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Dr. Jack Wheeler


1InwaterBacteriaIt was last night over a glass of Russian River’s Pliny the Elder Double IPA that I decided to open this week’s HFR about beer and freedom.

I came of age in days of yore, when “American beer” – Schlitz-Pabst-Miller-Bud – was a watery tasteless oxymoron compared to real beer like in Germany or Belgium. Today is completely different.

From Denmark’s Faroe Islands north of Scotland to Gibraltar, I have had guys in pubs tell me they had to admit the best beer in the world now is American. Look at RateBeer’s Top 100 Beers in the World. 79 are American. The American craft beer industry has left the rest of the planet in the dust.

That’s because there is a connection between beer and freedom…

There’s something that Ted Cruz did this week that I dare not make explicit. I can only allude to it, and if you get it, you’ll quickly grasp that he’s not just smart, he’s scary OMG smart…

Let’s go global and see what’s been afoot in the world this week. Germany is getting exactly what it deserves for idiotically letting in Moslem welfare beggars by the million. And North Korea did not set off an H-bomb. We explain why….

And it’s obvious who’s the Hero of the Week.



Welcome to 2016 – the last year of the worst presidency in American history. With all the doom and gloom being predicted that 2016 will be even more ghastly than 2015, it’s time to cheer up!

Recall the advice given to the fellow who was sad and depressed: “My friend said, ‘Cheer up! Things could be worse!’ So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse!”

First the bad news about 2016, then the good.

The bad news is that it is going to get worse. 2016 will be the Year of Zero Unleashed. His hatred of America will be fully vented in an explosion of vindictiveness wreaked upon us, an orgy of fascist rules, executive orders, and flat-out lawlessness designed to abolish our freedom, ruin our economy, decimate our culture, and surrender to our enemies.

So what could possibly be the good news? It’s that we can look upon the Year of Zero Unleashed not as a disaster, but as an opportunity. A historically unique one to fundamentally re-transform America to the free country it once was. Here’s how.



There is a famous scene in the insanely funny 2006 movie Talledega Nights, where racecar driver Ricky Bobby (Will Ferrell) performs his Shake N Bake move: Slingshot engaged!

ShakenBakeAs all NASCAR fans know, the “slingshot” is a real racing tactic. Here’s professional racecar driver Alex Lloyd describing the maneuver:

“We all know about the Ricky Bobby ‘Shake N' Bake’ slingshot. And making use of the draft to complete a pass is crucial. The longer you can stay in the wake of the car you are pursuing the better. With each second your momentum gains and you pick up speed. Then at the very last moment pop out and use the slingshot to assist in getting you alongside and passing your competitor.”

Now let’s apply that strategy to Ted Cruz in his race for the GOP presidential nomination.



Paris, France. Merry Christmas and welcome to the Christmas Half-Full Report!

Today we celebrate the hopefulness and optimism inherent in Christianity. It’s “The Most Wonderful Day of the Year” as the Christmas song declares – and which you can hear in the sound system of restaurants, markets, and stores all over in Paris.

Yes, in English. In fact, everywhere you go in Paris, you hear the classic Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole Christmas songs that we all grew up with – like White Christmas, Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, Winter Wonderland, Silent Night. Not French. American. Even in France, the most wonderful day of the year connects Christian hope with the fundamental cheerfulness of the American character.

And not just in France. Last week, Rebel and I were in Warsaw and it was the same. The Poles are perhaps the most devoutly Christian people in Europe. Christmas is a true religious day for them. And you hear Crosby and Cole, American Christmas music everywhere as well.

The Poles have very good reason to be optimistic today, with a new government devoted to standing up for Poland against Putin’s threats and EU bureaucratic tyranny. Poland is the hope of Europe right now, the patriotic free market alternative to the Moslemized welfare states of so much of the EU.

There is even a patriotic free market television news station now – Republika TV – as a very popular alternative to Poland’s libtard media always apologizing for Putin as they are on the Kremlin payroll.

I gave an interview which Republika both broadcast in Poland with Polish subtitles and on their YouTube channel without. Here’s the latter all in English:




Last spring I received an email from a fellow named Ryan Trapp. He had just published a book entitled Chasing 193: The Quest to Visit Every Country in the World.

Every sovereign country, for him, meant all 193 UN member states (although for me that also includes states the UN refuses to recognize: Taiwan, Kosovo, and Somaliland – add the two UN observers, Palestine and the Vatican, and the real number is 198)

Less than 100 people on earth had ever done so, he told me, 2% of the number of people who had climbed Everest (over 4,000). He had interviewed 34 of these folks for his book, and had been unable to contact me to be one of them. Due to the book’s popularity, he was writing a Volume II, and now that he had tracked me down, asked if I would be interviewed for it.

I consented, entitling the interview An Adventurous Life. I thought I’d share it with you, especially at this time of year when it’s good to take a break from our world going bonkers. Answering Ryan’s questions was an interesting experience of self-exposure and self-reflection. It’s fairly lengthy at over 6600 words so it’s probably best digested not all in one go. I hope you enjoy it. Photos at the end.

An Adventurous Life: Jack Wheeler Chapter for Chasing 193 Vol II



When I was 16 years old, I went to the Amazon by myself and was adopted into a clan of Jivaro headhunters – the ones who shrink the heads of their enemies killed in murder raids.

HeadShrinkerI learned that their sense of reality was the polar opposite of ours. This week I learned that it’s not.

Two weeks ago, the theme of the HFR was derangement. Last week’s was absurdity. We’re way beyond both this week. We’re into hallucinatory reality.

The Jivaros’ religion, you see, is based on taking a hallucinatory drug they call natema made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine which they boil to make a tea.

The hallucinations experienced under natema are very similar of those of LSD. The experience is orchestrated by the clan’s uvisheen or shaman, so that when he directs the participants to see the Jaguar God or the Snake Goddess leap out of the campfire, they do – and know it’s real because they can confirm with each other they are seeing the same thing.

It turns out that use of banisteriopsis tea in religious rituals is widespread among native peoples in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Brazil – such as the Quechua (descendants of the Incas), who call it ayahuasca, the vine of the soul.

The basis of their religion is that the drug enables them to “part the veil” of what we think is reality, and see a “higher” reality. In other words, they believe that the hallucination is reality, the real reality, while what normal people call reality is a hallucination, that “reality” is an illusion.

This inversion or hallucinatory reality is of course a form of full-blown insanity – and is what we are experiencing now in America, from believing that homosexuality is normal and heterosexuality is not to “Islam is a religion of peace.” Yet this week we seem to have reached an apotheosis of this reality-inversion.



Merry Christmas! And welcome to the fourth annual TTP What to Read.

We initiated this tradition with a list of the books I read and recommended in 2012, the first What to Read. That was followed a year later with What to Read 2013, then What to Read 2014.

It’s a week before Christmas to give you a chance to provide a Christmas present from the list. The links are to the Kindle edition on Amazon, each with multiple comments and quotes.

You can inexpensively gift someone instantly with the Kindle edition – I read all of these on my iPad – while there’s still time for Amazon to deliver a hard copy, or there’s your local bookstore.

I kept the list not to all the books I read this year, but to just those I thought would be of real interest to TTPers. There are several I think it quite important for you to consider.

I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two fascinating either for yourself or someone you care for. Or a regressive libtard you want to educate and/or infuriate.

And, please let us know on the Forum what books rang your bell this year. Here we go.



A theme of the last two HFRs has been derangement. This week it’s absurdity.

So how exactly does this work, Donald Trump’s plan to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism by barring entry to all Muslims? He explained it Tuesday on TV. The immigration official will ask the foreigner if he’s a Muslim.

“And if they said, ‘yes,’ they would not be allowed in the country?”

Trump: “That’s correct.”

Brilliant. And very economical. That is, if you think that bloodthirsty terrorists will feel honor-bound to tell the truth to an infidel customs officer.

That’s Charles Krauthammer this morning (12/11), who can’t believe anyone is taking Trump seriously any longer, much less going into a freak-out frenzy over what he says…

We know Zero is a pathological liar, a fascist, an anti-American traitor – but is he a murderer? Yes, he should be prosecuted for murdering the American Dream. Almost half of young Americans (18-29) believe the American Dream is “dead,” reports the Harvard Institute for Politics today (12/11)…

Franz Kafka is alive and well, living in Paris. Or if he were, he’d be ecstatic, for you can’t get more Totally Laughably Absurd than what’s going on there this week…

No to spoil the fun, but we have a series of Of Course updates for the week. Plus a great history lesson, another Darwin Award, the Idiot of the Week, and a really sexy Hero of the Week – the HFR’s kind of woman. Here we go…



Who’s playing who? Is Trump playing the libtard media as the master publicity-seeker, or is the libtard media playing him with their nonstop coverage of his every utterance month after interminable month?

The answer is Yes. The only real financial asset Trump has – on which 90% of his claimed wealth is based – is the PR value of his name, so that companies will pay him oodles to put the label “Trump” on their products from neckties to real estate developments.

Trump’s genius is to take the old adage of Hollywood movie stars regarding publicity – “Good or bad, I don’t care what you (the media) say about me, as long as you spell my name right ” – to the max. Just exactly like Kim Kardashian or Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner.

Trump plays the libtard media like a Strad – just like he does the GOPE (the E is for Elite), most of the conservative punditry, a dishearteningly large number of conservatives, and all Pub prez candidates with the one exception of a guy who’s smarter than he is.

That’s Ted Cruz. We’ll get back to him in a moment. Let’s get back to the other half of the Yes above. True, Trump is good for ratings so it makes business sense to run stories about him. But the libtard media aren’t just in business, their purpose in life is to advance their libtard political agenda. So what’s the libtard media’s agenda for constantly providing Trump with publicity?

More specifically, how does it advance their agenda of getting Hillary Clinton elected in 2016?



We have an update for Is Obama Criminally Insane? from yesterday (12/03). Here’s the latest headline: Obama Thinks Gun Control Will Deter Terrorists. What more proof is needed that he’s mentally defective?

OK, here’s more: Last night on CBS – the day after the Moslem terrorist slaughter in San Bernardino celebrated by ISIS – Zero actually claimed that ISIS “is not going to pose an existential threat to us…our homeland has never been more protected…than they are now.” The headline for the interview: Obama Says US Safe from ISIS Attack. Wait, there’s still more…

Pub Senate sanity prevailed yesterday when they passed defunding Planned Parenthood and Obamacare. Your hopes, though, will be dashed when you learn how ephemeral Pub Senate sanity was…

Ted Cruz gave a fantastic speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition yesterday, declaring among other delights that “this nation needs a wartime president to defend it, instead of a president who’s an apologist for radical Islamic terrorism.”

Cruz’s full 30 minute speech is worth watching. Note he began with leading everyone in a moment of silent prayer…

Let’s take a break. Surely the funniest story of the week is the surge of sales of blow-up sex dolls in China. And here’s the Darwin Award for the Week. Plus the Jerk of the Week. We close with the Hero.



SlaughterinCAThis is the cover of the New York Post today (12/03). At least there’s one media outlet willing to state the obvious.

The most obvious fact on earth right now, on a par with it’s cold and dark at the North Pole in December and Mount Everest is a really high mountain, is that there is no mystery, no puzzle – the San Bernardino murderers are Moslem terrorists.

Being literally terrified to state the obvious is The Cost of Envy Appeasement (11/20). It’s a form of insanity, the biggest promoter of which is the current inhabitant of the White House.

“We now have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” claimed Zero. This was a reiteration of what he stated at a press conference in Paris the day before (12/01): “I say this every time we have one of these mass shootings, this just doesn't happen in other countries."

Is he out of his mind? Yes, obviously so. The question now: Is he criminally out of his mind? The follow up question: If he is, how can he be removed from office on that basis?



Here’s the scene. The villain total jerk bad guy steps up unprovoked and without warning slaps Clint Eastwood right in the face, challenging him to do something about it. What do you think happens next?

In the movie, we’d know. But this has happened for real. In a major drama of real-life history, the toughest guy on the planet who has for years carefully cultivated his macho bulging biceps image as someone you absolutely don’t want to screw with has been challenged straight up, contemptuously and murderously so.

What is Vladimir Putin going to do about it?...

One bottom line in this Erdogan vs. Putin crisis is it’s an opportunity to render Putin’s Russia a non-enemy. As in, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In the fight against ISIS, we need to be on Putin’s side, just as we need to be on the Kurds’.

It also means recognizing that Marco Rubio is a dangerously amateurish idiot for saying “the US should defend Turkey as a fellow NATO member if attacked by Russia.” This highlights Dave Goldman’s observation in TTP yesterday that Rubio reminds everyone of a movie tough-guy hero’s cute younger brother

Any doubt where Zero stands was removed yesterday when, in his Presidential Thanksgiving Message to America he compared the Moslem invasion of the US he is promoting to the Mayflower Pilgrims. Here is the appropriate question to ask of him and his supporters regarding Syrian “refugees”:…

Then there’s the most heartwarming, pathetically hilarious, and most enlightening stories of the week, along with the obvious Hero of the Week and more. Here we go…



On Thanksgiving Day, Americans gather with their family and friends to celebrate the blessings that Providence has bestowed on their beloved country.

A deep appreciation of these blessings involves understanding that they were earned. It is to understand the awesome truth of how “God helps those who help themselves” applies to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their First Thanksgiving at America’s birth.

This is an appreciation and understanding of which those on the Left are incapable – for it would mean celebrating the capitalist freedom that made that original Thanksgiving possible. This no liberal, no Democrat, no leftie can do. Thus they must distort history instead.

The distortion starts in Kindergarten, with the childish make-believe of your kid's school play portraying the noble Squanto teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves. So let’s drop the curtain on the distortion and watch the real thing.

The real history of the Mayflower Pilgrims was recounted by their leader, William Bradford (1590-1657) in his book Of Plymouth Plantation, completed in 1647. It is as effective a refutation of socialism and affirmation of capitalism as there has ever been.  Here it is.



BoobyI can’t resist starting with this pic I took of a Blue-Footed Booby on Isabella Island in the Galapagos earlier this week. It’s to encourage TTPer Lynda Mae to resume posting her insights on the Forum, as her signature photo on the Forum was of this amazing bird.   Come on back, Mae!


It seems like the theme for this week is derangement, with so many folks doing or saying things that are so estranged from obvious reality that they are mentally unhinged.

The most extreme examples are the ISIS perpetrators of last Friday night’s (11/13) Paris massacre. While “Islamism” or Radical Islam is often characterized as a political ideology masquerading as a religion, what it has become is a clear-cut form of criminal insanity.

Other clear-cut examples of derangement this week were provided by the PIAPS, Lurch, and most obviously, Zero. That he is a traitor requiring impeachment and removal from office we all know. But the 25th Amendment provides another way.

The funniest derangement of the week comes from the racists of BlackLivesMatter and auto-racist white college crybabies. They’re having a temper tantrum meltdown over Moslem terrorists in Paris stealing their headlines. Their 15 minutes of fame is over and it’s just so unfair.



San Andres Island, Colombia. Colombians come to this little Caribbean paradise to get away from it all. But for America and Western Civilization, we cannot escape from the nightmare we are all living in and from which we cannot wake up.


There is no way to wake up from it until we understand its cause. That cause is what connects the evil depravity of murderous Islamic Jihadism with the racist lunacy of BlackLivesMatter, the auto-racism of white student imbeciles at Ivy League universities, and the massively masochistic inability of Europeans to stop and reverse the Moslem invasion of their countries.

In March of 2010, I gave a speech explaining the cause of all this to a group of conservatives. We had not yet reached the culmination of the nightmare that we are experiencing right now. Little action was taken. Unless we act now, the nightmare is going to sweep us and our country and our civilization away. The cost of what we are paying to maintain it any longer is now far too much to bear.

Here is the speech in full for you to absorb. Then we’ll discuss what we can do.

Why Liberals Are More Dangerous Than Terrorists

[Delivered March 5, 2010 to the members of the Council for National Policy, leaders of conservative organizations across America, meeting in Naples, Florida.]

There’s no time to waste here, so I’m going to skip the obligatory warm-up joke and get to the root of the problem.

First, Moslems are not really the problem, neither Moslem terrorists nor Moslem imperialists insisting on their medieval Sharia laws.

Islam is a self-identified religion of the sword.  It cannot be anything else but.  "Islam" is an Arabic word.  It means submission.  Moslems claim this means submit to Allah.  What it really means is submit to them or die.  Just the same as it was for the Communists of the Soviet Union. 

We achieved victory over the Communists of the Soviet Union.  How may we achieve victory over the Moslems of Jihad and Sharia?  Let’s go to Africa to find out.



Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Islands. For all of this week I’ve been in a remote place in Colombia with no internet, then flew all day to get here today – which means I really have only the vaguest notion of what’s been going on. Plus I have to attend to the TTPers traveling with me.

So all I can do is make some quick notes, rather than the usual HFR, for which I apologize and will make it up next week. (Update: Joe Katzman has just come to the HFR’s rescue with a plethora of insights about this week, which are appended at the end of my notes. Thanks, Joe!)

Regarding the Pub debate Tuesday night (11/10). I couldn’t watch it – no tv – but from what I heard, those with something to substantive to say did well: Cruz, Fiorina, Paul, and Rubio, although Marco bombed on his dumb remark about philosophers. Kasich was a jerk as usual, and far more liberal than any conservative can tolerate. After 72 Hours of Crazy with Trump, including Trump comparing Ben Carson to a child molester, it’s getting obvious we’re dealing not with a harmless eccentric publicity-mad billionaire, but with someone mentally unhinged…

The media is evidently in a frenzy this week about some supposedly massive college student protest demanding free education as a “right,” wiping out their student loans, freaking out about microagressions, and of course bleating about being victims of racism and a white patriarchal rape culture.

What a wonderful opportunity for Pub presidential candidates to tell them all to just STFU, to shove their victimy bleatings and microagressions up their noses, and stop being gimme-gimme beggars. Oh, and to advocate the voting age be raised to 25…

There’s more, so here we go!



Hidden India 2016For good reason, India is called “the sub-continent” a world unto itself over 5,000 years old, 1.3billion people enclosed within an area 1/3rd the size of the US. Most of it remains hidden and unknown to us.

This is an exploration into the Hidden India beyond the Taj Mahal. To find it, we venture to that area of India least known to the West, where we find the most ancient Hindu culture and the most ancient Christian culture, founded by one of Christ’s 12 Apostles. All of this is combined with the vibrant New India, epitomized here by India’s Silicon Valley.

An area steeped in history and culture; of beauty, peace, serenity; of romantic luxury, marvelous hotels, refined cuisine, and gorgeous beaches. And yes, there are jungles with tigers.

This is Southern India – the most fabulous part of India, yet unknown even to most of those who have been to India before. The best time to go is February, when the weather is most delightful. That’s when I’m going, and I invite you to join me.



Paris. I’m still at the NATO Conference on Global Security, where I spoke yesterday. I hope you enjoyed my Countering Russia’s Win-Lose with Win-Win. (Note: the audio has now been uploaded so you can listen to it.)

A number of attendees were shell-shocked – like the Russians – but all those from former Soviet/Russian colonies like Estonia, Romania, the Czech Republic or Ukraine reveled in the inside baseball, exchanging winks and big smiles.

In any regard, I made a lot of friends and learned quite a lot. For example…

Meanwhile, this is happening at soccer games in Poland – a huge banner raised by fans of a Christian knight with sword blocking boatloads of Moslems invading Europe. Poles know their history, how their King Jan Sobieski and his knights defeated the Ottoman army at the Battle of Vienna on September 12, 1683 and saved Europe from being conquered by Islam. Here’s the video…

Here’s the most satisfying headline of the week. You can hear the gnashing of teeth at the WaPo: From Coast-to-Coast Conservatives Score Huge Victories in Elections.

Which leads us to the HFR Hero of the Week. And a change and request. Rather than the HFR announce who it is, then you make comments in the Forum, our request is you send us an email ([email protected]) or post on the Forum who you think it should be during the week before the HFR on Friday. Okay? We’ll appreciate your thoughts and suggestions!

Another fun HFR… here we go!



[This is the text of a speech I am giving today, 11/05, at a NATO conference on Global Security in Paris, sponsored by the US Defense Dept. and French Ministry of Defense. In attendance are ministers of defense and ambassadors from several European countries, as well as those from Russia and China.]

I’d like to ask you to perform a thought experiment. The key is to make it as real as you can in your mind, as if it’s actually happening.

Suppose there’s an ornate marble mausoleum in the center Berlin, Germany right now. Inside, enclosed in a glass case, is the preserved embalmed body of Adolph Hitler lying in state, with long lines of Germans waiting to reverentially pass by and pay their solemn respects to the Nazi leader.

Hard to imagine but hardly unimaginable. We all know that Hitler was trying to build nuclear weapons. Let’s suppose his scientists led by Kurt Diebner and Erich Schumann were successful, so that WWII ended with Truman nuking Hiroshima and Hitler nuking Leningrad – the war thus concluding not with the defeat of Nazi Germany but in a Mexican Standoff.

In the ensuing Cold War between the West and the Third Reich, Hitler would rapidly colonize Eastern Europe from the Baltics to the Balkans, and the entire Soviet Union. In response, the West formed NATO to protect itself from Nazi imperialism.

When Hitler died in March 1953 from warfarin poisoning slipped into his wine by the chief of the Gestapo, his body was placed in the Berlin mausoleum as a shrine of worship, and statues of him erected throughout the Nazi Empire.

Hitler and his successors of course suppressed all knowledge of the Jewish Holocaust, which was researched only by little known scholars such as Robert Conquest of Stanford. The horrific atrocity everyone knew about instead was the Holomodor, Stalin’s genocide of 12 to 15 million Ukrainians.

At last when the Nazi Empire broke down and collapsed in 1991, Nazi colonies like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltics, Ukraine, Georgia, and Russia wasted no time in declaring their liberation, tearing down statues of Hitler, and asking to join NATO.

It was thought that Germany would now become part of the West at last, with a genuine peace that would include even its membership in NATO, but it was not to be. The successor government to the Nazis would remain antagonistic, its leader declaring that the collapse of the Nazi Empire was "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century." Hitler would remain enshrined in his Berlin mausoleum, Germany’s leader said, as “removing him would imply that generations had observed false values” during 58 years of Nazi rule.”

Of course you all see the analogy and some may incensed at it. And that’s the crux of the problem, the refusal to recognize the deep equivalence between Nazism and Communism, also known as Marxism-Leninism.




TedCruzTalk103015Cruz’s detonation of the ludicrously biased 3 main CNBC moderators was the most enjoyable highlight of the debate Wednesday night (10/28). And it will serve a most useful purpose – tearing people’s attention away from the Kim Kardashian of presidential candidates and towards those who actually have something to say.

It may take a while for this to sink in. The Drudge Poll yesterday (10/29) said Trump was the clear winner with 48%, with Cruz at 25% and Rubio under 13%. Let’s be just as clear: anyone who thought Trump won is retarded. Read the debate transcript and see for yourself.

It’s likely then that before long we’ll be left with the Final Four: Cruz, Carson, Rubio, and Fiorina. You may be surprised by Fiorina, but she had a great debate – if you rate substance over style and personality games. Here’s examples…

Let’s get this over with fast. What words can adequately express the disgust we all feel at Paul Ryan’s pathological sellout regarding Boehner’s sellout regarding this insane funding of Zero’s deficit spending for the next two years? And the McConnell Senate then passed it in the dead of night. Obama Hails Passage of Two-Year Budget Deal is the headline that sums up the total moral corruption of the Republicans in Congress.

There’s lots more – and we end with an awesome video. Have your headphones on max.



DemorSultanThis is the question The Economist asked over two years ago in its cover story on June 8, 2013. It’s become clear since that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s intention is to be another Ottoman Sultan. Turkey’s elections this Sunday, Nov. 1st, may see if his goal is realized.


That goal extends far beyond the borders of Turkey. This map is a frightening display of it:

BlackMap102915This map – published in the London Daily Mail yesterday (10/28) – shows the origins and extent of the Moslem invasion of Europe this year – 680,000 so far with tens of thousands more on the way. It’s easy to see the conduit of the hordes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria is Turkey.

This is no accident, Comrades. Erdogan (air-doh-wan) wants to achieve the great goal the Ottoman Sultans never could – the Islamization of Europe.



We have to begin with a HFR Cold Open. Here’s the SNL Cold Open last Saturday (10/17) with Seinfeld co-creator Larry David’s impossibly funny bang-on impersonation of Bernie Sanders, Kate McKinnon as a psycho Hillary, Alec Baldwin as Jim Webb, and Jon Rudnitsky as an effeminate Anderson Cooper:

DemPresDebate2015Only a masochist would put themselves through 11 hours of lying by the PIAPS to the Benghazi Committee yesterday. The most despicable moment was when she actually claimed that murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens was joking when he requested more security in Benghazi. The truly depressing problem about Hillary, however, is not Hillary. Here’s the real problem…

There’s lots more, including the dumbest Pub Gov in America, a Zero appointee as Hero of the Week, and the Question of the Week: What are your plans for this coming New Years Eve?



Yesterday – October 21, 2015 – was “Back to the Future Day,” with an uncountable number of news stories comparing the 1989 movie’s predictions for that day to the reality now. BTTF II was the sequel to the original 1985 sci-fi classic, wherein teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is sent back in time to 1955.

Odds are good you’ve seen them both. So let’s do a thought experiment. Suppose you could hop in to Doc Brown’s DeLorean today and go back to 1955 – to a high school like Hill Valley High in the film and talk to the kids. Suppose you somehow convince them you’re really from 2015.

The first thing they’d be startled to learn is the nostalgia 2015 America has for 1950s America as the modern Golden Age. They’d be overjoyed to know America won the Cold War with the Soviet Union ceasing to exist – although stunned by the president who won it.

Then it would get grim. They’d probably cope with a black US president – but not with a president who hated his own country and whose every policy was purposefully designed to destroy America’s economy, security, and standing in the world.

And when you described America’s cultural degradation – the black race riots and rampant racial hatred for whites, the tsunami of vulgarity washing over every form of entertainment, the Supreme Court forcing every state to recognize the legality of homosexuals “marrying” each other – there’s no doubt what their reaction would be.

They would throw up. They would get physically sick to their stomach and barf. They’d say, “That’s 60 years from now. I hope I die before then.” “That means the children I have will create this world – and that means I should never have children.”

At this point, suppose you say, “Wait a moment, I’ll be right back,” hop in your DeLorean and transport yourself to the America of 2020.



Warsaw, Poland. I’m here for briefings and consultations with my Polish friends very concerned about the state of affairs in the only country that stands between them and the omnivorous Russian bear.

“It’s very hard for us to comprehend how fast America is deteriorating under Obama,” one of them commented. “We all saw that report this week (10/12) that leaders of an EU government believe Obama is ‘quite mentally unwell.’ We don’t know what government the report is quoting because we know of several EU governments who feel this way.”

“They probably saw that 60 Minutes interview of him the night before,” another chimed in, “where he said, ‘My definition of leadership would be leading on climate change’.” Everyone laughed – until someone said, “Actually, that isn’t funny, that is crazy.”

And Zero’s craziness never lets up. On Monday (10/12), he issued an (anti-) Columbus Day Proclamation, in keeping with this libtard effort to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.  

Personally, I think conservatives should embrace the idea – as you couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to have more fun exposing liberal hypocrisy. Here’s how…

That Zero’s rabidly left craziness has infected the entire Democrat party was on ample display Tuesday night (10/13) during the debate of its prez candidates. The PIAPS was ecstatically declared the winner by the Enemedia because she was better than the pathetic losers she was up against…

There’s more, it’s another fun HFR, and we’re sure you’ll like the Hero of the Week.



Lurch Lost. You can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the 7th Floor of Foggy Bottom all the way across the Potomac.

John F’n Kerry was glued to the big flat screen in his palatial office at 5:01am this morning – 11:01am Oslo time – expecting to watch Kaci Kullman Five, Chairlady of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, announce him along with his BTF (Best Terrorist Friend), Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, winner of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

For a man possessed of such towering egomaniacal arrogance that it equals or even succeeds Zero’s, it was a crushing humiliation to learn the winner instead was a group of Tunisians no one had ever heard of….

The latest international mystery is how ISIS has acquired all those shiny new Toyota SUVs. ABC (10/06) can’t figure it out. The New York Daily News says (10/07) both the US government and Toyota in Japan are “stumped.”

This is Lying Swine journalism at its coverup best. Of course Langley and Toyota Global knows exactly where they’re coming from and how ISIS got them….

Arnie Steinberg sure called it in TTP on Monday (10/05), when he said Kevin McCarthy should withdraw from the race for Speaker. McCarthy did so yesterday (10/08). His gaffe on Benghazi, as Arnie explained, was irreparable. Now what?

Here’s a heads up! Next Tuesday (10/13) will be the first Dem presidential candidate debate. You’ll be surprised to see who’ll steal the show….

“Why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers? There’s a (media) coverup on this… She is old and she’s sick. She is not a contender. They’re making her a contender with these propped up Saturday Night Live things; it’s like a head on a stick.” That’s Matt Drudge on Alex Jones. Here’s the full video….

There’s so much more. It’s a fun HFR this week.



Obama Squeezes Republican Throats on Defense Spending. That’s the headline regarding Zero’s latest veto threat if he doesn’t get his way.

So Zero is willing to defund America’s military if he can’t close Gitmo and release its terrorists back into the world.

It’s only the latest example of Zero’s Imperial Emperorship’s contempt for Republicans and their leadership. One of the great ironies of America today is that virtually all conservatives in the country feel the same as Zero.

Ted Cruz last week (9/28) brilliantly explained on the floor of the Senate the cause of conservative contempt.

No money may be spent by the federal government unless it is authorized by the House with the Senate concurring. Yet on any budget funding the government, if Congress’ budget defunds (refuses to fund) anything Zero wants – Obamacare, amnesty for illegals, Planned Parenthood, the Iran Sellout – Zero has a hissy fit and declares “I, Barack Obama, will veto funding for the entire federal government and shut it down,” and Republican leadership folds like a cheap suit.

There is an easy cure for this, for Pubs in Congress to stop being Obama-bootlicking surrender monkeys.



What happens when a sociopathic narcissist gets completely humiliated in front of the entire world by a man he hates?

We’re about to find out. Odds are it won’t be anything smart. As Charles Krauthammer points out in Obama’s Syria Debacle yesterday (10/01), Zero has no one to blame but himself for Putin making him an object of humiliated ridicule.

WWRRD? Of course, Putin would never have even dreamed of going in to Syria if he were up against a Ronald Reagan instead of a metrosexual p**sy. But let’s suppose that by some magic wand miracle, Zero had a personality transplant and decided to max out Putin’s vulnerabilities….

The real problem with Zero, however, is not that he’s a p**sy. He’s completely ruthless when dealing with domestic opposition, be they Pubs or the occasional wayward Dem like Bob Menendez, whom he’s trying to put in jail for opposing him on Iran.

The real problem is that he’s a black racist who hates America as much as the racist scum of #BlackLivesMatter, who wants God to damn America just like Jeremiah Wright. Michael Ramirez sums it up….

Couldn’t be a more apposite time to honor the HFR Hero of the Week, as he’s such a total contrast to Zero.

Yesterday (10/01), Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu delivered one of the most courageous and historic speeches in the existence of the United Nations. Here the video of the most dramatic moment….

There’s lots more in this HFR. We’ll close with an uplifting story emerging out of the murderous anti-Christian horror at Umpqua Community College in Oregon yesterday (10/01).



It is critical to understand that Obamacare is fascist. Exactly why is explained below. Further, The House Pubs have voted to repeal Obamacare 60 times and are now going for 61 – all without a bill of their own to radically improve healthcare for all Americans.

Simply repealing Obamacare is playing defense. The Pubs need to go on the offense with pro-free market anti-fascist healthcare legislation of their own. Real free market medicine – not phony-crony corporatist medicine where Big Government colludes with Big Medicine, Big Insurance, and Big Pharma to restrict competition.

Such Health Freedom legislation would not only fully repeal Obamacare but include:

*Open enrollment in medical schools.*Greatly reduce hospital administrative costs.*Eliminate state mandates and regulatory barriers on health insurance.*Give health care providers a tax credit for charity work.*Restore the 100% deductibility of health care expenses.*Reduce and provide an alternative to malpractice insurance costs.*Repeal the Kefauver Amendment (the efficacy requirement for FDA drug approval)*Allow truthful health claims for nutritional supplements.*Remove government restrictions on the importation of foreign drugs.*Allow the purchase of non-controlled medications without prescription.

TTPers are encouraged to send this to their congressman, senators, and local media.



“Is the Pope Catholic?”

All our lives it’s been the standard rhetorical response to any question that obviously should be answered yes. Who ever dreamed it would one day be a real question? That day came yesterday (9/24) with Francis’ ghastly speech to Congress (the link is to the full transcript).

Isn’t he supposed to be the Vicar of Christ? Isn’t the whole point of his church to be about salvation via Jesus? Yet he delivered a boring trite clichéd libtard political diatribe that didn’t mention either “Jesus” or “Christ” once – do a word search in the link and you’ll see.

He’s a “liberation theology” Marxist Poseur Pope with the narcissistic effrontery to lecture us on freedom and opportunity. He didn’t even have the courage to denounce abortion to the Dem proponents of evil incarnate Planned Parenthood sitting right in front of him…

Of course, the big news – reallllllly big! as Ed Sullivan would say – today is Boehner’s resignation. Let’s not pop any champagne corks just yet, but at the very least this calls for a finger or two of Famous Grouse. Here’s what a Congressista I talked to had to say…

Anyone see dots connecting these stories?

Army Times, Saturday 9/19: President Nominates First Openly Gay Army Secretary.New York Times, Sunday 9/20: US Soldiers Told to Ignore Abuse of Boys in Afghanistan.London Daily Mail, Wednesday, 9/23: Army Rejects Appeal of Green Beret Kicked Out for Stopping Afghan for Raping 12 Year-Old Boy….

In the Not All Chinese Are Smart Department this week, and in honor of Chief Chicom Xi Jinping’s visit to the White House today, we bring you the story of Chinese Vice Admiral Yuan Yubai, commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) North Sea Fleet…

And what presidential candidate told this joke at the Value Voters Summit in DC this afternoon? “President Xi of China is at the White House today. The world press’ attention is focused on this historic meeting between the world’s most powerful Communist… and the leader of China.”

Here’s the video of his speech – it’s fabulous.



Tonight (9/24), China’s Chief Chicom – Xi Jinping (shee-jhun-ping), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President of the People’s Republic of China – will have a private “working dinner” at the White House with President Zero.

Tomorrow (9/24) comes all the pomp – 21-gun salute on the South Lawn, Rose Garden joint Zero-Xi press conference, lunch at State with Lurch and SloJo, reception at Capitol Hill, formal State Dinner at the White House with Zero and Xi toasting each other in eternal friendship. That’s all public ceremony. The important meeting is dinner tonight.

It will be child’s play for Xi to play Zero like a Stradivarius and smoke him like a Gurkha Black Dragon. Xi is a vastly more intelligent, knowledgeable, ruthless, and competent leader than our pathetic know-nothing narcissist. But what if he were up against an American president his equal in both brainpower and willpower? A president as determined to defend his country as Xi is his?

Not a President Trump, whom Xi would simply stroke his ego until Trump was purring on his lap. No, someone truly smart and savvy.

What would the conversation be tonight if Xi were having that working dinner with a President Ted Cruz? It would go something like this.



After discussing Carly’s triumph and all the Hillary-inspired hit pieces on her, plus a variety of takeaways from Wednesday’s debate, we come to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

As the moderate leader of the Labor Party (the Brits’ Democrats) from 1994-2007, he’s aghast that his party would elect as its leader a 100% Marxist Moonbat on the side of every Moslem terrorist group there is, Jeremy Corbyn. This happened last Saturday (9/12).

Yet Blair sees something far larger than just Brit party politics. He sees what’s in common with political manias over Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Alexis Tsipras in Greece, Marine Le Pen in France and elsewhere. He calls it the Politics of Parallel Reality, “in which reason is an irritation, evidence a distraction, emotional impact is king and the only thing that counts is feeling good about it all.”

We discuss illegal immigration, worse in Europe than even in the US – and how TTP’s long-expressed fears of the real reason behind our flood of illegals became clear yesterday.

There’s hopeful news: Breitbart is reporting (9/14) that the odds are growing for Boehner’s removal as Speaker. Puzzling news about Scott Walker – and great news about The PIAPS: her support among Democrat women has collapsed – down 29% in the last 8 weeks, 71% in July to 42% now.

There’s lots here in the HFR this week, including unusually inspiring Heroes of the Week. Let’s get started.



Summer Days Summer Nights Are Gone is a funky Bob Dylan rocker from his Love and Theft album of 2001. He’s performed it all over the world – the link is a video of his doing so in Tel Aviv in June 2011.

A very appropriate location – which we’ll discuss after we talk about this verse of the song and the Pub debate last night (9/16):

Well the fog's so thick you can't spy the land Well the fog's so thick that you can't even spy the land What good are you anyway if you can't stand up to some old businessman

Weddin' bells are ringin' and the choir is beginning to sing Yes, the weddin' bells are ringin' and the choir's beginning to sing What looks good in the day, at night is another thing

Yes, what we saw last night was summer days coming to an end for The Donald. Here’s how it happened. Then we’ll see how summer days are gone for Israel as well. As they should be.




Lo Manthang, Kingdom of Lo, Mustang, Nepal. “Shangri-La” is, of course imaginary, the fictional invention of an “earthly paradise” by author James Hilton in his 1933 novel Lost Horizon.

Shangri-La in the minds of millions epitomizes the spiritual serenity and wisdom of the exotic Orient. That’s why the Tibetan Kingdom of Lo with its 600 year-old medieval walled capital city of Lo Manthang in an almost inaccessibly remote region of Nepal called Mustang, on the border with Chinese-occupied Tibet, is so often described as the real, or the last, Shangri-La.

But is it such an earthly paradise that you would want to live here? No. Besides living so utterly isolated from the rest of the world with very few “mod-cons” (modern conveniences of daily life), you’d also be living in that four-letter word that Zero is so full of.


The Lo-pa live with their animals. You might be able to handle sheep pellets, albeit they are in uncountable numbers. The cattle cowpies splattered along every alley in Lo Manthang is another matter. Any walk you take in the ancient walled city is a hopscotch.

Thus the Kingdom of Lo is not Shangri-La. Is there another? One place left on our planet, the Last Shangri-La?



Kathmandu, Nepal. Years ago, Joel Wade and I were here after completing a month-long expedition across the entire Tibetan Plateau and through the Himalayas. We spotted a t-shirt in the bazaar with an embroidered map of the world with the words stitched around it: What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been.

That’s the famous refrain of the Grateful Dead’s Truckin’ from 1970, and it was so appropriate for what we had just experienced that of course we each got one.

Being here now sparked that memory, causing me to reflect on how appropriate a description it is for the totally bizarre spasm of masochism America has suffered over the last seven years under Zero. The experience of being here now is, on the other hand, a surprising lesson on how to repair the incredible damage Zero has wrought upon our country.

We’ve had spasms of craziness before – the Hippie 60s come to mind – but nothing like this, where Americans en masse are acquiescing to the murder of their country, willfully placing the perp in the White House not once but twice. Here’s the lesson to learn.




Nakhchivan. All of us know the story of Noah and the Ark told in Genesis (chapters 6-9). But do you know where Noah’s grave is?

Genesis 9:28-9 says “Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.” But it doesn’t tell us where.

Yet there is a tradition thousands of years old that he died and is buried here in the Land of Noah – Nakhchivan. “Noah” is the Anglicized spelling of the Hebrew Noach, pronounced “knock” here, spelled “nakh.” “Van” means “land,” “chi” means “of.” (And yes, the map above has the place spelled wrong but it was the best I could find.)

Nakhchivan is an isolated enclave of Azerbaijan, cut off from the rest of the country by a strip of Armenia reaching Iran. You never heard of it because it’s unknown with a strange name – but the name literally means the Land of Noah. His tomb has been built, destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again repeatedly over the millennia. It’s now been built yet again on the original site. Here it is:




The news is so good about The PIAPS we have to start with it. On Tuesday (8/18), Rasmussen reported Hillary Meter Drops Dramatically.

Meanwhile, her Servergate scandal is getting so bad Trump’s claim that it’s “Watergate on steroids… she could get 20 years in prison” made headlines – because he’s right. The FBI has in fact launched a criminal investigation of her.

We’d love to see her behind bars where she belongs but we know that’s not going to happen. As all TTPers understand, Zero is behind siccing the FBI on her to force her to drop out and make way for Biden….

We’re now going to talk about what’s going on in Britain. Why should we do that with all the insanity going on here?

Because all that insanity – from Planned Parenthood videos to mass illegal immigration to race riots to cultural degradation to ruination of our military to giving Iran nukes to a no-job economy with 90 million unemployed and on Food Stamps – all of this is due to the Democrat Party’s lurch to the radical left, cheered on by its amen chorus in the media and academia.

What’s happening in Britain at the moment may be instructive as to where this is heading.



No, this is not about the stirring anthem of the US Navy, Anchors Aweigh. It’s about the latest example of libtard lunacy designed to purposefully destroy – or in Zerospeak, “fundamentally transform” – our country.

It’s about how to solve and put an end to the Fascicrat Fraud of “birthright citizenship.” There’s a deafening roar of cacophony over it now on every TV news channel or radio talk show, and throughout conservative or libtard punditry. But only here at To The Point will you get a solution you won’t find anywhere else.

As you likely know by now, I’m no Trumpista. Loudmouth bullies turn me off, especially ones who pretend they’re conservatives. As Carly Fiorina so incisively puts it: “Since he has changed his mind on amnesty, on health care and on abortion, I would just ask, what are the principles by which he will govern?”

Yet however much I think Trump is a thin-skinned jerk posing as presidential timber for the publicity, I applaud him for making illegal immigration a cause célèbre, and using it to channel contempt upon the gutless cowards of the Republican Establishment Elite.

Another loudmouth bullying faux conservative is Fox’s Bill O’Reilly. So it was fun to see Trump and O’Reilly go at each other Tuesday night (8/18) – and I’m happy to admit I was rooting for Trump.

But not even Trump has thought of what you’re about to read.



Two of the world’s most extraordinary natural wonders lie just below America’s doorstep. The first is unknown – you won’t believe the pictures. The second you likely have always dreamed of seeing.

This is an opportunity to experience all of this in just ten days. And the time to do so is now. This is an Immediate Adventure Opportunity – this November, before Thanksgiving. Here’s why. We begin with the unknown.

LiquidRainbow1 LiquidRainbow2

This is Caño Cristales, the Liquid Rainbow, the most beautiful river in the world. From late July to early December, its unique ecosystem allows plants to grow in its gin-clear water that turns every color of the rainbow. There’s no place like it on earth.

It is in a remote region of Colombia at the junction of the Llanos grasslands, the Andes mountains, and the Amazon rainforest. We’ll spend two days here taking pictures your friends won’t believe, swimming in perfect temperature pure water pools and frolicking under the myriad waterfalls. Caño Cristales is not only jaw-dropping beautiful, it’s fabulous fun. Here are more amazing pictures.

Then it’s off to a place on everyone’s bucket list: The Galapagos Islands.




There are those who think anger and angst is tearing the Republican Party apart – exemplified by a summer madness over a crony capitalist whining crybaby pro-abortion centimillionaire pretending he’s a billionaire John Wayne.

You can see the real news of the week, however, if you peek over the other side of the fence. It’s the Dems who are tearing themselves apart much worse than we are. Let’s take a break from our own summer squabble and enjoy the show.

This week, Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Michigan (8/11). 2,800 people showed up. The day before (8/10), Bernie Sanders held a campaign rally in Los Angeles. Close to 28,000 people showed up.

The rage of the Left against the Dems is an order of magnitude (meaning 1,000%) greater than the rage of the Right against the Pubs. They’re winning on every front – forcing their total cultural degradation and fascism down our country’s throat, their ultimate dream-come-true with a Hate America MoslemCommieFascist in the White House.

What more do they want? Yet they are ten times madder than us?? Seems to me we should be focused on how to make the moonbats as mad as we can, leverage their looney anger to the max against them. This is going to be a fun HFR.




There is no silver bullet for fixing America, for there is no one single thing to fix. Yet among the plethora of potentially lethal problems facing our country today, this one stands out: that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. hates America and is using every power of the presidency he can get away with to destroy it.

Conservatives have contempt for RINO politicians, Republican In Name Only, and for good reason. But the current President of the United States is something vastly worse. Zero is an AINO – American In Name Only.

The basis for conservative contempt of RINOs is their cowardice – the spineless refusal of the GOP Establishment Elite to stand up for their professed principles, and stand up to Zero. They were voted into control of both the House and Senate to do precisely these two things, and they don’t have the courage to do either.

Yet the cowardice of the Democrat Establishment Elite – its politicians and its amen chorus in the libtard media, academia, organizations and blogosphere – is far worse than the Pubs’, for it makes them be AINOs as well.