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Dr. Jack Wheeler


dark-hedgesYou’ve seen this spooky place called King’s Road in HBO’s The Games of Thrones – but where is it and what is it really?  It’s in Country Antrim in Northern Ireland near the town of Armoy.  Originally it was the driveway to a mansion built in 1775 by James Stuart, descendant of King James I of England (1566-1625), who lined either side with beech trees.  Now almost 250 years old, their branches intertwine eerily, giving rise to its name of “Dark Hedges,” and legends of ghosts haunting it like the “Grey Lady.”

Northern Ireland has had its terrible Troubles as we all know, but that’s history now.  It’s a place of stunning scenery and natural wonders like the Devil’s Causeway and Marble Arch Caves, and those man-made in addition to Dark Hedges, such as Dunluce Castle and Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.  Then there’s the Victorian opulence of the Crown Liquor Saloon in Belfast.  All in all, Northern Ireland is a marvelous place to visit. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #43 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



worlds-remotest-islandThat would be Tristan da Cunha in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean.  Some 260 Tristanians live here, all British citizens as the island is a UK Territory, in the island’s only community of Edinburgh-of-the-Seven-Seas.  There’s no way to fly here – you have to take a boat for at least a week from Cape Town (and then a week back).

Tristanians are among the world’s most special people.  Since the island was first settled in 1810, there has never been a single murder, abortion, or divorce among them.  They are at peace with themselves, unfailingly cheerful, hospitable, and contented.    If you are lucky enough to reach here, you may not want to ever leave. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #42 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


NO FEAR OF THE EVIL EYE: Envy and Black Magic

©Jack WheelerFifth installment: Chapter Five of Part I: Envy.  Your Forum comments are very helpful – and interesting!


It took me a year to get the book – the American edition finally came out in 1970.  I immediately recognized it was a work of prodigious scholarship encyclopedic in scope.  Schoeck’s research of anthropological field studies of traditional cultures across the globe was exhaustive.

I learned that the Jivaro belief that death is always murder was in no way unique – a lack of the concept of natural death, that death was always malevolently perpetrated by demons, sorcery, or physically for real, was prevalent among the majority of traditional cultures, whether in the Amazon, Africa, or the Pacific.

It’s commonly understood that the lives of people in traditional or peasant societies everywhere is suffused with superstition.  The world for them is teeming with demons, spirits, ghosts and gods, all of whom are malicious, dangerous, and must be placated.

But why are they so malicious?  Why are they out to get us, instead of being on our side?  Why do they have to be constantly appeased?



phoksundoWest of the Himalayan giants of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri in Nepal lies a roadless high wilderness inhabited only by Tibetan nomads called Dolpa.  The region is named after them, Dolpo.  The Dolpa practice the ancient pre-Buddhist animist religion of Tibet called Bön.  They worship sites of nature they consider holy.  And holiest of all is the Sacred Lake of Phoksundo.

The Dolpa consider the blue of Phoksundo an act of magic by the gods.  Once you see it, you can only agree.  This picture is not photoshopped – it is real. We visit it in late October when it is ice free on our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #41 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Welcome to The 9/11 HFR!  As TTPer Edd says, “What better way to honor 9/11 than with MAGA? ISIS has been crushed, Soleimani and al-Muhandis greased, and not a peep since.”

Remember when the constant fear was of the next Islamofascist terror attack?  Seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it?  Sure seems like Donaldus Magnus has cooked that goose.  Maybe not for good, but it’s certainly something to celebrate today.

And so we open with a celebration of MAGA with Ricky Rebel – a Grammy-winning pop star glam rocker who’s a bisexual Trump supporter.  How about that to mess Leftie minds up?  The BLM-Antifatards in Beverly Hills simply forgot how to riot with this patriot rocker dancing in front of them.  The BH police were thoroughly confused but happy.

Here we go with another great HFR…



jw-on-carsonNovember 17, 1976.  When I wrote my book “The Adventurer’s Guide,” it was a fantasy of mine to go on the Tonight Show and have Johnny Carson hold a “tsantsa,” a human shrunken head – as a book chapter was “How To Live With Headhunters.”  As you can see, that fantasy came true.  I still can’t believe how relaxed I was in the studio photo.  That’s because Carson had a magical ability to put a guest like me, no professional performer, at ease.  The cameras and lights, the audience, millions watching on TV all went away.  It was just me talking to this friendly fellow with no one around.  An amazing experience.  Some dreams can really happen!  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #40 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



salar-de-uyuniThe Salar de Uyuni, 12,000 feet high in the Altiplano of Bolivia, is a 4,000 square mile expanse of salt so flat it is used to calibrate the altimeters of NASA observation satellites of the earth.  After a rain, it becomes the world’s largest mirror, 80 miles across.  The incredible reflective surface extends to the horizon in every direction – it is both hallucinatingly disorienting and makes for amazing mirror-to-horizon photos (especially at sunrise/sunset).

The brine underneath the salt crust contains 70% of the world’s lithium – critical to our battery-fueled global economy – produced in evaporation pools that are a kaleidoscope of colors.

You can stay here in relative luxury at one of the world’s most unique hotels – the Palacio de Sal, built entirely of salt: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, sculptures.  Being here is one of South America’s more astounding experiences.  Let me know if you want a Wheeler Expedition to take you there! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #39 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mt-kailas-north-faceThis is the North Face of Mount Kailas (6,638 m/21,778 ft) in a remote region of far western Tibet inhabited only by Changpa nomads.  For 22% of all people on Earth – 1.2 billion Hindus, 510 million Buddhists and many millions of others – it is the spiritual Center of the Universe, the Navel of All Creation.

Kailas and surrounding glaciers are considered the source of four of Asia’s great rivers radiating out from it: the Indus, Tsangpo-Bhramaputra, Sutlej, and Karnali-Ganges. As a sacred mountain it has never been climbed.

For thousands of years, people from all Asia have made the arduous pilgrimage to Kailas to perform the sacred act of circumambulating around the mountain – most clockwise, counterclockwise for others such as the Changpa adhering to the ancient Bön Tibetan religion.

It is not easy.  Huffing over the high point of the pilgrimage route with TTPer Big John Perrot, our altimeter said we were as high as Kilimanjaro, over 19,000 feet.  The highlight, however, is being among so many pilgrims from so many diverse cultures.  This is one of our world’s thrilling adventures, and such a privilege to participate in. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #38 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



black-of-makaluThe 5th highest mountain on earth at 8,463 meters/27,765ft, Makalu is Sanskrit for “Great Black” – a name for Shiva, the Hindu god of creative destruction, as here is one of his homes.  You’re looking face on the Southeast Ridge (the right side in sun, the left side in shade), which is the primary climbing route.

You’re seeing the entire south side of Makalu in Nepal, while the north side is in Tibet with the border running along the horizon crestline.  Makalu Base Camp lies below the bottom right corner of the photo.  This was taken at over 20,000 feet on our approach from Everest and Lhotse – 12 miles away – during our Himalaya Helicopter Expedition, or “HHE.”

Everyone is understandably entranced with Everest – yet the other 8,000 meter Himalayan giants are breathtakingly magnificent in their own right, and you can see why with Makalu.  On our HHE, we go to them all! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #37 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


NO FEAR OF THE EVIL EYE – Books That Changed My Life

Author at age 17 in the mirador ©Jack Wheeler

Author at age 17 in the mirador ©Jack Wheeler

Fourth installment: Chapter Four of Part I: Envy.  Your Forum comments are really appreciated!


I read a lot.  Ever so often, I come upon a book that is seminal for me – profoundly affecting my view of the world.

Reading Richard Halliburton’s The Complete Book of Marvels did that to me when I was 14.  Halliburton was a famous adventurer in the 1920s and 30s whom the world had long forgotten when I read a twenty year-old book of his in 1958.

I was a kid in Glendale who knew next to nothing about the rest of our planet.  Halliburton opened my eyes to see a world of endless wonders and magical experiences.  I still see the world in that way to this day.

That’s what motivated me to climb the Matterhorn at 14, live with the Jivaros and swim the Hellespont at 16, and how I found myself in a “mirador” – a small hunting blind of branches and leaves – in the jungles of South Viet Nam at 17 waiting for darkness in hopes that a man-eating tiger would show up.



ark-of-bukharaThe ”Ark” was the palace-fortress of Bukhara rulers since 500 BC.  The ancient Silk Road oasis has a history of 5,000 years.  Today Bukhara is in Uzbekistan, one the Five Stans of Central Asia.  Each of the five – Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrghizstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan – are uniquely enchanting.  Together they comprise one of the most culturally, historically, and scenically spectacular, yet mysterious and unknown, regions on our Earth.  Let me know if you’d like to experience all five with me this coming May 2021. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #36 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Friday’s HFR (9/04) closed with Casey Petersen of Sandia Labs declared HFR Hero of the Week.

He had the courage to email all 16,000 Sandia employees a video he had made denouncing the Sandia Human Resources Department’s narrative of modern systemic racism and white privilege.

Early this morning (9/05) – thanks to TTPer Yasuhiko Kimura – we learned that after the HFR was posted yesterday evening, President Trump directed White House OMB Director Russell Vought to issue an order to all federal agencies – which includes Sandia – to “cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions.”

That specifically includes “all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on ‘critical race theory,’ ‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

The directive concludes: “The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government.”

The full White House directive is here:  Read it with celebration.

Late this morning, President Trump began issuing a full court press Tweet barrage attacking the anti-America racism of “critical race theory” and “white privilege” that Black Lives Matter and Antifa use to justify their existence.  There are at last count over 20 tweets, starting with:


You can enjoy reading them all here: @realDonaldTrump.

POTUS has launched a gut-punch, nads-kick, all-out offensive on the Marxist ideology that has completely taken over the Democrat Party, the Biden Campaign, and the entire “Mainstream Media.”  They all are going to lose their minds over finding themselves flat-on-their-backs defenseless.

And what catalyzed this now, at this moment?  An electrical engineer at a science lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  He had the brains and moxie to make an incredibly well-thought and argued video, then sent it out to his 16,000 co-workers: Pushing Back on the Narrative of Modern Systemic Racism & White Privilege.

When the President of the United States saw this and the positive response from Casey’s co-workers, he knew now was the time to strike.

What a lesson of the power of one unknown individual to help change the world for the better.  Casey Peterson, American Hero.  And thank you, President Trump.



Well, Hallelujah!! The only good murderous Antifa terrorist is a dead one. And that’s what happened to Antifa assassin Michael Reinoehl early yesterday evening (9/03), when US Marshalls attempted to arrest him, he pulled a gun on them and they drilled him right and proper. Aaron “Jay” Danielson has been avenged.

Wonder what that sword-swinging BLM fascist thug who declared on Saturday (8/29), “If You Kill One of Ours, We’ll Kill One of Yours,” thinks now.


Maybe he’ll realize US Marshalls will take him out the Indiana Jones way:

Bad week for the bad guys.  Antifa may start to unravel after this.  One unraveling became acutely obvious this week:  Joe Hiden’s campaign.



jw-bw-on-matterhornWhen my son Brandon turned 14, he asked me, “Dad, you climbed the Matterhorn at 14.  Could we climb the Matterhorn together now that I’m 14?”  It was 1998 and I was 54.  I didn’t think I could do it, but his request meant more than the world to me, so I agreed.  Each with our own bergführer guide, he breezed up, but it was a real struggle for me.

He made it, my guide didn’t think I could, so after summiting, Brandon came back down to get me.  We climbed the last 500 feet together.  Thus here we both are on the summit of the world’s most famous mountain.  There are no words to come close to expressing what this means to each of us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #35 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



dragons-blood-treeThis is the Dragon’s Blood Tree, Dracaena cinnabari. It can be found in only one place on earth, a remote island called a Lost World for its uniqueness, the “most alien-looking place on our planet.”

Although it’s known as the most alien, strangest, weirdest, and bizarre place you can go to, it’s also completely safe and incredibly beautiful. Anybody who comes here returns saying, “You have to see it to believe it.” What is this place?

It’s the World Heritage Site of the island of Socotra, the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean,” 240 miles off the coast of Yemen and now secured by the UAE. It’s hidden, remote, and far away.

We were there in 2014, and it’s been almost impossible to get to ever since.  But we’ll be back next April of 2021. Let me know if you’d like to be with us.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #34 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



burma-balloonsFrom the 900s to the 1200s, the Pagan Empire built over 10,000 Buddhist temples. 2,200 remain on the plains of Pagan today, one of the world’s most wondrous sights – especially if you see them from above in a hot air balloon.  It is truly astounding how much there is to explore and experience in Burma.  We’ll be there once more for it all next February.  I hope you will be one of your fellow TTPers to join us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #33 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mystery-lakes-of-gobiThe southernmost portion of the Gobi Desert is called the Alashan in Inner Mongolia. Traversed by Marco Polo in 1273 on his way to meet the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan, he said it contained a “mystery.”

For in the hidden center of the Alashan is an area known as Badain Jaran, “Mystery Lakes” in Mongolian.  There are some 140 of these small lakes surrounded by enormous sand dunes.  The photo you see is of one of these lakes, taken in late afternoon on a windless day, with the giant dunes above reflected on the water.

We were there in October 2017.  We will explore Inner Mongolia and the Gobi again in October 2021. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #32 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)


NO FEAR OF THE EVIL EYE: The Tenth Commandment / Fingernail Clippings and Ugly Babies

The second and third chapters of Part I on Envy are quite short, so I thought it best to offer both this week.  Comments and observations are always welcome!


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. Exodus 20:17

This is the King James Version (KJV) translation of the Tenth Commandment of Yahweh not to envy.  The Living Bible (TLB) translation is more accurate:

“You must not be envious of your neighbor’s house, or want to sleep with his wife, or want to own his slaves, oxen, donkeys, or anything else he has.”

The original word in Hebrew translated as “covet” is chamad.  The word can be used in different contexts, referring to sexual lust for example.  But for thousands of years, Jewish tradition has considered the 10th as a proscription not to envy other people.

Not surprising considering that according to the Old Testament, the first crime ever committed, Cain killing his brother Abel in Genesis 4:3-8, was an act of envy.



north-face-of-kanchenjungaThis is one of the truly great mountain sights on earth yet never seen – except for professional mountaineers and those on our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions.  Kanchenjunga at 28,169 feet (8,586 meters) is the world’s 3rd highest mountain (after Everest and K2), with a drop from summit (the peak on the left in front of the cloud) to the glacier at it base of 12,000 feet straight down.

You can be awed by such a picture, but to actually physically be here, to witness this magnificence personally so that it is forever a part of your life, is to feel a depth of awe that has to be experienced to be understood.  Kanchenjunga is part of the Himalayas, now on the border of Nepal and Sikkim, once an independent kingdom now absorbed into India.  We fly right up the North Face, and into the Amphitheatre of the Southwest Face as well.

We hope to be here again in early November if Nepal opens up by then; we’ll be here for sure next April.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #31 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Now that’s the way you do it!    Charge, smash down their “Antifa Shield Wall” – can you imagine how the Romans would laugh at that term? – baton the crap out of the crybullies and watch them run like rabbits.

This was in Portland on Monday night (8/24), should have been done three months ago at the very start.  Yet better late than never.

Welcome to The Tide Is Turning HFR.  And wait ‘till you hear what the Dem theme song is now.



jw-on-the-matterhornThe Matterhorn at 14,692 ft in the Swiss Alps is arguably the most famous mountain in the world.  By extreme luck, I was able to reach its summit with my guide Alfons Franzen at age 14 (in 1958!).  The summit is not a point but a ridge 100 feet or so long and only 2 feet wide, like a knife blade in the sky.

This was my formative great adventure that set me on my life path.   For over forty years that path has been providing friends and clients with great adventures for their own lives.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #30 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse

The motto of – advocate of open carry laws – is “A right unexercised is a right lost.”

Wisconsin is an open carry state.  Much more than that.  Wisconsin is a shall-issue, open carry, no-duty-to-retreat Castle Doctrine state.

An indication of the vast number of long gun (rifles/shotguns) owners can be seen by the current 2020 USFWS Hunting License Data for Wisconsin: 3,913,818 Resident Licenses, Tags, Permits & Stamps – out of a population of 5,822,000.

Deer hunting is enormously popular in Wisconsin.  Over 680,000 deer hunting licenses have been paid this year.  These are hunters who know how to handle a rifle.

Where are they?  Why don’t they have the courage of a 17 year-old boy to protect their cities from Communist criminals?




BLM/Antifa Marxists demand woman raise her fist for them, she refuses

Washington DC restaurant, August 25, 2020

In a Forum comment on my No Fear of the Evil Eye book installments, Mellie kindly said:

“I’m so glad to see you finally doing this, Dr. Jack. And I think this is the perfect time for it – the effects are so readily seen. Your ‘for examples’ can come straight from this morning’s paper!”

In subsequent chapters, you’ll be gaining an understanding of how the basic foundational principles of Marx, Lenin, and Mao explain what the Radical Left is doing right now in their takeover of the Democrat Party.

I’m going to jump the gun here, to make one thing clear as it won’t wait.  Let me tell you a story.



scoundrels-view-of-everestYou’re looking face on Everest’s West Ridge, the border of Tibet and Nepal.  On the right is the Southwest Face in Nepal, on the left is the North Face in Tibet.  Called Scoundrel’s View because this is a better view than trekkers to Everest Base Camp see (a viewpoint called Kala Patthar).

You have to make another trek up the Ngozumpa glacier (longest in the Himalayas) in the Gokyo valley, where above the fifth Gokyo lake at 16,400 feet you get to call yourself a “scoundrel” for seeing what Everest trekkers don’t.

High on the Northeast Ridge on the left horizon is the last place Mallory and Irvine were seen heading for the summit in 1924, and then disappeared.  Hillary and Tenzing summited in 1953 via the Southeast Ridge over the right horizon.  Everest Base Camp in Nepal is at the foot of the big snowy buttress below the West Ridge.  Called the West Shoulder, it blocks any view of Everest from Base Camp.

On our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions, we get an abundance of spectacular views of Everest, up close and personal – Scoundrel’s View is only one of many. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #29 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Melania speaking at the Rose Garden last night (8/25)

Melania speaking at the Rose Garden last night (8/25)

Last night’s lineup of speakers and events at the Republican National Convention was simply astonishing.  One wag commented: “Watching the DNC was like standing in an endless line at the DMV – watching the RNC was like an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii!”

There were at least 25 speakers – too many to discuss here – plus POTUS’ showmanship genius on display.  The Theme of RNC Day 2 was “America – The Land of Opportunity.”  What we’re going to do is provide a selection of what happened – to inspire you, to strengthen your conviction that November 3 will result in Freedom’s victory over Fascism and a Trump landslide for the record books.  And as encouragement to explore YouTube to watch more of what went on last night.  Enjoy!

Be ensconced in your most comfortable chair, have adult beverage fortification at hand, and a hankie for no way you’re not going to tear.  We begin with Daniel Cameron, Attorney General of Kentucky.



monster-of-sefarCharlatans like Erich von Daniken convinced many gullible readers of his books this “monster” was of an alien in a space suit.  Real archaeologists know it’s of an ancient tribal shaman, to be found among the greatest profusion of prehistoric rock art on earth over 10,000 years old in a remote plateau of the Algerian Sahara called the Tassili n’Ajjer. 

There are no roads – you must climb up here with pack mules carrying your supplies. No one lives up here, it’s uninhabited. You’ll be among spectacularly gigantic rock formations with over 300 huge natural rock arches, so geologically unique it seems unworldly.  In the center of Tassili n’Ajjer known as the Tadrart is a vastly deep gorge, like a knife sliced open the mountain.  Clamber down to the bottom and you will discover a forest of 2,000 year-old Saharan cypress trees – yes, a forest in the Sahara, remnants of when the Sahara was green millennia ago.

My son Jackson and I explored here in 2003.  Perhaps it’s time to be here again. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #28  photo ©Jack Wheeler)



intha-peopleThe men of the Intha people living on Inle Lake in Burma have a unique way to fish.  Using their large conical nets, they row by standing on one leg on the prow of their canoe, and paddle with their other leg.  They feed their families this way.  Burma (Myanmar) is one of the most picturesque, historical, and serene places on earth.  We’ll be there again next February. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #27 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


NO FEAR OF THE EVIL EYE – Envy and Shrunken Heads

After the Preface and Introduction (posted last week), the book is divided into three parts: I – Envy, II – The Fear of Being Envied, III – The Key to Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity.  Here this week is the first chapter of Part I.  I so very much appreciate the fascinating and insightful comments on the Forum for the Preface/Intro.  Keep them coming!  This is work in progress and they are very helpful to me in better explaining the concepts involved.  Thank you!





©Jack Wheeler

©Jack Wheeler



church-of-saint-george900 years ago, the Church of Saint George (Bete Giyorgis in Amharic) was not built – it was hand carved downwards from a horizontal rock ledge.  There is nothing like the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela anywhere else in the world.

Christianity was established in Ethiopia in 330 AD and has flourished ever since.  Experiencing the devotion still so very much alive in one of the oldest Christian countries on earth is inspiring.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #26 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



joe-the-hoeMight as well start off with the Official Harris-Biden 2020 campaign logo.

How impossibly ludicrous was the DNC Virtual Convention hardly anybody watched during the last four days?  Answer: last night, Biden was introduced by his son Hunter who praised his character and “honesty.”  Franz Kafka couldn’t have dreamed that up.

So here’s the bottom line.  No energy.  No optimism.  Nothing but doom and gloom, whining and moaning about “darkness,” blaming every problem in America and the entire world on Trump, while offering no solutions whatever, just bromides, platitudes, and memorized commie-fascist slogans.  Not a word of criticism of BLM/Antifa burning Democrat cities down.  That’s it.

Which tells you one thing, when combined with the most ridiculous senile corrupt buffoon ever nominated for president by a major party in US history:  the Dems know the only way they can win in November is to cheat – and they are confidant of getting away with it.  Period.



living-with-headhuntersYes, that’s me at 16 (in 1960!) with Tangamashi, a Shuar Jivaro chief who adopted me into his clan.  The Jivaros are the only people on earth who make a shrunken head of their enemies killed in battle – called a “tsantsa.”

They inhabit the Amazon rain forests of the Ecuador-Peru border; living with them was the first adventure I had by myself alone.  Tangamashi accepted me, taught me how he made a tsantsa from an enemy’s head skin, took me blowgunning monkeys with curare-tipped darts, and introduced me into the Jivaro spirit world with a tea they called “natema” from the Banisteriopsis vine – a very colorful experience. How cool can you get for a 16 year-old kid?

It set me on a path of an adventurous life from which I have never wavered – and there’s no slowing down now. Another great adventure always awaits. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #25, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



nagas-of-luang-prabangNagas are multi-headed dragons who rise up to protect the former royal capital of Laos, Luang Prabang.  The city along the Mekong River has been the center of Lao culture since the 600s.  The Kingdom of Laos, “Land of a Million Elephants,” had to struggle for centuries to avoid being absorbed by the empires of Siam and Khmer (Cambodia).  It was the French who wrested Laos from Siam (Thailand) in the 1890s, giving it independence in 1953.

For centuries, devout Buddhists have been building beautifully ornate shrines and temples called Wats here in Luang Prabang.  Every day at dawn, hundreds of red-robed monks living in the Wats parade through the city streets for donations.  Since the Pathet Lao seizure of power in 1975, moving the capital to Vientiane, Luang Prabang is free of politics, preserved as a religious haven and treasure house of Laotian culture.

A few days here is not to be missed.  As you enjoy a glass of good French wine at a riverbank café watching the sunset over the Mekong, give thanks to the Nagas who are still protecting this sanctuary city. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #24, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



sands-of-iwo-jimaThis is the black sand beach the US Marines stormed on February 19, 1945, beginning the legendary Battle of Iwo Jima.  Overlooking the beach is Mount Suribachi, where four days later Joe Rosenthal took his iconic photo of six Marines planting the US flag on its summit.

You can come here once a year at a commemoration jointly held by the US and Japanese militaries.  Guests of honor are the few Marine veterans of the battle still alive.  To be here on these sands and on the summit of Suribachi, where the memorial lauds them – “On Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue” – with these heroic men is an indescribable privilege. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #23, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



kim-klacikYesterday (8/17), Kim Klacik, running for Congress for Maryland 7th (Baltimore) posted this campaign ad on @KimKBaltimore.  In less than 24 hours it’s gotten 4.5 million views.  Watch and see why:

Baltimore (MD-7) was run for 23 years by Corruptocrat Elijah Cummings until his death last year, and now by yet another Corruptocrat with fake “African” name he made up, Kweisi Mfume (real name Frisell Gray).  Kim, who is 38 and has a three-year old daughter with her husband Jeff, has the nerve to go straight up against the Dem machine controlling her city.

She proudly identifies herself as pro-Trump, pro-life, and “anti-Squad” as the antidote to AOC, Ilhan Omar and their ilk.  As she walks by boarded up and rundown buildings, she says:



cano-cristalesThis is Caño Cristales, a river flowing through an ancient tableland in a remote roadless region deep in the forests of Colombia.  Known as The Liquid Rainbow, geologists consider it the world’s most beautiful river.

The colors are due to endemic riverweeds that grow only here, clinging to the rocks of the riverbed, and the crystal clarity of the water.  It is not easy to get to – fly a light plane to an airstrip, take a boat upriver for miles, then walk a few miles more.  But then you get to explore one of the most beautiful sights nature has to offer – replete with dozens of small fun waterfalls, surrounded by an uninhabited forest teeming with tropical birds.

No wonder National Geographic calls Caño Cristales “the River of the Garden of Eden.”  Yet it is only one of the many extraordinary experiences in this huge country – for Colombia is larger than Texas and California combined.  Wheeler Expeditions will be conducting an exploration of Hidden Colombia in 2021. Hope you can be with us. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #22 photo ©Jack Wheeler)


NO FEAR OF THE EVIL EYE – Preface and Introduction

Evil Eye pendants, Khiva, Uzbekistan, Central Asia ©Jack Wheeler

Evil Eye pendants, Khiva, Uzbekistan, Central Asia ©Jack Wheeler

This is the start of the serialization in TTP of my next book, No Fear of the Evil Eye: Key to Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity.

We did the same for The Jade Steps – which prompted me to finish it.  On most Mondays, we’ll present each chapter in succession.  Today (8/17), we embark with the Cover photo that you see above, Epigraph (a quote at the beginning of a book), a short Preface, and Introduction.

The Preface you see here is, however, something of a placeholder, as what needs to be said will be very different depending on the outcome of the November 3 election.  It, the Introduction, and every succeeding chapter is a work in progress.

I have written a lot in TTP about the book’s subject, and here is where I must put it all into a comprehensive whole.  I will be thankful for any TTPer comments that help me reach that goal.  So feel free to let me know what you think!



blue-city-of-chefchaouenMy wife Rebel and I love this uniquely picturesque ancient Berber village in Morocco where everything is painted in shades of blue.  Suffused in soothing blue, there’s no more relaxed place than just about anywhere.  Everyone is welcome from the wealthy staying in sumptuous boutique hotels to backpackers in hostels.  There are no “tourist spots,” for every café and bar is where the locals go themselves.  (It’s pronounced shef-shah-win, by the way.)

Berbers – “Amazigh” (Unconquered) in their language, are the original people of Morocco having lived there for over 12,000 years.  They are directly related to the reindeer-herding Lapps of Lapland in northern Scandinavia (they share the same mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U5b1b).  Both are descended from the same stock of Cro-Magnon Ice Age hunters in Western Europe that split in two 15,000 years ago – one moving far north, the other south crossing the Gibraltar Strait to Africa.

One more reason why Morocco is so magical.  Would you like to experience the Magic of Morocco with us next year?  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #21 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



USPS mail sorting machine

USPS mail sorting machine

It’s tempting to call this the O Joy! HFR.  The entire Woketard World is suddenly on Four Alarm Hair-on-Fire Alert this week over a fellow named DeJoy.

Never heard of him?  You will.  The saga begins last May 6, when the United States Postal Service (USPS) issued this announcement: USPS Board of Governors Announces Unanimous Selection of Louis DeJoy to Serve as Nation’s 75th Postmaster General.

The decision was bipartisan and nonpartisan – so why the uproar?  First, DeJoy is a GOP and Trump campaign “mega-donor” – so he’s being attacked just for that alone, such as the charge he has up to $75 million invested in “USPS competitors” like UPS.  But the real freakout came yesterday (8/13).  You’re going to love this. And this whole HFR!



jw-w-guerillas-in-cambodiaJuly, 1984.  The KPNLF – Khmer People’s National Liberation Front – was the Anti-Communist guerrilla movement fighting the Soviet-backed Vietnamese Communists in Cambodia.  When I was first there in 1961, Cambodia was then a land of serenity, with a gentle and tranquil people who were at peace with themselves and the world.  Now it was a land of indescribable Communist horror.

It was such a privilege to be with these brave men willing to wage war against that horror and bring freedom to their country.  I told their tale in Turning Back the Terror, the February 1985 cover story for Reason magazine. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #20 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



vintgar-gorgeIn a hidden corner of Europe, the Radovna River pours off the Julian Alps to carve out the Vintgar Gorge with crystal clear water. A mile-long walkway with towering limestone cliffs on either side is your access.

Nearby is the gorgeous Lake Bled, with Bled Castle suspended atop a shoreline cliff.  The medieval village of Piran, built on a spit of land projecting into the Adriatic Sea and encircled by a white sand beach is a short drive away.  Ljubljana is one of Europe’s most utterly charming capital cities.

Most people have only heard of Slovenia as the birthplace of First Lady Melania Trump, but those who have been here understand it is one of the most entrancing countries on the European continent – pristine beauty, spotless environment, friendly and hospitable people, safe and very well-run.  Whenever your next visit to Europe may be, try to include a few days or week or so here.  You’ll never run out of fascinating things to do.  A stroll through the Vintgar Gorge is an example out of so many.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #19 photo ©Jack Wheeler)