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Senator Ted Cruz


The Obama Administration's actions towards Israel become more intolerable each day, carrying with their insults deeply damaging national security implications for our country. Just last week, Americans opened the newspapers to discover that the Obama campaign team has deployed operatives, including 2012 Field Director Jeremy Bird, to Tel Aviv to try to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu through an organization that receives taxpayer grants from the U.S. Department of State. All of this is even more perilous given the imminent threat posed by Iran's active effort to acquire nuclear weapons capability. For as things stand now, if the nuclear negotiations continue on the path they are on, they could prove to be the worst negotiations in our nation's history.



Are you ready for Vegas?  Yes - the TTP Vegas Rendezvous is official!  It's at the Platinum Boutique Hotel & Spa, just off the Strip and its most famous intersection of Caesar's, Bellagio, Paris, and the Flamingo. The dates are Friday April 24th to Sunday April 26.  We haven't been able to hold a Rendezvous since 2011 as I've been traveling so much.  And with so many requests - "Come on, Jack, when's another Rendezvous??" - it was clear we better have one this spring.  So give Miko a call at 202-656-3008 or email him at [email protected] to sign up now.  I'll see you in Vegas!... Well, here's a first.  Never before has the HFR found cause to praise Mrs. Zero, but we're happy to so this week.... Dissolve the intelligence agency that has all the dirt on you, in order to deflect attention away from you for the murder of the investigator exposing you?  Good luck, murderess.  Argentina's Curse of Cristina may with any luck soon be over... Speaking of murderers.  Yesterday (1/30), Texas proceeded with the execution of Robert Ladd after the Supreme Court rejected ACLU arguments that his IQ was too low at 67. Here's why IQ is irrelevant... Our HFR Health & Fitness feature this week focuses on news stories like this on CBS on Tuesday (1/27): Common Allergy Meds May Increase Odds of Dementia.  Here's how to avoid that and start thinking sharp and clear at any age...



Last Saturday (1/24) in Des Moines, 23 of the most prominent conservatives in the country spoke at the Iowa Freedom Summit, organized by Congressman Steve King (R-IA) and Citizens United. Was the next President of the United States among them?  Let's hope so - albeit the no-shows were Jindal, Paul, Rubio, and Jitt Rombush (or is it Meb Bushney?).  It's vastly too early to predict who that will be, but we can start winnowing the field. Let's first eliminate those who are ridiculously tiresome old news.  That would be Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Donald Trump.  Go away and goodnight. Next, there are those for whom the spotlight has moved on... Then there are the long-shot dark horse non-politicians.  We move on to Senators who should stay where they are, and stop believing - as almost all Senators do, Dem or Pub - that they would be God's gift to the presidency. With all that said, we come to the presidential timber bottom line:  It's gotta be a guv.  A governor who's a proven success at applying conservative principles in his (or her) state.  Who could that be?



The real threats to us, and how to deal with them, that is.  Lots of well-known former foreign policy/national security officials don't, or feel obliged to appear "realistic" (diplospeak for "don't do anything, keep talking").  Some former military officers do, although only up to a point. Three duly respected policy professionals, Denis Ross (Obama's - and plenty of others' - Middle East guru for a few years early on), Eric Edelman (Bush's under secretary of defense and earlier ambassador to Turkey), and Ray Takeyh of the Council on Foreign Relations tell us it's Time to Take It to Iran (1/23). But it turns out they really don't get what the "It" really means in their own title.  We need to explain it to  them.



Pundits agonize over President Obama's resistance to calling Islamist terror "Islamist terror." How can he not see the obvious? How can he ignore the overwhelming and ever-increasing evidence? How can he insist that his subordinates continue their buffoonish insistence that Islamist terror has nothing to do with Islam and that they-secularized Christians and non-observant Jews-know Islam's character better than Moslems themselves? It's easy. President Obama and his commissars fit the longstanding pattern of behavior (insistence, denial, castigation) that the hard left has embraced for generations.  Just as Obama's ideological predecessors could never criticize Stalin, so their successors today can never cricize Mohammed.



As Americans, we like to believe the rule of law in our country is respected and fairly applied, and that only those who commit crimes of fraud or violence are punished and imprisoned. But the reality is often different. It is surprisingly easy for otherwise law-abiding citizens to run afoul of the overwhelming number of federal and state criminal laws. This proliferation is sometimes referred to as "overcriminalization," which affects us all but most profoundly harms our disadvantaged citizens. How did we get in this situation? Here's how: Congress creates, on average, more than 50 new criminal laws each year. This has translated into more than 4,500 federal criminal laws spread across 27,000 pages of the United States federal code. (Note: This number does not include the thousands of criminal penalties in federal regulations.) As a result, the United States is the world's largest jailer - first in the world for total number imprisoned and first among industrialized nations in the rate of incarceration. The United States represents about 5 percent of the world's population but houses about 25 percent of the world's prisoners. We have paid a heavy price for mass incarceration and could benefit by reversing this trend. We support the following five-step approach to criminal justice reform:



King Salmon - that's Alaska's State Fish.  Because of its "high oil content," says one seafood website, it's "the richest salmon in the world."  But why all the headlines about it this morning? Oh... sorry... that's King Salman, the new ruler of Saudi Arabia.  It's so easy to get vowels mixed up as written Arabic doesn't have them.  Salman wasted no time this morning replacing Abdullah's relatives with his own.  He's got to be in a hurry as he won't be around for long either - he's 79 with persistent reports (such as in The Economist) he has Alzheimer's. Thus the Saudi Kingdom could be in beaucoup deep kimchee.  For, like the Former Soviet Union, it's not a real country but a colonial empire within its own borders.  A history of that with pics is appended below, but for now here's a shot I took of the Ibn Saud Conquest Map inside the Masmak Fort in Riyadh... We'll laugh at Zero's "More Cowbell Speech," but the bottom line is scary serious:  he's a fascist.  That needs to be said everywhere repeatedly:  President Barack Obama is a fascist. Here is precisely why...



Ceuta, Spanish Morocco.  The Greeks called them "The Pillars of Hercules," pushed apart by their legendary hero to link the Atlantic with the Med on his way to perform one of his Twelve Labors.  A monument here commemorates the myth. From here you can easily see the famous Rock looming across the straits even through the fog.

That was where the Moslem invaders from Africa aimed for in the year 711, led by their general Tariq ibn Ziyad.  Their invasion successful, the invaders named the Rock Jebel Tariq­ - the Mountain of Tariq - in his honor.  When the Christian knights of Castile finally kicked the Moslems out in 1462, they gave the Rock its Spanish pronunciation, Gibraltar. The great historical irony is that The Moslem Conquest of Spain - which could have been the Moslem Conquest of All Europe had not Charles Martel defeated the invaders at the Battle of Tours in 732 - was made possible by a Christian traitor, the ruler of Ceuta at the time.



[Note:  No one but a masochist would have voluntarily watched the JOTUS - Jerk/Joke, take your pick - give his SOTN - State of the Narcissist - speech last night.  But Iowa Senator Joni Ernst gave a GOP response that spoke directly to normal Americans, with whom her words will resonate.  The text and video of her speech are below.] I'm Joni Ernst. As a mother, a soldier, and a newly elected senator from the great State of Iowa, I am proud to speak with you tonight. A few moments ago, we heard the President lay out his vision for the year to come. Even if we may not always agree, it's important to hear different points of view in this great country. We appreciate the President sharing his. Tonight though, rather than respond to a speech, I'd like to talk about your priorities. I'd like to have a conversation about the new Republican Congress you just elected, and how we plan to make Washington focus on your concerns again. We heard the message you sent in November - loud and clear. And now we're getting to work to change the direction Washington has been taking our country. The new Republican Congress also understands how difficult these past six years have been. For many of us, the sting of the economy and the frustration with Washington's dysfunction, weren't things we had to read about. We felt them every day. We felt them in Red Oak - the little town in southwestern Iowa where I grew up, and am still proud to call home today.



The European Parliament voted last week (1/13) to let countries decide their own policies on growing genetically modified crops. The vote allows countries such as Britain to press ahead because of hard evidence that such crops are good for the environment, good for consumers and good for farmers; and let countries such as Austria continue to ban the things despite such evidence. It's a strange-bedfellow  alliance of the rational with the superstitious against the bureaucratic. Indeed, the untold story is that it was a triumph of subtle diplomacy by Owen Paterson - the Euroskeptic former UK environment minister who knows how to work the Brussels system. Last year he denounced what he called The Green Blob - "the network of environmental pressure groups, renewable energy companies and public officials who keep each other well supplied with lavish funds, scare stories and green tape." It was the Green Blob that suffered defeat in Brussels last week.



I'm starting this HFR with tears in my eyes.  They are tears of joy and pride. I just got an email with a link to a story last week (1/05) in the Marine Corps Times.  The story title couldn't be more uninteresting - Changing Sea Duty - but the first line is not: "Marines and sailors are at the center of a test that could change naval warfare." Someone in the USMC came up with a revolutionary way to deploy Marines more effectively and carried it through from conceptual creation in his brain to implementation at sea. That someone, who has now changed US naval warfare for the better, is my son, USMC Captain Brandon Wheeler... From the personal to nationally heart-warming news.  The Oscar Nominations for the 87th Academy Awards were announced yesterday afternoon (1/5) - with the voting members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences proving they are not racists by refusing to nominate actors and actresses just because they are black... This is absolutely hands down - or is it pants down? - the best headline of the week:  Thief Demands Victim Drop Pants, Victim Kills Him... Have fun, there's more.



China is at mounting risk of a financial crisis this year as growth sputters and deflationary pressures trigger a wave of defaults. This is the warning issued by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The US lender is telling clients that a confluence of forces is threatening to chill the speculative mania on the Shanghai stock exchange and to expose the underlying fragility of China's $26 trillion edifice of debt. "A credit crunch is highly probable," says the investment bank in a clients-only report entitled "Focus on the Triple D: Deflation, Devaluation, and Default," written by David Cui, Tracy Tian and Katherine Tai.  Mr. Cui, Head of China Equity Strategy at BofA Merrill Lynch, is the No. 1 ranked China strategist by Institutional Investor magazine. They say the country's highly-leveraged companies cannot safely withstand President Xi Jinping's drive to stamp out moral hazard and wean the country off excess credit, warning that the mix of slower growth and excess debt "could prove lethal for the financial system." Analysts from other financial institutions agree.



Millions of French men and women are proclaiming Je suis Charlie - I am Charlie - as we all know.  But saying it is not proving it.  That must be done by doing, by concrete action. Yes, they can agitate and demand their government do what's necessary - such as: *Eliminate all Non-Moslem No-Go Zones in France;  apply normal police authority to them as anywhere else. *Eliminate Islamic Sharia Law as having any binding legal authority in France.  Any Moslem demanding to live under Sharia Law will be provided with a one-way ticket to the Islamic country of his choice where Sharia prevails. *Terminate all welfare programs and assistance of any kind to all non-French citizens. Good luck on their Euroweenie government doing any of this.  So let's focus on what Frenchfolk can do themselves.  And how perfect it would be for them to prove they are Charlie through that ultimate expression of their culture - food. The timing couldn't be better.  There's an ingredient in French cuisine that no self-respecting French chef would be without, yet strikes horror in the hearts of both Moslems and Moochelle Obama together with her fascist food police.  You can't get better than that.  We are talking about lard - rendered pig fat.  And guess what? Lard Is The New Health Food.  Quite seriously.



How about making 2015 be that for you? The older you get, the more apparent it is that life - your life - is really short.  There is a scene in the movie On Golden Pond where the character played by Henry Fonda is celebrating his 80th birthday with his family.  His wife (Katherine Hepburn) asks him, "How does it feel to be 80?"  He answers, "Well, I'm surprised it got here so fast." The only way I know of to not get to old age fast is to not slow down - to speed up instead.  My way is to fill my life with more adventure than ever. As old age approaches, lots of people make a "bucket list," things they dream of doing before it's finita la musica.  Yet the sooner you start your own bucket list, no matter what age, the better - for the more time you'll have to live your dreams.  Don't be under the illusion, however, that you have plenty of time.  The years pass ever more quickly.  This last one has come and gone - 2014 is over forever.  Don't let 2015 be the same before living one of  your dreams.  Carpe diem.  Here we go.  Ever see this?  It's one of the most iconic pictures of World War II - a section of the famed Burma Road called 24-Zig.

The Burma Road was built to carry US supplies from Burma to Chiang Kai Shek's capital of Chungking to fight the Japanese in China.  It turns out that the 24-Zig is not in Burma, it's in China.  It was lost for many years and has now been rediscovered.  How'd you like to go there with me?  Or here?...



Since I discussed yesterday the Moslem Massacre in Paris in Time to End the Insanity, we'll start with what happened on Capitol Hill this week.  The rage directed at John Boehner, while fully justified, nonetheless, calls for a step back into perspective. Let's have a 19th century American poet from Vermont provide it, John Godrey Saxe (1816-1887).  You see, the real problem in the House GOP is far scarier than Boehner... In California, the building of the Santa-Barbara News-Press was vandalized late Wednesday night (1/07) after the editors refused demands they stop referring to illegal aliens as "illegal."  "The border is illegal, not the people who cross it" was spray-painted in red on the building. For now, the pro-illegal thugs are armed with spray cans, not AK-47s.  But many will now ask, in the wake of Charlie Hebdo and the growing threat of Mexican Nazis - for how much longer?... Yet you may be amazed that the HFR Hero of the Week without doubt is a Moslem... And there's juicy stuff, good news, and the HFR Health & Fitness feature as well...



The BBC headline this morning (1/08):  Winter Storm Brings Misery to Middle East Refugees.  Seems like the perfect counterpoint to the Moslem terrorist slaughter in Paris yesterday.  But first this:

In response to Moslem slaughter, there is an ever-growing list of media cowards refusing to publish cartoons of Mohammad, including all the usual suspects: AP, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NY Times, NY Daily News, London Telegraph and more. Islam is the world's most humorless religion - and here's a key point: a religion that can't take a joke has a mortal weakness.  TTP has been exposing that weakness for years.  Almost a decade ago (June 2005), we told you about The Islam Comic Book. Remember when you were a kid in grade school, and if you really want to show contempt for someone you'd say, "He can dish it out but he can't take it"? Moslems are like that. They can dish out insults to infidels, arrest Christians for praying in Saudi Arabia, confiscate their Bibles and throw them in the trash, call Jews pigs and monkeys, and spit on the whole human race that isn't Moslem. But they go into murderous frenzies of righteous outrage at the slightest criticism of their history and beliefs. The question we need to ask Moslems is: Until you start showing respect and tolerance for our values, religion, and civilization, why should we show any respect and tolerance for yours? Well and good - but you may be asking now:  What's this got to do with a snowstorm in the Middle East?  Why is it such a "counterpoint" to the Charlie Hebdo Moslem Massacre?



If we could prevent or cure all cancer, what would we die of? The new year has begun with a war of words over whether cancer is mostly bad luck, as suggested by a new study from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and over whether it's a good way to die, compared with the alternatives, as suggested by Dr Richard Smith, a former editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Cancer is now the leading cause of death in Britain even though it is ever more survivable, with roughly half of people who contract it living long enough to die of something else. But what else? Often another cancer.  Cancer's growing dominance of the mortality tables is not because it's getting worse but because we are avoiding other causes of death and living longer. It is worth remembering that some scientists and anti-pesticide enviros in the 1960s were convinced that by now lifespans would be much shorter because of cancer caused by pesticides and other chemicals in the environment. In the 1950s Wilhelm Hueper - a director of the US National Cancer Institute and mentor to Rachel Carson, the environmentalist author of Silent Spring - was so concerned that pesticides were causing cancer that he thought the theory that lung cancer was caused by smoking was a plot by the chemical industry to divert attention from its own culpability: "Cigarette smoking is not a major factor in the causation of lung cancer," he insisted. In fact it turns out that pollution causes very little cancer and cigarettes cause a lot. But aside from smoking, most cancers are indeed bad luck.



This morning (01/07), 12 people, including two policemen, have been murdered in Paris at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by two hooded men wielding AK47s and shouting "Allahu akbar! We are avenging the honor of Prophet Mohammed!" In 2011 the magazine was firebombed after running a caricature of Islam's founder. Charlie Hebdo's most recent tweet, before the latest attack, was a cartoon featuring the leader of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Here's what will happen next. 1. French authorities will urge the public not to jump to any unhelpful conclusions about the motivation of the killers. 2. Politicians, police chiefs and mainstream media reports will urge restraint over what is clearly an inexplicable rogue incident which may have nothing whatsoever to do with the Religion of Peace. 3. Extensive - and largely fruitless - efforts will be made to find Moslem community leaders prepared to speak out against the incident. 4. Liberal commentators will take pains to draw a distinction between Islamism and Islam, noting that the former is a malign perversion of the latter which, as any informed person knows, explicitly forbids the murder of innocents. 5...



A brand new year.  Is it time for predictions?  OK, here's one you can count on.  There will be a whiteness of Black Swans. Yes, a "whiteness" is the collective noun for swans, even when they are black (the subspecies Cygnus atratus in Australia).  These days, a capitalized "Black Swan" refers not to a bird but an event - something that comes sailing into history right out of the blue and bites us right in the tuches. The worst, most negative Black Swan in modern American history continues in 2015 - the Zero Presidency.  Interestingly, the Curse of Zero will test my next prediction:  that whatever and how many Black Swans bite the world this year, America will sustain them - even triumph over them - better than anywhere else. Now why would that be?... It's also time to introduce a new feature in the HFR.  Most every week, I'll try to include a useful tip on health & fitness.  None of us are getting progressively younger, but we can all do any number of things to slow our progress down in the opposite direction.  Here's the HFR's first entry... We're going to close with... Perspective Time.  Just to make you feel good.



[Note:  this essay may be most fruitfully read in conjunction with Terrorism and Tiny Zibbs from September 2003-JW] When the Kurdish peshmerga forces broke the siege of Mount Sinjar last week, there was no trace of the 5,000 Yazidi women and children abducted from the area in August. It is thought that they have been mostly sold as concubines to jihadist fighters of Islamic State. When the London Times reporters posed as two British girls interested in joining Islamic State, they were told: "The only way to guarantee being together is marrying the same man." Meanwhile, the 219 girls still missing in Nigeria after being abducted in April have been "married off," according to the leader of Boko Haram. My point in connecting these incidents is that throughout history polygamy has fueled violence. Might it be worth suggesting to Moslem leaders, religious and secular, that they push for monogamous norms as one way to reduce violence and bring more peace to the Middle East and to north and west Africa?



America's domestic economy can handle a surging dollar and a fresh cycle of rising interest rates. Large parts of the world cannot. That in a nutshell is the story of 2015. Tightening by the US Federal Reserve will have turbo-charged effects on a global financial system addicted to zero rates and dollar liquidity. Yields on 2-year US Treasuries have more than doubled from 0.31% to 0.74% since October, and this is the driver of currency markets. Since the New Year ritual of predictions is a time to throw darts, here we go: the dollar will hit $1.08 against the euro before 2015 is out ($1.21 on 12/31), and 100 on the dollar index (already at 90 at year's end). Sterling (the British pound) will buckle to $1.30 ($1.57 on 12/31) as a hung Parliament prompts global funds to ask why they are lending so freely to a country with a current account deficit reaching 6% of GDP. There will be a mouth-watering chance to invest in the assets of the BRICS and mini-BRICS at bargain prices, but first they must do penance for $5.7 trillion in dollar debt, and then do surgery on obsolete growth models.  What are the odds for either?



Happy New Year's Eve!  And welcome to the third annual TTP What to Read list.  We initiated this tradition with a list of the books I read and recommended in 2012, the first What to Read.  That was followed a year later with What to Read 2013. So here we go with what I've read and suggest for your consideration in 2014.  I'm sure that on New Year's Eve, you're planning to spend the evening curled up with a good book, right?  You better not be... Tomorrow and beyond is another story.  A good book can help clear your brain from the night before - in addition to a lot of the amino cysteine to detox your system (best sources:  Durk & Sandy's Party Pills, N-Acetyl-Cysteine at your local GNC, or a multi-egg omelette with plenty of garlic, onions, and ricotta cheese). All of the books below you can get on Kindle/iPad (instantly and much cheaper).  Let's start with the political and geopolitical, then move into science and history...



Have you heard of "parallel construction"? If not, take a breath, this one is rather shocking. Here's what parallel construction is, as Wikipedia reports it: "A process of building a parallel - or separate - evidentiary basis for...creating criminal cases against Americans that are actually based on NSA warrantless surveillance." If this sounds like a rights violation to you, you're correct. Warrantless surveillance is a blatant violation of the fourth amendment, and illegally-obtained evidence is generally inadmissible under the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine. Nonetheless, this is exactly what's happening these days. The NSA is grabbing nearly 100% of all American Internet traffic, emails, etc., sorting it all, then handing it off to be used in criminal prosecutions. And to prevent cases like this from getting thrown out of court, the they have developed special tricks, like parallel construction. Here's how it works, and how to protect yourself from it.



Welcome to the Last Half-Full Report... of 2014.  Next week we begin a whole new year, so let's say goodbye to this old one.  Should we also say good riddance? This being the HFR, the judgment should be, well, at least a bit more half-full than half-empty.  Before we start, however, first a thank you.  That would be for all the kind comments, both on the Forum and by personal email, regarding Revolutionary Constitutionalism and Declarations of Defiance (published on Christmas Eve, 12/24). One comment by email from a long-time TTPer and dear friend was truly humbling... Now, what's half-full around here?  Looking around the world, 2014 was way more than just half-full for India.  And the best news for us and much of the world is the worst for the jerks of the world (e.g., the governments of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela).  There's other good news as well -- and news from an elite US college that's morally evil. Plus a video of the HFR Hero of the Week that will make you cheer and laugh your head off at the same time...



At the end of 2014, it is clear that our constitutional order is breaking down. Whether by Alinskyite design, the cowardice of the GOP Elite, or a sense of hopelessness by people in general, the barbarians are at the constitutional gates and are rabidly tearing them down.  Barbarians celebrating the murder of two NYPD police are marching down 5th Avenue in New York today (12/24), while barbarians in the Zero White House have issued over one thousand two hundred unconstitutional "regulations" to further suffocate our freedom in just the last two weeks.  Our Barbarian-in-Chief rules by executive decree without any concern for the Constitution he swore to uphold. There is no normal way to fix this.  Our country's political and cultural situation has become so dire that only a radical, indeed revolutionary fix will do.  This can be done, however, without the violence of a Second American Revolution, but constitutionally, fully within America's founding legal framework. That is, rather than another Revolution, what we need is a revolutionary interpretation of the Constitution, "revolutionary" only in the context of how far we have strayed from its original meaning.  Here's how to go about it.



Al Sharpton is not just an MSNBC talk show host. He isn't a goofy fellow who mispronounces things on the teleprompter. He isn't these things just as he wasn't a funny fat man in a track suit wearing a gold medallion the size of the Bronx around his neck. Those are the things that make him seem like a joke. And he isn't a joke. He leads lynch mobs. In 1991, Sharpton led an anti-Semitic lynch mob through Crown Heights and black racist violence tore the neighborhood apart and took lives. He led a lynch mob to a store in Harlem and the store burned with employees inside. Since then Sharpton slimmed down and swapped out colorful track suits for expensive custom made Soho pinstripe suits. He became a regular visitor to the White House and City Hall. He spoke at the Democrat National Convention and got a slot on that party's favorite news network. Two cops are dead in New York City because Barack Obama, Bill de Blasio and the Democrat Party embraced Sharpton and everything he stood for. They embraced his racist ideology of hate.  They made their party into the party of crime.



Yesterday in the Kremlin, the Putin Huilo gave what Bloomberg described as an "Extremely Long Very Weird Press Conference." It reminded me of the now-viral YouTube video of the Chinese two year-old missing a putt:

As the London Economist describes Putin's Russia, it's The End of the Line. What is happening to Russia - and elsewhere - affords an extremely teachable moment in what makes prosperity and indeed freedom itself possible.  Let's take that moment now.... All that aside, we nonetheless are facing Two More Years of Hell.  This week provided ample evidence of why.... And how Islam is rapidly becoming a religion of criminal insanity.... Yet there is some good news....



Banks are intermediaries, and it's the business of the internet to eliminate unnecessay ones.  Thus a friend of mine observes:

What Lending Club and other P2P lenders do is provide an online market-place that connects borrowers and lenders directly; think the eBay of loans and you have the right conceptual grasp. Moreover, the business model of online market-place lending breaks with a banking tradition, dating back to 14th century Florence, of operating on a 'fractional reserve' basis. 
So what happens to a world that moves ‘ex-bank' and where most new loans are extended peer-to-peer? In such a world, the banking multiplier disappears along with fractional reserve banking (and consequently the need for regulators?). What happens when bankers stop lending their clients umbrellas when it is sunny, and taking them away when it rains?



Asking you not to read this is like telling you not to think of a pink elephant.  Of course I want you to read this - or else why am I writing it? - but I want to enjoy Christmas first.  Christmas is one week from today (12/18).  This is a time to set problems aside - personal, national, global - and simply bask in the blessings of our family, our loved ones, our friends, and of the life with which Providence has gifted us. It sure isn't a time to wallow in the mire of what's coming - but if not now, when?  After Christmas, we're looking forward to celebrating a happy new year.  No, it's best to get this over with quickly. For we have to brace ourselves:  the next two years are going to be the longest two years of our lives.  They will get continually worse as our country descends into the Hell that a satanic president wants America to be. Zero is not Lucifer incarnate, let's be clear, but it's obvious now that he is literally "satantic" in the sense of being fiendishly and maliciously intent on damaging America's culture, society, and founding institutions as much as possible. So what do we do?  Here are five options.



Vladimir Putin has lost control of Russia's economy and may be forced to impose Soviet-style exchange controls after "shock and awe" action by the central bank failed to stem the collapse of the ruble. "The situation is critical," said the central bank's vice-chairman, Sergei Shvetsov. "What is happening is a nightmare that we could not even have imagined a year ago." The currency spiked from 71 to 98 against the euro yesterday (12/16) in the biggest one-day drop since the default crisis in 1998 as capital flight gathered pace, despite a drastic rise in interest rates to 17% the day before (12/15) intended to crush speculators and show resolve. It closed at 87, and at this writing today (12/17) is at 83. Yields on two-year Russian bonds spiraled to 15.36%, while credit default swaps are pricing in a one-third chance of a sovereign default. The shares of Russia's biggest lender, Sberbank, fell 18%. Neil Shearing, from Capital Economics, said the spectacular failure of the rate shock may bring matters to a head. "If a rise of 650 basis points won't do the job, we are near the end. That means stringent capital controls," he said. In Washington, the White House said it had no intention of easing pressure on Russia to halt the freefall. "It is President Putin's decision to make. The aim is to sharpen the choice that he faces," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest yesterday. After years of bluster and suggestions by Mr. Putin that the US is a paper tiger, the Kremlin is now coming face to face with the cataclysmic consequences of what it has done by invading Ukraine and changing Europe's borders by force.



I kept asking myself, why would DiFi - Senator Dianne Feinstein - approve a "report" whose main effect inevitably would be to damage America?  And it occurred to me that it might be a mistake to try to understand this bizarre event in the usual context of domestic politics.  It probably belongs to a different realm of analysis:  national security, international affairs, and espionage.  Maybe that was really the point of the operation. It benefits our enemies, after all.  It undermines other countries' willingness to share information, and to work with us "in the field."  Anyone who takes life seriously must acknowledge that, quite aside from the merits of the "case" brought by Democrat staffers on the Senate Intel Committee, we've been damaged.  The real scary question is:  Did DiFi and her Democrat colleagues issue the "Torture Report" for no other purpose than to damage their own country?  The report itself contains a very large clue why the answer may be yes.



"Boehner Wins Funding For Obama's Amnesty."  Welcome to this morning's headline.  It's hard to imagine more nauseating news, confirming all of our suspicions about what Rino rectum sellout corrupt scumbags are John Boehner and the House GOP leadership. It is now clear that Boehner and the GOP Establishment is in collusion with Zero to grant unconstitutional amnesty to millions - uncountable millions with subsequent chain migration - of illegal non-Americans.... It's hilarious that no member of the Enemedia has ever questioned Zero's intelligence.  For while he has the ruthless cunning of a mafia gangster or narcissistic sociopath, he shows no evidence of being either educated or very bright. A case in point is... With the exposure of the UVA Rape Hoax, the question now is what effect will that have on the other FemiLeft Rape Cause, that of the destruction of Bill Cosby?.... Get comfortable for what's coming next, preferably with a tumbler of your favorite adult beverage within easy reach.  This is one of those gems that by itself is worth a year's subscription to TTP.....



The treasonous release of the Democrats' "Senate Torture Report" this week (12/09) is definitive proof that they lack any patriotism or even basic decency whatever.  If they had any integrity - of which they don't have a picogram - they'd change their name to the HateAmerica Party. Like most normal Americans, I couldn't care less how a Moslem terrorist is interrogated, other than what he knows about terrorist attacks on Americans be extracted from him as efficiently and dependably as possible.  The monsters of Al Qaeda and ISIS et al have divested themselves of any claim to human rights. The only practical argument against torturing terrorists is that it's so undependable: the guy will say anything to stop the torture. Often, a dramatic presentation of the threat of torture works better. Take the Israeli way: When a Palestinian terrorist is captured, how many Israeli lives can be saved depends on how quickly Shin Bet (Israeli Security) agents can make him squeal. They strip him naked and sit him in a chair with his legs forced apart. They bring in a large Doberman pincher whose muzzle is placed inches from his genitals. They explain: "This is Herman. Herman is a very unusual dog. Herman can smell when someone is lying. When someone lies, it gets Herman very mad. And when Herman gets mad, he bites - really hard. So we suggest you tell us the truth." Works like a charm.  At least in many cases.  In those that don't, the consequences are really gross and the Palestinian is rendered useless in the needed time-frame.  A more reliable method is required.  Here are three. Buckle your seat belt.



Tuesday's (12/09) willful, unnecessary and gratuitously destructive release of the one-sided "torture report" at the insistence of outgoing Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) - backed by the White House -  amounts to nothing less than providing aid and comfort to the enemy in wartime. Can anyone cite one practical good accomplished by releasing this gratuitously destructive report at this time? Will revealing successful practices make us more secure? No. The report provides a propaganda windfall for Islamist fanatics. Will it benefit our allies? No. It exposes those who took great risks to help us in the wake of 9/11. Will it "set the record straight?" No. It distorts the record grotesquely in the interests of political correctness, blame-shifting and short-term political advantage. Of course, the release of this report just now - which may lead to the deaths of more Americans, as the senator has been warned - is another sign of the Obama administration's desperation. Team Obama's genius for failure in every policy field, foreign or domestic, has left the administration's inner circle frantic to deflect attention from its parade of deceptions, derelictions and disasters.



Yesterday (12/09), the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence chaired by Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein (CA) publicly issued an unclassified Executive Summary of its classified report to Congress on the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program in response to the terror attack on America of September 11, 2001.  It has been dubbed the "Torture Report" by the media. As CIA Director from May 2005 to February 2009 I'm not here to defend torture. I'm here to defend history. The Senate Democrat report is exceedingly graphic in its description of several interrogations; it is designed to shock and it does. So too would an equally detailed description of drone strikes, which are currently supported by these same lawmakers and, by the way, deemed lawful by the Department of Justice. The Senate Democrat document reads like a shrill prosecutorial screed rather than a dispassionate historical study. What happened here seems clear. The staff started with a conclusion and then "cherry picked" their way through 6 million pages of documents, ignoring some data and highlighting others, to make their case.



As somebody who has championed science all his career, carrying a lot of water for the profession against its critics on many issues, I am losing faith. Recent examples of bias and corruption in science are bad enough. What's worse is the reluctance of scientific leaders to criticize the bad apples. Science as a philosophy is in good health; science as an institution increasingly stinks. This past week has seen three egregious examples of poor scientific practice. The most recent was the revelation last week that scientists appeared to scheme with environmental activists to get neonicotinoid pesticides banned, rather than open-mindedly assessing all the evidence. Second example: last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a supposedly scientific body, issued a press release stating that this is likely to be the warmest year in a century or more, based on surface temperatures. Yet this predicted record would be only one hundredth of a degree above 2010 and two hundredths of a degree above 2005 - with an error range of one tenth of a degree. In any case, the year is not over with 16% of the 2014 data not yet recorded, so why the announcement now? Oh yes, there's a political climate summit in Lima this week.



China's stock market boom has reached outright mania, with equities galloping higher at a parabolic rate, despite threats of a crackdown by regulators and the continued slowdown of the national economy. The Shanghai Composite Index has risen 32% in the past six weeks, blowing through 3,000 to a three-and-a-half-year high even though corporate earnings are declining steeply. The China Securities Regulatory Commission said late last week that it would "increase market supervision, resolutely crack down and earnestly safeguard normal market order." It warned that stock manipulators had been "raising their head" and would be dealt with. The cautionary words have been ignored by retail investors as they throng brokerage offices, lured by momentum trades. For the stock boom comes as Chinese industry battles with massive overcapacity in everything from steel to shipbuilding, coal output, cement and solar panels. The bottom line is that it may be impossible for China to deflate its epic bubble painlessly.



Before we start tearing our hair out by the roots over House Rino perfidy, let's take a look at some good news this week.  Yes, there is some. The New York Times finally began - just began - catching up to To The Point on Sunday (11/30) with Russian Money Suspected Behind Fracking Protests.  TTPers have known about this since April 2012 in Is Obama on Putin's Payroll?  Yet that was just the prelude, for the next day, Monday (12/01) is when, as one headline put it: Putin's Luck Runs Out.  Here's how rapid the Putin Collapse has been... There will be marvelous news in Louisiana tomorrow (12/06).  Scary Mary Landrieu is going to get crushed by Dr. Bill Cassidy - he's ahead by 24 points (!). I grew up in the days of the Solid South completely run by Yellow Dog Democrats.  With Landrieu gone tomorrow, Democrats will be left without a single Governor, Senator, white Congressman, or state legislative chamber from the Carolinas to Texas.  Think about that... Okay, time to wallow in the mire with a clothespin blocking the stench from our noses.  Thomas Sowell noted yesterday that it will take a psychiatrist to explain why Boehner & Co want millions of illegal foreign workers to compete with Americans for jobs... There are other things we could get upset about this week, but instead, I need to tell you a story.  It's about how I met an extraordinary man and became friends with 45 years ago.  On Wednesday (12/03) at age 84 he passed away.  His name was Nathaniel Branden.



On November 18, a senior at Georgetown University in DC named Oliver Friedfeld wrote a letter published in the campus newspaper, The Hoya, headlined "I Was Mugged And I Understand Why." The kid blamed himself  for being robbed at gunpoint by two black muggers. He's being such a living caricature of liberal candy-ass white guilt has caused a deluge of conservative media contempt, from Breitbart to Rush to FoxNews' Greg Gutfeld who belittled him as "a discredit to his race - the human one." Yet how different from Oliver the Pajama Boy is every talking head on TV News save for Fox? The "narrative" or meme of Racist America is all that counts for the white media-academia establishment.  Everything must be twisted into it or ignored.  What is clear is that the white media-academia establishment is determined to aggravate racial tension and hatred of blacks against whites in America - they want violence and riots and protests against whites.  Why?  It's too facile to simply answer, "white guilt."  For that begs the question, "What is the cause of white guilt?"  Why should whites feel guilty?  Guilty for what?



[On November 24, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor gave this extraordinary heroic speech to the UN General Assembly. It was given in response to the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Protocol calls for such speeches be addressed to the President of the General Assembly, a ceremonial position currently held by Uganda Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa.] Mr. President, I stand before the world as a proud representative of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I stand tall before you knowing that truth and morality are on my side. And yet, I stand here knowing that today in this Assembly, truth will be turned on its head and morality cast aside. The fact of the matter is that when members of the international community speak about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a fog descends to cloud all logic and moral clarity. The result isn't realpolitik, it's surrealpolitik. The world's unrelenting focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an injustice to tens of millions of victims of tyranny and terrorism in the Middle East. As we speak, Yazidis, Bahai, Kurds, Christians and Muslims are being executed and expelled by radical extremists at a rate of 1,000 people per month. How many resolutions did you pass last week to address this crisis? And how many special sessions did you call for? The answer is zero. What does this say about international concern for human life? Not much, but it speaks volumes about the hypocrisy of the international community.