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Dr. Jack Wheeler


We could spend all day talking about the Pub candidates’ debate last night (8/06), which is why we won’t. Instead, there’s a link to the full transcripts at the end of this HFR, plus a selection of the best quotes.

Right now, we’ll cut to the chase and answer the two easy questions. First, who won? Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz. We’ll get back to them in a moment. Second, who lost? Answer: rhymes with Chump.

He said nothing of substance whatever – try to find a counterexample in the transcript. A close personal friend of mine has a net worth much higher than Trump’s, has known him for many years, and has intimate familiarity with his business dealings. Here is what he tells me…

We have the fun read of the week, the laugh of the week, and the shock of the week – that’s who the HFR Hero of the Week is, you won’t believe it.



Jack&TigerImagine the hysteria if I had shot this man-eating tiger today instead of 54 years ago.

In TTP yesterday (7/30), Ben Shapiro skewered the pathology of those who hate hunters more than monsters like the dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, responsible for the deaths of countless human beings in his country, or the proto-hominids of Planned Parenthood.

Also yesterday, the Center for Medical Progress released its latest video. The Daily Caller has a description of it that could make you throw up.

It is more than ironic that the lion whose death has caused paroxysms of outrage was named Cecil, while the president of Planned Parenthood is named Cecile. Cecil vs. Cecile…

Last Saturday (7/25), something very appropriate happened to Zero. The president of another country told him to get lost to his face in front of the entire world…

There are at least three candidates for HFR Hero of the Week…

We’ll close with a dyad of good news.



It saddens me that I need to begin this HFR with bad news. Jack Kelly, beloved by TTPers for his column and my dear friend of over 30 years, has been diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer.

I’m making this public because I am asking you to pray for him. There is power in prayer and he needs to know he’ll have that with us.

As for me, I’m an incurable optimist. The median survival time after diagnosis of bone marrow cancer is five years. To me, this means that given the rate at which medical research is learning how to cure or slow down various cancers, his form of cancer won’t be so “incurable” four or five years from now.

But right now, Jack and his wife Pam need our prayers. Let’s let him know that he has them.



Torshavn, Faroe Islands. I had to take a break from the relentless criminal insanity engulfing America. We call TTP “The Oasis for Rational Conservatives,” so I went in search of an Oasis of Sanity. I found it here. Let me tell you what it’s like before we have to sink into the week’s miasma.

It’s the people, the Faroese, that makes this place so special. They have created the Wisest Country in the World. With a literal handful of exceptions, all are Christian – with some 85% Evangelical Lutheran, and the remaining 15% other Christian denominations. Needless to say, there are no mosques in the Faroes.

There is no safer country on earth. No one locks their home, their car, or anything else. Children play anywhere anytime – 20 hours of daylight in the summer – with no problem whatever. Drugs are limited to a minimal use of weed. Traditional marriage is the norm, divorce rare, abortion even rarer, the Faroese have the highest fertility rate in Europe (2.38). Homosexual “marriage” is looked upon as a tasteless form of social lunacy – it doesn’t exist here.

The schools are excellent. People are educated and smart. Most everyone lives in modern middle class homes with well-tended gardens – no McMansions and no poverty. No beggars, no homeless, no refugees from alien shores. The roads and infrastructure are very good, everything works, everything is clean and spotless, there’s no pollution whatever, there’s no purer water or clearer air anywhere.

What impresses me most about the Faroese is how they think with the minds, not with their emotions. What’s fascinating is how they do everything with a relaxed efficiency. They’re friendly and love to laugh and sing, but on serious issues they’ll calmly discuss the issue from both sides, no matter what side they are on.

That’s inspiring – especially contrasted with America (much less, say, Greece), where everyone seems to be in a perpetual state of anger or angst. How extraordinarily refreshing it would be if America had the wisdom of the Faroes. But then, the Democrats and the Left would have to stop being Fascists, and there’s zero chance of that.

OK, time to step into the mire. Then we’ll step back out again.



Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive insane. It was a proverb in Ancient Greece, so old no one knew who first said it. In Antigone, Sophocles (496-406 BC) has his Chorus put it this way: Evil seems good to a man whose mind a god leads to destruction.

Sure seems like they were talking about America today. The same with historian Will Durant. In his Epilogue to Caesar and Christ (Volume III of his monumental The Story of Civilization) entitled “Why Rome Fell,” he points with shuddering accuracy to what’s happening to our country:

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within.

You can be quite confident that both Sophocles and Will Durant would wearily respond with “What did I tell you?” if they were told of this headline yesterday (7/09):

Oregon Allowing 15 Year-Olds To Get State-Subsidized Sex-Change Operations

This is not only insanity, it is criminal insanity. Note than on top of criminal child abuse being paid for by taxpayers, it can be performed without parental notification.

All members of the Oregon state government who permit this – specifically those on the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) who voted for it – and all doctors who perform such criminal surgery, need to be in prison.

How is it possible that America got itself in such a morass of lunacy? Another observation of Will Durant applies: “It may be true that you can’t fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.”

America elected an evil madman to lead it in order to appease guilt-mongering anti-white racists. He proceeded to drive the entire country insane enough to reelect him, and is now determined to drive it so fully insane it will destroy itself from within.

Further, he has discovered the key of how to do so. Perversely, he learned it from Will Durant. For it was Durant who explained, “The family is the nucleus of civilization.” Destroy the family and you destroy a civilization, in this case America’s. The Madman in the White House has learned this lesson well.



Sandpoint, Idaho.  It is excruciatingly ironic to be writing this Fourth of July HFR in a place that epitomizes Norman Rockwell America while our country is being engulfed in anti-American fascist insanity.Voted by Rand McNally as the Most Beautiful Small Town in America, Sandpoint is a perfect place to celebrate the Fourth.  For beyond its beauty and charm, it is peaceful, friendly, and patriotic.  People here are deeply proud to be Americans, and they'll express it with joyful enthusiasm tomorrow.Notice, however, I said Sandpoint is a perfect place to celebrate America's creation, not the.  For there are an uncountable number of similar places in our vast country - peaceful, friendly, patriotic, proud to be American.  Norman Rockwell's America still exists, no matter how much the Fascist Left wishes to exterminate it.Their extermination efforts went into overdrive this week, with John Roberts being blackmailed yet again to uphold Obamacare, followed by what is is unquestionably the most perverted - morally and legally - decision in SCOTUS history at least since Roe v. Wade, if not ever.Here are specific solutions on how to take the offensive, to refuse to obey in every way we can, and most importantly framing our refusal as opposition to fascism, as an issue of freedom vs. fascism.Here's our mantra for the fight:  Just say No to the Gaystapo!



What's going on regarding Greece?  Here's one bottom line:  The people who run the EU and the Eurozone have suffered a reputational catastrophe.  The EU/Eurozone has shown itself unable to manage its basic moral responsibilities Oxi Day (pronounced oh-hee, the Day of No) has totemic significance in Greece. It commemorates the defiant Greek "No!" to Mussolini's ultimatum in October 1940, and the heroic acceptance of war against a vastly bigger military machine.  Churchill's praise was:  "Greeks don't fight like heroes - heroes fight like Greeks." It is the same word - Oxi, No! - that will top the ballot sheet when Greeks vote in a snap referendum this Sunday (7/05) on creditor demands, and prime minister Alexis Tsipras is not shy in evoking the same spirit of wartime resistance. Ambulances in parts of northern Greece have run out of fuel. The Greek Chamber of Commerce warns of "serious shortages" of basic goods and pharmaceutical supplies within days. The radical-Left Syriza government is skating on very thin ice. If Europe's creditor powers have succeeded in bringing Greece to its knees, they have paid a fearful price themselves. As Pyrrhus of Epirus said after the battle of Asculum in 279 BC: "Another such victory, and we will be utterly ruined."



Republicans are still trying to figure out a truce on gay marriage. They retreated to civil unions, then accepted a full defeat on gay marriage and then acted baffled when Christian bakery owners were dragged into court for refusing to participate in gay weddings. The left does not care about gay rights. If you doubt that, consider how many of the left's favorite Muslim countries have gay rights. The left has recently divided its campaign passions between gay marriage and defending Iran. Iran denies the existence of gays and hangs them where it finds them. To understand the left, you need to remember that it does not care about 99 percent of the things it claims to care about. Name a leftist cause and then find a Communist country that actually practiced it. Labor unions? Outlawed. Environmentalism? Chernobyl. The left fights all sorts of social and political battles not because it believes in them, but to radicalize, disrupt and take power. The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.  That is why no truce is possible with the left. Not on social issues. Not on any issues. The bottom line is that the left exists to destroy you.



Why are people so afraid of technological progress? Pope Francis complains in his new encyclical about "a blind confidence in technical solutions", of "irrational confidence in progress" and the drawbacks of the "technocratic paradigm." He is reflecting a popular view, held across the political spectrum, from the Unabomber to Russell Brand, that technology, consumerism and progress have been bad for people, by making them more selfish and unhappy. But however thoroughly you search the papal encyclical, you will find no data to support the claim that as people have got richer they have got nastier and more miserable. That is because the data points the other way. The past five decades have seen people becoming on average wealthier, healthier, happier, better fed, cleverer, kinder, more peaceful and more equal. Global inequality has been plummeting for years as people in poor countries get rich faster than people in rich countries. The vast preponderance of these improvements has come about as a result of innovation in technology and society. So what precisely is the problem with technology that the Pope is complaining about? What is he afraid of?



All Your (Data)Base Are Belong to Us: OPM, Failure & Legitimacy You can think of this as part 3 of the Half-Full Report. Part 1: Wild Cards and Part 2: The McRaven Mindset were already too stacked for the amount of coverage this issue requires. Frankly, this is also just too damn important. I wasn't kidding when I said:

"It will take American intelligence decades to recover, and the level of idiocracy/ incompetence involved here is beyond anything you've ever seen from the Obama administration. I repeat: anything."
The implications reach far beyond foreign policy. Among other things, they explain why the conservatives/libertarians who piss you off on security-related issues are people you need. Desperately.



If the president must lead from behind, could he at least get behind someone who wants to win the war against Islamic extremism? It continues, dreadfully. Islamic State's advancing war on civilization-despite the Obama administration's protestations that it has been stanched-brazenly pushes the modern world toward despair. Now Islamic State, or ISIS, announces it has taken 86 more Christians hostage, their likely fate a grisly martyrdom. On the same day, June 8, at the G-7 summit, President Obama admitted that he lacks a "complete strategy" to defeat the Islamic extremists now bedeviling Iraq and Syria, much of the rest of the Middle East, and beyond. We may begin to wonder: Is this irresolution or resolution? I do not like to ascribe darker motives but necessarily wonder what explains the commander in chief's uncertain trumpet. If the civilized world now searches desperately for steadfast leadership at this time of crisis, it can no longer look to the American administration. Better to look to the embattled region itself-to Jordan's King Abdullah II, to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the leaders of formative Kurdistan, to the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and to Egypt's President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi.  If you would lead from behind, Mr. President, then please get behind these men.



WWRRD?  It's the question all Pub prez contenders need to ask and answer:  What Would Ronald Reagan Do? It's particularly apposite regarding ISIS, to contrast RR with his successor, President No Strategy.  It's easy enough to criticize and ridicule Zero for being such a limp-wrist in confronting America's enemies.  It's quite another to clearly state just how you'd go about neutralizing their threats. The candidates to trust on this would be those who will say, "I'd do what Reagan would do, and here's what that is."  So let's perform a thought-experiment.  We're in the Situation Room in the basement of the West Wing at the White House for a meeting of the National Security Council, chaired by President Ronald Reagan.  Secretary of State John Bolton begins:  "Mr. President, you've been fully briefed on the ISIS terrorist movement.  What should our strategy be towards them?" Reagan responds:



"We need to stop the flow of secret, unaccountable money," Hillary Clinton said Saturday (6/13) during her vaunted campaign "do over." That she said this without a trace of irony is no real surprise. Ever since the release of "Clinton Cash" - which documented the Clintons' love of secret and unaccountable money - the couple's reaction has been to pretend the scandal has nothing to do with them. Indeed, save for a generic response to a generic question on the topic, Hillary Clinton has yet to answer a single question about "Clinton Cash." What's fascinating is the surge of new revelations of Clinton sleaziness since my book's publication.  There have been enough post-book revelations to fill a second volume, or a third.  Here are just a few samples:



We'll start the week by going from the ridiculous to the sublimely ridiculous. The first:  Malaysia has turned itself into a laughingstock joke of a country in front of the entire world.  All to placate "mountain spirits," in reality the god Malaysians really worship, the god of anti-white racist envy.  For the sublimely ridiculous, we go to Sargodha, Pakistan - but be warned:  do not be eating or drinking anything when you read or watch this. Question:  Can we do this with Somali ISIS wannabes in Detroit?  Headline, Monday (6/08):  In Terror Fight, Australia Debates Revoking Citizenship. You may think we're losing the Culture War, but on two of its most important fronts there's very good news.  Also very good news in the Danger Is Opportunity Department. And of course, the best news of the week: that early this afternoon (6/12), Obamatrade went down in flames in the House, 302-126.  This is a massive defeat for Zero, and for the entire Pub Rino Establishment.  The whole thing is a garbage bag of weirdness. We'll close with a look at who's becoming the most intriguing prez candidate of all.



The past several days have seen much commemoration of the most heroic episode of liberation in modern history:  that of D-Day, June 6, 1944.  By contrast, we've seen very little media comment about another pivot point of history that also took place in early June years ago.  The complete moral opposite of D-Day, it was the Chicom slaughter of thousands in cold blood on Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989. The Chicoms then proceeded to consolidate their power, allowing crony capitalists aligned with them to become immensely rich while ruthlessly suppressing any objection to their rule. The explicit goal of the Chicom PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) has today become to replace the US as the world's premier military power.  The strategy to do so they call The China Dream. There is a specific place in the world where the PLA is focusing their China Dream efforts.  Stop them there and their dream is gone.  So - here is what needs to be done.  And here is the man to do it.



Recently, several liberal - or "progressive" as they want to be called now - professors have publicly complained that their students are hounding them for failing to consider their tender sensibilities by straying beyond the PC orthodoxy on sexual assault, sex identity, linguistic correctness, and a whole host of other progressive shibboleths. Northwestern "feminist" professor Laura Kipnis found herself in a Title IX star chamber for an article she wrote decrying the immaturity of her legally adult students. Over at Vox, another progressive confessed (anonymously as "Edward Schlosser," reminding us that academics are an invertebrate species):  I'm A Liberal Professor and My Liberal Students Terrify Me. It's shocking that these progressives should now be shocked at such intolerance and persecution after decades of speech codes, disruptions of conservative speakers, campus inquisitions which ignore Constitutional rights, cancellations of commencement speakers, and ideological litmus tests imposed on new hires and curricula. Their shock bespeaks not principle, but rather indignation that now they are on the receiving end of the bullying and harassment they have long inflicted on conservatives and people of faith. Call it Karma: the campus intolerance that progressives are now whining about is the child of the progressive ideology many of the complainers still embrace.  Let's revel in the details.



History is not static and it does not progress linearly.  There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century BC Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern Europe during 1946-1989. An American could speak his mind more freely in 1970 than now. Many in the United States had naively believed that the Enlightenment, the U.S. Constitution, and over two centuries of American customs and traditions had guaranteed that Americans could always take for granted free speech and unfettered inquiry. That is an ahistorical assumption. The wish to silence, censor, and impede thought is just as strong a human emotion as the desire for free expression - especially when censorship is cloaked in rhetoric about fairness, equality, justice, and all the other euphemisms for not allowing the free promulgation of ideas. Welcome to Dark Age America - a Pre-Enlightenment Age when groupthink acceptance of a lie replaces truth on grounds of social utility.  When current popular culture is not empirically grounded, but operates on the premise that truth is socially constructed by race, class, and gender concerns. When, in our current Dark Age, logic is ignored in lieu of ideology.



Hillary Clinton has laid out her game plan for winning back the White House for herself and her husband next year. Let's hope Republicans are paying attention. Seeing as Clinton won't have the youthful exuberance that propelled Obama to his unlikely double victory, she plans to build a whole new electorate out of people who didn't vote for Obama. That was the gist of her speech in Houston last week (6/04), which her friends at MSNBC called a "far-reaching vision for expanding access to the ballot box." Who are the new voters to whom Clinton wants to give "access to the ballot box"? They include felons and noncitizens, along with anyone who can't prove identity, citizenship or residence within the voting precinct. Though Clinton gave lip service to the notion that "every citizen" should vote, her Democrat allies are in court trying to stop every reasonable means of verifying a voter's citizenship. That's no surprise because, according to a recent Rasmussen survey (5/29), "Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote."  Of course they do, for that's Hillary's plan to cheat her way into the White House.



Abraham Lincoln was fond of asking a riddle of anyone he thought was proposing nonsense.  "How many legs would a dog have if you called his tail a leg?"  He would always get back the answer, "Well, five, of course." Lincoln would smile and shake his head.  "Of course not," he'd reply.  "Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg.  The dog still has four legs as before." We can be confident that this would be Lincoln's answer - as it would be any rational person's - to Bruce Jenner's assertion that he is now somehow a woman.  He is instead still a man - albeit a very, very psychologically ill one. Thus there is no need to go apocalyptic about this, as if the cultural sky is falling.  It's time to have fun instead.  The easiest thing in the world to do is enrage a liberal - and it's so much fun.  The libtards have given us a golden opportunity to ridicule what is "the intensely reverential reaction to Bruce Jenner's narcissistic self-mutilation." This will drive libtards into sissy-fit tirades, calling you "transphobic."  That's their latest insult.  Oh, please, don't throw me in the transphobic briar patch!  Thank you for sharing, now STFU. The bottom line:  It is not "transphobic" - and why should we care if it is, anyway? - to recognize this farce as a media publicity stunt.  Jenner is a mentally ill pathological publicity-seeker.  The entire "transgender" hysteria is simply the latest lunacy of the left, which he cynically manipulated to gain gigantic publicity for a 65 year-old has been.... There's lots more in this week's HFR.  Oh, and the Hero of the Week is a lawyer.



I have good news for you, Mr. Obama!  You don't have to worry about "climate change" being the "greatest national security threat our country faces" anymore!  In your Coast Guard Academy speech on May 20, you said that "severe drought helped to create the instability in Nigeria that was exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram."  You can retract that now - because the latest evidence, published yesterday (6/02), is that northern Nigeria and the entire area of the southern Sahara Desert is getting greener because of more CO2 in the atmosphere. Yes!  Rising greenhouse gases -- all that CO2 which we've been pumping into the atmosphere that's been frightening you so much - has caused rains to return to the "Sahel" or southern Sahara from Senegal to Sudan, Aren't you overjoyed?  Absolutely thrilled for those Africans who've been starving, scraping a marginal and precarious living on the edge of the desert?  What's that?  You're not?  You think this is terrible news - because it threatens your narrative of climate change as a national security threat bogey-man?



Despite a generation in which radical anti-crime policies such as enforcing the law and locking up criminals slashed murder rates, there's still plenty of debate over whether anti-crime policies work. But no one can argue over whether pro-crime policies work. 108 people were shot in New York, Baltimore and Chicago over this past weekend. Many of the casualties were thus saved from that terrible "school-to-prison pipeline" that bedevils promising young crack dealers and instead went straight to the morgue. Baltimore has just racked up its deadliest month since 1999. The fascist pigs no longer go down to the ghetto to hassle misunderstood youth who are just protesting police brutality by shooting each other. When they do, they're confronted by angry mobs brandishing ObamaPhones set to record outrageous police misconduct such as arresting career criminals and drug dealers like Freddie Gray. The Baltimore cops got Obama's message loud and clear. So did the gangs.



History is full of instances where a rising power, aggrieved and dissatisfied, acts aggressively to obtain new borders or other international concessions. In Russia today we see a much more unusual case: This increasingly menacing and ambitious geopolitical actor is a state in decline. Notwithstanding Russia's nuclear arsenal and its vast territories, the distinguishing feature of the country today is its striking economic underdevelopment and weakness. For all Russia's oil and gas, the country's international sales of goods and services last year only barely edged out Belgium's - and were positively dwarfed by the Netherlands'. While Russia's childbearing patterns today look entirely European, its mortality patterns look Third World - and in some ways worse. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, a 15-year-old youth has worse survival chances today in Russia than in 33 of the 48 places the United Nations designates as "least developed countries," including such impoverished locales as Mali, Yemen and even Afghanistan. Russia's "high education, low human capital" paradox also shows up in Russia's extreme "knowledge production" deficit. Long-term economic progress depends on improving productivity through new knowledge - but this is something Russia appears mysteriously unable to do. In the modern era, the ultimate source of national wealth and power is not natural resources: It is human resources. And unfortunately for Russia, its human-resource situation is almost unrelievedly dismal - with worse likely in the years to come.



If you are reading this before breakfast, please consider having an egg, yolk included. Any day now, the US government will officially accept the advice to drop cholesterol from its list of "nutrients of concern" altogether.  A sixty-year torrent of bad dietary advice is coming to an end. The evidence has been building for years that eating cholesterol does not cause high blood cholesterol.  It's not some vile poison but an essential ingredient of life, which makes animal cell membranes flexible and is the raw material for making hormones, like testosterone and estrogen. Your liver manufactures most of the cholesterol found in your blood from scratch, and adjusts for what you ingest, which is why diet does not determine blood cholesterol levels. Lowering blood cholesterol by changing diet is all but impossible. From the very first, the studies that linked the ingestion of cholesterol and saturated animal fats to cardiovascular disease were not just flawed, but fraudulent.



In the last few days, a video has gone viral of Egyptian newscasters saying what they really think of President Zero:

Okay it's a spoof.  It's a real broadcast posted on that's been cleverly captioned like a Hitler Downfall parody.  Like most great humor, what makes it funny is it's "kidding on the square" - to be joking so that people laugh, but at the same time really mean it. It is thoroughly believable that Egyptians, faced with the subhuman savagery of ISIS at their doorstep, would think the President of the United States actually is mentally unhinged when he claims glowarming is an "indisputable" national security threat. ISIS is committing a "staggering array of atrocities," according to a UN report released last Saturday (5/23). Fox reported on Tuesday (5/26) that ISIS is trying to buy nukes.  And that the FBI has issued a warning of "near-term threats" on US military bases by ISIS terrorists. In response, Zero wished us all a "Happy Memorial Day Weekend" with a picture of himself eating an ice cream cone.  No American flags, no soldier's death being hallowed, just him and an ice cream cone surrounded by an adoring press.  No doubt, pathological narcissism is a form of insanity.... We have a lot of ground to cover this week, foreign and domestic.  Let's start with the most bizarre.



[This commencement address was originally published in 2005. We rerun it at college graduation time. Feel quite free to send this to any recent college graduate you may know.]

Mr. Chancellor, Members of the Board of Regents, Members of the Faculty, Honored Graduates, Families and Friends:

It's funny that they call this ceremony a Commencement, for you've all reached the finish line:  college, goodbye, we're outta here.  Yet of course, "commencement" means a beginning, not an end.

But one is supposed to at least start - commence - a talk such as this by saying funny things.  So I'll start by talking about Clark Gable movies.  If you've heard of Clark Gable at all, you know he was the biggest movie star in Hollywood a long time ago.  His most famous movie was Gone With The Wind.

He made a movie in 1955 called The Tall Men with Jane Russell as his girlfriend and Robert Ryan as the heavy.  It's a pretty ordinary Western flick with outlaws and cowboys and Indians - and at the end, Ryan, the bad guy, and his henchmen get the drop on Gable, the good guy, and all seems lost. 

Suddenly, surprise, Gable outfoxes Ryan and triumphs.  Gable makes his exit, and after he does, Ryan delivers a line that I want you to never forget.

Serendipity is funny, a very funny thing, finding something where you least expect it.  Out of the blue, out of a movie awash with pedestrian dialogue, comes a line so profound it detonates inside your brain. Ryan turns to his men and says:



Last week (5/19), Mary Anastasia O'Grady commented in the Wall Street Journal on The Pope's Embrace of Castro. She noted that "The Holy Father is a native of 20th-century Argentina, ideologically defined by nationalism, socialism, corporatism and anti-Americanism. It wouldn't be surprising to learn that this influences his views toward the U.S. and the island 90 miles from its shores." Yet there are many Argentines who are not so influenced and who can think for themselves.  As a life-long devout Catholic, it pains me to observe this is not the case with Francis.  As a result, he is a papal fraud.  In matters of the cloth, good Catholics always seek a vision of Saint Peter's earthly successor as a man of goodness and spirituality -- as God's anointed emissary on earth goodwill will be done. Sadly, this is not always true. There are many realities past where the Pope simply was neither devout in his vows nor divinely blessed to do God's will on earth for all mankind. Today we have such a man who is radical to the traditions of the church, and instinctively biased against the teaching and strength of character of his two predecessors, Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II.



As always, Obama's version of reality is at odds with the known facts. So why do "Progressive" Jews continue to support him? I don't believe that any other American president has spent so much time talking to and about Jews as Obama. Yet the president isn't very well informed about Judaism or Zionism - which never stops him from forever lecturing Jews and Israelis about what is really best for them, as if he had some special insight. He isn't very good on Islam and Moslems either, and he's positively weird on anti-Semitism. His Orwellian instructions to avoid saying things like "radical Islam" and his frequent reference to the "Holy Koran" (with no corresponding adjective for the Christian Bible or the Torah) suggest intellectual ignorance and political/religious bias. All this while Antisemitism is either ignored or "explained away."  Like he does with the mullahs running Iran.



As Zero sunk further into demented estrangement from reality this week - e.g., claiming that man-made climate change caused draught in Nigeria which caused Boko Haram, when Nigeria has been unusually wet for the last ten years - maybe someone needs to tell him a joke he should listen to:... Last Sunday (5/17), the capital of Iraq's key Anbar province, Ramadi, fell to ISIS - a city that scores of Marines died to liberate in 2006. In response, President Putz rallies our troops by giving a speech at the Coast Guard Academy (5/20) about the national threat of global warming. The next day (yesterday 5/21), ISIS took the historic city of Palmyra and now controls 50% of Syria - and at that very time yesterday, Zero gives an interview declaring, "I don't think we're losing to ISIS." If Zero were telling the truth in that interview, what he would have admitted is:... Have you noticed that all the Dems have now are has-beens?  Speaking of has-beens, the PIAPS had a wonderfully bad week.  She's not inevitable, you know.  I'll tell you who I'm all in for, he's my guy...  Here's a great good-news story from Monday (5/18) written by an idiot AP reporter... Then there's a small miracle that occurred in Congress, a delightful story for the ladies, and an anonymous artist as the Hero of the Week.



Not John Wilkes Booth... no, no, no, no, the lunatic who murdered Lincoln is the last person on earth needed now.  We need John Wilkes (1725-1797), the British Member of Parliament hated by King George III, hero to America's Founders, and the inspiration for the Bill of Rights. Here's the story of his epic struggle and victory against King George.  Wilkes became the idol of liberty for the British, especially those in New England.  "Wilkes and 45!" was their rallying cry for freedom from King George's multitude of tyrannies.  Wilkes inspired Sam Adams, John Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, and especially James Madison, who inserted the Fourth Amendment into the Constitution thanks to him One can barely imagine the disgust and contempt that Wilkes, together with all of America's Founders, would have for how our King George - President Zero - is destroying freedom in America today.  They'd have even more disgust and contempt for the vast number of Americans who are letting him do it. Where are our John Wilkeses today?



Obama can't defeat ISIS with soft power, though ISIS could beat him with soft power assuming its Caliph ever decided to agree to sit down at a table with John Kerry without beheading him. Iran has picked up billions in sanctions relief and the right to take over Yemen and raid ships in international waters in the Persian Gulf just for agreeing to listen to Kerry talk for an hour. And that might be a fair exchange. As bad as having your capital or ship seized by Iran is, listening to John Kerry talk is even worse. So far ISIS has preferred the classical approach of killing everything in its path. The approach, deemed insufficiently nuanced by masters of subtlety like Obama and Kerry, has worked surprisingly well. For it's hard to destroy something if you don't know what it is. And it's hard to know what a thing is if you won't even call it by its name or name its ideology. The left loves root causes, but the root cause of ISIS isn't poverty, unemployment or a lack of democracy.  It's...



What is going on around here?  Whatever the Pubs are drinking on Capitol Hill, they need to keep drinking it.  This week, we present the House of Good News. There are four examples, ending with Speaker John Boehner yesterday (5/14) showing the world how to deal with The Lying Swine.  You're gonna love it... More good news in the Karma Payback department:  Tuesday (5/12) - Obama Accused of Being Sexist by Chairwoman of NOW... In the I'm-As-Shocked-As-Claude-Rains department is this poll released on Monday (5/11): Democrats now view socialism as favorably as they view capitalism. As? As??  This is a fun and hopeful HFR - which is why a high school kid is the Hero of the Week.  We worry about America's future with good reason.  But there are also good reasons for optimism as well.  Here's a great example... And there's another example of American ingenuity and insight that you'll find fascinating, funny, and mind-bending thoughtful.  Here's The Bike You Can't Ride...



Well, it finally happened.  Somebody let the Fascist cat out of the Warmist bag. Of course, TTP has being doing this for 10 years, starting with Solar Warming (September 2005).  Now, however, someone with a global megaphone has said it too, and with crystal clarity. That someone is Maurice Newman, Australia's most prestigious business leader and Prime Minister Abbott's close personal advisor. Newman, in Oz's largest national newspaper, "touched to the point" on Warmism just as precisely as Ronald Reagan did when he identified the Soviet Union as an "Evil Empire."  To say it's caused a Total Libtard Meltdown Down Under is a gross understatement.  Here it is in full, for it's important you read it all, And here's how, with just four words, Prime Minister Abbott can now bring a lot more freedom into the world.



A ranking Iranian political figure, Issa Kalantari, recently warned that past mistakes leave Iran with water supplies so insufficient that up to 70 percent, or 55 million out of 78 million Iranians, would be forced to abandon their native country for parts unknown. Many facts buttress Kalantari's apocalyptic prediction: *Once lauded in poetry, Lake Urmia, the Middle East's largest lake, has lost 95 percent of its water since 1996, going from 31 billion cubic meters to 1.5 billion. *What the Seine is to Paris, the Zayanderud was to Isfahan - except the latter went bone-dry in 2010. *Over two-thirds of Iran's cities and towns are "on the verge of a water crisis" that could result in drinking water shortages; already, thousands of villages depend on water tankers. Nor are Iranians alone in peril; many others in the arid Middle East may also be forced into unwanted, penurious, desperate exile. With one unique, magnificent exception, much of the Middle East is running out of water due to such maladies as population growth, short-sighted dictators, distorted economic incentives, and infrastructure-destroying warfare. Some specifics:



This was the winning entry in the Draw Mohammed Contest in Garland, Texas last weekend, drawn by artist Bosch Fawstin,  He was one of the 300 attendees of the contest that a pair of Moslem retards - let's abbreviate that to "motards," like we do with "libtards" for both are morally retarded - were attempting to mass murder and were thankfully gunned down before they could. Jack Kelly's appellation for the libtard media is The Lying Swine, and their reaction to the motard terrorism at Garland perfectly shows why. Instead of condemning the terrorists, they hysterically condemned the woman who organized the contest for "provoking" them. She's obviously the HFR Hero of the Week... There's more good news this week - lots of it.  One reason is another lady mensch who is also "making the right enemies."  That would be just-announced (5/04) presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.  You won't believe how she took down late night host Seth Meyers on Tuesday (5/05)... I like Carly and loathe The PIAPS -- as do guerrilla artists in LA.  You'll love their art work... I've always thought that Mrs. Clinton was morally retarded. More so than her husband, but unlike him, politically stupid and eternally unlovable  To be evil, diabolically evil, is, however, in another human dimension.  Vladimir Putin provided yet another example this week that this is what he is... There's much more in this HFR, but you have to read it to get to it.



Serious undertakings by the Mullah Regime in Tehran require specific authorization from the supreme leader, Obama's pen pal Ali Khamenei.  An excellent Iranian source, with an excellent track record on such matters, informs me that the supreme leader issued a fatwa on April 14th to two of Iran's most powerful killers, Generals Mohammad Ali Jafari (head of the Revolutionary Guards), and Qassem Suleimani (head of the Quds Force), authorizing them to take any and all actions to destroy the Saudi royal family and its regime. It's a big deal.  Khamenei's move against the royal family is quite audacious,  and could bespeak several very different convictions.  He might believe that the strategic tide is running in his favor, and hence the moment favors a dramatic push against the Sunni king.  Contrariwise, Khamenei might be concerned that things are going badly, and thus that  he needs some spectacular victory to rally his own people and the turbulent jihadis in the region. For even though things are going swimmingly with Washington thanks to Obama, dark clouds are looming over the supreme leader's downtown palace.  The seemingly relentless march of the Iranian hegemon across the Middle East and big chunks of Africa is stalled, blocked, or actually losing. Here's what's going on.



Chanceries, political elites and business federations across Europe, regardless of whether they are on the Left or the Right, are hoping the Conservative Party loses today's (5/07) general election. All the better if a motley Labor government is strapped to a bloc of triumphant Scottish Nationalists, guaranteeing a double-lock against any further flirtations with Brexit (Britain's exit from the European Union). Or so goes the argument. They should be careful what they wish for. A Labor-SNP arrangement would be inherently weak and unstable, like the string of Gladstone governments dependent on the swing vote of the Irish Home Rule movement in the late 19th century. A Tory defeat would flush out the last EU dreamers and leave a post-Cameron party with even less tolerance for the posturing of Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, who this week accused the Anglo-Saxon world of trying to destroy the euro and vowed to stop Britain imposing its "exclusive agenda on all the other member states of Europe." In other words, Brexit and the doom of the EU is either on the horizon or just beyond it.



[This is the text of Robert Spencer's address at the Mohammed Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland Texas on Sunday, May 3rd, just hours before two Moslem terrorists were gunned down trying to murder the attendees.] A very good friend of mine told me right before I left for this event that - you're just poking them in the eye, you're trying to provoke them.  You know, why are you doing that?  You're the one that's being offensive.  And this was a friend, you know, and I was kind of taken aback.  And I had to stop and think - well, what exactly is wrong with that? And what's wrong with that is that this is only offensive because Moslems have made it offensive.  Okay, so we have to not draw Mohammed, because that'll poke them in the eye and offend them.  And then we have to not be Jewish, because that will poke them in the eye and offend them.  And then what?  Okay, I guess pork and alcohol are out.  Okay, and then what? The Islamic State - the Islamic State is beheading people and taking sex slaves, and subjugating the Christians under the hegemony of the Islamic law.  And they're doing it all on the basis of Koranic directives.  And so that's all Islamic.  So I guess we can't say a word about that.  Because that would poke them in the eye and offend Moslems. You see, step by step by step, we're ending up going in the direction of accepting Islamic law.  Let's put it this way: Every Western media outlet that refuses to publish the Mohammed cartoons is accepting Islamic blasphemy law. I say it's time for a little cultural self-assertiveness.



Today, May 5th, is known as Cinco de Drunko among college kids these days.  They know it's nothing more than an excuse to get wasted on Jose Cuervo. Cinco de Mayo is a phony tradition, a joke on los gringos, then exploited as a marketing gimmick by Mexican restaurant chains.  So at TTP, our tradition on May 5th is to explain la verdad, the truth. Which is, to begin with: Nobody in Mexico cares about May 5th.  Only we, us gringos, pretend to.  For if you ask just about any reveler at the nearest Pancho Villa's Cantina or some such Mexican-themed bar anywhere in the US, just what is being celebrated on May 5th, you'll get either a blank stare or "It's their July 4th " ignorance. So first the true history of Mexico.  You'll learn more about Mexico's history in ten minutes than you ever did in school or anywhere else. Then the reality today -- the horrific truth of how treasonous Dem fascists and their useful idiot Rino masochists are using Mexico to destroy their own country.



It's May Day.  For millennia, this has been a joyful celebration of the end of winter, with flowers and happy festivities.  Today, you'll notice news stories like, Oakland Braces for Major May Day Mayhem. It's not May Day, it's Commie Day.  How it became that way was told last year (May 1, 2014) in May Day Should Be May Day, Not Commie Day.  It's what actually happened, so while the history may make you ill, it really is a must-read... Last weekend was our Vegas Rendezvous, and many attendees said it was the best ever.  It really was fabulous.  I can't thank all our amazing speakers enough.  Most especially, though, I want to express my appreciation to our marvelous TTPer attendees.  Personally, it was such a pleasure to see and meet them all... A great tragedy occurred this past week.  On Saturday (4/25), a gigantic 7.9 earthquake struck central Nepal. Through my friends there, I expressed my deepest condolences to the Nepalese, and I'm sure you do as well.  Nonetheless, the damage is far from total.  Much of the country had little damage.  Which means that our Lost Kingdom of Lo expedition this August is still on... The protohominid thugs who trashed their own city, Baltimore, this week would have been regarded as good news by Vladimir Lenin and Saul Alinsky.  If we wished to be Leninist and Alinskyite, so would we... There's a Thank God Department this week.  On Tuesday (4/28), the headline appeared that we've been praying for... Lastly, the HFR Hero of the Week is a 12 year-old kid.



Amazing scenes from Baltimore: rioters throwing bricks at police, looting and burning down a CVS pharmacy and other stores, stomping on police cars and setting them on fire. The rioting followed the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday (4/27), a black man who died in police custody in uncertain circumstances. The next day (4/28), National Guard in camouflage patrolled the streets, and a curfew was imposed. The rioters also burned down a housing project for seniors and a community centre, a $16million investment by the Southern Baptist Church that was due to open in six months. It was meant to be a sign of hope in a blighted area. And yet, despite the evident self-destructiveness, some were claiming that the rioters were "uprisers" that represented a "rebellion". Morehouse College professor Mark Hill Lamont told CNN that the turmoil in Baltimore was "resistance to oppression" rather than rioting.  Salon commentator Benji Hart called the rioting a "legitimate political strategy" But there was nothing "political" in the rioting and looting. In fact, in political terms, destroying one's neighborhood is a big setback for those who want to have legitimate concerns about policing addressed and effect other changes.  Liberals seem to not care less.