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Dr. Jack Wheeler


atlantic-paradise For the past two weeks, we explored The Atlantic Paradise of Madeira, then The Atlantic Paradise of Faial.  Our grand finale this week is the most magical of all.

It’s almost surrealistically beautiful as you can see. The islanders are friendly, hospitable, devoutly Christian, and proud members of Western Civilization.  A great many speak English, but there are not a great many of them.  They number 140,000 spread out over 300 spectacularly scenic square miles.

They love drinking parties, cheerful festivals, and bright colors – with their charming homes painted the color of key lime pie, raspberry mousse, or oceanic blue, and gaudily decorating prayer chapels called Imperios.

They love liberty so much they’ve had this motto emblazoned on their coat of arms for centuries:  Antes morrer livres que em paz sujeitos Rather die free than live in peaceful subjugation.  This is a TTPer’s true paradise.



national-emergency This is National Emergency,” the latest work of America’s Patriot Artist Jon McNaughton.

From left to right, the traitors depicted are:  Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

Many more could be added, from the gaggle of Dem presidential aspirants like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker to big tech fascisti like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey.

Yet they are not merely traitors to America.  They are traitors to the entire human race, born and unborn.  They have become fully Satanic, worshipping horrific evil with their only moral code being any means whatever are justified to achieve their fascist ends.

What can be done to stop them?



snake-attacks-birdThis is a real picture, taken by famed French nature photographer Laurent Schwebel.  I want you to look at this picture long and hard so it burns into your brain.  It should give you nightmares preventing a good night’s sleep.

For this is what the Democrat Party is going to do to America in the November 2020 election – eat and swallow it whole.

President Trump is going to lose reelection in 2020 to whomever the Democrat candidate will be, no matter how pro-infanticide, anti-gun, and Anti-Semitic Fascist Left they are.

Not only that, the Democrats will expand their majority in the House, and gain majority in the Senate.  Further, a substantial number of Republican governorships and state legislative majorities will fall to the Democrats as well.

How can all this be so confidently predicted with 100% assurance?  Because the awful truth of Stalin’s observation now guarantees it in America.



atlantic-paradiseLast week we explored The Atlantic Paradise of Madeira.  Now we venture further out into the Atlantic to another paradisical island called Faial (fee-ahl).

During the Middle Ages there were legends of islands in the unknown Atlantic as the remains of the “lost continent” of Atlantis, based on Plato’s myth after which the unexplored ocean was named.  (As we discussed in The Real Atlantis, the basis of the myth is the Minoan Civilization of Crete in the eastern Mediterranean.)

This intrigued the man who launched Europe’s Age of Discovery, Portugal’s Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460).  After Henry’s revolutionary new caravel sailing ships discovered Madeira in 1418, and Portuguese settlers began flocking to the uninhabited island, in 1431 Henry dispatched his commander Gonçalo Velho to see if the rumors were true.

Velho found them 850 miles off Portugal.  He and his men were the first human beings in history to set foot on them.



CPAC 2019 started off Wednesday (2/27) with a bang with this video.  The highlight of course is President Trump speaking tomorrow morning (11:30am 3/02).  As you know, he returned from his Hanoi Summit with Kim Jong-un a little early.

The first thing that drops your jaw about this event is the amazing extent to which our POTUS is greeted as the world’s greatest rock star by the Vietnamese.

Actually, because the Fascist Fake News Media suppresses it, few understand the extent to which President Trump is a hero to countless millions in countries all over the world.  But how astounding it must be for Vietnam Vets to see this in Vietnam still run by the same Commies they fought a half century ago.

Yet there it is, especially among young Vietnamese guys in Hanoi – the grandchildren of the Viet Cong, who so admire Trump they are flooding Hanoi barbershops to get Trump haircuts.

What POTUS pulled off yesterday (2/28) – walking from the summit – stunned tout le monde, not least the Norks and Chicoms.  What a cold shower awakening to what they are up against in El Donaldo.  Here we go, a great HFR for a great week.



madeira-paradise At Wheeler Expeditions, we define an “expedition” as an adventure with a purpose, with a mission to be accomplished.

We have hard core adventure expeditions exploring the Gobi Desert or the Amazon, overland expeditions across Central Asia or the Sahara, helicopter expeditions through the Himalayas or the Albanian Alps, cultural expeditions to Israel’s Holy Land or tribal people in Southeast Asia, safari wildlife expeditions to Zambia or Borneo.

Then there’s a fun expedition – with the purpose and mission to simply enjoy being in magical places with luxury accommodations, wonderful food and wine, surrounded by natural beauty, Goldilocks weather (not too hot, not too cold, just right), exploring something cool to see and do around every corner, just relax and have fun.

Ideally, such places would be easy to get to and nearby – not half-way around the world.  And where it won’t cost an arm and a leg to have a life-memorable experience you’ll always remember with a smile.  Oh, without a lot of time, say in about 10 days or so.

Well, there are such places – and we’re going to a trio of them this coming June.  We call them Atlantic Paradises. We’re going to focus on one this week – the Portuguese island territory of Madeira.



jussie-was-lyingSo, last May Roseanne Barr gets fired within hours by ABC after SJWs freak out condemning one single short tweet as “racist” (which it wasn’t, she was ridiculing ValJar’s looks, not her race, thought she was Saudi, not black).

And what do we wake up to this morning with the huge lead headline on Drudge?  A disgustingly obscene photo of a disgustingly depraved Trump-hating scumbag who was arrested yesterday (2/21) for his disgusting crime linking to this story: Jussie Smollett Returns to ‘Empire’ Set as Fox Struggles to Decide His Fate.

“Struggles”?  The evidence of Smollett’s hoax is overwhelming.  The retard wrote a check to pay his two accomplices staging his phony MAGA attack.  The two perps have confessed.  Fox pretending to be a conservative media company is as much a hoax as Smollett.

In announcing Smollett’s arrest yesterday, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Smollett orchestrated a "phony attack" in order to take "advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career."  Visibly upset, Johnson said to reporters:

"I'm left hanging my head and asking why? Why would anyone, especially an African-American man, use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations? How could someone look at the hatred and suffering associated with that symbol? How can an individual who has been embraced by the city of Chicago turn around and slap everyone in this city by making this false claim?"

The noose is the key to all of this.  Take a look at this picture:



Dhaulagiri – North/Northeast Face ©2019 Jack Wheeler

Dhaulagiri – North/Northeast Face ©2019 Jack Wheeler

For the past three weeks, in our exploration of the greatest mountains of the Himalayas, we’ve learned the route to Everest, Lhotse, and Cho Oyu, that to Makalu and Kanchenjunga, and to Manaslu and Annapurna.  In our final route, we’ll explore Dhaulagiri – and two fascinating regions nearby.

Remember this sat photo from last week?

annapurna-range This week, we’re not only going to the 7th highest mountain on earth, but the Hidden Tibetan Kingdom of Lo in Mustang, and the Sacred Blue Lake of Phoksundo in the wilds of Dolpo – yes, it really is that unbelievable color of blue.

By the end, we’ll have been to all eight of the “eight-thousanders” (8,000 meters+) in the Himalayas of Nepal – a feat few people have ever experienced.



Last Saturday through Tuesday (2/09-12), the Carnivale di Viareggio began with its now world-famous Corsi Mascherati, the Parade of Gargantuan Floats.  These towering massive paper mâché concoctions of political satire can stand fifty feet high and weigh forty tons – and that indeed was the size of the parade float that took everyone’s breath away:  that of God Emperor Trump created by Italian sculptor Fabrizio Galli.

God Emperor Trump is a larger-than-life mythical figure.  Then there is the living human being – who we discovered this week is not a superman.  He is a man who has just broken his promise to America.  What a shame, as it overshadows what a truly awful week it was for the Fascicrats.




Annapurna I ©2019 Jack Wheeler

For the past two weeks in our exploration of the greatest mountains of the Himalayas, we’ve learned the route to Everest, Lhotse, and Cho Oyo, and that to Makalu and Kanchenjunga.  This week we explore Manaslu and Annapurna.

height-of-himalayan-giants We first note that the five “eight-thousanders” (over 8,000 meters high) we’ve been to so far are on Nepal’s borders, while Manaslu and Annapurna (along with Dhaulagiri, we’ll get there next week) are entirely within Nepal.  (Shisha Pangma is in Chinese Tibet.)  So we get to go completely around them.

We ended  our experience with Kanchenjunga by returning to our home base in Kathmandu, the famed Yak & Yeti hotel.  We’re up at dawn the next morning to board our ultra-high altitude AS 350 B3 Eurocopters and head north for Manaslu.  Here’s the trekking route around the world's eighth highest mountain at 8,163 meters/26,781 feet.



What a glorious week.  Where do we start?  How about saying hello to the flip side of MAGA:

MABA – Make Alexandria a Bartender Again.

Miss Occasional-Cortex certainly earned her sobriquet of “3B” this week – the Bug-Eyed Brainless Bolshevik – for the childish lunacy of her “Green New Deal” (the link is to the actual bill she submitted to Congress yesterday 2/07).  As one wag observed:  “It looks like something a four year-old in Soviet Russia dreamt up.”

Yet with this, you couldn’t have clearer proof that Global Warming – defined in the bill’s first sentence as “human activity  is  the  dominant  cause  of  observed climate change over the past century” – is the Left’s substitution of Marxism as the new ideological rationale for full fascist government control over everyone’s life.

That in fact is why 3B’s crusade is a cause for celebration.  So is the whole week.



choose-greatnessThere are no adequate words.  All there is, is to join the chorus of acclamation that President Trump last night (2/05) delivered to Congress and America the greatest State of the Union address ever in our history.

There are simply too many quotes and moments to mention here.  Below you can watch it entire – whether you watched it last night or not, it will blow you away – but first some observations and the best memes.

The domination of the President over the Democrats in the House Chamber was overwhelming.  They were headlighted-deer stunned to find they were attending a Trump Rally – and joining in, chanting USA! USA! USA!

There were moments when you cried, when you laughed, when you cheered and shouted with joy – and those when you just shook your head in smiling amazement, as when the entire US Congress, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Presidential Cabinet, and Supreme Court Justices joined in singing “Happy Birthday” to Holocaust survivor Judah Samet, celebrating his 81st birthday after surviving a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue last October.

So here’s a collection of quotes and memes to enjoy.



Kanchenjunga ©2019 Jack Wheeler

Kanchenjunga ©2019 Jack Wheeler

Last week in our exploration of the highest summits of the Himalayas, we ended our Route to Everest at the Red Hat Tibetan Tengboche monastery.

Having now been to world’s 6th, 4th, and highest mountain of all – Cho Oyo, Lhotse, and Everest -- this week we continue on to the giants of Makalu – the world’s 5th at 8,485m/27,838ft – and Kanchenjunga – 3rd highest on earth at 8,585m/28,168ft.

height-of-himalayan-giants Get ready for a photographic extravaganza – many of these pics might take your breath away.  Like the one above – the entire ridge line you see is over 8,000 meters, over 26,000 feet.  I took it in one of our ultra-high altitude helicopters at 23,000 feet.



Natural color NASA Sat Photo of the Great Lakes January 27, 2018

Natural color NASA Sat Photo of the Great Lakes January 27, 2019

How cold is it?  It’s so cold that, the New York Post joked about “AOC “(Alexandria Occasional-Cortex)  on its cover yesterday (1/31):

aoc-in-her-pockets It’s so cold that this morning’s headline (2/01) is for real:  Lake Michigan Has Completely Frozen Over.

Nonetheless, Occasional-Cortex and her Fascicrat ilk went bananas in rage (is there any other emotion they feel?) when POTUS made fun of their religion:

trump-tweet-012819 Yet their demented Warmist fanaticism is merely one path of many in their descent into madness this week, in which Democrats have become a party of Psychotic Fascism.  No longer a political party but a criminally evil gang bereft of any morality, just thuggish hate and lust for fascist power.

The question of the moment then becomes:  What will the President do about this in his State of the Union Address four days from now this Tuesday (2/05)?




Ngozumpa Glacier – Khumbu Himalaya ©2019 Jack Wheeler

Ngozumpa Glacier – Khumbu Himalaya ©2019 Jack Wheeler

Everyone has heard of the Himalayas and Mount Everest in particular. Yet most everyone has only a vague understanding of the most famous and highest mountain range on earth, and where the great mountains among them are in relation to each other.

Over the next three weeks, your understanding will become clear, no longer vague. This week, we’ll explore the route to Everest.

The Himalayas form a 1,500 mile-long arc from Namche Barwa in Chinese Tibet in the east to Nanga Parbat in Pakistan in the west.  But it is in the center of the arc, in Nepal that the great Himalayan giants are found, including Mount Everest.

Four of the highest – Cho Oyu, Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu – on the border with Chinese Tibet. Thus, you can trek to or climb them from either the Nepali (south) or Tibetan (north) side.

This week, we’ll explore the route to Everest and its sister peak of Lhotse via Cho Oyu in Nepal. From Cho Oyu flows the largest glacier in the Nepali Himalayas, the giant Ngozumpa Glacier which has a series of beautiful lakes, the Gokyo Lakes, alongside. That’s what you see in the photo above.

Looking to your right, you see the fifth Gokyo Lake and the source of the Ngozumpa, the 6th highest mountain on earth at 8,201 meters, Cho Oyu, the Turquoise Goddess in Tibetan. Up close, the sight is overwhelming.



Nick Sandmann – HFR Hero of the Week

Nick Sandmann – HFR Hero of the Week

Look at his eyes.  There is no fear in his eyes.  That’s the reason for the pathological hate.  Nick Sandmann is our Rosa Parks.

Just as she became an icon of resistance to the anti-black racism of the Democrat Jim Crow South in the 1950s, The Sandmann is now our icon of resistance to the anti-white racism of the Fascist Democrat Party and the Fascist Media today.

Look at his fearless eyes.  Look at his pleasant smile.  It’s not a “smirk” – it’s an expression of a friendly kid, who’s confidant in himself.  He’s saying silently, “It’s okay to be white, I have no apologies for who I am, and I refuse to sit in the back of your anti-white racist bus.”

This morning (1/25) we published Nick Sandmann’s statement, What Happened at the Lincoln Memorial.  Obviously a must-read.

On Wednesday (1/23), young Nick was interviewed by Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s Today show.  She started right out asking Nick to apologize and admit the episode was his fault.  He refused, saying “I had every right to stand there,” and “I cannot say I’m sorry.”

This 16 year-old boy has more spine than the majority of Republicans in Congress put together.  Here’s the lesson Nick Sandmann has to teach all of us who love America against those who hate us and it:




America’s Trump, Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Venezuela’s Guaidó

America’s Trump, Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Venezuela’s Guaidó

The old joke about Brazil – “It’s the country of tomorrow, and always will be” – applies to a tragic degree to the entire continent of South America.  So much potential never realized, with the single exception of Chile.

Suddenly, literally overnight – meaning last night, Wednesday January 23 – the tomorrow that never comes has arrived at long last.

It’s like a massive earthquake with the pressure building up between two tectonic plates, building up, building up, then suddenly the plates slip with the surface of the earth shifting dramatically in an instant.

That just happened in Venezuela. It’s the death of Marxism in South America.  And it’s thanks to President Donald Trump.  Oh, and it’s the death of Castro Communist Cuba as well.



pelosi-flight-postponement-letterMy ribs are sore.  Every time I see this immortal letter and all the attendant media frenzy around it, I can’t stop belly laughing.

For example – Pelosi’s taxpayer-paid junket was unannounced, the public knew nothing about it, so when POTUS blew the whistle, he exposed it but waited until the Dems were in the bus on the way to Andrews:

send-the-letter Undiluted Ronrico Purple Label 151 Proof humiliation.  Here we go…



Congressman King addressing Congress, January 11, 2019

Congressman King addressing Congress, January 11, 2019

On Thursday January 10, the New York Times ran one of its typical smear attacks on a prominent conservative Republican.  It was as fully dishonest and demagogic as usual, using the GOPer as a foil to smear the President and further the Times’ agenda of destroying our country.

This time the target was Iowa Congressman Steve King, and you can see the real target and the narrative in the headline: Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics.

It was a blatantly biased hit piece – immediately apparent in the headline, for “anti-immigrant politics” does not exist, not in Steve’s, not in President Trump’s, not in those of the GOP.  Theirs are “anti-illegal-immigrant politics,” a 180-degree difference that the Slimes purposefully ignores.

Yet it had precisely the effect intended five days later.  At 3:26pm Eastern Standard Time on January 15, 2019, the Republican Party died – cause of death: suicide.  Here’s what happened and why.



weekend-at-ginsburgs It’s not just RBG who the Dems are propping up, pretending she’s still alive and functioning.  It’s their entire party.  RBG is the perfect metaphor for Democrats today.

Her situation is dire – so much so that yesterday (1/10), Politico reported: Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible RBG departure.

Here we go, lots of fun ahead.  This is the LOL (Laughing Out Loud) HFR.  Okay, a teaser:




adventure-20192018 is history, 2019 has arrived.  What are your hopes and dreams, what do you wish to accomplish in this brand new year?

None of us is getting younger – the arrow of time only flies in one direction.  Before you know it, the adage is staring you in the face:  “I thought getting old would take a lot longer…”  If that hasn’t happened to you yet, it soon enough will.

As the years fly by, we keep saying to ourselves, “Someday, I’m going to…”  And that someday never comes.  So how about your someday coming this year – making 2019 an adventurous year doing what you’ve dreamed of?

This is going to be a busy year for Wheeler Expeditions, too much to put into one TTP article.  So I thought I’d give you a heads-up on just three.  Why don’t you let me know if any of them get your juices flowing?  Hopefully, you’ll be able to join me on at least one, or they’ll spark ideas of yours.  Let’s all look forward to An Adventurous 2019.



Welcome to the Macbeth HFR.  You just watched Sean Connery as Macbeth in the famous soliloquy of Act V Scene V, reciting what is now the theme song of the Pelosi Democrats sworn in to the 116th Congress yesterday (1/03).

Theirs is indeed, “A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Here’s the Pelosicrats’ theme song entire, as composed by William Shakespeare:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing.

Hold on to these words as you see the Dems strut and fret their hour upon the stage of Capitol Hill.  Their lives are but walking shadows lit by a brief candle, from whom we will hear no more soon enough.

Here we go for 2019.



govt-shutdownUntil funding for food stamps runs out in about three weeks or so, and Dem voters start sending death threats en masse to Upchuck Schumer saying they’re going to die without them so better him to die instead.

You thought 2018 was crazy?  2019 will be an Al Jolson year because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  So we bid a non-fond adieu to a frying pan year as we step into the fire of the next.

The Fascist Dems and Media will continue their War on Trump not just unabated but on steroids.  The real question is, can POTUS hold his base?  How many Trumpers will fight to the knife for him, how many will just give up and retreat, how many will go over to the Dark Side?

On that, America’s fate depends.

If we want to save our country from the Dem Fascisti, we must give Trump what he needs most:  tough love, not blind support.  So welcome to the Tough Love HFR at the end of 2018.



what-to-read-2018As 2012 came to an end, TTP issued the first What to Read, a list of the books I read that year.  That was followed a year later with What to Read 2013, then What to Read 2014, followed by What to Read 2015, and What to Read 2016.

Alas, it was my bad that I skipped last year, 2017.  So I thought it best to renew the tradition now.

As before, I’m keeping the list not to all the books I read this year, but to just those I thought would be of real interest to TTPers.  There are several I think it quite important for you to consider. I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two fascinating either for yourself or someone you care for.  Or a regressive libtard you want to educate and/or infuriate.

What follows is not advice for you.  Your interests are specifically yours, and none of these books may ring your bell.  But they all rang mine to various degrees.

Each of the links below are to the Amazon listing, containing multiple comments, reviews, and quotes.  You can get an idea from these if that particular book is for you.  The easiest way for me is to download the Kindle edition on my iPad – also the quickest and most inexpensive.  But if you prefer a real book in your hands, you can get that too.

There are of course constant companions ensconced in my library that I pick up and consult often – such as Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (the link is to the Kindle edition, at $4.27). Also on Kindle now are a number of masterworks by Ludwig von Mises.

Von Mises is the greatest genius of economics who ever lived.  If you need an intro, start with his compact classic, The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality.  His magnum opus is the incomparable Human Action. It is staggeringly brilliant. As one reviewer correctly observes:

“Human Action is the most important book on political economy you will ever own. It was (and remains) the most comprehensive, systematic, forthright, and powerful defense of the economics of liberty ever written.”
So here we go.  And, please let us know on the Forum what books rang your bell this year!



partridge-in-a-pear-treeI hope you had the Merriest of Christmases yesterday, Tuesday December 25, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26.  That’s today.

Ancient Christians celebrated Christmas starting with the day after the birth of Jesus and ending on January 6th with the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 known as the Epiphany.

Start with 12/26 and end with 1/06 and you get: the Twelve Days of Christmas.

No doubt you’re really tired of hearing Christmas songs by now, including this one, yet you may still be wondering what the heck partridges in a pear tree and eight maids a-milking have to do with the birth of the founder of Christianity.

So, as we do annually here at TTP as we recover from all the festivities, here’s the explanation of the song’s origin, meaning, and myth.



“He’s hot with ram induction but it’s understood, I got a fuel-injected engine sittin’ under my hood…

Shut it off, shut it off, buddy gonna shut you down!

The Beach Boys’ 1963 rocker Shutdown is the POTUS theme song today – and the music is as cool as ever.  (Proof: here they are performing at a concert in Japan in 2012 – 49years later with teenagers screaming as before.  Shutdown starts at 1:50.)

‘Tis the week before Christmas and Santa has a mixed bag for us, nice presents along with lumps of coal.  Let’s see what he’s got.



Lesley Gore’s #1 pop hit for 1963, “It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To,” is the Fake News Media’s theme song this week since learning yesterday morning (12/13) that President Trump has canceled the White House Press Corps Christmas Party.

It’s Schadenfreudelicious, yes, but so much more.  Why is the Libtard Press so upset, calling POTUS The Grinch?  Would you go to the Christmas Party of someone you hate?  Would conservative reporters been upset if Obama disinvited them from his Christmas soirée, or would they say, “Thank heavens I don’t have to go to that schmuck’s party”?

No, Fake Newsers’ undies are in a twist because the man they hate won’t kowtow to them.  “How dare you not pay homage to us!” they rage.  “We get to insult, slander, and lie about you all we want, 24/7, and you have to wine and dine us because we do, to prove our importance, to certify we deserve our self-inflated egos!”

Sorry, you fascist pigs.  America has a Real Man as President who refuses to play your game.  It’s been a good week.  Here we go…



morocco-magic There is a magic in Morocco that few other countries on earth possess.  Athwart Africa’s northwest corner at the Strait of Gibraltar, its north coast is the Mediterranean, its west coast is the Atlantic, dotted with charming ports and beautiful beaches.

The size of Texas, it stretches from these seas to deep into the Sahara Desert, with the massive snow-capped Atlas Mountains in between.  This geographical diversity provides an astonishing array of scenic beauty.

map-of-moroccoYet it is the people and their culture that provide the real magic.  They are the Berbers, one the world’s most ancient peoples.  They call themselves Amazigh, the Unconquered People, the original inhabitants of Morocco and the entire Maghreb or North Coast of Africa all the way to Egypt.

Yes, the Berbers are older than the Egyptians.  How old?  Ever hear of the Lapps of Lapland in northern Scandinavia, reindeer herders who call themselves Saami?  The Berbers/Amazigh and the Lapps/Saami – living today one in the Sahara, the other in the Arctic – are directly related.

Both are descended from the same stock of Cro-Magnon Ice Age hunters that split in two 15,000 years ago – one moving far north, the other south crossing the Gibraltar Strait to Africa.  The Moroccan Berbers today are their descendants.  (See Appendix below.)

Wheeler Expeditions is going to experience the magic of Morocco and Berber culture in early April next year.  Perhaps you’d like to experience it with me.



frackers-gift What might this be?  As it’s right close to the Tex-Mex border, you might think it’s something to do with illegals invading across it – proposed ICE Catch & Detain areas, maybe.  But no.

It’s a Christmas Present to America from the entrepreneurial heroes of America’s fracking industry and the US Geological Survey (USGS).

A lot going on this week.  Here we go…



frackers-gift What might this be?  As it’s right close to the Tex-Mex border, you might think it’s something to do with illegals invading across it – proposed ICE Catch & Detain areas, maybe.  But no.

It’s a Christmas Present to America from the entrepreneurial heroes of America’s fracking industry and the US Geological Survey (USGS).

A lot going on this week.  Here we go…



pearl-harborTomorrow, December 7, 2018, is the 77th anniversary of the “Day of Infamy” as President Franklin Roosevelt condemned it, Imperial Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.

December 7, 1941 should rightly by condemned by history as one of the most infamous in the annals of mankind – but not primarily because of the Japanese.

Rather, it was one of the greatest acts of treason ever committed by citizens of a country against their fellow countrymen, resulting in hundreds of thousands of their deaths.  That would be American Communists precipitating the US entering World War II in order to save the Soviet Union.

Here’s who they are and how they did it.



trials-for-treason-tweetWhen I first saw this Treason Meme all by itself on Drudge ereyesterday (11/28), I thought it was a funny spoof.  Then I checked Trump’s twitter feed and my jaw dropped.  POTUS himself posted it!  Whoa, Nellie.  This is deadly serious, no spoof.  And about time.

That’s quite a lineup.  Two former presidents, one of their execrable wives with her girlfriend Huma and hitman Pervert Podesta, both of Zero’s Attorneys General, his Intel and FBI chiefs, plus the Evil Duo of Mueller and Rosenstein.  The President of the United States is saying they all belong behind bars.

Which they do.  And so many others.  Where’s “Commie John” Brennan?  Slimy Andy McCabe? Where’s Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey?  Guess there was no room for them in the meme, not to mention the reporters and editors CNN, WaPo, New York Times, and others of the Fascist Media.

It’s going to be a very crowded jail cell.  Okay, here we go….



Thanksgiving TurkeyWelcome to the Thanksgiving HFR!  I hope you had a marvelous time last night, ate too much turkey and trimmings, drank too much wine or whiskey, expressed an overabundance of gratitude to Providence, and if there was some Libtard relative at the table determined to ruin things, everyone laughed at him.

As Mae West was fond of saying, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!”  And as Mark Twain observed, “Too much of something can be bad, but too much whiskey is just enough.”

There are too many blessings in my life to count that I’m grateful and thankful for, chief among them my wife and our two sons.  And right up there is our TTP community.  I so deeply appreciate all the kind comments TTPers sent me on the Forum, phone or email regarding The Lesson of Thanksgiving yesterday (11/22).  Thank you all.

We’ve got a lot of ground to cover this week – some serious, some funny, some depraved, and a lot of winning, foreign and domestic.  Let’s go…



America’s First Thanksgiving – Plymouth Rock 1623

America’s First Thanksgiving – Plymouth Rock 1623

Today, Thursday November 22, is Thanksgiving in America.  A celebration of a bountiful Autumn harvest is an ancient tradition in many cultures.

The Romans celebrated Ieiunium Cereris, dedicated to Ceres, the goddess of agriculture.  The Chinese have been celebrating Zhōngqiū Jié (Mid-Autumn Festival) for millennia.  In Japan it’s Jugoya.  For the Hindus of India, it’s Sharad Purnima.  The Celts of the British Isles celebrated Lughnasadh which is the Harvest Thanksgiving in England and Canada today.

The origin of Thanksgiving in America is traditionally that of the Mayflower Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock.  Yet the Kindergarten school plays all over the country this week, with five year-olds portraying the noble Indian, Squanto, teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves, is not how it happened.

So here’s the real history of America’s First Thanksgiving, the extraordinary lesson to be learned from it, followed by a very personal lesson I have learned this year.



As California goes, so goes the nation – into a Democrat sewer

As California goes, so goes the nation – into a Democrat sewer

Kathmandu, Nepal. I’m back from Wheeler Expeditions’ 6th Himalaya Helicopter Expedition – a mind-boggingly memorable experience all of us will treasure for the rest of our lives.

I was hoping that this week’s news might be better than that of the last.  That hope has been dashed to the degree it’s given me a wide-awake nightmare.  Let’s start with how last week’s HFR (11/09) began:

“Obviously, the majority of voters failed their IQ test on Tuesday (11/06).  My initial reaction is: forget all the silver lining, Trump-really-won Pollyanna happy talk.  This turned out really badly. 


It shouldn’t have been close, it shouldn’t have been remotely close.  The Left, the flat-out Fascism that has taken over the Democrat Party, needed to have the hell beaten out of it electorally.  Now a preponderance of voters – your fellow citizens – gave the green light for that fascism to flourish.


And of course, whenever it’s close, the Dems will use every filthy trick they know to cheat their way into victories they didn’t earn.  Already provisional ballot boxes are being discovered in the trunk of someone’s car, recounts are demanded, suddenly losers like Arizona’s Enema surge ahead, and in many other states as well.


What do we do?  We fight.  There is no other choice, other than submission to being slaves of the Left.”

What we’ve got at the end of this week is the realization of just how much we have to fight to avoid that submission, how deeply entrenched the cultural and moral corruption of the Left’s Fascism has become throughout our country.



Back to Mount Everest for my 75th

Back to Mount Everest for my 75th

Kathmandu, Nepal.  Welcome to the World Freedom Day HFR!  And to my 75th HFR!

Here is President Trump’s Presidential Proclamation on World Freedom Day. November 9 is a US federal government official observance celebrating the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent liberation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Colonial Empire from Communist tyranny.  It is a special day for me, as I was privileged to play a substantive role in helping President Ronald Reagan achieve this.

Today is also a very special personal day for me as it is my birthday – my 75th birthday in fact.  I call it my Himalayan 75 that I told you about last September, as I embark once more on Wheeler Expeditions’ Himalaya Helicopter Expedition.

And best of all, both of my sons, Brandon and Jackson, are here in Kathmandu with me.  We’re operating two HHEs this fall season, and Brandon just finished leading the first, while Jackson is co-leading the second with me starting tomorrow.  What better birthday present could I have than my two sons joining me to make Wheeler Expeditions a family business?

Being in the Himalayas is isolated from the world.  So tell me – did anything important or interesting happen in the US or elsewhere this week?  Didn’t we have some kind of election?  How’d that turn out?

Okay, seriously, folks, here we go.



The Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles

Nothing to do on Election Day but wait for the verdict.  We need a break from all the frenetic frenzy swirling around us.  So why don’t we all relax, forget about everything for a moment, take your mind off it all, while I tell you a story.

Gather around, boys n' girls, and let me tell you a story about moral debauchery during the greatest age of intellectuality mankind has ever known, about kings and concubines, dukes and adulterers, heroism and war, with an ending that will change the way you look at the most mundane everyday thing.

We are in 18th century France.  The Sun King, Louis XIV (1638-1715), is dead, his 72 year reign of total extravagance ending with a catastrophic war lasting 14 years and bankrupting his nation (the War of Spanish Succession 1701-14).  Louis' great-grandson is his only descendant left alive, who becomes Louis XV (1710-1774) at age five.



newyorkers-halloween-election Welcome to the Happy Halloween HFR!  There will be plenty more trick-or-treats in the next 80 hours or so until Election Day, but those this week have been corkers.

In addition to holding massive record-breaking rallies all over the country for GOP candidates with his inexhaustible energy, the President has been triggering the Enemedia into meltdown after meltdown all week long.

He freaked them out yet again yesterday afternoon (11/01) in his White House speech, here in full at TTP:  Our Illegal Immigration Crisis and U.S. Border Security.  This is what in particular gave them ‘splodey heads…

An amazing week, it’s looking good, here we go!



vote-dana The lead article on Breitbart this morning (10/31) is: “Ten Races Could Determine Who Controls House After Midterms.”

One of the ten is California CD 48:

CA-48: Incumbent Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-48) now has a two point lead in this Orange County district over his Democrat challenger, Harley Rouda, in a poll released by Monmouth University last week. While still a statistical tie, a poll earlier this month showed the two candidates in a dead heat, 48 percent to 48 percent.


For more than half a century, Orange County was the strongest Republican county in California. This district, however, has been moving slowly left for some time. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the district by two points.”

The Left has always hated Dana for his key role in getting rid of their idol, the Soviet Union, for being so unapologetically conservative across the board – for 30 years the ACU Ratings of Congress has given him a well over 90% conservative score (latest ranking 94.42%) – and now so totally pro-MAGA.

The difference is that this year, the Left and the Dems have been pouring money into the campaign of Dana’s opponent, a carpetbagger from Columbus, Ohio named Harley Rouda, Jr.  His father, Rouda, Sr., was a self-made entrepreneur who built a very successful business from scratch (HER Realtors in Ohio).

Harley, Jr. is an all too-typical child of inherited wealth, who having never earned his money resents and apologizes for it by embracing socialist-fascist anti-capitalist left wing causes and politics.  So he moved to California and is trying to buy a seat in Congress and join Nancy Pelosi in trashing America.

As reported by Breitbart (10/12), Rouda supports every far-left position there is, open borders, amnesty for illegals, sanctuary cities, pro-abortion, the entire Pelosi-Bernie-Antifa agenda.

So far, Dana’s popularity has been able to fend Rouda off.  But just now, radical left-wing billionaires have suddenly flooded Rouda’s campaign coffers with millions.

On October 25. The Orange County Register reported that Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Spends $4 Million to Back Rouda and Defeat Rohrabacher, Making CA-48 the Priciest House Race in the US.

Almost 80% of the $18 million-cost of the race comes from radical lefties like Bloomberg and Soros to defeat Dana.

Dana can fight back and triumph, but he needs our help to do so.



violent-right You’ve seen the screaming news today – a Democrat’s dream Alt-Right White Trump Supporter named Cesar Sayoc has been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of sending all the Fake Bombs to a dozen top Dems and Fake Newsers.

It’s simply too good to be true that this Ultimate October Surprise just fell from heaven into Democrat laps by sheer luck and chance.  The guy is a total lost soul kook who’s easily played.  He has a long history of wackdoodle threats that even Geraldo Rivera points out:

geraldoriveratweet102618 Previously, he had no history of being anywhere on the right, much less fanatically so.  Yet suddenly, his van is very professionally covered in Trump stickers and decals:

This cost a lot.  Graphic artists will tell you such a van window collages were laid out on a precision grid with each carefully sized – they can’t be lined up perfectly by taping them from inside the van.  This is pro work and he’s an indigent.  Who paid for it?

Let’s hope Wray and Sessions order a forensic exam of Sayoc’s finances.  This is a set up – Sayoc was paid well to do this by Soros or someone of his ilk.  Bet on it.  But will it be uncovered in time to undo the damage?  Will it be uncovered at all?  That’s a bet you might not want to take.

There’s lots more in this HFR – here we go….