can rattle off their favorite Robin Williams movies.  Mine are Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Hook, Jumanji, Good Morning, Vietnam - and my favorite of all, Moscow on the Hudson.  Made in 1984, it was wonderfully pro-American and anti-Soviet. He was extraordinarily gifted and talented, beloved and admired by millions, wildly successful, enormously famous, and mega-rich.  Yet at 63 in the prime of his life, he willfully terminated his existence.  Whatever demons he had living in his brain, he let them defeat him.  There should be a sobering lesson in his tragedy for us as Americans.



Oil prices have fallen to a nine-month low, with surging supply from OPEC - the Saudis have opened the taps - the US flooding the market, and fresh demand wilts, leading to an "oil glut" in the Atlantic region despite the twin crises in Iraq and Russia. The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA), the leading oil think tank, said yesterday (8/12) that the world will consume less crude than experts had thought this year. Saudi Arabia's supplies are running at the highest level since last September and crude from Libya is back on the market. The IEA cut its forecast for the rise in global consumption to just 1m barrels a day (b/d) this year due to near recession conditions in Europe and as pervasive weakness in the world economy disappoints. This comes as supply rises by a further 300,000 b/d beyond what was already planned. The warning sent Brent crude prices tumbling to $104 a barrel, the lowest this year.  US crude is now at $96. The sudden shift in the balance of the market has allowed the OECD club of rich states to build up their oil stocks at the fastest rate in eight years, creating an extra layer of protection against any possible supply shock from Russia and Iraq.  This good news is disastrous for the Kremlin.



China will redouble its efforts to nationalize Christianity, a senior Chinese official announced on last Thursday (8/07). "The construction of Chinese Christian theology should adapt to China's national condition and integrate with Chinese culture," Wang Zuoan, director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, said at a Shanghai forum on the "Sinicization of Christianity," according to Chinese state media. Gu Mengfei, deputy secretary-general of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement - a state-sanctioned umbrella organization for Protestant churches - elaborated on the initiative. "This will encourage more believers to make contributions to the country's harmonious social progress, cultural prosperity and economic development," Gu said. As the name implies, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement - which long predates the establishment of the People's Republic of China - has Chinese nationalism at its core. The Three-Selfs are the three principles of self-support (financial independence from foreigners), self-leadership/governance, and self-propagation (indigenous missionary work). Nonetheless, the officials' comments last week indicate that the Chinese Communist Party intends to further tighten its grip over Christianity. There are a number of possible targets and motivations for the crackdown.



O Allah, most merciful, most beneficent!  I have devoted my life to being a good Moslem.  I have committed much of the Holy Koran to memory.  I dutifully follow the Five Pillars of Islam:  I profess the shahadah, that "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Messenger." I adhere to salah, offering five daily prayers at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening. I give zakat, almsgiving to poor Moslems in the amount required, 2½% of my wealth. I observe sawm, fasting during the month of Ramadan, during which I neither eat nor drink from dawn to sunset. And I have participated in the Hajj, a pilgrimage to Holy Mecca, and am thus a haji. All of this I happily do, for I know that Allah is most merciful, most beneficent. But there is one thing that, as much as I try, I do not understand:



Barack Obama has a plan.  He wants to use the ceasefire talks in Cairo to strengthen Fatah, aka the "Palestinian Authority."  In remarks Wednesday (8/06), Obama said: "I have no sympathy for Hamas. I have great sympathy for some of the work that has been done in cooperation with Israel and the international community by the Palestinian Authority. And they've shown themselves to be responsible. They have recognized Israel.  They are prepared to move forward to arrive at a two-state solution. I think [PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, aka] Abu Mazen is sincere in his desire for peace." While the administration's new plan sounds nice in theory, it has one basic problem. Hamas and Fatah are partners. Hamas's demands are Fatah's demands. Hamas's goals are Fatah's goals. Giving Fatah control of the borders means giving Hamas control of the borders. Abbas said himself in a speech broadcast on the PA's official station in December 2009 , as he was trying to form the sort of Fatah-Hamas unity government that he established in April, "There is no disagreement between us [Fatah and Hamas]: About belief? None! About policy? None! About resistance? None!" So what is Mr. Obama's Plan of Perfidy trying to accomplish?



The Kremlin's gamble has gone horribly wrong. The eastern regions of Ukraine have failed to rise in mass support for Putin's front organizations, led by political operatives from Moscow, and patently run by the Russian security apparatus (FSB/GRU) as even Russian newspapers admit. Mr. Putin has failed equally to drive a wedge between America and Europe, or to paralyze the EU by playing off one country against another. Mr. Putin now faces draconian sanctions from the US, EU, Japan, Canada and Australia together. He can strike back by asymmetric means -- perhaps a cyberattack -- but tit-for-tat retaliation can achieve nothing. There is no equivalence. Russia's economy is no bigger than California's. This is an economic showdown between a $40 trillion power structure, and a $2 trillion producer of raw materials that has hollowed out its industrial core. Mr. Putin is counting on acquiescence from the BRICS quintet as it confronts the West, and counting on capital from China to offset the loss of Western money. This is a pipedream. Beijing will reduce Russia to a vassal state of China.  Vladimir Putin is quickly becoming the ruination of Russia.



America's Mr. Obama insists that various forms of "renewable" energy are the wave of the future and worth spending countless billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize.  He is precisely wrong.  An example emerged on my side of the Pond here in Britain the other day.  My train was diverted by engineering works near Doncaster. We trundled past some shiny new freight wagons decorated with a slogan: "Drax - powering tomorrow: carrying sustainable biomass for cost-effective renewable power." Serendipitously, I was at that moment reading a report by Dr. David McKay, chief scientist at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change on the burning of wood in Yorkshire power stations such as Drax. And I was feeling vindicated. Believe it or not, Drax imports a million kilotons of wood from Canada and the US a year to burn in its power station in place of coal, producing twice-as-expensive electricity requiring government subsidies.  And it plans to increase its imported subsidized wood to seven million kilotons a year by 2016. When I wrote how ludicrous this is in the London Times,  there was a howl of protest on the letters page from Drax's chief executive.  Now, Dr. MacKay's report vindicates me.  The entire rationale for burning wood rather than coal is that it allegedly produces fewer CO2 emissions.  Yet the report shows that, if the wood comes from whole trees, as much of it does, the result is an increase in emissions compared with coal. And that's allowing for the regrowth of forests. Nonetheless, the renewable-energy bandwagon careens onward, costing ever more money and doing real environmental harm, while producing trivial quantities of energy and risking blackouts next winter.  This applies to every form of renewable energy.  Here's the scorecard in Britain.



"How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-Semite?" Adolf Hitler asked his party members in 1920. No one thought it an odd question. Anti-Semitism was at that time widely understood to be part of the broader revolutionary movement against markets, property and capital. The man who coined the term "socialism," the nineteenth-century French revolutionary Pierre Leroux, had told his comrades: "When we speak of the Jews, we mean the Jewish spirit - the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, of speculation; in a word, the banker's spirit." The man who popularized the term "anti-Semitism" had taken a similar line. Wilhelm Marr, a radical nineteenth-century German Leftist, may not have been the first person to use the word, but he certainly - and approvingly - brought it to a wide audience: "Anti-Semitism is a Socialist movement," he pronounced, "only nobler and purer in form than Social Democracy". It's a measure of the modern Left's cultural dominance that simply to recite these quotations is jarring. That we have largely edited such facts from our collective memory says a great deal about the assumptions of modern politics. In the puerile formula that seems to dictate our definitions, Left-wing means compassionate and Right-wing means nasty so, since anti-Semitism is nasty, it must be of the Right. Such reasoning is not confined to self-righteous seventeen-year-olds; it has, bizarrely, taken over a large chunk of our public discourse.



How's this for irony?  I'm on my way to Amsterdam, soon to land at Schiphol Airport - from where MH17 took off on July 17 to be shot down by Putin's Proxies over Ukraine.  From there, I join our Baltic Cruise bound for... St. Petersburg, Russia.  This will be interesting. When the Soviet Union dissolved at the end of 1991, signaling America's victory in the Cold War, there were high hopes that a now-free and non-Communist Russia would embrace freedom and democracy, joining the West along with other liberated Soviet colonies.  But no.  The Russians didn't celebrate, they immersed themselves in bitter resentment instead. Thus Putin described the breakup of the Soviet Union as a "tragedy," the "greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century."  Not World War II, not Nazism or Communism, not the existence of the USSR but its termination. Thus he and his millions of Russian admirers are motivated by a passionate revanchism (French from revanche, "revenge") - the dream of reversing territorial losses.  It is exactly the same motivation as the Mexican Nazis (May 2005) of the Reconquista movement.  Last Friday (7/25) in the pages of the Washington Post, Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko called for "a worldwide coalition of nations in support of Ukraine" against Russian revanchism, led by the US and the EU.  Yesterday (7/29), both the US and EU together with Canada, responded to Poroshenko's plea, announcing a new round of economic sanctions on Russia. Next, expect to see Poroshenko call for a composed of those nations that were once under the Russian boot and will be again unless they unite to prevent it.   He will argue that it's not just Ukraine's freedom at stake - it's all of Eastern Europe's.  He will remind his fellow Eastern European leaders of Benjamin Franklin's famous quip during the signing of the Declaration of Independence, "We must, indeed, all hang together, gentlemen, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." How many will heed his call?  There are 23 Former Russian Colonies in Eastern Europe.  Let's take a look at them.



We start with a news bulletin.  Yesterday (7/24), software developers at a company called Division Six in Oregon - some of whom are TTPers - announced the release of a smartphone app called the Covert Christian Bible. It is a KJV (King James Version) Bible that is hidden in your smart phone, camouflaged to look like another harmless application such as a calculator app. Only a secret code known to the user reveals the Bible is there.  The app's social networking features enable Christians to create their own study group or accept an invitation to join another that interests them anywhere in the world. For example: A person in Kansas can form a Bible study group with members in Toronto, Jerusalem, and London. A person in Dallas could join a Bible Study group started in China. The World Net KJV is free.  Right now there's only a version for Android phones; an iPhone/iPad version will be out shortly.  And it's only in English at first, with the KJV in other languages to come (I'm bugging them for Arabic and Chinese in particular). The HFR congratulates the software team of Division Six for their brilliant contribution to the protection of Christians under persecution around the world. Okay, it's been an intense week so let's go -- and you get only one guess as to who's the HFR Hero of the Week.



In eastern Ukraine, Vladimir V. Putin has been playing with fire.  He has mobilized the worst elements to be found in the region. He has taken thugs, thieves, rapists, ex-cons and vandals and turned them into a paramilitary force. He has permitted ad hoc commanders of separatist groups to kill or chase off intellectuals, journalists and other moral authorities in the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk. He has watched as a vodka-soaked rabble army destroys or takes over public buildings, hospitals, schools and municipal offices of the country it is pretending to liberate. He has allowed a veritable gang war to take hold - without caring that he is losing control of the forces that he has unleashed, with rival bands pitted against one another and carving out fiefs amid the growing anarchy. Most troubling of all:



Yesterday (7/23), an article in the prestigious foreign policy journal The Diplomat began: "Although the tragic incident of MH17 now attracts global attention, the real big news last week was the establishment of the BRICS development bank at the BRICS summit in Brazil." Although the article displays the blatant bias of its author as a professional Chicom apologist (Dingding Chen is a professor of government at China's University of Macau), there are many in the West and the US who agree - particularly among those who root for the collapse of the dollar. Despite Mr. Chen's hyperbole, the BRICS' New Development Bank is worth paying attention to as a possible competitor to 1) the IMF & World Bank, 2) the SWIFT international banking transaction network, and 3) the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. The key word in the sentence above is "possible" - for when you examine each of the BRICS individually (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) you begin to see what's possible here is not very probable.  Competition for the SWIFT/IMF/US$ hegemonies is to be welcomed - but it is very unlikely it will be provided by this crowd. Far more possible is the group will become known as the GOLDBRICS, given Webster's definition of "goldbrick" as: a worthless brick that appears to be of gold; something that appears to be valuable but is actually worthless. Let's begin with their "R" - Russia.



Operation Protective Edge is now two weeks old. Since the ground offensive began last Thursday (7/17) night, we have begun to get a better picture of just how dangerous Hamas has become in the nine years since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip. And what we have learned is that the time has come to take care of this problem. It cannot be allowed to fester or grow anymore. As an example, Hamas tunnels have been found with shafts rigged with bombs located directly under Israeli kindergartens. As a member of the Moslem Brotherhood, Hamas is not a stand-alone terror group. It is part of a much larger web of Islamic jihadist terror groups including al-Qaida and its affiliates as well as the Shi'ite Hezbollah. Like Hamas, all of these threaten several major Sunni Arab states. Due to their recognition of the threat Hamas and its allies pose to the survivability of their regimes, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have taken the unprecedented step of supporting Israel's efforts to defeat Hamas. Israel is making good progress.  But it hasn't completed its missions. It needs several more days of hard fighting.  Recognizing this, Israel's newfound Moslem allies - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE - have not been pushing for a cease-fire. In contrast, the Obama administration is coming to Hamas' rescue by insisting on concluding a cease-fire immediately.



It is certain that a Russian made anti-aircraft missile fired by Russian armed, trained, and commanded Ukrainian "separatists" shot down Malaysia Air flight MH-17 last week killing all 298 passengers and crew aboard. Yet even if this was a conscious act perpetrated by the Russian government under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, we already know what is going to happen to Putin in particular and Russia in general. Nothing. Despite widespread disgust at Russia's involvement in this act of terrorism the odds are that Putin simply toughs it out and moves on.  The Kremlin's standard strategy will work once again:  1) obfuscate and confuse the truth by spreading several made-up disinformation stories; 2) delay or block any attempt to find out what happened; 3) depend on European (and now American) cowardice in confronting the Kremlin; 4) double down in the face of criticism. Putin realized from the earliest moments that his thugs in eastern Ukraine, if not his army, were behind this operation. The last wreckage from MH-17 had hardly stopped bouncing when Russian media was reporting two different stories. These were for the consumption of its domestic audience and of subscribers to Ron Paul's newsletters.



News of the destruction of Flight MH17 and the appalling murder of 298 people gave Russia's president Vladimir Putin a chance to step back from a precipice. He could have stood up before the world and denounced the crime; endorsed a full investigation and punishment of the guilty. Instead - yet almost inevitably, given the nature of the man - he presented his stone face. He asserted, against all logic and evidence, that Ukraine and its rulers were the guilty parties. He lied, as he has lied all his life since he was first schooled in deceit and brutality by those masters of the art, his old employers at the KGB. Putin probably felt that no path was open to him save denial, because the facts point blame for this huge tragedy squarely at the Kremlin. Putin has acted throughout his tenure of power on the assumption that European leaders are marshmallows, to be defied with impunity. It is time, and beyond time, to prove him wrong.



[This is the statement of US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power delivered to the UN Security Council on Friday, July 18] Yesterday, we were all shocked by the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. All 298 people aboard - 283 passengers and 15 crew - were killed. As we stared at the passenger list yesterday we saw next to three of the passengers names a capital "I." As we now know, the letter "I" stands for infant. To the families and friends of the victims, it is impossible to find words to express our condolences. We can only commit to you that we will not rest until we find out what happened. A full, credible, and unimpeded international investigation must begin immediately. The perpetrators must be brought to justice. They must not be sheltered by any member state of the United Nations. Let me share with you our assessment of the evidence so far.