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Dr. Jack Wheeler



For those who regard our planet as endlessly fascinating, there are few places on earth they yearn to see more than the world’s two great Islands of Mystery and Legend lost in the remotest South Pacific – Easter Island and Pitcairn Island.

(Spoiler Alert:  Pitcairn recently became perhaps the Ultimate Escape Destination to get away from it all.  See why at the end.)

Since we were kids, we’ve all seen pictures of Easter’s huge brooding stone statues – but how many people do you know who have seen and experienced them for real?  The power and magic of  being with the moai as they are called will never leave you.

easter-island-2 And who among us has not heard the story of The Mutiny on the Bounty – of how, on April 28, 1789, Fletcher Christian, first mate of HMS (His Majesty’s Ship of the British Royal Navy) Bounty led a mutiny of the crew against the tyrannical Captain William Bligh, set Bligh and crew members loyal to him in a longboat, and took the Bounty to sail into history.

Clark Gable was Fletcher Christian in Mutiny on the Bounty, which won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1935. Marlon Brando played him in 1962, as did Mel Gibson in 1984. Everyone knows the story, for it is epically famous. Yet so very, very few have ever experienced being where it took place.

To experience either of these magically historical places is a dream of any explorer of the world – to experience both at the same time… well, that’s never been done before, except on a private yacht or huge cruise ship taking a month or two.  You and I, however, can in  two weeks this coming May.



Well, well – looks like the POTUS really stepped in it according to the WaPo yesterday (1/11).

Funny how TIME’s cover earlier this week depicts Trump’s hair on fire, when it’s his libtard critics’ hair constantly on fire with his every utterance.  Funny in spades how the TIME libtards thought they were ridiculing him with their caricature, when immediately Trump fans memed it into something totally cool:

So if I were in the Oval Office right now, I’d suggest he respond thusly:

“OK, not the best choice of words.  Obviously my description of certain countries was inaccurate since my critics deem them wonderful places.  So wonderful that, in redemption for my description, I am going to make my critics in the Fake News Media an offer too tempting to refuse.


I am going to offer them a Citizen Swap.  For every one of my Fake News critics who renounces his or her citizenship in the US, moves to, lives in, and becomes a citizen of one of these wonderful countries such as Haiti or in Africa, I will take one of the best-qualified citizens of these countries and confer US citizenship upon them. Even-steven.


My Citizen Swap program is a complete win-win.  My critics get to stop living in the country they hate and despise, to live in a country they admire far more – in exchange for one of that country’s people coming here. Admittedly, it is mysterious why my critics think anyone would want to leave their wonderful country, to prefer living in the America my critics believe to be so racist and evil.


I am happy to offer a Citizen Swap to any of my critics – Fake Newsers, Social Justice Warriors, those in Black Lives Matter and Antifa, those in academia with special consideration for Ivy League professors, judges on the Ninth Circuit, Rosie O’Donnell of course, virtually everyone in Hollywood and every late night show host, plus all Democrats in the House and Senate.


The only condition for them to make a Citizen Swap is that it’s irreversible.  Once they stop being an American citizen and leave the country, they can’t come back. Ever.  But why would they want to return to the country they hate anyway, when they’ll be so much happier in Haiti?


So again, my Citizen Swap is a win-win – a win for those who hate America and now get to leave, and most certainly a win for America who will be infinitely better off without them.” 

Now for a deep dive into what this is really all about.



Let’s get in the right mood.  Relax and enjoy Louis Armstrong’s rendition of I Ain’t Got Nobody – Satchmo sings the lyrics starting at 1:20.

Now – doesn’t that make you feel better?  Especially when you consider that’s the Democrats’ and the Fascist Media’s theme song for 2020?

What more evidence do you need that they ain’t got nobody with their current straw-grasping frenzy over the Queen of Hollywood’s Cesspool of Hypocrisy, Oprah Winfrey?

On Sunday evening (1/07), she got an award from the foreign press – as if anyone cares about them – in a meaningless ceremony called the “Golden Globes” – as if anyone outside of Hollywood has ever heard of it.

The attendees wore black to be in “solidarity” with women harassed by Hollywood moguls – although not one of the ladies who’ve gone pubic over their harassment was invited, or even mentioned by name by any of the awardees, including Oprah.

Instead, in her hailed-to-the-moon “presidential” acceptance speech, Oprah dredged up an ancient white-men-rape-black-woman story from 1944 in Alabama (neglecting to say that was in the Yellow Dog Democrat South) to condemn the Hollywood harassers of today she was too cowardly to name



anti-govt-demos-in-iranCoimbra, Portugal.  How ironic to be here with my fellow TTPers where the great hero who brought freedom to his country from Moslem conquest lies at rest, at a time when the world’s achieving freedom from Moslem terrorism may be taking place.

For as I am writing this, another heroic liberation from Moslem horrors is taking place – against the Islamic Terror Masters of Iran.

The effort is in its infancy, starting a scant five days ago last Thursday (12/30) in Shia Islam’s holy city of Mashhad.  Within a day or so, it spread to most every big city in the country, then medium-size communities, and by now to hundreds of small towns.

The outcome is far from certain, the struggle of the Iranian people for their freedom may fail.  Yet it is not too soon to discuss the immensity of what is happening in Iran at this moment, and the enormity of the consequences should their struggle succeed.

The first consequence has already occurred – the exposure of the global Left as a disgraced fraud in its claim to advocate liberty and women’s rights.  That exposure includes that of our President’s pathetic predecessor, whom the Iranian people despise.

Our media and the global media refuse to support the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom because their hero is not Zero but President Trump.



happy-new-year-2018 Welcome to the Happy New Year HFR!  2018 here we come.  It’s going to be a triumphal year with our Happy Warrior in the White House…

trump-new-year-wish How can you not love a guy like this?  No President in US history has ever been deluged with so much hate, obstruction, and lies – and he’s overcoming it all with a smile.

That he has accomplished as much if not more in his first year in office as any of his predecessors is extraordinary.  That he accomplished all that in the face of such unhinged hate is miraculous.  And with a Cheshire cat grin.

Yet as we close the book on 2017, it’s not the time to look back but to look forward.  We learn from 2017 only as clues to what the odds for 2018 may be.

Predictions about human behavior are only about possibilities.  We can know 100% for sure about things in the physical future, such as there will be a Full Moon on May 29, 2018, but not with our human future as it’s undetermined – too many decisions that have yet to be made, too many black swans that come out of nowhere.  The Crystal Ball is always cloudy.

So with that yuge caveat, let’s look at what 2018 futures are more likely than others.



partridge-in-a-pear-treeI hope you had the Merriest of Christmases yesterday, Monday December 25, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26.  That’s today.

Ancient Christians celebrated Christmas starting with the day after the birth of Jesus and ending on January 6th with the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 known as the Epiphany.

Start with 12/26 and end with 1/6 and you get: the Twelve Days of Christmas.

No doubt you’re really tired of hearing Christmas songs by now, including this one, yet you may still be wondering what the heck partridges in a pear tree and eight maids a-milking have to do with the birth of the founder of Christianity.

So I thought it might be entertaining, as we recover from the festivities, to take a look at the song’s origin, meaning, and myth.  For all of the song’s twelve gifts are Christian symbols.



merry-christmas-2017Welcome to the Merry Christmas HFR!  Christmas 2017 is the Merriest that America has had in a very long time.  Certainly the Merriest for all conservatives, patriots, and those who love America.  That’s because…

we-are-winning For the Losers who want America to fail, it’s a Forrest Gump Christmas, because as Forrest so wisely observed, “Stupid is as stupid does.”  Or as the POTUS puts it…

make-schumer-cry-again Welcome to the merriest, winningest, and funnest HFR in modern memory.



This is an epic scene in the great western, Open Range (2003), starring Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall.  They are “free grazers,” hated by the crooked sheriff and kingpin land baron who tyrannize the town the grazers are passing through and have killed one of their cowboys.

At the bar, a townsman says, “Shame what this town’s come to.”  Costner responds, “You can do something about it.”

The townsman is frightened at the prospect, objecting, “We’re freighters, Ralph here’s a shopkeeper.”

Costner looks at him with disgust: “You’re men, ain’t ya?”

The townsman, defensively: “I didn’t raise my boys just to see ‘em killed.”

Costner: “Well, you may not know this, but there are things that gnaw on a man worse than dying.”

At the end of Open Range, Costner and Duvall alone face the kingpin and all his henchmen.  Their courage in the ensuing gunfight inspires the townspeople to join the two grazers in gunning down the evil that had plagued them.

That is what Trump is doing for America.  Politics is downstream of culture, so they say.  Not for Trump.  As uniquely befits him, Trump is going in reverse – changing our politics will change our culture.



Introducing the best possible Christmas present you could give yourself or any real American friend for triggering snowflakes and leftards:  The To The Point IT’S OK T-shirt:

its-ok-to-be-white-shirt-front its-ok-to-be-white-shirt-back Setting lefties’ hair on fire by ridiculing their pathologies is such a fun sport, and so easy to do.  Just think of all the Schadenfreudelicious joy you or your friends will have wearing the TTP IT’S OK T-shirt – or sweatshirt or polo. Click on the link to order one for you and everyone you know – what gift could be more fun?

Ps:  Note that you don’t have to be white, or a man, or a straight to wear this shirt.  You’re simply saying all of that is OK no matter who you are.

So – this was a week of ups and downs, but in the end the ups are higher than the downs.  It’s a roller coaster, so here we go…



the-living-bridge We’re going to talk today about the most unique, remote, unknown and interesting part of India.

It’s natural, cultural, and historical diversity is immense – from Tibetan monasteries in the high Himalayas to headhunters in dense jungles, from secluded tribes embracing Christianity to people who have retained their 4,000 year-old religion older than Hinduism, from modern cities to lands teeming with tigers and one-horned rhinoceros.

Yet it is also India’s most critical strategic vulnerability.  We’ll start by seeing why.  Then we’ll take a photo tour of the whole place.  We’ll end with how you can soon explore this fascinating region with me.



In 1959, the most popular hit song in America was Johnny Horton’s The Battle of New Orleans.  Yesterday (12/07), President Trump, in his twitter feed @realDonaldTrump, inserted among memorializations of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day:

trump-tweet-010817As the POTUS is a well-known admirer of America’s 7th president (1829-1837) placing his portrait in the Oval Office, you’d think Kilmeade had written a bio of Old Hickory.  Instead, it’s the story of Andrew Jackson winning the Battle of New Orleans at the end of 1814.

The question arises:  is Trump’s tweet a presidential dog-whistle?  For just about everyone old enough to remember Johnny Horton’s song in 1959 still does.  It’s still ranked as one of the top country music songs of all time.

The Brits were the world’s superpower still smarting from us colonial yokels beating them at Yorktown and were determined to reconquer us.  The invasion force they launched in New Orleans to seize control of the Mississippi River was enormous.  All Jackson had was a rag-tag assemblage of coonskin-hat militiamen, freed black slaves, Choctaw Indians, Jean Lafitte’s pirates, and 58 US Marines – Deplorables all to the Brits.

Yet Jackson’s Deplorables cleaned the Brits’ clock.  Trump was 13 when Horton’s song came out, and no doubt put to memory the most famous verse of the song like every other kid in America did (like me – I was 16), of what our ancestors did to the Redcoats:

Yeah they ran through the briers and they ran through the brambles And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
So – why would Trump pick this week to hail out of the blue a book about a battle over 200 years ago?  Is he dog-whistling a message to us Deplorables that he intends to do to the Empire of the Left what Andy Jackson did to the Brits in 1814?

If so, he picked this week because his Winning is starting to reach warp-speed.  The week wags began calling it Strategic Omnidirectional MAGA-winning.  Such a deluge of winning that the HFR today is going to have a hard time encompassing its scope.  Might as well dive right in.



Tawang Tibetan Monastery, Arunachal Pradesh, India

Tawang Tibetan Monastery, Arunachal Pradesh, India

2018 is upon us.

You can bet the farm that it’s going to be an adventurous year politically.  But what about you personally?  None of us is getting younger – the arrow of time only flies in one direction.  Often, as we keep saying to ourselves, “Someday, I’m going to…” that someday never comes.

So how about your someday coming next year – making 2018 an adventurous year doing what you’ve dreamed of?

Here are a half-dozen adventures I’m planning for next year.  Why don’t you let me know if any of them get your juices flowing?  Hopefully, you’ll be able to join me on at least one, or they’ll spark ideas of yours.  Let’s all look forward to the Adventure of 2018.

Easter Island

Easter Island



When my father pledged the Phi Delta Theta house at Stanford in 1931, catching a snipe was a requirement to join.  He was taken out to a forest, told to stand along a small trail, crouch down holding a bag, and wait for a snipe – a bird that runs on the ground like a roadrunner only bigger – to catch.

“They run really fast so you’ve got to stay alert – we’ll chase them to you,” they said.  Left alone in the dark, crouching down intensely waiting for the elusive snipe’s fast approach, it took my father a while to realize he’d been had “holding the bag” for something that would never come.

A “snipe hunt” is a time-honored practical joke pulled on generations of kids at summer camps, Boy Scout outings, and college fraternity hazings.  It’s a harmless prank that everyone laughs about afterwards, like my Dad did when he got back to the Phi Delt house.

Yet the Snipe Hunt for Peace that American and Western diplomats have been engaging in for nigh-on two-thirds of a century has been far from harmless.  All of them have been left stupidly “holding the bag” while Palestinian Arabs laugh and sneer at them – because the “peace” being sought after is as imaginary as a snipe.

Nothing could more exemplify Trump’s strategic genius than to put an end to this game.

He set the stage by obliterating ISIS in Iraq and Syria; by going to the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, and telling a conference of Moslem world leaders right to their faces they will now ally with America in putting an end to Islamic terrorism; by supporting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) in an anti-Wahhabi revolution; and forging an alliance between Sisi’s Egypt, MBS’ Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

And now today (12/06), he puts an end to the Moslem Myth of Jerusalem.



murder-of-kate-steinleEver hear the term “prison justice”?  It’s retribution – often lethal – meted out by prisoners in jail to those guilty of the most sickening crimes, such as child rapists and murderers of defenseless women.

Let’s hope that will be the fate of Jose Garcia Zarate.

As you know, he is the dirtbag illegal alien who murdered Kate Steinle in cold blood, and was found not guilty last night (11/30) by a dirtbag San Francisco jury.  ICE says he will now be taken into custody for deportation back to Mexico – for the sixth time.  He needs to never make it out of that custody jail cell.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to effect prison justice on the entire city government of San Francisco – as Hannity declared last night, “It Was San Francisco’s Sanctuary City Policies that Killed Kate Steinle.”

Nor, sadly, on the Zarate’s dirtbag defense lawyer Matt Gonzalez, who had the idiotic hubris to warn the President, Vice-President, and Attorney General of the United States not to criticize the verdict, as “they are under investigation themselves.”

So is there any silver lining? Jack Kelly’s answer is Yes.  He just sent me his predictions of what will now happen.

We have to talk about Mike Flynn.  Special Swamp Rat Robert Mueller announced this morning Flynn will plead guilty to lying to the FBI.  Every Trump-Hater in the country is all a-flutter that Flynn will plea bargain in order to implicate Trump in crimes.  But as Flynn is a confessed liar to both the FBI and the Vice President, how’s he going to prove he isn’t lying now?

That said, designating Flynn to head the National Security Council was an impossibly bad decision by Trump.  He can’t say he wasn’t warned.  The week after his election, this is what the HFR of November 18, 2016 had to say.  We know it was circulated among his people in Trump Tower.

With all that over, we get to have fun with good news of the week.  Let’s go…



trump-thumbs-upNothing exemplifies Donald Trump’s political genius better than his campaign and now presidential slogan MAGA – Make America Great Again.

Just compare it to his opponent’s pathetically stupid and empty, I’m With Her.  A campaign about nothing but Her, focused entirely on Her, devoted completely and totally to the egomania of Her.

By contrast, Trump’s campaign was about America – the America that every normal voter knew used to be great until Obama opened the gates of the Left’s insane asylum creating a mayhem of cultural lunacy, the America that every normal voter wanted once more.

Trump’s question to the voters – “Do you want more lunacy with Her or do you want to make America great again instead?” turned out to be rhetorical.

But just what is it that made America great in the first place?  And whatever that is, why does it drive Lefties insane?




Day after Thanksgiving, might as well have some fun while we’re recuperating from last night’s caloric extravaganza.

We begin with the Snowflake Social Justice Buffoons at Reed College in Oregon – whose parents are stupid enough to pay $53,900 a year for them to be uneducated laughingstocks to the world.

On Tuesday (11/21), the NYPost revealed their descent to new low of Leftie Buffoonery by claiming Stave Martin’s famous 1978 SNL skit of King Tut is racist.  You don’t know which is funnier, Martin’s skit (video above), or the self-lampooning brainless twits at Reed.

That’s just the start of this fun Thanksgiving Weekend HFR.  Let’s go!



american-eagleAll my life, I have always thought it was the coolest thing on planet Earth to be an American.

I have been to something close to 300 countries and distinct political jurisdictions in the world, and whenever someone asks me, “Where are you from?” it is a special thrill to be able to answer, “America – I’m an American.”

Thanksgiving is the unique American holiday. We share Christmas and Easter with every other Christian nation. Most every country celebrates its Independence Day, and the birthdays of their founding heroes. Thanksgiving is ours, where we give our deepest thanks to Providence for the extraordinary gift of America to mankind.

Other countries have their special times to celebrate their uniqueness, when their citizens take pride in their country’s achievements, and all to the good. Thanksgiving is America’s Day, the time when all Americans – all – get to celebrate the achievements of the most successful society in history.

It is a tragedy that so many of our fellow citizens are mired in a quicksand of rage and bitterness towards their country and their President.  For them, this day is bittersweet, trying to enjoy a bountiful dinner with friends and family yet unable to feel a boundless joy in simply being an American.

Let’s answer why.



keep-calm-karmaBack in the HFR saddle again, and once more can’t thank Jack Kelly enough for his superb HFRs while I was in the Gobi and Himalayas.

We’re going to call this the Karma on Steroids HFR.

This is going to be so much fun you’ll be begging me to stop – like Trump warned about too much winning.  “Please, Jack, we can’t stand having so much fun,” you’ll say, and I’ll reply, “No, no, no, we’re going to keep having fun and more fun and more fun.  We’re going to Make America Fun Again!”

We gotta start with Senator Frankenstein.  A nicer, sweeter, more karmic thing couldn’t happen to the creepiest schmuck libtard in the Senate than this yesterday (11/16):  Journalist Leann Tweeden Accuses Sen. Al Franken of Fondling, Kissing Her Without Consent.

And it’s no “she said” accusation.  She gave the press a photo of Franken molesting her while asleep – Franken is caught double red-handed, pun intended.  The photo captioned SENATOR PERV was the huge Drudge headline.

Yet that is only the very start of all the karma this week – bad for the bad guys, good for the good guys.  Here we go…



firecrackersTo my fellow TTpers -

At last, after exploring Hidden Eastern Europe, the Mysteries of the Gobi, and Everest and Beyond – my 4th Himalaya Helicopter Expedition – I’m back home with Rebel. And already, people are asking me, “What’s next?”

Actually, Rebel and I can hardly wait for our New Year’s Celebration in Portugal.

Click on that link, and up will come a Pdf of an exploration and experience with dozens of photos that I guarantee will blow you away. The pictures above are the fireworks over Cascais Bay in front of our balcony party at the famous Miragem Hotel.

For here’s a question – how many New Year’s Eves have you had? They come and go, some better than others.

But how many New Year’s Eves have you had that were so extraordinary you’ll never forget them as long as you live? If you’re able to join Rebel and me on our New Year’s Celebration in Portugal, this will be one of them.

Yet it’s so much more – we get to explore one of Europe’s most beautiful and historical countries, with great food, wine, culture and wonderfully friendly people.And the safest, far from the “refugee” plague infesting Europe elsewhere.

Everything is taken care of, marvelous hotels, great meals, all activities – plus you’ll be with your fellow TTPers to spend time together and talk about the world. All the costs and details are in the link above.

We also can put you in touch with a travel agent I’ve used for 25 years who can get you a great deal on airfares.

Bottom line: Just as you don’t want to spend New Year’s in your pajamas watching TV, you don’t want to have one no more memorable than so many others. And you’re only going to have so many of them to come.

What’s more, this New Year’s is one we have so much to celebrate, to be grateful for, and look forward to. So if you want to make bringing in 2018 a very special experience of a lifetime, please consider being with Rebel and me at our New Year’s Celebration in Portugal.

After perusing the itinerary, info, and photos, if you have any questions, feel free to write to me at [email protected].

Let’s have a Fabulously Happy New Year’s together!

- Jack



‘Let the jury consider their verdict,’ the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. ‘No, no!’ said the Queen. ‘Sentence first — verdict afterwards.’

‘Stuff and nonsense!’ said Alice loudly. ‘The idea of having the sentence first!’ ‘Hold your tongue!’ said the Queen, turning purple. ‘I won’t!’ said Alice.

‘Off with her head!’ the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved. ‘Who cares for you?’ said Alice, (she had grown to her full size by this time.) ‘You’re nothing but a pack of cards!’

--Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, Chapter XII

Right now is one of those moments when America morphs into Alice’s Wonderland, with the Lying Swine Fake News DemFascist Media manufacturing their latest cause célèbre for the purpose of lynching someone on the right – with all the Swamp Rat Rinos quivering in agreement: “Yes! Sentence first, verdict after! Off with his head!”

You’re not going to get a more gin-clear example of the cowardice of Capitol Hill Pubs than their reaction to the WaPo’s lynching of Roy Moore.

Not a single one of them, not even Ted Cruz or Mike Lee, has the huevos to point out the obvious maxim that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” – immensely more than some 40 year-old “she said” allegation – and that WaPo and the entire howling mob of the Left are “nothing but a pack of cards.”

Not a single one of them has made a call for fair play regarding the scurrilous accusations of four decades ago against a man with a lifetime record of Christian decency.

Yesterday (11/13), Swamp Rat Jeb Bush, without bothering to talk to Moore at all, demanded Moore quit his Senate race for the sake of “decency.”

Let me explain something to you, Jeb, you indecent schmuck.  Decency is to assume innocence when a good man faces filthy flimsy accusations, rather than a yellow-belly cave-in to WaPo smears.



Pokhara, Nepal. One year ago today – November 9, 2016 – I was here…

pokharaThis is Lake Tilicho, the highest lake in the world at 16,200 feet in the Annapurna range of the Himalayas.  It was here, at about 11am Nepal time, 12 midnight New York time, that I learned by satellite phone that Trump had carried Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Iowa.

I broke down and cried, realizing that America might be saved from the Curse of Hillary after all.

This is truly a Day to Celebrate, for me personally as November 9 is my birthday, for America as at 2:30am one year ago Hillary called Trump to concede thus making him the 45th President of the United States, and for the world as World Freedom Day – the day the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989.

A year ago yesterday, November 8, 2016, America stood on the brink of absolute disaster.  The Left would be unleashed to complete its goal of destroying America’s culture, freedom, and economy, while the Clintons’ crime spree would remain totally hidden with their criminality continuing unabated.

Yet not only have we avoided that fate, our country is getting almost unimaginably better.  Here’s what we need to celebrate today.





New Year’s Fireworks at Miragem Resort Cascais Portugal

Here’s a question – how many New Year’s Eves have you had?  They come and go, some better than others.

But how many New Year’s Eves have you had that were so extraordinary you’ll never forget them as long as you live?

If you’re able to join Rebel and me on our To The Point New Year’s Celebration in Portugal, this will be one of them.

portugal-on-mapRebel and I want to show you why Portugal is our favorite country in Europe – Rebel loves it so much, and its endearing people, that she taught herself Portuguese!

In so much of the US, New Year’s is cold – but not in sunny Portugal.  It’s one of the many reasons Portugal is “California in Europe” – with thousands of years more history and culture.  It’s utterly captivating, and we’ll show you why.

Portugal is the authentic Europe, unknown and unspoiled. It’s legendary for its weather, wine, and food. And for the friendliness of its people.  It’s an exploration and it is also a celebration!

For we, as rational conservatives, have so very much to celebrate at the end of 2017.  It’s been a long long time since Americans have had this much to celebrate, so much to look forward in the coming year.

Rebel and I want to celebrate all this with our fellow TTPers in a way, in a place, that will be a life-memorable glorious experience for all of us.

I hope you’ll join us.  You’ll never forget it as we bring in the New Year of 2018. We all have much to be grateful for and to celebrate, so let’s do it together.

Here’s our schedule. Enjoy the pictures!  Jack



lampedusa Lampedusa, Italy.  This is a small (13 square miles), barren, treeless desert rockpile island that for mysterious reasons Italians flock to in summer, packing themselves in to a handful of tiny beaches so that the sun can turn their skin into wrinkled leather.

There are other people who come here in far greater numbers than sunbathing Italians.  While summer is long gone and the beaches mostly deserted, 845 of them arrived here in the last few days, over 140,000 so far this year.

Euroweenies call them “migrants” or “refugees.”  They are predators from Africa, most all of them young men come to prey on feckless Europe, to sponge and demand that bleeding-heart Euroweenies feed them, house them, and take care of them because… because… well, for no good reason whatever.

Most all of them are Moslems from northern or western Africa.  Lampedusa, you see, is the southernmost point of Italy, closer to Africa (70 miles) than to Malta (110 miles) or Sicily (130 miles).

What’s happened here is of blinding relevance to America, especially after the Halloween Moslem Terrorism in New York on Tuesday (10/31).




Candidate Trump March 15 2016

Tired of winning yet?  I didn’t think so.  Nonetheless, it is getting to be a bit overwhelming.  This been building all month, as Jack Kelly chronicled in his marvelous last three HFRs, to the crescendo of this week.

So much is going on that I can’t begin to sum it up.  Suffice it to say:

This indeed may be the week we look back upon as the moment when the Left, the Dems, the Lying Swine, and the GOP Rino Establishment realized they had lost their War on Trump – surrendering, capitulating, or just wandering off to spend more time with their families.  Read this entire HFR to savor and enjoy.



Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

October 12 is for celebrating the 525th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America, for on that day in 1492, the Great Admiral landed on Guanahani (now known as San Salvador or Watlings) island in the Bahamas.

We commemorate this as a true discovery in contrast to all the claims of Vikings, Chinese, Irish, and others who supposedly came earlier – for once and only after  Columbus discovered America, it stayed discovered.

Unfortunately, Columbus Day is for most Americans just an excuse for a three-day weekend – which is why it’s a holiday today, Monday October 9.

What it should be is a commemoration and celebration of  Western Civilization – which is why the Left hates Columbus and his holiday.

If it’s your misfortune to run into any of these folk bemoaning the nightmare and tragedy of our coming here, you might suggest to them that they abandon every vestige of the civilization they hate as so evil.



painted-monasteryThis is the Painted Monastery of Voronet.  You read about it in 9/11 and the Religion of Slavery, written last month commemorating the 16th anniversary of the most evil attack on America in our history.

I am on my way to China today for my Mysteries of the Gobi expedition.  While Jack Kelly mans the HFR ramparts, I thought I’d tell you what I just discovered about Voronet that is truly extraordinary.  You might consider being in a comfortable chair you can’t fall out of, with three fingers of your favorite adult beverage at the ready.  It is that mind-blowing, and will get your mind off the insanities of current Lying Swine headlines.

Built and painted in 1488, Voronet is an apotheosis of devotion to the story of Christianity.  It is little wonder it is known as “the Sistine Chapel of East Europe.”  The beauty of its devotion is overwhelming.

I was taking a lot of photos, and it was only when I got back home did I take a close look zooming in on them.  Then I zoomed in on a panel that made my jaw drop to the floor.  Believe it or not, I suddenly thought of the human shrunken head on display in my study.  Then Santa Claus.  Here’s why.




This has been a revelatory week.  Hours after the HFR was posted last Friday (9/22), the President denounced the “SOBs” who hate their country so much they won’t stand for our anthem while being paid absolute fortunes to play a game.

His specific words were not intemperately spontaneous, but chosen carefully to get exactly the reaction – from both his supporters and opponents – they got. We’re only just beginning to see, today one week later, just how yuge a win it is for him.  As in yuge.

Simultaneously, this alleged political neophyte gets his entire base of tens of millions to jump to their feet in roaring support for him, lances the boil of the Left’s ruinous politicalization of sports, and exposes for all to see just how much Democrats and their Fake News propagandists really do hate America.

Soak in this headline from USA Today on Tuesday (9/26):  NFL Commits Suicide by Trump with Politically Correct Protests.

Focus in on that expression: “Suicide by Trump.”  This is Sun Tzu-level genius, goading and manipulating your enemies to destroy themselves, at no harm to yourself while increasing and expanding support from those on your side.  That’s how Ronald Reagan got the Soviet Union to destroy itself.

The “Suicide by Trump” strategy has wide application as we’ll see…



time-shrunkThis is the cover of the current issue of TIME Magazine on newsstands this week.  The issue is date-forwarded to October 2.  The cover story is entitled, “Divided Democrats Debate Their Future as 2020 Looms.”

“Can anything save them?” is the plaintive question on the cover.  When I showed this to my wife, she instantly answered, “No – all they have is anger and hate.  Nothing can save them until they get rid of it.”

As usual, she nailed it.  The enemies of America – foreign and especially domestic – are in beaucoup deep kimchee.  Welcome to the winningest HFR in quite a while.

Now there are two kinds of winning.  First is when your enemies are taking it in the shorts.  Second is when you’re getting cool stuff accomplished.  We have both kinds this week.  The first is more fun as it’s schadenfreude in spades.

So here we go – you’re going to love this… but be warned, it’ll make you cry at the end (no fair peeking…)



providential-presidentRemember the day for it may go down in history – September 19, 2017 – the day the leaders of the world learned America has a Providential President.

No one ever has talked to them like that – ever, not even Ronaldus Magnus.  Trump’s speech to the UN was Reaganesque on steroids.  The most entertaining moment came when he condemned “the socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.”

Watch Trump’s expression in the clip below after he delivers this line:

“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”  
The leaders had just applauded his call for “the full restoration of democracy and political freedoms in Venezuela.”  But when they heard that, they were stunned into silence or nervous laughter.  As he waits through their shock, his smirk tells you he knew exactly what he was doing.

He was fully aware that the majority of people he was talking to were corrupt socialist despots – this is the UN General Assembly after all – who justify their rule with the same socialist bromides of being “for the people” as does Maduro.

So he stood there through their shock, daring them not to applaud – which they then reluctantly did.  Then he drove it home:



mount-everestIs seeing Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain at 29,032 feet, on your bucket list?  Funny thing is, trekkers who spend two weeks huffing and puffing up steep Himalayan trails to Everest Base Camp never see the mountain, except its point at the top as it’s always blocked by other mountains in the way.

Above is a view of Everest no one gets to see – the entire “Western Cwm” above the Khumbu Icefall, with the full Southwest Face of Everest on the left and straight ahead its sister peak of Lhotse, the world’s 4th highest mountain at 27,940 feet.

No one, that is, except for those who’ve been with me on my three Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions.  Now I’m leading my fourth and last this November.  This is beyond any doubt the single greatest one-week adventure it’s possible to have on earth right now.

For in going to Everest and Lhotse we’re just getting started.  We go to all eight of the highest, most magnificent mountains in the Himalayas.  We visit remote Sherpa villages, and a hidden Tibetan kingdom forbidden to get to until recently – it’s the last remaining true traditional Tibetan culture in the world.

The High Lama of the Kingdom of Lo

The High Lama of the Kingdom of Lo




Candidate Trump’s “No Amnesty” pledge August 31, 2016

It’s 6am and I’m back in the HFR saddle.  I’m very grateful for Rod Martin and Jack Kelly so ably standing in while I was gone – thanks, guys!

I always look forward to early Friday mornings, ready to roll with the HFR.  Yet it’s called the Half-Full Report to avoid being Pollyannic – and let’s face it, Pollyanna is in the Intensive Care ward this week hoping she won’t be on life support soon.

This has been building for some time – a series of unforced errors accumulating towards disaster.  And now it has come to this: #AmnestyDon is the new hot Twitter hashtag; Leftists, Never-Trumpers Gloat over MAGA Voters’ DACA Dismay is the headline this morning, and people are burning their MAGA hats.

This is true tragedy, a self-inflicted one of Greek Mythology proportions.  President Trump has dug himself into a deep hole, and it’s not just his DACA dance with Chuck and Nancy.

Yes, that’s pretty glass-emptying.  Yet, actually, lots of cool stuff happened this week.  So let’s get to it.



Stefan The Great defeating the Ottoman Moslems January 10, 1475

Stefan The Great defeating the Ottoman Moslems January 10, 1475

Zagreb, Croatia.  I have just completed my expedition through Hidden Eastern Europe, primarily through much of the Balkans.  It has been a historical lesson of sobering immensity.

Today is the 16th anniversary of the most evil attack on America in our history.  More morally evil than Pearl Harbor, which was an act of war targeting US military personnel (of the 2403 deaths, 68 were civilians). 9/11, by contrast specifically targeted civilians on purpose.  2,977 innocent human beings were slaughtered by Moslem terrorists, of whom 2,508 were civilians.

The Wikipedia entry on 9/11 casualties states:  “The attacks of September 11, 2001, were the deadliest terrorist act in world history.”

If you click on that latter link, up will come a list of 173 of the worst terrorist attacks, starting with 9/11.  Scroll down the list and you’ll be overwhelmed at how many are attributed to “Islamic extremism” – 120 out of 173.

The Moslem Atrocity of 9/11 is a trauma America will never forget and never forgive its perpetrators.  What Americans should also never forget is its context.  Here in the Balkans is where you learn that context in spades.

We suffered one horrific attack of Islamic barbarism.  What would it be like to suffer an unending series of slaughters and enslavements for century after century, for four or five hundred years?



Destroying history – Antifa is America’s Taliban

Destroying history – Antifa is America’s Taliban

Have you ever had a time when you hated being right about something? You predicted something truly awful was going to happen, and sure enough it did? How did that make you feel? Happy that you were correct, or miserable as you wish you had been wrong?

For me, it’s the latter. For years I have been explaining how and why the Left – which has taken over the Democrat Party, the Fake News Alt-Left Media, Academia and much more – is Hate America Fascist fomenting the worst racial problem our country has: anti-white racism.

Recently, I began warning that the Left was becoming overtly Nazi, its anti-white racism metastasizing into Nazi genocidally murderous hate with Whites as the new Jews. Please consider re-reading The Nazi Left and the Source of Trump Hatred (June 9).

This has been the week when all that came nightmarishly true. And it is all horribly worse than I ever imagined. There is, though, hope and silver linings.

You won’t believe what POTUS’ tweet on Black Jack Pershing implies. It’ll set your mind on fire. There’s lots more. Here we go…



horatioOnce upon a time in days of long ago when kids in school were actually educated, they all knew the story of Horatio at the Bridge.

Winston Churchill committed all 600 lines of Macaulay’s famous poem about it to memory as a young boy, a story of epic heroism that inspired him all his life.

Horatio, or Publius Horatius, was a soldier in the fledgling Roman Army in 508 BC when the small weak city-state rebelled against rule by the Etruscans. His nickname was “Cocles,” meaning one-eyed as he had lost an eye in a previous battle. A huge Etruscan army attacked, slaughtering the Roman army, the remnants of which fled across the narrow Pons Sublicius bridge over the Tiber River and through the gates to the city.

As the Etruscans stormed over the bridge to sack and destroy Rome, one man stood in their way and defied them. Horatio yelled back at his fellow Romans to cut down the bridge behind him while he fought and killed the Etruscans before him.

Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the gate: “To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his gods,

“Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, With all the speed ye may; I, with two more to help me, Will hold the foe in play. In yon strait path a thousand May well be stopped by three: Now who will stand on either hand, And keep the bridge with me?”

Do you hear America’s Horatio calling out to you?



A Reichstag Moment?

A Reichstag Moment?

Maybe it is as it all seems.  A “white Nazi” named James Alex Fields Jr. plows his car with murderous intent into peaceful black protestors, killing one and injuring a score of others, and the demonization of whites becomes fully justified in America.

A perfect moment for the Hate Trump Dems and the Left.  But maybe too perfect. Taylor Lorenz is a well-known journalist now with The Hill newspaper in DC (the “hill” is Capitol Hill, it’s certainly not right-wing).  She was right there when Fields crashed his car.  She then went to the police station where Fields was being held.  She tweeted:

lorenz-tweet-081417The incredible violence of baseball bat wielding Antifas is ignored by the Lying Swine.  This incident is being lied about in order to demonize all whites and President Trump.  It is a true Reichstag moment.



horatioOnce upon a time in days of long ago when kids in school were actually educated, they all knew the story of  Horatio at the Bridge.

Winston Churchill committed all 600 lines of Macaulay’s famous poem about it to memory as a young boy, a story of epic heroism that inspired him all his life.

Horatio, or Publius Horatius, was a soldier in the fledgling Roman Army in 508 BC when the small weak city-state rebelled against rule by the Etruscans.  His nickname was “Cocles,” meaning one-eyed as he had lost an eye in a previous battle.  A huge Etruscan army attacked, slaughtering the Roman army, the remnants of which fled across the narrow Pons Sublicius bridge over the Tiber River and through the gates to the city.

As the Etruscans stormed over the bridge to sack and destroy Rome, one man stood in their way and defied them.  Horatio yelled back at his fellow Romans to cut down the bridge behind him while he fought and killed the Etruscans before him.

Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the gate: “To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his gods,

“Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, With all the speed ye may; I, with two more to help me, Will hold the foe in play. In yon strait path a thousand May well be stopped by three: Now who will stand on either hand, And keep the bridge with me?”

Do you hear America’s Horatio calling out to you?



goolagNo need for any suspense on who is the HFR Hero of the Week:  James Damore, author of Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber that TTP ran in full on Tuesday (8/08).

It is a masterpiece of highly-educated reasoned thought, of calm scientific analysis of Google’s counterproductive “diversity” policies.  Damore was arguing for genuine diversity of thought, talent, and skills among Google’s workforce, and gave evidence that Google’s policies suppressed it.

Instantly, it was denounced by Google’s SJWs (social justice warriors) as an “Anti-Diversity Memo” when it was exactly the opposite, and got Damore quickly fired by the quivering wimp who’s the Goolag’s CEO – who doesn’t have the brains to grasp his action proved Damore’s every word.

The damage done to Google, financially and reputationally is monumental.  Google has been exposed as Orwellian fascist.  There is so much more – like what Robert Mueller is really doing, and how the Alt-Right is Alinskyizing the Left.  Here we go…



r-blumenthal-tweetRichie Blumenthal is everything Donald Trump despises. 

Even though he’s a Harvard grad with a JD from Yale Law, he’s never had a real job, never run a business, worked in government all his life, married an heiress who gave him a net worth of $70 million, lied about serving in Vietnam to get elected to the Senate (and later admitted it), and is now one of the biggest Alt-Left Hate America Cultural Marxist Jerktard Senators in Congress.

On Monday (8/07), his recent Twitter fight with the President resulted in the tweet above.

“No one is above the law” is factually and historically not true – but it should be.  Democrat Senator Blumenthal is absolutely right that no one, no matter how powerful or important, should be above the law – that if they are criminals they should be prosecuted, and if found guilty should be imprisoned.  Right, Senator?  You’re nodding your head in agreement, yes?

Good, we agree.  That means, then, that you further agree that Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, John Brennan, and Barack Hussein Obama himself, are not above the law, right?

That means Robert Mueller is not above the law, right?  That if he is clearly and overtly breaking the Special Prosecutor law under which he is acting, then he must resign or be prosecuted, yes?

Why are you stuttering, Senator?  Why is your head suddenly paralyzed so you can’t nod in agreement?  Are you having some kind of seizure?




Is Steve Miller the HFR Hero of the Week or what?  That’s the way you handle the Lying Swine.  And Tucker, whom I’ve known since he was a very young boy, performs the coup de grace: “They are buffoons, the drunk guys with bad breath at the party who won’t stop talking.”

The RAISE Act – S.354 – is fabulous.  Here are President Trump’s remarks with Sens. Cotton and Perdue on Wednesday (8/02).  This is Absolute MAGA.  Or as the Daily Mail headlined it (8/02):

Trump unveils plan to HALVE legal immigration, give preference to highly-skilled English speakers and STOP extended families getting green cards

No more chain migration.  You have skills, speak English, can support yourself – welcome to the USA.  You want to come here to get on welfare – fugetaboutit!

Of course, the Lying Swine Alt-Left Cultural Marxist Fake News Media hates it – after all, it’s pro-American worker, and blocks millions of no-skill low IQ immigrants to flood the US, collect welfare and vote Democrat.  You watched above how Steve Miller wiped the floor with CNN’s Jim Acosta.  Now watch him do the same with New York Times’ Glenn Thrush…

That’s just the start.  We have a lot of ground to cover.  Here we go…



Drudge Report screen shot July 31, 2017It is no accident, Comrades, that Drudge juxtaposed these particular headlines yesterday (7/31), together with a 10 year-old photo of Bela Pelosi celebrating becoming Speaker back in January 2007.

Pelosi ‘believes she will be Speaker again’ — ‘can smell good midterm election’ is the report Drudge linked to.  Right.  Just the day before on Sunday (7/30), the Fox News story was  Pelosi says "unimportant" for Democrats to win the midterm elections in 2018.

What this 77 year-old corrupt hag smells is the impending death of her party. 

The Lying Swine Alt-Left Cultural Marxist Fake News Media wants us to focus on sideshow antics in the White House, and ignore the massive perfect storm of scandals about to pitchpole the Dems.  As in:


As you may recall, there were no survivors on the Andrea Gail, the true story of which The Perfect Storm  movie was based.  Keep that video clip in mind when you think of the Democrat Party from now on.