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Dr. Jack Wheeler


On January 24, 1995, President Bill Clinton delivered his State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress.  These remarks during the address received a standing ovation from all Democrats and Republicans alike:


You may have to watch that more than once to believe your eyes and ears.  Meanwhile, what right-wing extremist xenophobic racist Islamophobe said this in response to Trump’s 90-day travel ban on citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen?

“Kudos to President Trump for his brave decision. Trump banned the citizens of countries in the embrace of Iran and prevented the Iranians from entering. They can only be dealt with through preventive measures.  It is not necessary for America to host backward people, it has received enough before. What would a Yemini, Iraqi, Iranian, Somali or a Syrian do in America? They have destroyed their countries, they should not destroy America.” 

The answer is this man, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Police Chief of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

And so we launch into Week Two of Trump.  The most fabulous news of the week?  Just two words: Neil Gorsuch.  He’s being touted as Scalia’s successor.  Okay, but the truth is, he’s better than Scalia. Much better.  Why?  Just one word:  Chevron.

There’s lots more… here we go.



Ereyesterday (01/31), I spoke at a meeting on Capitol Hill on Terrorism in the Balkans.  Representatives from 13 European countries were present, together with several US Congressmen and Senators. 

George Soros

George Soros

The presentations were focused on the threat of various Islamofascist groups such as ISIS and Iqwan (Moslem Brotherhood), plus lone wolf Salafis. 

I decided to focus on something else.  Here’s what I said:


‘Terrorism’ takes many forms.  There is the horrific form of ISIS with publicized beheadings, the senseless slaughter of random ‘infidels,’ the infiltration of Moslem ‘refugees’ who proceed to demand Sharia law in non-Islamic lands.

There is another form of terrorism that I would like to address – and that is the purposeful undermining of democratic institutions within targeted countries, the destruction of a country’s culture and moral values, accomplished through bribery and corruption of a targeted country’s politicians, academia, and media.

This form of terrorism is more dangerously insidious than its Islamic counterpart – for it subverts a country’s own people to become traitors to themselves, to their own land, to their own culture, to their own values.

It is a form of terrorism that has no other motivation than nihilistic hate, no other goal but annihilation for the sake of annihilation, no other purpose but fascist totalitarianism for the sake of controlling other people’s lives.

The world’s number on perpetrator of this form of terrorism – which I call Fascist Subversion – is the world’s most evil billionaire, George Soros.




Ever hear that term?  It’s the British equivalent of our being flabbergasted.  This has been a week of being gobsmacked.  Note that the term has two sides.

As Theresa met Trump at the White House late this morning, she declared, “America and Britain can lead the world together again,” while Trump made it clear that Britain was the US’s “premier ally.”  They will work together on accelerating Brexit, the UK’s exit from the stifling EU, and a US-UK free trade deal.  Tomorrow, however, is another story…

More gobsmacking.  It’s actually overwhelming how much of it there has been in the seven days since The Donald became President Trump.  So let’s start with what gobsmacked me the most personally at the very moment he took the oath of office.

All in all. this has been a Yuge week for Trump and America.  Let’s enjoy it…




Northern Syria

It is astounding how much misinformation and lack of knowledge there is regarding Syria today.  This is ground zero for the war on ISIS and Jihadist Fascism, yet very few know what’s really going on.  You are soon to be among them.

Let’s start with a quick story.   In the pre-dawn hours of August 24 last year, 2016, a heavily armed force of the Turkish military dubbed Euphrates Shield invaded Syria and seized the border town of Jarabulus on the Euphrates River (see map).  The excuse was to rescue the city from ISIS.

What actually happened was that a series of anti-ISIS Arab Military Councils had formed their own militias in the region composed of local fighters.  They had succeeded in liberating the town of Manbij from ISIS south of Jarabulus a few weeks before, and were now poised to take Jarabulus as well.

But just as they were about to enter the city, the Turkish Army arrived.  Within hours, the Arab militia fighters born and raised in Jarabulus saw ISIS terrorists shave their beards, change their black garments for Turkish uniforms, and join the Turks.

In other words, the Islamist and ISIS-supporting leader of Turkey, Recip Erdogan, ordered his army into Syria not to attack ISIS as his propaganda proclaimed, but to prevent the anti-ISIS militias from defeating ISIS in Jarabulus.



trump-sworn-inFinally the day has come.  Deliverance Day, the end of the Nightmare of Zero.  A new dawn for America with more freedom, more prosperity, and more moral normalcy of traditional values. 

It is a day to celebrate with joy and exuberance.  Yet it is far deeper than that.  You may be like me, experiencing emotions hard to describe or contain. 

Watching Trump speak at the Lincoln Memorial last night, seeing him and his family in front of the giant statue of Lincoln as a chorus of Marines sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic while fireworks exploded over the Reflecting Pool of the Mall – frankly, it made me cry and shiver with goosebumps.

What is happening before our eyes is a true historical moment.  The throngs of people massed at the Inauguration Eve celebration last night knew it.  They were hugely happy – calling out “We love you!” to Trump – and at the same time there was a solemnity to their happiness. 

What they were feeling was far more than what revelers at, say, Times Square feel celebrating the Ball Drop on New Years Eve.  They knew they were witnessing and participating in the rebirth, indeed possibly the salvation, of their country.  They were experiencing an overwhelming sense of awesomeness that was palpable among them  It certainly was what I felt.

As this day unfolds, it may be as hard for you to contain these feelings as it is for me.  Savor the moment of this extraordinary day, January 20, 2017.  It is a day you will never forget.



yellow-journalismTo understand this revolting week, we need to talk about Porter Goss and the Rogue Weasels at the CIA.  But before we do, let me tell you a story…

… Trump’s press conference on Wednesday (01/11) was explosively historic.  He called Buzzfeed, that first published the obviously phony dossier, “a failing piece of garbage.”  The CIA leaking it was “something that Nazi Germany would do.” 

Then Jim Acosta of CNN started yelling questions, to which Trump responded, “Not you, your organization is terrible.”  Watch and enjoy…

… Meanwhile, on Tuesday (01/10) night in Chicago,  Zero gave his farewell address.  At least that’s what I heard.  One of my major 2017 New Years Resolutions is to never ever pay any attention whatever to anything Zero says from now on.



The Sphinx – photo by Jack Wheeler

The Sphinx – photo by Jack Wheeler

Luxor, Egypt.  Haven’t you always wanted to go to Egypt?  To see the Sphinx and the Pyramids, sunset on the Nile, the Tomb of King Tut, experience ancient mankind’s most glorious civilization?

It’s all here – and yet, tragically for millions of Egyptians, people around the world who dream of seeing all of this and so much more are afraid of coming here.

Why?  For that you have to read Joel Wade’s The Benefits of Ignoring TV News in today’s TTP (01/12).

When I announced our visit to Egypt, I got a number of replies saying they’d love to go, they always wanted to, but it was just too scary now.

These are folks who have been watching way too much TV news.  Maybe they’re scared now to go to Ft. Lauderdale.

Joel is talking about the damage that watching TV news can do to individuals.  Here you see the damage it is doing to an entire country.



Happy New Year!  We say good bye to 2016 in this last HFR of the year.  And what more fun way to say da svidanya than to watch Zero close out his presidency becoming an object of ridicule by the Russian government?

This morning (12/30), the Russian Embassy in London sent out this Tweet:

lame-duck-tweetThat was followed by the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, publicly mock Zero as a “loser, angry and shallow-brained.”  With the inauguration of President Trump in three short weeks, “the curtain falls, the bad performance is over.”

If that prospect doesn’t cause you to raise glass of champagne tomorrow night in celebration, then nothing will.

There are big silver linings to Zero’s perfidy over Israel and his midnight deluge of stupid rules.  We learn from a multi-billionaire who John Galt is. 

There’s the coolest news of the week.  It involves the term disintermediation and a guy named Sean Spicer.  You’re going to stand up and cheer over this.  The laugh your head off at the New York Times’ reaction.

Here we go with the end-of-2016 HFR…



Happy what-to-readNew Year! And welcome to the fifth annual TTP What to Read.

We initiated this tradition with a list of the books I read and recommended in 2012, the first What to Read. That was followed a year later with What to Read 2013, then What to Read 2014, and What to Read 2015 a year ago.

Each of the links below are to the Kindle edition on Amazon, containing multiple comments and quotes.  I read all of these on my iPad.

I kept the list not to all the books I read this year, but to a baker’s dozen of those I thought would be of real interest to TTPers. There are several I think it quite important for you to consider.

I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two fascinating either for yourself or someone you care for. Or a regressive libtard you want to educate and/or infuriate.

And, please let us know on the Forum what books rang your bell this year. Here we go.



partridge-in-a-pear-treeI hope you had the Merriest of Christmases yesterday, Sunday December 25, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26.  That’s today.

Ancient Christians celebrated Christmas starting with the day after the birth of Jesus and ending on January 6th with the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 known as the Epiphany.

Start with 12/26 and end with 1/6 and you get: the Twelve Days of Christmas.

No doubt you’re really tired of hearing Christmas songs by now, including this one, yet you may still be wondering what the heck partridges in a pear tree and eight maids a-milking have to do with the birth of the founder of Christianity.

So I thought it might be entertaining, as we recover from all the festivities, to take a look at the song’s origin, meaning, and myth.

First published in London in 1790, it was a "memory and forfeits" game played by children in the form of a song, where the leader recites a verse, each player in turn repeats it, the leader keeps adding verses until a player’s memory fails him/her and has to forfeit a piece of candy.

Even though The Twelve Days of Christmas was a kids’ song-game, it nonetheless had a deep religious meaning. Unlike the PC Happy Holidays of today, centuries ago Christmas was above all a religious celebration. All of the song’s twelve gifts are Christian symbols.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me



trump-xmas-msgMerry Christmas!  The days of “Happy Holidays” are over, as is the whole multi-culti libtard diversity Orwellian con game.  America is having a Merry Christmas – and if the hopeless losers of November 8 can’t, it’s not possible for us to be less concerned.

The picture and its message you see above is funny, right?  Actually, it’s much more than that. 

Recall the days of yesteryear, when in 2008 it was absurdly ridiculous for Americans to consider electing a president with absolutely no qualifications whatever, so hardline Leftist he approved his Communist preacher praying for God to damn America, so mysterious he didn’t even have a valid birth certificate, simply because of the color of his skin.

Yet he was elected anyway as no criticism mattered, if you dared criticize him you were a racist.  Once in the Oval Office, he initiated the most scandal-ridden presidency in US history – and none of that mattered as well.  He proceeded to “fundamentally transform” our country straight into a cultural cesspool.  Any objection to him and his policies was proof you were a racist bigoted homophobe, something irredeemably deplorable.

Big time Bad Karma.  Which brings us to something called the Overton Window.  A seismic shift is happening more important than a mere election.  Read on – this HFR will give you a revelatory perspective on the world.



Sarcophagus of King Tut.  Photo by Jack Wheeler

Sarcophagus of King Tut. Photo by Jack Wheeler

This is sudden, as an extraordinary opportunity has just emerged.

The world’s most courageous leader today is Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.  Egypt, the largest and most important Arab country, had been taken over by the Islamofascists of the Moslem Brotherhood, Iqwan Muslimi.  Obama was on their side and supporting them.

Al-Sisi, as commanding general of the Egyptian military, had the incredible cojones to stand up to both Zero and Iqwan, and swept them aside.  He was then elected president in the first actually free and fair election Egypt has ever had in its 5,000-year history.

A dear friend of mine has over the years developed a close personal friendship with Sisi, ever since he was a lowly colonel.  That friend is a United States Congressman who, in early January is leading a CODEL (Congressional Delegation) to Cairo to meet President Sisi in the Heliopolis Presidential Palace.

He has asked me to lead a parallel delegation from the Freedom Research Foundation, which I founded in 1984, composed of people interested in exploring the extraordinary business opportunities President Sisi is supporting in Egypt today.



shellshock-hillaryIsn’t this just the nicest picture of Hillary you’ve ever seen?  She’s still in total shellshock arriving at the party she held for her donors at The Plaza hotel last night (12/15).

Today it was announced that FBI Director James Comey has declared there is no evidence Russians hacked the US election.

Comey noted that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper agreed with the FBI’s assessment, while the only intelligence official pushing the Russian Hack Fake News story was the CIA’s John Brennan, who, Comey said, “takes his marching orders from President Obama.”  Ouch.

In response, Bitter John Podesta wrote a screed in the WaPo this morning (12/16) about the FBI being broken.  Maybe, John, but you and Hillary and every other Dem losing schmuck in the country are still residing along that river in Egypt.  You can stay there and stew in your bile for as long as you want.

Meanwhile, 72 hours from now, Donald J. Trump will officially and legally be President-elect of the United States.  This Watermelon Recount Russian Hack Fake News CIA Attempted Coup d’état Farce will be over.  Flipping Electors is a Dem hallucination.



trump-putinLet’s make this clear at the outset:  The world’s most powerful man isn’t.

Yesterday (12/14), Forbes Magazine issued its list of “The World’s Most Powerful People 2016.”  74 names are listed, one for every 100 million of the world’s 7.4 billion.  It’s fun to see Zero plummeting to #48, Chuckie Schumer dead last at #74, and Hillary not on the list at all.

But it’s a Forbes Farce to claim Vlad Putin is #1.  It’s like claiming the naked emperor really has some clothes on.  Putin has been pulling off the world’s greatest bluff for years now – 2016 is the fourth year in a row he’s been Forbes’ Numero Uno.

It’s like all those ubiquitous pictures of a bare-chested big-muscled Putin riding horses and killing tigers – when the guy is five-foot-six, and I know from personal experience not that strong.  It’s like all those giant statues of Lenin everywhere in the days Russia was the Soviet Union, when Lenin was actually five-foot-one.

The notion that Trump will be Putin’s puppet is ludicrous.  It’s the other way around.  Trump the consummate deal-maker knows how to smoke out a bluff better than anyone.

That said, there’s no doubt that Putin will not instantly fold with Trump, but will continue bluffing until Trump calls his hand. 

I believe Trump will call for cards and soon.  Here are two tests for my prediction.



trump-air-force-oneGetting tired of winning yet?  Hope not, ‘cause the show is just getting started. 

This morning (12/09), the Daily Mail reports in detail how Trump is exactly right in claiming Boeing’s cost for the new Air Force One is over $4 billion. 

Even CNBC News had to admit:  Trump’s Air Force One Tweet Was A Brilliant Move.

When I called Jack Kelly to thank him for the great HFR he wrote in my absence last week, he told me something I didn’t know – that Marine General and Defense Secretary-designate James “Mad Dog” Mattis has a huge bear rug lying in his living room.

“The thing is,” Jack tells me, “is that the bear isn’t dead – he’s just afraid to move.”

OK – we’re off!  The HFR is packed this week with good news you need to know.  Plus there’s a very important announcement at the end – and there’s the HFR Hero of the Year.  Here we go…




The President and First Lady of the United States

What can you say to this picture, taken at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, except OMG?

A multi-billionaire President and the hottest First Lady in US history.  A billionaire who can’t be bought, can’t be intimidated, who’s flamboyantly proud of being a self-made capitalist, who refuses to apologize for his wealth, who genuinely loves his country and is determined to defend it, who knows just what it takes to create widespread prosperity with plentiful good jobs…

… and a wife that leaves the wife of every other leader on earth in the dust.  A First Lady so stunning that if she were standing next to a Ferrari (and you didn’t know who she was), you wouldn’t notice the car.

The focus so far is the impact Trump will have on America.  It’s time for that focus to go global.  There’s not only a new sheriff in town in America – there’s a new sheriff in town for the entire world.

As in so many Western movies, the job of the new sheriff is to rid the town of the corrupt old sheriff and his gang of bullies.  In the movies, this is normally done with bullets and fists.  They still have their place.  As Mad Dog Mattis says, “Some folks need killing” – like ISIS terrorists.  It’s why we have a military – why Trump will have a military of warriors instead of Obama’s transgenders.

For the most part, however, Trump will be a game-changer for America and the world on far deeper and foundational levels.  The first level will be economic, the second cultural, the third and deepest psychological.  It is going to be absolutely fascinating to watch how these unfold.



World's Sexiest CorpseLast Friday (11/25) at age 90, Fidel Castro finally croaked.  Cuban-Americans danced in the streets of Miami.  Liberals mourned.  A mystery I’ve found puzzling for almost 60 years rose again to confront me.

When I was 14 years old in 1958, my father was able to take my family to Moscow on a filming assignment.  We went to Lenin’s Tomb, where a huge line of Russians waited their turn to enter and see the corpses of Lenin and Stalin encased in glass displays. 

We went to the front of the line, as "foreign guests."  Everyone from the guards to the people in line were so reverential, as if this were a holy, sacred place.  There was complete silence as we entered the tomb with a number of Russians and proceeded between the two bodies under glass, nobody making the slightest sound.  It was impossibly creepy.

It was also hard for me not to laugh.  All over Moscow we had seen huge statues of Lenin and Stalin, making them look like giants towering above the rest of us mere pygmies.  Yet I had learned in the research I'd done back home that they were not much taller than midgets – Lenin was five-foot-one, while Stalin was under five-four.

What really got to me was all the pretending that these two monsters were moral giants.  What would the world think of Germans flocking to the tomb of Hitler, with Hitler's body on display under glass and worshipped? 

I was only 14, yet I knew that these men had murdered millions, that they were among the most evil men who had ever lived, that they were moral equivalents of Hitler.  The reverential silence, the worship of evil, displayed by these Russians all around me as we slowly shuffled past their corpses was terrifying and mysterious.  Suddenly, I didn't want to laugh.

When we came out again onto Red Square, I felt overwhelmed by a question:  Why would people worship evil? 



JW in Afghan 1988This picture was taken in Afghanistan in 1988, at the height of the Afghan Mujahaddin’s struggle to liberate their country from the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union.

Yet only two of those pictured are Afghan – the white-bearded gentleman in the middle, famous commander Moli Shakur, and his aide standing behind him.

The man on the left of the picture is yours truly.  The man on the right is the man who should be the next Secretary of State.

Here’s why.

President-elect Trump is wisely considering a number of qualified candidates for SOS.  What I am about to say is in no way to criticize them.  The however is that with one exception, they will run Foggy Bottom according to their world-view.

The exception is the man you see gently cradling an AK-47 in his left hand – for his world-view almost uncannily coincides with that of Donald Trump.  He’s US Congressman from California Dana Rohrabacher.

With Dana, President Trump will get a Trump State Department – not that of anyone else.



A Tale of Trump in Two Charts. 

The first is Low Priced Stocks vs. the S&P 500 over the last 22 years.  The first shaded section is the early 2000s dotcom crash, the second is the Lehman 2008 collapse.  But the key data point here is the fork-in-the-road divergence starting in early 2013, with the S&P rocketing up and the low caps racing for the basement.

LPS vs S&P chartWhat happened?  The SEC launched its enforcement of Dodd-Frank, particularly its making stock brokers and investment advisors criminally liable for recommending high-risk shares to clients.  The obvious consequence is that brokers abandoned any high-risk/low-priced company.

The second chart is that of the Russell 2000 (the bottom 2000 stocks in the Russell 3000) since Trump’s election.  It closed last night (11/23) at 1342.09, a record high with a win streak of 14 consecutive sessions, the longest in over 20 years.

Russell 2000 ChartWhat’s the connection?  Trump has pledged to repeal Dodd-Frank.

There’s so much more – this Thanksgiving HFR is going to be one of the most enjoyable you’ve ever read.  I guarantee it….



Thanksgiving TurkeyOn Thanksgiving Day, Americans gather with their family and friends to celebrate the blessings that Providence has bestowed on their beloved country.

A deep appreciation of these blessings involves understanding that they were earned.  It is to understand the awesome truth of how “God helps those who help themselves” applies to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their First Thanksgiving at America’s birth.

This is an appreciation and understanding of which those on the Left are incapable – for it would mean celebrating the capitalist freedom that made that original Thanksgiving possible.  That made America possible.

This no liberal, no Democrat, no leftie can do.  Thus they must distort history instead.

The distortion starts in Kindergarten, with the childish make-believe of your kid's school play portraying the noble Squanto teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves. So let’s drop the curtain on the distortion and watch the real thing.

The real history of the Mayflower Pilgrims was recounted by their leader, William Bradford (1590-1657) in his book Of Plymouth Plantation, completed in 1647.  It is as effective a refutation of socialism and affirmation of capitalism as there has ever been.  Here it is entire.

Little more than three weeks ago, our freedom and abundance was threatened as never before by a Fascist Left determined to destroy it.  

With Donald Trump, Americans chose the embodiment of capitalist abundance over being impoverished wards of The State.

Churchill defined Marxism, be it Socialism or Fascism, as “the gospel of envy.”  It is the gospel that Obama, Hillary, the Enemedia, and all Democrats preach.  It takes extreme moral courage to reject it. 

Yet that moral courage is exactly what a majority of American voters demonstrated on November 8th.  Only American voters could be so envy-free to elect so opulent a capitalist businessman who proudly flaunts his earned wealth rather than apologizing for it.

Now more than ever is the time to focus anew on all that we love about our country, to know that Providence has always smiled upon it - for we, like the Pilgrims have chosen capitalist freedom over socialist slavery. 



We have to preface this HFR with an urgent notice.  The dates of Rendezvous XV have been changed

They are now one week later, Friday January 27 to Sunday January 29.  That’s because so many TTPers (myself included) will be in Washington for the celebratory presidential inauguration of President Trump on January 20.

RXV a week after DJT’s ensconcement in the Oval Office is an ideal time to discuss how we move forward into the Trump Era.

However – we cannot commit to the major expense of a Rendezvous until we know how many of you will attend.  This is not a profit-making venture, we operate it on a break-even basis as an opportunity for TTPers to gather together personally. 

Thus we are offering a discount price of $395 for Rendezvous XV for the next 10 days, that is until Monday November 28 – after which the price will be $425. 

So – please call or email Miko now to confirm your attendance at what will be the most exciting and joyful Rendezvous ever!  Call Miko at (202) 656-3008 or email him at [email protected].  It’s a good idea to do it now.


OK, here we go. Right now (11/18), we know nothing about most of Trump’s cabinet picks; we just know who’s been going in and out of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.  It’s all speculation so far, some of it terrific, some of it terrible.

The worst so far is this morning’s Fox headline: Trump Offers Flynn Post of National Security Advisor.  Pray this isn’t true, or that DJT will withdraw the offer when he realizes that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is a paid lobbyist for the sponsor of ISIS, the Islamofascist dictator of Turkey Recip Erdogan.

On election day, Nov 8, The Hill (newspaper of Capitol Hill) published an op-ed written by Flynn under his own byline: Our Ally Turkey Is in Crisis and Needs Our Support.  It is disgustingly dishonest, paid bootlicking of arguably the Number One Enemy of America among world leaders today.

On Nov 11, the Daily Caller disclosed who Erdogan was using as a cutout to pay off  Flynn – a Turkish crony businessman named Ekim Alptekin via a Dutch shell company called Inovo BV.

On Wednesday (11/16), Trump announced that lobbyists will not be allowed in his administration.  Flynn would be disqualified as NSC Director by that alone.  Let’s hope he is.



Mourning in AmericaThere is no word in the English language for schadenfreude – a German word that translates to “joy in the misfortune of others.”

British writer Alistair Cooke calls schadenfreude "an unworthy emotion, which may be why we don't admit to it by having a word in English."

Yet only saints don’t feel or enjoy schadenfreude.  This is particularly so when we feel the misfortune and misery of others is deserved.  That’s why audiences cheer when the villain in a movie gets his in the end.

Or how about this news: Oregon Official Who Persecuted Christian Bakers Loses Election.  Don’t you feel like shouting, “Hallelujah!”?

That’s why it’s fun to see celebrities and college crybabies going bananas protesting Trump’s landslide victory.  They hate America, want to see it ruined, and fully deserve all the heartache and despair they’re feeling.

Right?  However…

Even though schadenfreude is fun to feel, we don’t want it to linger in our hearts.  The longer it lingers, the more corrosive it is to our souls.  Okay, laugh at the losers, but then start feeling something better.  What would that be?

Let’s look to Beethoven for the answer.



Kathmandu, Nepal.  By the time you read this, I’ll be at Mount Everest Base Camp.  I’ll be getting election results by satphone.

If I were a betting man, I’d bet that Donald Trump will win the presidency on Tuesday.

That’s if the election is honest, which it very likely is not.  On Friday (11/04), the famous hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0” reported that software installed in Federal Election Commission computers has been rigged for the Democrats.

This may be done via a technique known as Fraction Magic within GEMS election systems which counts about 25% of all votes cast throughout the US.

So what happens if Hillary wins the presidency illegitimately?  We will have a treasonously corrupt criminal as president, whose chief aide and lesbian lover of 20 years is a Radical Moslem spy for Saudi terrorists.  We will have a Second Civil War.



When one of the world’s best financial analysts and I find ourselves agreeing with one of the world’s most repulsive SJWs (social justice warriors), you know things are getting über-weird 12 days out from November 8.

Last night (10/27), over two fingers of Ardbeg neat (you don’t insult the best Islay single malt with water or ice), financial guru Michael Markowski and I discussed the bottom line consequences of who wins the White House.

We agreed that hell is coming to breakfast for the stock market no matter who wins.  The complete unsustainability of negative or near-zero interest rates is just one example (see Michael’s video on this below). 

If Trump wins, his policies of eliminating regulatory hamstrings, raising interest rates instead of taxes, cutting spending, repatriating corporate offshore trillions, etc. will result in a V-shape recovery similar to that of Ronald Reagan’s in the early 80s.

If Hillary wins, her policies of more government regulation and taxes will result in a flatline L-shape anti-recovery similar to that of FDR’s in the 1930s, prolonging the Great Depression.  The scariest part of this scenario is that the only way we finally got out the Depression was with World War II. 

Hillary, in other words, will use the coming inevitable crash as all Lefties traditionally use crises – as a rationale to expand government power and control over our lives.  Trump, on the other hand, will use it to expand economic freedom and opportunity which ends the crisis quickly instead of prolonging it and possibly ends in war.

And now for the fun cover story of today:

Stroking Gun



Democracy Cease to ExistPresident George Bush denounced what he called an “Axis of Evil” in his famed 2002 State of the Union Address little over 4 months after 9/11: Iraq, Iran, North Korea.  That it was – but another Axis of Evil had risen in America itself. 

The Marxist Left in the Democrat Party had morphed into being unvarnished Fascist – seeking power not for any ideological purpose or rationale, but simply for power itself.  What they retained of Marxism was its morality – that the end justifies the means. 

Since their end was power for the sake of power, then any means to get it and keep it, any lie, any dirty trick, any hypocrisy, any threat, any violence, any corruption they could get away with, is the moral thing to do.  The only thing wrong in their eyes is getting caught – which their Enemedia allies were dedicated to preventing.

Under Barack Obama – a treasonous hate-filled racist president dedicated to weakening America and strengthening her enemies in every way possible – the Democrat-Fascist/Enemedia Axis of Evil has reached an epitome of power. 

And just like a dictator in a banana republic or African hellhole – like Maduro in Venezuela, Mugabe in Zimbabwe, or the Castros in Cuba – they will do anything, perpetrate any depravity or dishonesty, to keep it.





“Either we are going to win this election or we are going to lose this country.” 

That sums it up, doesn’t it?  Either/Or.  It’s a binary choice.  Trump made this clear in an extraordinary speech yesterday (10/20) in Delaware, Ohio.  I strongly encourage you watch it entire.

When the Pub candidate race began some 18 months ago, I was repulsed by Trump.  I still was when he gained the nomination, and very grudgingly supported it only because the alternative of Hillary was a nightmare from which we might never wake up.

Now he’s causing me to think of Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975).  For many years, the 12 volumes of his monumental A Study of History has occupied a pride of place in my library.  (The link is to Wikipedia not Amazon, as the latter only offers abridged versions, not the entire set which sells for over $1,000 on Ebay.)

Toynbee’s thesis on the rise and fall of civilizations is one of “challenge and response.”  Civilizational success is determined by the extent of using challenges as opportunities to grow; failure comes when that ceases. 

Yet Toynbee’s thesis applies to the lives of individuals as well.  They can grow and succeed as moral human beings in response to personal challenges.  As I watched the third debate Wednesday night and his Ohio speech yesterday, it dawned on me that this has happened to Donald Trump.  This is not the same man of yesteryear.   



Avoiding Prosecution“Such a nasty woman.”

Truer words have never been spoken about Hillary Clinton.  Yet they may cost Donald Trump the presidency.

Trump’s offhand observation came near the end of the third debate last night (10/19).  His potentially fatal error was using the word “woman” instead of “person.”  Because of it, millions more women may now vote for the nastiest and most vile candidate for president since Lyndon Johnson for no other reason than – she’s a woman.

If that isn’t sexist, what is?

On Monday (10/17), the non-partisan psephologists at FiveThirtyEight analyzed the “gender gap” between men and women voting Democrat since 1952, concluding that, “Men Are Treating 2016 as a ‘Normal’ Election; Women Aren’t” – 

“Men are favoring the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, in typical numbers, but a historically overwhelming share of women say they will vote for the Democrat, Hillary Clinton… women are winning this election for Clinton.”

Eight years ago, American voters engaged in the most racist election in their country’s history.  Are we about to engage in the most sexist?

The gender gap is now larger than we’ve ever seen.  Here’s what it looks like as 538 mapped it out by electoral votes:



Question of the WeekThat’s the question of the week, isn’t it?  “Important for whom?” is the follow-up question.  It’s critically important for the Pub Elite because “We’ll control the rubble,” as I wrote about on Wednesday (10/12).

But is it important for the rest of us?  The Pubs will say it is, so their majorities in Congress will block her lawlessness and Scotus appointments.  The riposte is, you didn’t stand up to Zero for 8 years, so how can we possibly believe you’ll stand up to her?

We are now 25 days away from knowing whether America has a future or not.  Right now it’s looking like the latter.

The entirety of the corporate media has abandoned the slightest pretense of any objectivity whatever and is waging an all-out war of Trump, with every lie, smear, and distortion they can dream up. 

“There is nothing the political establishment will not do — no lie that they won’t tell, to hold their prestige and power at your expense,” said Trump yesterday (10/13).  Their pathological perfidy is directed at him because, “our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven’t seen before.”

“This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization itself.”  Trump said that last night, and he is right.



Tirana, Albania.  Welcome to the most pro-American country in the world.  From groups of young college kids to now-elderly former political prisoners of Communist dictator Enver Hoxha, you won’t find a country that loves America more.

To Albanians, America is the world’s beacon of hope, the nation that epitomizes freedom from tyranny.  We Americans, under “the great Ronald Reagan,” are the people that won the Cold War, who liberated them and so many others from the curse of the Soviet Union.

Which is why they are puzzled and scared today that the man who represents America to Albania, Ambassador Donald Lu, is completely in bed with the criminal gang that currently runs the government of their country.

Yesterday (10/11), The Hill (the newspaper of record for Capitol Hill in Washington) ran a story detailing how Prime Minister Edi Rama and his Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri are in effect business partners with gangsters and ISIS terrorists who have turned Albania into Europe’s greatest drug haven.

There is no more rule of law in Albania today because Rama has used hundreds of millions of drug dollars to put police chiefs, customs inspectors, judges, and a myriad of politicians and other officials on his payroll.  And of course journalists, making the Albanian Enemedia his poodle.

Albanians are losing hope for their future.  The one hope they are clinging to right now is that Donald Trump will be our next president.  “He is a strong man, not a weak man like Obama,” I was told over and again.  “We do not trust Mrs. Clinton to be any different than Obama, while we are sure that Mr. Trump will be Obama’s opposite.”

Unspoken was their deepest fear – that a Hillary Presidency will be a criminally corrupt conspiracy that will end the rule of law in America as it has been ended in Albania. 

And with the extinguishing of America as the world’s beacon of hope, what chance do the small powerless countries of the world have? 

Indeed, what chance do we in America have?

This is why Republicans in Congress abandoning Trump for locker room talk 11 years ago is so monumentally cowardly and stupid it is they who should quit their races for elective office, not Trump.  Then again, what they’re doing could be far worse than just cowardice.



Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

October 12 is for celebrating the 524th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America, for on that day in 1492, the Great Admiral landed on Guanahani (now known as San Salvador or Watlings) island in the Bahamas.

We commemorate this as a true discovery in contrast to all the claims of Vikings, Chinese, Irish, and others who supposedly came earlier – for once and only after  Columbus discovered America, it stayed discovered.

Unfortunately, Columbus Day is for most Americans just an excuse for a three-day weekend – which is why it’s a holiday today, Monday October 10. 

What it should be is a commemoration and celebration of  Western Civilization – which is why the Left hates Columbus and his holiday.

So there will be the usual spectacle of American Indians using the holiday to denounce the White Man and his genocidal war-mongering culture-destroying earth-murdering imperialism, blah blah blah – with White Liberals joining in, masochistically condemning their own civilization.

If it’s your misfortune to run into any of these folk bemoaning the nightmare and tragedy of our coming here, you might suggest to them that they abandon every vestige of the civilization they hate as so evil.



Sexy BurkaLadies – you’re sure to be the biggest hit at your friends’ upcoming Halloween costume party wearing the Sexy Saudi Burka.

Made by the Yiwu Angel Garment Factory in Zhejiang, China, it was available on Amazon until yesterday (10/06), when a firestorm of protests yelling “Racist!” and “Islamophobic!” caused it to be “no longer available.”

That of course is an incentive for TTP ladies to wear it for sure.  And since a woman’s best accessory is a well-dressed man, be certain he’s appropriately attired in a kaffiyeh headdress, sports a long black beard, and wears a simulated suicide vest.  The Sexy Saudi Burka remains available at

Last week was awful for The Donald.  Not this week.  Here’s why…

In about 48 hours, we’ll have the Second Debate.  In anticipation, yesterday (10/06) the Huffington Post ran a must-read asking “Was the First Presidential Debate Rigged Against Trump?”  Yes, HuffPo…

We have fun news breaks, gratifyingly hilarious news, congratulations to Pope Francis, International Heroes of the Week, hope for November – plus one of the absolute best reason to vote for Trump.  Here we go…



Avicenna  980-1037

Avicenna 980-1037

The threat of Islamofascism – whether in the form of murderous terrorism by such groups as ISIS, the acquisition of nuclear weapons by the Mullahs of Iran, or invasion of Moslem “refugees” orchestrated to Islamize the West by Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan – has become one of the gravest national security threats to Western Civilization.

Islamofascism is a barbaric ideology, motivated by a fear of the modern world and a desire to return to the medieval Dark Ages of the 7th century. Ultimately, defeating Islamofascism cannot be imposed upon Islam from without.  The solution to Islamofascism or “Radical Islam” must be a competing ideology replacing it within Islam itself. 

Thus it is argued that what Islam requires today is a Reformation with an Islamic Martin Luther.  This is the absolute last thing Islam needs now, the triumph of faith over reason with resultant bloodshed and sectarian slaughter lasting over a century (ca. 1520-1648) and costing the lives of millions.  That horror was the Reformation.  What Islam needs instead is an Enlightenment. It turns out there is a term in Arabic for enlightenment, for analysis and interpretation through reason, that has an honorable tradition in Islamic jurisprudence and thought.  Get to know the word, for it is the salvation of Islam:  Ijtihad.



Despondent Charlie BrownAs Charlie Brown would say, “Rats!”  Now we have to go back to just voting against the nightmare of Hillary.

Conservative pundit John Podhoretz summed it up: “Trump’s Debate Incompetence a Slap in the Face to His Supporters.”

The best editorial page in the country, that of Investors Business Daily, put it this way, “Trump and Clinton Debated, But It’s the Nation that Lost.”

And what’s with all the whining on the right about Lester Holt being pathologically biased?  Of course he was – and the sun rises in the east.  Trump was surprised by this?  He let some hack Clintonista moderator take charge of the debate and steamroller him? 

After the debate, Trump tweeted how it was an outrage that Holt didn’t ask about the Clinton Foundation or Benghazi.  Say what?? It’s Politics 101 that if you’re asked a question you don’t want by some schmuck reporter, you give the answer to the question you do want. 

It's Trump's fault, not Holt's, that there was no discussion of Benghazi, of Syria, of Obamacare, of the Clinton Foundation, of immigration, of the four recent acts of Moslem terror, of the rioting in Charlotte and Hillary's effective endorsement of the rioters.

His new nickname should be “Holding Back” Trump.  Last night (9/27) in Orlando, he claimed he was “holding back” because he didn’t want to “embarrass” Mrs. Clinton.  Anyone who believes that should be easy to sell a bridge to.  Is there a Trump supporter on earth who wanted to see him “hold back” in the Monday night debate and not embarrass her to the moon?



Marcus Aurelius – Hapsburg Palace, Vienna

Marcus Aurelius – Hapsburg Palace, Vienna

Vienna, Austria.  This is a particularly apt place to discuss the world’s oldest war.  It’s been continuously running for almost 14 centuries, and it’s getting worse today.

First, however, let us note that Vienna has more history, beauty, charm, class, and friendly people than just about any city in Europe.  It leaves Paris in the dust. 

Just one example.  Vienna was founded by the Romans as Vindobona in 15 BC on the south bank of the Danube.  On March 17, 180 AD, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was in his ornate tent in the center of the Vindobona fortress, having just won a victory over marauding Germanic tribes.

For many centuries, the street in Vienna along the traditional location of that tent has been called Schwertgasse – Sword Street.  That’s because on that day in 180, the Emperor’s son, Commodus, murdered his father with a sword thrust.  In the movie, Gladiator, Commodus smothers him – but nonetheless, the movie depicts real history.

Aurelius to this day is revered by Austrians.  That’s why there’s a huge statue of him in the courtyard of the Hapsburg Palace or Hofburg in the center of Vienna.

For the next thousand years, the people south of the Danube adopted and lived by Christianity, oblivious to the war that had emerged in the Middle East, Asia Minor, North Africa, and Spain between their fellow Christians and people calling themselves Moslems. 



Are we having fun yet?  You certainly should be so we might as well.  Let’s kick this week off with Rick Perry on Dancing with the Stars..


Yes, this was on Monday (9/12).  Rock on, Rick.  God bless Texas…


We’re just getting started.  Here’s happy news guaranteed to make you smile.  On Wednesday (9/14), the New York Times to its chagrin pronounced Hillary’s book, Stronger Together, “a flop,” selling only 2,912 copies in its first week on sale.

What’s freaking out all the libtard presstitutes at the New York Times is that the entire presidential campaign of Illary, HilLIARy, Shrillary, Her Shrewness, The PIAPS, is becoming a flop.

More on that later.  Meanwhile, let’s enjoy this news bulletin (9/14):  John Kerry caught funneling $9 million of State Department money to his daughter Vanessa. How’s that for a Hahahaha of the week?

And there’s more… so much more.



Zdenek GazdaHis name is Zdenek Gazda.  He’s from a small Moravian village called Lednice in the Czech Republic.  Twenty-four years ago he emigrated to America and lives in Manasquan, New Jersey where he’s a huge fan of the NHL Devils.  Three days ago, completely by accident, he changed history.

Zdenek loves America.  On Sunday (9/11) he went to witness the ceremony at Ground Zero, taking selfies, photos, and videos with his cellphone like many others in the crowd.  He noticed that Hillary Clinton was suddenly leaving unexpectedly. 

Curious, he followed – and of all the pro journalists and tv cameramen, of all the horde of onlookers that follow her around, he happened to be the one guy in the right place at the right time to by chance have his cellphone video on and filming when she collapsed getting into her Caddy SUV.

Somehow, no one else noticed.  Not a single reporter or cameraman.  It was only when Zdenek posted his 20-second video clip on his Twitter page and began going viral that anyone in the media noticed.  Her collapse was filmed and twittered at 11:31am.  It wasn’t until 3:48pm that the world knew, via the huge siren-blaring headline on the Drudge Report: HILLARY FAINTS AS SECRET SERVICE RUSHES HER OUT OF 911 MEMORIAL        

Without Zdenek Gazda, the Enemedia would have been able to continue their criminal coverup of Illary’s maladies – and their demonizing of anyone who shines a light on them (like Dr. Drew Pinsky).  You might consider thanking him on Zdenek’s Facebook page.

It is thanks to Zdenek that, now more than ever, America’s fate rides on what happens on September 26.



In the picture-worth-a-thousand-words department, this sums up the stakes in November:

Wortha1000WordsWhich brings us to January.  No matter what the outcome in November, you want to be at TTP Rendezvous XV in Vegas, January 20-23. 

We’ll have a stellar selection of speakers to discuss all the most likely possibilities of America’s future with the next president and Congress.  Plus you get to see your old TTP friends and make lots of new ones.

You cannot not be there!  To be in Vegas with us, email Miko, [email protected], or call us at 202-656-3008

Now for the Funniest News of the Week.  Hands down it’s this:  We now have absolute proof that Zero is a parasitic worm.



HenryFordYesterday (9/07) in Philadelphia, The Donald gave a rousing speech on building up our military.  Heavens knows we need that after 8 years of Zero trying to ruin it. But certainly what’s not needed is just more stuff. 

Take the trillion-dollar F-35 boondoggle, for example, “the greatest white elephant in US military history.”  The good old F-16 eats its lunch.  The new innovative technology like General Atomics’ railgun leaves most big-ticket extravaganzas like aircraft carriers and manned bombers in the dust.  Manned bombers?  How 20th Century can you get?

The military’s resistance to obsoleting innovation is but one example of legions shot through our entire economy.  People are afraid of the new.  People are afraid of their jobs ending up making buggy whips.  People want to stifle competition, demanding a “divine right to stagnation.”  People are envious, they want to “eat the rich.”

Trump can talk all he wants about how to make America “great” again, how he wants to create jobs, how he wants better trade deals, how he wants to bring manufacturing back to the US from overseas.  Fine, go for it.  Almost anything he does will be better – as in gargantually better – than Hacking Hillary who will do her best to make it worse (except for her cronies).

I believe that Trump’s heart is in the right place, while Hillary’s is in a deep dark hideous hole.  Nonetheless, there’s something he needs to understand about economics – namely, that the key to it, the key to whether a society prospers or pauperizes, has nothing to do with economics.



PantelleriaPantelleria, Strait of Sicily, Italian Mediterranean.  Welcome to Europe’s hidden ultimate hideaway for the rich and famous.  No matter who you are, nobody cares. It’s totally laid back. No big fancy resorts, no tourists, no paparazzi, no autograph hounds, you’re left alone in peace, solitude, and private luxury. 

There’s just one little problem, right on the horizon you see in the distance.  It provides a useful perspective on the main story of the week in America – Trump vs. Clinton on illegal immigration.

This has been a news week of mind-numbing global intensity.  There are events you should know about in 15 countries on five continents.  Let’s see how many I can get to – starting obviously with Mexico.

The most surprised guy on the planet late last week was Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.  He issued a pro forma invitation to both Trump and Hillary for a meeting/discussion as a diplomatic nicety.  He got the reply he expected from her office, thanking him, will do our best to rearrange the busy schedule, our people will be in touch with your people, blah blah.

He fell out of his chair with Trump’s reply:  Muchas gracias, I’m on my way, I’ll see you tomorrow!  You can imagine the freakout in the presidential chambers:  “QUE???  Hay-soos Crees-toh!!!”  And however you say WTF!! in Mexican.

It was the very last thing he expected.  But when the shock subsided, here’s what Nieto told his aides: 



What does she stand for?  What are the genuine accomplishments in her life?  What new innovative ideas does she have to change the current direction of the country that two-thirds of voters think is wrong?

Then there are questions of ethics and morality.  Ereyesterday (8/28), Roger Simon laid out the stakes:

“The truth about the Clinton Foundation is already clear:  a medium to leverage Hillary Clinton's position as Secretary of State for personal enrichment and global control by the Clintons and their allies.  To my knowledge, nothing like this has ever been done in the history of the United States government.


This means quite simply, that the United States of America has abandoned the rule of law. The election of Hillary Clinton—our own Evita—will make the situation yet more grave. Consider something so basic as how you raise your children in a country where the president is most probably an indictable criminal and most certainly a serial liar of almost inexhaustible proportions. What does this say about our basic morality and how does that affect all aspects of our culture?”

It’s been a long hot political summer, with the Lying Swine Media in a 24/7 feeding frenzy to demonize Trump and coronate Hillary as having already won before the campaign really begins.  As always, summer froth abates over Labor Day weekend, with campaigns beginning in earnest the day after – one week from today, Tuesday September 6th.

So with the LSM predicting the race for the White House is over before it begins, I figure I might as well join in.  My prediction is:  Hillary is going to lose.  She is going to lose, as Dick Cheney would say, “big time.” 

Of course I’m going to caveat that big time – I’ve been wrong too many times before not to do that.  But let’s set the caveats aside for now.  Let’s first count the abundance of ways she’s going down for the electoral count.