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Dr. Jack Wheeler


happiness-dependsOne definition of happiness is an emotion; an internal experience based on good feelings, happy times, getting what we want. This is a fine quality to enjoy, of course, when things are going well, and one’s personal planets are aligned.

But what happens when things don’t go well, when life gets hard, when we don’t get what we want, and the work we do seems like nothing but a hard slog?

Well, in that case, the emotional definition of happiness doesn’t do us much good.

Fortunately, the emotion of happiness in the moment is only one facet of our experience of happiness. Simply put, we can feel happy about our life; happy and proud of how we deal with the vicissitudes of life, and earn a sense of genuine well being, regardless of our circumstances.

This is a much more interesting view of happiness, one which Aristotle wrote about some 2,500 years ago in his Nicomachean Ethics. This is the quality of happiness that he called “Eudaemonia,” which TTP’s resident Aristotelian Jack Wheeler translates to “success at being human.”

What are the skills we can practice to achieve that?



mad-demsJerusalem, Israel.  We’re in the middle of Hidden Holy Land II with a wonderful group of TTPers.  It’s dawn here, meaning it’s just past midnight in DC, and still yesterday in California.  By the time I wrap this up, Friday in America will have barely begun, so if any October Surprise happens today, it will have go unmentioned here.

It is extraordinary to be here at one of the great crossroads of history on the eve of America’s crossroad of history just 25 days from today.  First however, let’s reflect on what a momentous week this has been in the history of Western Civilization.  In particular, yesterday and today.

Yesterday, October 11, we celebrated the 1,286th anniversary of the Battle of Tours in 732 AD, when Charles Martel (686-741), forever known as The Hammer, and his 30,000 Christian soldiers crushed an invading horde of 200,000 Moslem Jihadis in what is now central France.

Today, October 12, is for celebrating the 526th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America, for on this day in 1492, the Great Admiral landed on Guanahani (now known as San Salvador or Watlings) island in the Bahamas.

But we’re just getting started.  We’ll go from when the first human culture began ca. 40,000 years ago to where Abraham in buried to why Dems have become as demented as Palestinian terrorists to a genius pro-Trump rapper in the White House yesterday.  Let’s go.



american-or-democratYou’ve seen it in a hundred movies or more.  It’s a plot device used over and over.  You know who the good guy is, but you’re not sure who the bad guy is.  You have your suspicions but maybe it’s someone else.  Then comes the defining moment of confirmation – when a character commits an act of irretrievable evil.

He (or she) has done something for which there is no excuse, it is irretrievable, there is no hope of recovery or salvation.  No more suspicion, the plot is now fixed and must lead inevitably towards the hero destroying the villain in a climactic confrontation.

We are living this movie right now.  We are one month away from its climax.

Most all times in our lives as individuals or those of a country, an issue is not black and white.  There are arguments on both or various sides, and we must choose where the preponderance of good lies, choose which side has more assets than liabilities.

Not this time.  Not this election on November 6.  The Democrats’ criminally deranged and morally disgusting behavior towards Judge Kavanaugh and his family is irretrievable.  They have proven beyond doubt to be an evil that must be extinguished electorally.

There is now no moral excuse for voting Democrat.  Are you an American or a Democrat?  On November 6, you cannot be both.



Fresco of a Persian woman, Ali Qapu Palace, Isfahan, early 1600s – JW photo

Fresco of a Persian woman, Ali Qapu Palace, Isfahan, early 1600s – JW photo

Shiraz, Iran.  “Where are you from?” the Iranian man asked me.

With a big smile, I happily answered, “America.”  He responded with a smile of his own.  “Ah, America… America Number One!”

He hooked his two index fingers together.  “American people, Iranian people, good… friends.”  He unhooked his fingers and waved his hand in a gesture of contempt.  “Governments, no good.”  We both belly-laughed.

This took place in November of 2014, when our government meant the despised Obama to him.  It doesn’t mean that any longer. Iran is back in the news this week, with President Trump delivering a clear condemnation in his brilliant speech to the UN General Assembly Tuesday (9/25):

“We cannot allow the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the planet’s most dangerous weapons. We cannot allow a regime that chants “Death to America,” and that threatens Israel with annihilation, to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on Earth. Just can’t do it.


We ask all nations to isolate Iran’s regime as long as its aggression continues. And we ask all nations to support Iran’s people as they struggle to reclaim their religious and righteous destiny.”

Thus I am optimistic that there’s hope for Iran.  The long – two thousand five hundred year long – history of Persia and the West is what I call The Persian Ratchet.  An ebb and flow that ratchets up and down over the centuries.  I’ve appended a summary of this history at the end.  Note it includes why Persia had its name changed to Iran in 1935.

Note also that history comes after photos of mine that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.  For now, let’s talk about the Iranian people I met a little while ago, for it is they, not their government, that give me hope.



theyre-after-you So there you have it.  You can’t get clearer evidence of this than current Dem demagoguery with Brett Kavanaugh.  Dem dirtbags have no morality whatever as any normal person has.  All they care about is gaining power over you and me, and will commit any lying, cheating, stealing, and smearing it takes to get it.

But really – we all know this, which must include Republican Senators.  While the Dems are called the Evil Party for good reasons, it’s not true that the GOP is the Stupid Party, for no one can be that blind and dumb.  No, the GOP is the Coward Party, and right now that fatal flaw may result in their extinction.

There are so many lessons and good things to know this week.  Let’s go…



face-of-pure-evilThere are times when the face of pure evil that hides behind a mask of normality displays the hideous horror of its true self.

This is what California’s Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein has done.  The ghoulish attempt to destroy a honorable man’s life with a disgusting completely invented smear for which there is no evidence whatever should disgust anyone of moral decency.

With any luck, Senate Republicans may for once have the backbone to brush aside the pathetically transparent last-moment Anita Hill-type scam and quickly confirm Judge Kavanaugh.  That, tragically, may be asking far too much of Lady Luck.

Nonetheless, it is an opportunity to expose the scam that “DiFi” has been pulling off for many many years.  For she is far – far – more corrupt, crooked, and criminal than Hillary.

And like Hillary, her husband is her partner in crime.  Just like Hillary and Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum should be in jail for the rest of their lives.

The crookedness – indeed treasonous crookedness – of Feinstein and Blum is almost beyond belief.  Equally beyond belief is the treasonous refusal of the Enemedia to expose it – exactly like their refusal to expose that of the Clintons.



peanuts-on-trumpCountdown to launch – 53 days to go until November 6.  First thing to do is watch and read then-candidate Trump’s historical battle cry in late October 2016, posted on TTP this morning: We Are At The Crossroads of History Again.

His election was a great battlefield victory in the war against the Hate America Left – but that war is far from won.  The next great do-or-die battle looms before us on November 6.

Also posted this morning on TTP is Michael Walsh’s soaringly eloquent, Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Dream.  The founding literature of Western Civilization is Homer’s Iliad, composed from centuries-old oral traditions around 700 BC.  It indeed starts with Homer’s immortal lines, which Walsh compares to the self-destructive rage of the Democrats today.

That’s just for openers.  This was an intense week, really bad for Google, Dems, the global libtard media, and good for the good guys.  Let’s go…



[This 5½ minute “Crossroads of History” speech/video by then-candidate Donald Trump was made in the closing days of the 2016 campaign, late October.  This coming November we reach the same crossroads of history once again.  Please watch, read the speech text below, send it to every single person you know, then work for a Red Wave this November 6 as if your and your country’s future depended on it – for it does. –JW]

"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

The Washington Establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interest, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind.

Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they haven't seen before. This is not simply another four year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government.



Western Cwm of Everest at 7,000m/23,000ft, Everest to left, Lhotse straight ahead

Western Cwm of Everest at 7,000m/23,000ft, Everest to left, Lhotse straight ahead

Well, this is sobering – at least for me.  Two months from now, I turn 75.

How did it get here that fast?  I haven’t a clue.  What I do know is that the older you get, the faster time goes by.  Which means, I better not slow down.

My attitude towards life is one of undiluted gratitude.  Each one of us is unbelievably lucky to be alive, to be conscious of and participate in this world.

And what a world it is.  The wonders of our world, and your capacity to experience them, are endless.

I’ve been granted by good fortune to experience so much of our world, every country on the planet in fact.  Yet there is one place more than any other that keeps calling me back:  the Himalayas.  So that is where I’ll celebrate my 75th.  Care to join me?

The highest, most staggeringly gigantic mountains on our earth are here, eight of them over 8,000 meters.  You see two of them, Everest, highest of all at 8850m/29,028ft, and Lhotse 4th highest at 8516m/27,932ft, above.  Here they are from a different angle, and  the other six. We go to them all – by the world’s best high-altitude helicopters.



kav-confirms-hearingRemember the theme of the HFR last weekA Masoquismo Continuo!  The motto of the Democrat Party-Libtard Media Complex: The Masochism Continues!

That went into hyper-drive this week.  As we know, self-styled liberal-leftie “progressives” are actually regressives advocating Venezuela as their future for America.

Okay, they’re politically regressive, but now we see before our eyes how they’ve become neurologically regressive.  They are actually turning their adult brains into those of children with no control whatever over their emotions.

Fully-adult Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in charge of Soon-to-be-Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, allowed the hearing to turn into a madhouse circus as it displayed for the world to see Democrats becoming children with spoiled brat temper tantrums.

The ultimate act of masochism is, of course, suicide.  It would be hard to get a better example of this than the death by virtue-signaling appeasement of the Left just performed by Nike.   POTUS asked the question everybody has:nike-fail There’s so much more.  The fun begins….



Leipzig, Germany, July 7, 2013

Leipzig, Germany, July 7, 2013

For over a thousand years, Leipzig has been one of Europe’s leading trade and cultural centers.

St. Nicolas Church was first built in 1165.  Subsequently transformed into a giant Gothic Cathedral, it was where Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) had several first performances.  The famous Leipzig Opera was founded in 1693. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra is one of the world’s oldest symphonic orchestras established in 1743.

Yet when I was first here in 1990 shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall,  all of these magnificent structures and every other in the city were encrusted with black sooty grime.  Everything was an ugly mess after 45 years of Soviet Communist rule.

What Leipzig has become today would have been unimaginable to the people I met in 1990, in a total daze after living most all their lives amidst the cultural wreckage of Soviet Communist tyranny.  It’s now the Boomtown (“boom-stadt”) of Germany.

This was far from inevitable.  There is no “Arc of History” bending towards progress or justice or anything else – that’s just Marxist invented claptrap.

Here’s what history really is:



Among the Queen of Soul’s many memorable songs, the one most remembered is her massive 1967 hit, Respect.  Take a moment to enjoy:

Tragically, that was the one thing the Franklin family did not give her for her funeral on Friday, August 31.

Yesterday (9/03), the Associated Press ran a story carried around the world: Aretha Franklin’s Family Says Eulogy Was Offensive.

Well, of course, one would think, that must be the “very, very distasteful” eulogy delivered by a sociology professor infamous for being a hate-filled anti-white racist, Michael Eric Dyson.  But no, they took offense not at the worst eulogy to Aretha, but the very best.



trump-pence-at-the-topA Masoquismo Continuo! 

That’s the theme for the HFR this week.  We’re adapting the motto of the RENAMO Anti-Communist freedom fighters of Mozambique (where Portuguese is the lingua franca) in the 1980s, A Luta Continua, The Struggle Continues.

Now, enjoy the motto of the Democrat Party-Libtard Media Complex:  A Masoquismo Continuo!  The Masochism Continues!

Last week’s HFR explained why Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing the Dems’ and their media poodles’ death wish.  It’s that all the passions of the Left are frenzies of masochism.

One of the behavioral rules of lefties – such as they always lie and always project – is that they always double-down.  This week, true to form, they doubled-down on their masochism.   So settle in your most comfortable chair with a full glass of a full-bodied red, and let’s have some fun.



ice-palace No one lives in this fabulous palace.

ice-city Nor is this a city at night.  Both are phantasmagorical sculptures of translucent ice.  There are scores more like it here, each competing to be more creatively beautiful and spectacular than the other.  There’s nothing like it on earth.  Where are we?



memorial-wallI’m exercising all my will power to stay calm and not hyperventilate – and I hope you will do the same.  I’m up at dawn since writing the HFR is an all-day marathon, checking the British papers as it’s still too early for those in the US.

London being five hours ahead of New York, much of the US Lying Swine media get their clues on what to morning-headline from their Limey Lying Swine counterparts.  You need to brace yourself for this.  It’s not satire.  This is the actual “news” headline in the London Independent this morning:

russian-bots So we come to an extraordinary teachable moment for all Americans.  Teachable for what?  It explains why Trump Derangement is causing the Death Wish of the Democrat Party. Here is the explanation in a nutshell.  There’s so much more in this HFR.  Here we go…



Temptation Mount where Jesus was tempted by Satan (Matt 4:8)

Temptation Mount where Jesus was tempted by Satan (Matt 4:8)

True, the Holy Land of Israel – birthplace of the two founding religious traditions of Western Civilization, Judaism and Christianity – will be around for a long time to come.

But this is the Last Chance to visit the Hidden Holy Land with me this coming October. This will be my sixth time there and the last.

We have a marvelous group of TTPers coming – and we have room for only one more couple. This really is your last chance to make your life-long dream of experiencing the Holy Land come true – with me.

So please – click here on Wheeler Expeditions Holy Land October to get the full itinerary, details, and a lot of great pictures. Let’s make your dream come true. See you in Jerusalem!



Welcome to the Unhinged HFR.

In the middle of August when the primary concern of most folks is whether the inside of their forearms is as tanned as the outside, instead we’re up to our eyeballs in unhinged news.  Feel free to say what you think we missed in the Forum.

It’s been a Wacko Week, so much so it’s hard to know where to begin.  Might as well begin the most wacko of all, CNN’s latest heartthrob even dumber than Stormy Daniels.  How dumb?  She titled her book after herself, not PDJT:  Unhinged. Let the fun begin.



trump-cures-cancerAs the flagship of the British Libtard Press, the London Guardian, celebrates today (8/16), 350 US News Outlets Publish Editorials Denouncing Trump's 'Dirty War' on Press.

The Washington Times, by contrast, flipped the game with Solidarity In The Trench.  Agreeing with the claim the media is not “the enemy of the people,” the media instead should be called “the enemy of Donald Trump,” concluding:

“Setting out to take down a president by any means necessary is not the role of a responsible press. When newspapers return to their fundamental role, the public reputation of the press will recover. The sooner the better.”

What the WashTimes also did was ask their media colleagues so suffused with TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome – to reflect on their own sins and not those solely of our President.

This is something that the Fake News Media, together with Dems on Capitol Hill, all the way to #Resistance and Antifa thugs, not only won’t do but cannot do.  Why?  What really is the source of their maniacal, hysterical, unhinged Trump Derangement?

And what could be the historical opportunity the Left is handing us and America with their dementia?





It’s ironic that the founder and communications director of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens, were having breakfast at the Green Eggs Café in Philly Monday morning (8/06) when what happened to them should be a historic turning point for every normal American.

They were beset by the crazed-with-hate fascists of ANTIFA screaming at them exactly like the crazed-with-hate fascist Democrats of the 1950s Segregationist South screaming invective at young blacks going to restaurants or schools.

Over a year ago (June 9, 2017) I wrote: The Nazi Left and the Source of Trump Hatred.  It’s critical for understanding the dementia sweeping through Democrats right now, with the critical difference between the German Nazis under Hitler and the New Nazis of the American today being Auto-Nazism.

That’s just the start of an amazingly intense week (becoming the new normal now).  Intense yes, but we’ll have fun on the way.  Let’s go.



[This essay is in honor of the 73rd anniversary of August 6, 1945]

Tinian Island, Pacific Ocean.  It’s a small island, less than 40 square miles, a flat green dot in the vastness of Pacific blue.  Fly over it and you notice a slash across its north end of uninhabited bush, a long thin line that looks like an overgrown dirt runway.  If you didn’t know what it was, you wouldn’t give it a second glance out your airplane window.

t_runway_able_1.jpg On the ground, you see the runway isn’t dirt but tarmac and crushed limestone, abandoned with weeds sticking out of it.  Yet seventy-three years ago today, August 6, this became the most historical airstrip on earth.  This is where World War II was won.  This is Runway Able.

This is where President Truman had the courage to achieve victory over a fascist enemy because he knew the American people would vindicate it.

President Trump has that same courage.  His presidency is a gift to America from Providence.  Now the moment is arriving when Americans must prove worthy of that gift.



Posted on #WalkAway July 24, 2018

Posted on #WalkAway July 24, 2018

It’s August.  It’s hot.  Time for a cold beer, relax and have fun.  Let’s have a Fun HFR this week.

Might as well begin with the HFR Hero of the Week.  Of course, that’s the Divine Sarah.  How can anyone except a libtard not love Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  From yesterday (8/02).  Enjoy.





that-was-awesomeThe #1 Best Seller (nonfiction) on Amazon today (8/02) is Greg Jarrett’s The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.

It was released 10 days ago (7/24) and instantly shot to the top of the list.  I’ve been buried in it every spare moment I have for the last several days.  I’m not done yet but I can already tell you the case Jarrett makes is simply overwhelming.

Overwhelming in many ways.  The depth and extent of Obama government corruption, the willingness to overtly suborn the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA for egregiously illegal political purposes, to risk the ruination of the entire justice system of the Federal Government and public faith in it.

The evidence for all of this is irrefutable.  Obama’s Director of the FBI, James Comey, Obama’s Director of the CIA, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and so many others directly under them are corrupt to the core.  The level of corruption, of cheating, lying, and illegality permeating much of our government is staggering.

So the question is, what is to be done, now that all of this is exposed?



have-to-askWelcome to Yes the Insanity Continues, It’s Going to Get Worse for Them but Better for Us HFR.  So let’s talk about how Democrats and their Fake Newsers are drug pushers.

First, though, let me thank Jack Kelly for his great HFR last week while I was in Spitzbergen leading a small private group there.  Thanks, Jack!

Okay… the first thing to understand about Lefties today, from Democrat Congresscritters to Antifa to Miss Occasional-Whatshername, the latest 2-digit IQ Dem heartthrob, is that they are all drug addicts.  What’s the drug they’re addicted to?  Anger.  They’re anger junkies, rageaholics.

Turns out that anger addiction is a neurochemical brain disease just like addiction to opiates, alcohol, or gambling.  Google “anger addiction” and you’ll get 278,000 hits.  Here’s a good explanation of how it works in the brain from Anger Addiction and Why Rage Feels So Good.

The insane levels of anger and rage reaching homicidal levels now among libtards is fomented by the anger drug pushers of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, other such media ilk and the countless Twitter hashtags they spawn.

Just like there’s AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – for alkies, there’s RA for anger addicts: Rageaholics Anonymous.  Consider sending the link -- -- to folks at CNN like Jim Acosta or at MSNBC like that androgynous Madcow person, and suggest they sign up.

Okay – this HFR is really fun and really informative.  Here we go…



honorable-folks-not And Rat Rosenstein, Songbird, Dem Traitorcrats, the GOPe, the Enemedia, and the entire Deep State?

Just when you think there’s no possible way these morally diseased folks could become crazier than they are already, they dig themselves even deeper into the depths of dementia.

I won’t bore you with repeating their lunatic tweets and public statements over what a traitor Trump is for refusing the bait in the trap they set for him last Friday the 13th.

The ludicrousness  of the trap is brilliantly explained by Andy McCarthy: Mueller’s Politicized Indictment of Twelve Russian Intelligence Officers.

“Make no mistake: This is nakedly politicized law enforcement. There is absolutely no chance any of the Russian officials charged will ever see the inside of an American courtroom. The indictment is a strictly political document by which the special counsel seeks to justify the existence of his superfluous investigation.”
Then Andy spotted the real bombshell of Rosenstein’s announcement of Mueller’s phony indictments:




Where Jesus was born, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Israel

Is there a Christian who hasn’t dreamed of being, once in their lives, at the very spot where Jesus was born?

Or laying their hands on the Stone of Anointing, the slab Jesus’s body was laid upon after being taken down from the Cross?

Stone of Anointing – Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Slab of Anointing, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, Israel

Is there a Jew who hasn’t dreamed of praying at the Western Wall?

Western Wall, Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel

Western Wall, Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel

Israel is called The Holy Land for very good reason. It is the birthplace of the two founding religious traditions of Western Civilization. If you’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced this sacred land, that’s wonderful.

But if you haven’t, you know you have to in your lifetime. That time is nowakoshav in transliterated Hebrew.

It’s now because we are fast running out of time for TTPers to go on Hidden Holy Land II in October (October 8-18). October is when the weather in Israel is perfect with hotels and reservations being taken fast. We have room for only one, possibly two more couples, then we must close it out. No more room at the inn.

It’s now because this is the last time I’ll take TTPers to Israel. I’ve been there at least six times now, I’m turning over Wheeler Expeditions to my sons Brandon and Jackson next year. If you want to go with me to Israel, it’s this October.

It’s now because we have a marvelous group of your fellow TTPers coming. I know them all. We all see the world eye-to-eye. You’ll love being with them (and make lifetime friends).

It’s now because there is no better exploration of the Holy Land than what I've put together. I personally designed our itinerary, there’s nothing else like it. Read Hidden Holy Land II on the TTP left side bar to see for yourself.

It’s now because you know in your bones that your life will feel incomplete if you don’t make The Holy Land a part of your life, and in a deep, rewarding way.

That’s certainly what happened to TTPers on Hidden Holy Land I last April. Here’s what one of them, Mike Cooley, posted on the TTP Forum (6/16):

“I can attest to what an amazing trip this is. If you are considering a trip to the Holy Land, THIS is the one to go on. Why do I say this? The statement that you will go places and see things in the region that other trips do not go near is NOT an exaggeration.


I was a member of the last expedition, and I had stayed an extra night in Tel Aviv. While there, I met and told some local Israelis about the trip that I had just completed, and they were ASTONISHED to hear that I had been to Hebron, the Golan Heights, I walked through knee deep water in hand-carved tunnels underneath Jerusalem that are over 2,000 years old, and the list rolls on.


The lodging, food, and local expert guides were all outstanding. THIS is a tour that takes you places few other tours, and a great many Israeli residents, seldom make it to.”

It’s now because as they say in Israel, vam la 'akoshav, ayemtey? If not now, when?

So click here for the details on The Hidden Holy Land II. Now. I’ll see you in Jerusalem. Israel now! L’Chaim!



Welcome to the Friday the 13th HFR.  It’s a good day for Democrats to be Friggatriskaidekaphobics.  Strzok the Smirking Schmuck is now the face of the Democrat Deep State attempting a coup to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

In the hearing yesterday (7/12), Democrats completely disgraced themselves.  Constantly interrupting and being obnoxious as possible, talking about “separated children,” student debt, even Puerto Rico, they defended Strzok’s treason repeatedly, with one of them – Demtard Steve Cohen – stating that Strzok deserved a Purple Heart for enduring the hearing.

At the end of the hearing, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte told Strzok he will be held in Contempt of Congress for refusing to answer legitimate questions.

Once Goodlatte does, expect to hear a lot about something called “Inherent Contempt.”  It hasn’t been used since 1934, but there will be a clamor to use it now.

An awful lot of ground to cover in this HFR.  Here we go….



freedoms-birthday[This was originally in To The Point for July 4, 2004. This is the version for 2018.  We at To The Point wish all of you an exceedingly happy Fourth of July.]

July 4th is Freedom’s Birthday. My suggestion is, amidst the fireworks and barbeques and flag-waving fun – all of which are great – that you take the time to feel good about America.

Take the time to read the Declaration of Independence aloud with your family.

One reason is that, for all your worries about America’s culture and morality, you and all your fellow conservatives can feel good about your country. Liberals can’t. One of the defining characteristics of leftie-liberals is an inability to feel truly proud of their country – proud to the bone.

You cannot be a liberal without feeling apologetic and embarrassed over being an American. You cannot be a conservative without lacking any such embarrassment or compulsion to apologize at all.

That is why the Left is filled with so much hate and rage towards President Trump – and why we feel so much affection.  The Left doesn’t want to Make America Great Again – and we do.



Santiago de Matamoros – Patron Saint of Spain

Santiago de Matamoros – Patron Saint of Spain

In 711 AD, a Moslem army crossed the Straits of Gibraltar to conquer all of Christian Spain.  It took 750 years to kick them out.

The story is told of the Christian Reconquest of Spain – and of Spain’s patron saint Santiago Matamoros, meaning Saint James the Moslem-Killer (those are Moslem soldiers under his horse’s feet above) – in Reconquista (TTP, August 2009).[i]

Now, in a correlation of historical ironies, we are about to embark on an American Reconquista of our own.  Actually, three of them simultaneously, all deeply interrelated.

History, however, moves far faster today than in the Middle Ages.  Our Reconquista will not take centuries.  Indeed, victory over all three could well be before the end of the Trump Presidency in 2024.

Let’s start with the most immediate.  Two days ago on July 1st, Mexico declared war upon the United States.



man-or-liberalWith the Fourth of July right around the corner, we have so much to celebrate this week that the question is not, Are you tired of winning yet?.  The question now is, Have you run out of popcorn yet?.  Better buy a lot more.  This show just keep getting better and better.

This is the week, to take a prime example, that exposed The Brittleness of the Left (6/28).  Tossing modesty aside, it’s the Must-Read of the Week (and it’s Free, you can send it to everyone you know) – in which we learned that it’s not just college kids, it’s that all Lefties are snowflakes.

A key character trait of all Liberal-Lefties is avoidance of personal responsibility, acceptance of which is a necessary condition for being an adult.  Thus a physically grown male Lefty remains a man-child, while a female Lefty remains a woman-child – for the above meme applies to both genders.

Another necessary condition of being a real adult, man or woman, is one’s capacity for reason to override one’s emotions.  Lacking this capacity is what makes children crybabies ruled by their feelings – which is exactly what Lefties are.

Leftie crybabies have been on bright klieg lights display this week like never before.  Here’s a trio of examples you’ll revel in.  And there’s massively more in this Fabulous Fourth of July HFR…



Justice Kennedy: “Ruth is 85 – do I tell her it’s time to retire?”

Justice Kennedy: “Ruth is 85 – do I tell her it’s time to retire?”

In 1987, I wrote an article for the Heritage Foundation entitled, "The Brittleness of the Soviet Empire."

I argued that the structure of the Soviet Empire, including the Soviet Union itself, was brittle. When a physicist describes a physical substance as brittle, he has definite characteristics in mind.

A brittle structure may be very stable. Unbending and unchanging, it may be able to withstand a great deal of pressure and remain unaltered for a considerable time. But it is inflexible; stresses cannot be redistributed except by causing the flaws to grow until a sudden, catastrophic failure occurs shattering the material and breaking it apart.

A brittle structure does not change slowly and gradually. One moment it seems sturdy and unyielding; the next moment it is in pieces.

That’s exactly what happened to the Soviet Union.  That’s exactly what’s happening to the Left in America today.  As in today, June 28, 2018.  Mark the date.  Millions of Lefty Trump-Haters feel just like this guy as you are reading this:



i-dont-care-jacketWOW… Who knew FLOTUS is a PR genius?  And the gutsiest.  She’s learned from the master, who happens to be POTUS.

Without saying a word, the world’s High Fashion Queen wore a $39 Zara jacket that annihilated, nuked, obliterated, tore to shreds, made mincemeat of every demented proto-hominid Trump-hating has-been celeb from Samantha Bee, Kathy Griffin, Peter Fonda, Robert DeNiro on down plus their Fake Newser megaphones.

The headlines started appearing last night (6/21).  By early this morning (6/22, 830AM), Googling Melania + “I Really Don’t Care Do U?” got 47 million 700 hundred thousand hits.

Talk about shock and awe, a total wipeout firestorm meltdown in the Libtard Enemedia.  It hit them right between the eyes like a punch from Rocky Marciano, yet they were too brain-dead to get the message.  The number of headlines describing as “baffling” what Melania has done is uncountable.

Everything about this is no accident, comrades.  The cheap jacket instead of her usual haute couture coat costing thousands emphasized how cheap and worthless she regarded her and her husband’s hate-filled critics.

Wearing it on a solo visit to an illegal alien children’s shelter on the Tex-Mex border – the status of whom is the Fake News’ freakazoid hysteria of the moment – emphasized that, while of course she cares for children, she couldn’t care less about the phony manufactured Fake News crisis about them.

The words on the back, in white paint like graffiti on a wall, carried an ice-water bath of a message.  That of course she cares for her children like any mother – she called the Secret Police to go after Peter Fonda after he threatened Barron – the people spewing filth and lunacy mean nothing to her.

And so much more.  For the question, “Do U?” means they should mean nothing to you either.



great-blue-hole This is the world renowned Great Blue Hole of the Caribbean, made famous by Jacques Cousteau.  It’s part of the Belize Barrier Reef, the third largest coral reef system on the planet.

I was lucky to go scuba diving here and can attest, here is one of the world’s great dive sites.  Nearby is the idyllic island of Ambergris Caye (those Brits, spelling it “caye” and pronouncing it “key”), right off the Belizean coast.

belize-beach Belize is unique among the countries of Central America.  One of the things that makes it so is my friend and fellow TTPer Mike Cobb – whom I call the Entrepreneur in Paradise.



enoughThere’s a scene in John Wayne’s greatest movie, The Searchers, where Ward Bond stops Wayne from killing a savage Comanche who had slaughtered his brother’s family and raped-murdered their daughter.  “That tears it! Wayne shouts, as he vows to hunt down the savages without him.

And he does.  Near the movie’s end, he finds the Comanche chief “Scar” and scalps him.  That’s the way I feel towards the Trump-hating, America-hating Left right now – from Hollywood “celebrities” to CNN/NYT Fake Newsers to Deep State criminals like Comey and Brennan.

I want their scalps.

Earlier this month (6/05), I wrote “Where’s the Left’s Horse? It referred to the famous scene in The Godfather when the movie producer who had insultingly refused a polite request from the Godfather woke up the next morning with the bloody head of his beloved horse in his bed.

“What is it,” I asked TTPers, “that, if it happened to the Left’s culture mavens, from the New York Times to Facebook, Twitter, and Google, they would react with total submissive terror the same as the movie producer in The Godfather?”

TTPers responded with more posts on the Forum than we’ve had in some time.  I appreciate them all.  Yet in the meantime, Left Derangement has gotten worse.  There’s no time to lose, the time is now for radical solutions.



trumps-best-birthday It’s 6AM on Friday morning (6/15) and this is still the lead headline on Drudge from yesterday.

Living well and successfully is the best revenge, the adage goes, so just think of how this boils the bile of Punchy DeNiro, Crooked Hillary, Lyin’ Jim Comey, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, Crazy Maxine Waters, Pelosi Galore, the Corrupt Fake Newsers of CNN/New York Times et al, and every Trump Hater in America.

Makes your heart sing, doesn’t it?  To rub it in more, history will record this as one of the great photos of the 21st Century:

greatest-photo-of-21st-century I’m up at dawn because I know this HFR is going to take me from sunrise to sunset.  So much has gone on this week it’s overwhelming.  The best way to get at it is to go day by day.



TTPers overlooking Jerusalem – April 2018

TTPers overlooking Jerusalem – April 2018

TTP and Wheeler Expedition’s The Hidden Holy Land in April was such a smashing success that so many of you have asked – Can you do this again, and soon?

We are happy to comply – Hidden Holy Land II will be this October:  October 8 to 18.

If there is one place on more TTPers’ bucket lists than any other, it’s the birthplace of the two founding religious traditions of Western Civilization, Judaism and Christianity.

You could spend a lifetime in the Holy Land and not see it all, for under every rock there’s 4,000 years of extraordinary history.  Yet millions of visitors come here and see so little.

They go to the famous places, take a lot of pictures, hear a lecture most of which they forget once they’re back home, and that’s about it.  Israel, the Holy Land?  Yeah, been there, done that.

So how about doing it for real?  That means:

*Experiencing all those famous places to get an in-depth understanding of what actually happened there and why.

*Experiencing places you never heard of, yet are equally fascinating.

*Experiencing Israel on a personal level, making friendships that last a lifetime with people who live here.

*Gaining a revelatory grasp of modern Israel that’s deeper than has anyone you know.

*Having all of this sink into your bones so you never forget it as long as you live.

Isn’t that what’s on your bucket list?



Welcome to the Hahahahahah! HFR.  I cannot recall a week that has brought me so many belly-laughs as this one.  I think you’ll agree.

Let’s, however, pull some heartstrings first.  On Wednesday (6/06), President Trump commuted the life sentence with no parole for Alice Marie Johnson, who was in her 21st year of federal prison.  Here she is greeted by her family upon her release:


She expresses nothing but thankfulness and gratitude, looking at the television cameras to say “God bless America.”  In an interview with the Associated Press, she said:
"I'd like to say, President Trump, thank you for having mercy upon me. Thank you for taking the time to look at my case, and feel like I deserve a second chance in life. I promise I will not let you down."
Okay, ready to laugh your head off?  Here we go…



It’s one of the most terrifyingly memorable scenes in all motion pictures.  If you’ve ever seen The Godfather, the 1970 original, you’ve never forgotten it.

The Godfather’s consigliore goes to see a famous movie producer about a movie role for his godson.  This is what happens:


In a subsequent scene, it’s casually mentioned in passing that the godson got the role.

I was prompted to recall this by the events of the last several days.  You can prod and prod and prod someone until they finally snap and can’t take it anymore.  Everyone has their limit and I have reached mine.  I want to know where the Left’s horse is.



It’s one of the most terrifyingly memorable scenes in all motion pictures.  If you’ve ever seen The Godfather, the 1970 original, you’ve never forgotten it.

The Godfather’s consigliore goes to see a famous movie producer about a movie role for his godson.  This is what happens:

In a subsequent scene, it’s casually mentioned in passing that the godson got the role.

I was prompted to recall this by the events of the last several days.  You can prod and prod and prod someone until they finally snap and can’t take it anymore.  Everyone has their limit and I have reached mine.  I want to know where the Left’s horse is.



Welcome to the Bogart In The White House HFR.


 Bogart as Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon with Mary Astor and Peter Lorre


POTUS in Nashville, Tuesday May 29

Then we have the Trump Lesson of the Week – perhaps of the entire Trump Presidency, all 8 years of it.  It takes Nicky Parsons in The Bourne Supremacy a few seconds to describe Donald Trump to a T… That’s just for openers.  Here we go with one amazing week.