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Dr. Jack Wheeler


obamagate-swampSorry to have to keep doing this to your rib gage, ladies & gents, but we’re still in OMAS City this week.

We started off the week with Hyperventilation Monday (5/11).

On Tuesday (5/12), we learned John Durham who leads the DOJ criminal investigation of Obama Admin crimes has a new nickname – “Full Throttle – per Fox News: Durham Moving ‘Full-Throttle’ on Russia Probe Review, Top Federal Prosecutors Involved.

On Wednesday (5/13), Chuck Grassley, Chair of Senate Judiciary, released the full list – declassified by DNI Grenell – of 40 Obama officials ordering the “unmasking” of President-elect Trump’s National Security Advisor-designate LtGen Michael Flynn, between Nov 30, 2016 and Jan 12, 2017.

It keeps going… let’s have some fun.  And learn one of the key things that makes liberals/lefties/Dems what they are.



its-on I woke up this Monday morning (5/11) to see this on POTUS’ twitter feed – and instantly began hyperventilating with goosebumps and chills.  Because this is just the opening shot – he unleashed a thunderous barrage the likes of which we have never seen.  Anyone who thinks he’s bluffing needs to see this:


Right – “He ain’t bluffing.” Take a look, all up this Monday morning:



omas-w-grenellIt’s an OMAS HFR this week. O My Aching Sides – it’s like when Donaldus Magnus warned you won’t be able to stand so much winning.  Now you’ll be begging to stop with all that’s side-splittingly hilarious this week, but we won’t stop until your rib cage is in utter agony.

And the HFR has an agonizing choice for Hero of the Week.  One of them should have been last week – my bad – and has to be this.  A second has to be as well.  And a third is pictured above.  Hint – he’s not the guy with bug eyes.  No use in choosing, has to be all Three Heroes of the Week.

So here we go with the OMAS HFR – you’ve been warned.  Let’s start with why we should be smiling along with the guy above.



“You’ve got to be careful drinking tequila, son.

You drink too much tequila, you can fall down and hurt your back.”

John Wayne’s advice to a young Jack Wheeler in 1966

Today millions of us gringos will celebrate May 5th.  Yet Cinco de Mayo is a phony tradition, a joke on los Norteamericanos, then exploited as a marketing gimmick by Mexican restaurant chains as an excuse for us to get wasted on Jose Cuervo.

We’ll have to have our own parties this evening however, as most restaurants won’t let you have one with the added farce of current lockdowns.  Yet before you get lost in Margaritaville, welcome to TTP’s May 5th tradition.

That is to explain la verdad, the truth, so you’ll understand why it should be called Cinco de Farsa, The Fifth of Farce.  This is history that you should have been taught in school but never were.

Which is, to begin with: Nobody in Mexico cares about May 5th.  Only we, us gringos, pretend to.  For if you ask just about any reveler at the nearest Pancho Villa’s Cantina or some such Mexican-themed bar anywhere in the US  -- if you can find one open – just what is being celebrated on May 5th, you’ll get either a blank stare or "It’s their July 4th " ignorance.

So here’s the true history of Mexico.  You’ll learn more about Mexico’s history in ten minutes than you ever did in school or anywhere else.



beach-after-lockdownWelcome to the May Day HFR!

In much of the world, today is Commie Day.  The link is TTP’s real history of the Left’s perversion of today:

“For millennia, especially here in Europe, the First of May was a happy, joyful celebration of life after winter, with dancing around a Maypole and crowning a pretty girl with flowers as Queen of May.

I grew up in California. When we were kids, my sisters would always get up early to pick flowers, and leave them in a basket at the front door for Mom, our family’s Queen of May.

Today is a national holiday in Germany, as it is in over 30 other countries in Europe and dozens of other countries around the world.  But not as May Day.

Instead, it’s called International Workers Day.  Since it was the invention of Communists in 1889, it should be called Commie Day.  Only Communists could take an innocent celebration of springtime and turn it into celebration of murder, terrorism, hate, and envy.  Here’s the story.” 

But not for us!  We should mark today as Liberation Day, an Anti-Communist, Anti-Fascist recapture of our most basic liberties the Left has attempted to steal from us with the excuse of a flu bug hysteria.




My fellow Americans.  I have said repeatedly during the terrible ordeal our country and the entire world has been enduring, that “the cure cannot be worse than the disease.”  Now at last we have convincing evidence that has been the case.

I have come to the conclusion, along with a substantial number of medical researchers, that the lockdowns of our society have been a gigantic mistake – rather than preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, they have prevented the virus from dying off in what is known as “herd immunity.”

The evidence of numerous antibody studies in state after state and in other countries that test if one has already been infected show clearly that the number of reported or confirmed cases is only a small fraction of actual cases.



I’m sure you are as sick and tired of nothing but garbage news 24/7 about this blanking Chicom flu, so we begin with the truly most important actual news of the week:  The Gronk is back!

Yes – on Tuesday (4/21), the most lovable, the most colorful, the most spectacularly talented touchdown-scorer in the NFL, the Giant with the Velvet Hands, Rob Gronkowski renounced his “retirement” to join the greatest quarterback in football history bidding the Pats goodbye to play for the Bucs next season.  Party time in Tampa.  Florida here we come.

Of course, it’s also endearingly cool that he’s life-partnered with a gorgeous and fun supermodel – Camille Kostek.

Colin What’s-his-name and his fellow kneelers are so yesterday.  As are lockdowns and panic-mongering by Dems and the Enemedia.  We are ready for some football this fall!



Brazil President Bolsonaro leads anti-lockdown protest in Sao Paulo (4/20)

Brazil President Bolsonaro leads anti-lockdown protest in Sao Paulo (4/20)

Sao Paulo, Brazil is one of the largest cities in the world, clocking in at close to 22 million.  Thanks to its state governor, it is in lockdown quarantine for all “non-essential” businesses, and Paulistanos are sick and tired of it.

Thus the most popular joke among them now is – “Have you heard?  No one dies of heart disease in Brazil anymore.”

Try the joke on to people you know and see if they get it.  TTPers do, but Brazilians know the China Virus Hysteria Scam much better than most Americans.  No one dies of heart disease anymore in America now, as in Brazil – unless it’s a younger person with a special heart malady – because the deaths are attributed instead to Covid-19.

Same with diabetes, high blood pressure, emphysema, pneumonia, seasonal flu – just about anything old people die of, they don’t anymore.  COVID-19, the Miracle Cure!  Who knew?



no-complyAmerica is back!  That is the thrilling message of this week.  After all the stories we’ve been hearing about Americans meekly submitting to lockdown tyrannies with state and local fascisti arresting, fining, and abusing them for trying to behave normally, we get this from millions of us announcing WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

How American can you get?  Standing up for freedom.  Standing up to tyranny.  We are witnessing the emergence of a Great American Revolution against fascist government control of our lives.  It doesn’t get better, more hopeful, more optimistic for our future as a people and as a nation than this.

It dashes the dreams of Democrats to use the virus pandemic they created as an excuse to destroy our economy and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist system in which they give the orders and we must obey.  Sorry, Leninistas, we will not comply.



worst-is-overThe story goes that early one evening after dinner in one of New York City’s best restaurants, Mark Twain was waiting outside underneath the awning over the entrance waiting for a hansom cab to take him back to his hotel.  A distinguished-looking man and his wife were waiting for their cab as well.

“Do you think it will stop raining?” the man asked Twain.  Arching his famous eyebrows, Twain looked at the man and replied, “It always has.”

Well, finally the downpour has ended.  The worst is over – yes it is.  It’s still drizzling, but soon the clouds will part and it will be blue skies again.



trump-tweet-041020Welcome to the Good Friday HFR!

Although in truth there is nothing “good” about an innocent man subjected to a horrifically primitive death punishment, which this day commemorates.  It is only good in an older meaning of the term, which is “holy” – so let’s use that:  Welcome to the Holy Friday HFR.

It is a day for somber reflection on the evil that humans are capable of inflicting upon each other.  On this particular Holy Friday in 2020, we are all in the grip of a masochistic mass hysteria perpetrated upon us with malice aforethought.

We must now quickly resurrect ourselves from this hysteria before the doom is irreparable.  One way to do so is to take the lessons of history to heart.  The mortal danger our country is in did not pop out of nowhere.  So let’s review the historical highlights of the primary group of perpetrators creating this danger.






Working together, the Communist Party of China, the Democrat Party of the United States, and the Left “Mainstream” Media plus Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Google’s YouTube) engineered a trap for President Trump, and now the trap has sprung.

If he kills the economy by continuing the lockdowns, he will get total blame for the ensuing Great Depression of the 21st Century.

If he shuts down the lockdowns to get people back to work and save millions of businesses, he will get total blame for the thousands of deaths from COVID-19.

This Catch-22 is no accident, comrades – it’s on purpose.  The goal is a two-fer:  Ruin Trump’s reelection so he loses like Hoover did to FDR in 1932, which enables the completion of a Police State Fascist America as we’re well down that path already due to the manufactured coronavirus hysteria.

Here’s how it worked.



treatment-for-covid-19 On March 18, one of the world’s most respected science journals, Nature, published this article: Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. (Note: SARS-CoV-2 is another name for COVID-19, the China or Wuhan virus.)

“In conclusion, our results show that HCQ [hydroxychloroquine] can efficiently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. In combination with its anti-inflammatory function, we predict that the drug has a good potential to combat the disease.”

President Trump’s medical advisors quickly brought the article to his attention.  The very next day, March 19, at his White House press briefing, he brought the world’s attention to the promise of HCQ (watch starting at 2:20):

“(HCQ) is showing very promising results… it could be very exciting… it could be a real game-changer.”

White House researchers soon discovered studies were being done on HCQ and the China virus from Bahrain to South Korea.  One in particular caught their eye.



“We have to take care of the cure.  That will make the problem worse no matter what.”  Yes, Dementia Joe actually said that on national television – ABC’s The View on Tuesday (3/24).

You know the ancient proverb’s warning: “Be careful what you ask for – because you might get it.”

The Dems and Libtard Enemedia, after trying every scam they could think of up to a Shampeachment against Orange Man Bad decided on one last desperate Hail Mary – generate a tsunami of Fear Porn over a flu virus from China that would wash away Trump’s economy, blame him for it, and watch his reelection go down in flames.

They got their Hail Mary fully launched into the air, receivers racing downfield for a game-winning TD – when all of a sudden linebacker Trump intercepts the ball and is running full tilt towards the Dem end zone with no one in the way.



©Jack Wheeler

©Jack Wheeler

Welcome to the Springtime HFR!  Yes, when you woke up this morning, Spring or Vernal Equinox had already happened.  From

“Astronomers can calculate the moment of the vernal equinox right down to the nearest second. This year it will occur on Thursday (March 19) at 11:49:28 p.m. EDT (0349 GMT on March 20). At that moment, the sun will appear directly overhead about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Gorontalo, a province of Indonesia — often referred to as the "Emerald of the Equator" — on the island of Sulawesi.”
That happens to be adjacent to Tana Toraja, the land of the Toraja people who practice one of the most exotic cultures on earth.  They live in extraordinarily dramatic and beautifully decorated thatch homes, and bury their dead in vertical cliff cemeteries, adorned  with painted wooden effigies of those entombed.

Exotic to the max, even macabre – but it sure is a better way to show respect for those passed on than to engage in the greatest global insanity the world has ever known.



dem-ainosWe’ve known, or at least suspected, this for a long time.  This is the week those suspicions were confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt.

On Wednesday evening (3/11), President Trump addressed the nation in calm and straightforward terms about the Wuhan Virus. At the close, he made a passionate heartfelt plea:

“We are all in this together.  We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family.”

Who of right mind and moral decency could not agree?  The leaders of the Democrat Party, that’s who.

Immediately the next day:




A select group of TTPers will be joining Rebel and me this coming May for our third exploration of one of this world’s most spectacular and fascinating yet mysterious and unknown regions – all “Five Stans” of Western Turkestan.

Here we will find the ancient cities of the Silk Road still in all their splendor, and one of the glitziest cities you’ll ever see built yesterday in the middle of nowhere. Here we will find the Mountains of Heaven, the Door of Hell, and the Seven Pearls of Shing.

For seventy years, Moscow kept one of humanity’s most glamorous and historical regions hidden from the world, reducing it to a forgotten and impoverished backwater.  With the thankful death of the USSR in 1991, all five stans were quick to declare their independence.

It has been a long and haltingly-trodden road ever since to their political, social, and economic recovery.  Nonetheless… I was first able to travel through the region in 1963 – 57 years ago at age 19 – and the differences between then and today are staggeringly exciting.

To personally encounter that excitement is one of the most profound travel experiences our planet has to offer – for there really is no place like it, historically, naturally, culturally, on earth.

This is the first of a series of introductions for you to each of the Five Stans.  We begin with Kazakhstan --  the Land of Nomads.



coronavirus-mass-hysteriaFDR was right. The only thing we have to fear is… fear itself.

It’s a genetic predisposition for many if not most people to be paranoid about something.  And if that something isn’t real, then folks make something up or hyperbolize it to the moon.

Everyone laughs at the streetcorner kook in a hairshirt and beard down to his knees carrying a sign warning, THE END IS NEAR.

But how different is the actual behavior of millions of Americans at this moment emptying out supermarket shelves of toilet paper?  (Do they think a respiratory virus causes dysentery?) Or investors who have caused the Dow to lose 5,800 points in the last 30 days?

Gotta love the Dems, though.  On Saturday (3/07), Bolshevik Bernie held at rally in Chicago for 15,000 Bernie Bros.  Dems cheer – then demand that POTUS stop holding his rallies because of the C-virus.   Dems have a neurotic compulsion to be hypocrites – and to be blind to it.



full-retardI’ll get this over with quickly.  I have had it up to my eyeballs with the Coronavirus Scare.  Clear-thinking wags are calling it A Pandemic of Stupidity.

The third most-popular imported beer in the US is Corona (after Guinness and Heineken).  A survey was just taken showing 38% of beer-drinking Americans across the country now refuse to drink Corona beer.  Corona beer = Corona virus, evidently.  That’s retarded.

Those Corona drinkers afraid to drink their beer have got be Democrats.  Trump-supporters never go Full Retard.  Hilariously full Dem retardation was on glorious display on Super Tuesday (3/03).  They now have a choice between two near-octogenarian white guys – Bernie the Bolshevik millionaire, and Dementia Joe, whose gargantuan corruption is on a par with his gaffe-tastic senility.

Which brings us to the apotheosis of Going Full Retard when, at a Pro-Abortion Rally in front of the Supreme Court on Wednesday (3/04), Dem Senator Chuckie Schumer actually physically threatened two Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch and Bret Kavanaugh.



All photos by Jack Wheeler ready-to-pounce

You’ve never had a more restful night’s sleep, being serenaded into dreamland by the soft grunting of a family of hippos in the lily-strewn pond beneath your luxury chalet.

You awake at dawn to the coughing of a pride of lions in the near distance.  Time to go on safari to track that pride while they’re on the hunt.

Your native tracker finds them quickly.  The pride pays no attention to you as you follow them.



democrat-control-sprays-fear [This bulletin is for TTPers to copy and send to friends, co-workers, and loved ones who may be in a state of panic over the media’s latest scare story.]

I’d like to suggest considering the latest bulletin on Covid-19 from the New England Journal of Medicine:

“On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity.


If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).”

Almost all deaths attributed to Covid-19 are quite elderly, in their 70s and 80s/90s and/or with compromised immune systems.  There are no deaths reported among the young, i.e., under 15 years old.



trump-tweets-022820These are the POTUS tweets this morning (2/28).  TTPers got a heads-up on Tuesday (2/25) with The Left’s Hoax of Paranoia.

Since then, it becomes more obvious by the day that the Leftist “Mainstream” Media is far more dangerous to humanity than this latest flu virus.  And it is more than that.  The current crisis is making it frighteningly clear how we are in a true Manichean struggle between Light and Dark, moral decency and moral evil.



Leftist Drudge Total Panic-Monger Lead Headlines Feb. 25

Leftist Drudge Total Panic-Monger Lead Headlines Feb. 25

Just as these lead headlines today (2/25) of the website Matt Drudge sold out to Trump-hating Lefties are utter rot, so is this accompanying graphic:

world-anti-virus Utter, utter rot.  Here’s why.



this-week-in-hfrWe’ll focus on what went on this week of note in the US later.  Of far more import is what’s going on in Chicom China.

Google these words – coronavirus collapse communist china – and as of this morning (2/21) you’ll get 539,000 hits.  There are predictions galore of the COVID-19 virus precipitating the end of Communist rule in China, along with every conspiracy theory human imagination can devise.

Then there are voices of reasoned caution, like Princeton Professor Rory Truax, observing on Monday (2/17) in The Atlantic that China’s Chernobyl Never Seems to Arise.

At this point, it looks to be increasingly likely that there will be no worldwide pandemic.  The world is not in danger here.  China, on the other hand, is screwed, and in more ways than one.



happy-valentines-dayWelcome to the Valentine’s Day HFR!

Today is for celebrating the love and friendship that bless our lives.  A day for feeling an infinite gratitude for having love in our hearts and being fortunate enough to have it returned.

Let’s hope that on this day, Democrats and their media poodles will take a break from their TDS, and have moments of happy fulfillment with friends and those they love.  It’s a tragedy – for them as much as for the rest of us – that they will quickly return to their world of hate and rage tomorrow.

You’d think that after the most humiliatingly disastrous week of recent years – last week – they might engage in soul-searching, asking themselves what lessons they need to learn.  But of course they didn’t, doubling down on their TDS instead.



groundhog-trumpLast Sunday, the palindromic 02-02-2020, was not only the Super Bowl but Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney PA .  A record crowd of 40,000 was in attendance to see if Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog, would see his shadow or not upon emerging from his burrow.

His shadow portends six more weeks of winter, no shadow an early spring – so goes the legend which is now just plain fun.  And all of us have been having just plain fun all week long, with Punxsutawney Trump portending an early spring for America all the way to January 2025.

We have TTPer Apache Jim to thank for letting us know on the Forum about the great Varvel ‘toon above.

As we all know and enjoy, the Democrat Party went Total FUBAR in Iowa.  The GOP by glaring contrast went smooth as silk.  The Dems have set such a new standard of Fubarness that every wag in the country has a joke about how the Dems want to micromanage everyone’s life in America and can’t run a caucus in Iowa.



albert-einstein“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”  -- Albert Einstein, 1940

No day is more appropriate than today – January 31, 2020 – to reflect on these words of transcendent wisdom of Einstein’s.  For what words could more presciently apply to President Donald Trump and those mediocre minds so suffused with deranged hate for him?

Today, their attempt to impeach and remove him from the presidency ends – but their derangement will not. It will continue unabated, and it will be their Living Hell.  They will go to their political graves with it and because of it this November Third.

We are living in very strange times.  We are entering the fourth year of one of America’s most successful presidencies in history regarding our economy, national security, and foreign policy – and one of our two major political parties is engaged in a masochistic spasm of self-destruction over it.



democrats-2020I just got back home after being on a boat with no internet for almost the last two weeks.  A small group of TTPers were with me and Rebel, and the last island we visited is the nicest in the Caribbean, Antigua[1].

As we were onshore for breakfast, a couple sat down at a nearby table.  I instantly walked over to them as the man was wearing a bright red MAGA hat.  “I love your hat!” I announced to him with a big smile.  They both beamed and introduced themselves, Bob and Sharon from Pittsburgh.

“I wear my MAGA hat everywhere,” Bob said, “all over the US and wherever we travel like West Africa, Europe, South America, here in the Caribbean.  People are always coming up to me just like you to tell me my hat is cool – even in Seattle!  Only a handful – literally a handful – have expressed anger.  It’s Fake News that Trump is unpopular – I directly experience that every day.”

This week, the DOW reached its umpteenth best week ever under the Trump Presidency.  The mirror image is this week the Dems having their umpteenth worst week ever under the Pelosi Speakership.



happy-ny-2020-america What a way to start 2020!!  A gigantic shock-and-awe Win-Win for America and the World, Lose-Lose for the America-haters of Iran and the Democrat Party.  Can’t say that POTUS didn’t give them a heads-up:

trump-threatens-iranHere’s the runup.  Welcome to the fabulous first HFR of the year.



trump-soars Welcome to not only the last HFR of the year, but the last HFR of the decade.  Goodbye to the twenty-tens, hello to the twenty-twenties.

At the start of 2010, we still had seven more interminable years to suffer through of the Hate America Presidency of the execrable man I called Zero.  Because O=Zero.  (Written in June 2008, it went so viral that Snopes had to verify as True that I wrote it.)

Those years and that presidency seem a distant memory today.  OBE (Overtaken By Events) on steroids.




partridge-in-a-pear-treeI hope you have the Merriest of Christmases today, Wednesday December 25, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26.  That’s tomorrow.

Ancient Christians celebrated Christmas starting with the day after the birth of Jesus and ending on January 6th with the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 known as the Epiphany.

Start with 12/26 and end with 1/06 and you get: the Twelve Days of Christmas.

No doubt you’re really tired of hearing Christmas songs by now, including this one, yet you may still be wondering what the heck partridges in a pear tree and eight maids a-milking have to do with the birth of the founder of Christianity.

So, as we do annually here at TTP at Christmastime, here’s the explanation of the song’s origin, meaning, and myth.



we-got-himThis morning’s (12/20) banner front page headline:  TRUMP HAS NOT BEEN IMPEACHED!

Okay, the Fox News headline was actually “Trump Has Not Been Impeached YET.”  As the House Dems’ own impeachment witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman, writes, “Trump isn’t impeached until the House tells the Senate.  According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a (House) vote.”

Which means McConnell holds the high cards, while House Swamp Mistress and her Whip with the room temperature IQ (who thinks it’s cool to not send the articles to the Senate at all) are holding a pair of deuces.

The funniest observation of the Dem Peach Mint Vote Clown Show had to be Tucker’s guest Sean Davis last night (12/19):  “It’s been such a debacle it’s like watching a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a doorknob.”   Broke Tucker up. Here we go!



trump-celebrates-w-borisWhat an unlucky Friday the 13th today is for Leftards on both sides of the Atlantic.

Massive is an understatement to describe the extent of BoJo’s Conservative Party win.  The final results came in early this morning – of Parliament’s 650 seats, 365 went to BoJo for a gain of 66 and huge outright majority, Labor lost 42 for a paltry 203 seats and their worst election since 1935, and other parties reduced to insignificance.

And it wasn’t just the numbers.  This morning’s Daily Mail reports on The Rout of the Remainers – of the 24 Conservative or “Tory” MPs who voted against Brexit (and thus to Remain in the EU), 21 lost their seats, and to competing pro-Brexit Tories running against them.  Ouch.

Leave it to Piers Morgan to cut to the chase for us.  How’s this for a headline?

Boris Johnson's Triumph Proves Democracy-Denying Radical Socialists Backed by Self-Righteous Celebrities on Twitter Are Electoral Poison – and If Democrats Fall for the Same Delusion, Trump Will Decimate Them in 2020



Yes, it’s Schiff T. Coyote vs. The Trump Runner, who, note, chirps not “beep beep" but “tweet tweet” as he races by.

This has been a funny week, the funniest of the year – but as Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent in Stan Freberg’s Time for Beany (Albert Einstein’s favorite tv show) would always ask:  “Funny peculiar or funny haha?”

The answer is Yes – because it’s both in spades.  How weird a funny-peculiar/funny-haha combo can you get when a bottomlessly corrupt Democrat Party impeaches a Republican President on an invented fake-news incident in Ukraine as an attempt to cover up its main presidential candidate being up to his eyeballs in actual Ukraine corruption?

Especially when that candidate tops all others in obnoxious creepy weirdness.  This clip from a talk he gave in Delaware in 2017 suddenly went viral this week:

You’re going to love this HFR. Here we go…



rocky-trumpHas there ever been a POTUS with a greater sense of humor than 45?  A POTUS that can set his enemies’ hair on fire with such effortless ease?

While the Libtard Media was either baffled, like The Guardian, or so puerile they took it seriously, like HuffPo, once again being taken for a ride by the King of Trolls, the instantly-legendary tweet above made Trump the hero of Hong Kong freedom fighters.

Vast thousands marched on the streets of Hong Kong last night, chanting “Fight for Freedom – Stand with Hong Kong,” as they carried Rocky Trump posters:

Hong Kong November 28, 2019

Hong Kong November 28, 2019

That’s just for starters.  It’s been a great week all around – here we go.



America’s First Thanksgiving – Plymouth Rock 1623

America’s First Thanksgiving – Plymouth Rock 1623

On Thanksgiving Day, Americans gather with their family and friends to celebrate the blessings that Providence has bestowed on their beloved country.

A deep appreciation of these blessings involves understanding that they were earned.  It is to understand the awesome truth of how “God helps those who help themselves” applies to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their First Thanksgiving at America’s birth.

This is an appreciation and understanding of which those on the Left are incapable – for it would mean celebrating the capitalist freedom that made that original Thanksgiving possible.  That made America possible.

This no liberal, no Democrat, no leftie can do.  Thus they must distort history instead.

The distortion starts in Kindergarten, with the childish make-believe of your kid's school play portraying the noble Squanto teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves. So let’s drop the curtain on the distortion and watch the real thing. Here it is.



bull-schiff Team Trump just started offering the Bull-Schiff T-shirt a few days ago and they’re selling like hotcakes.  Other best-sellers are:

team-trump This is light years away from Romney’s and the Bushes’ Establishment GOP.  This is straight up in-your-face.  Notice to Hate America Dems, constantly outraged Lefties, RINO squishes – you all are invited to be the recipient of self-induced unlawful carnal knowledge.

When you absolutely positively need a strategy to combat anti-Trump insanity, this is it – a pure expression of The Donald’s greatest secret.

I’m going to let that cat of the bag here – despite the world’s best response to someone bugging you to tell them a secret.  “Can you keep a secret?” you ask them, to which they nod with excited anticipation, “Yeah, yeah!” – and all you say is, “So can I.”

So here it is, Trump’s greatest secret, his greatest key to success:



dog-barking Once you pick yourself off the floor from laughing too hard from this, realize that every member of the cabal of DC Dem Dirtbags – Schiff, Brennan, Comey, MCabe et al – are asking themselves the same question.

It is no accident, comrades, that POTUS retweeted the Daily Wire’s joke photoshop of him presenting the MOH to Conan the Hero Dog:

conan-the-hero-dog Proving yet again that POTUS is The Master at triggering Demtard/Mediatard outrage which every normal person sees as humorless idiocy.  Here we go….



grand-view-memorial-parkHappy Halloween!

Tonight, kids all over America get to have fun in silly costumes going to their neighbors to get candy for a major sugar high.  It’s a wonderful tradition that we all have fond memories of when we were young, and if you’re lucky enough to have young children or grandchildren to take trick-or-treating, you can relive tonight.

I have those childhood memories just like you.  One Halloween, however, was particularly memorable.  It was so off the wall that I never told any of my friends (nor my parents) what I had done as I was sure no one would believe me.  It was a secret adventure that I kept just to myself.

So I thought it would be fun to tell you about it.  I wonder, if you share the story with kids or grandkids you may have, they’ll try and replicate my adventure.  Let me know.