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Dr. Jack Wheeler


monastery-of-voronetThe Painted Monastery of Voronet was built by Romania’s national hero Stefan the Great in 1488.  A UN World Heritage Site, Voronet lies in a remote Carpathian mountain valley in the northeast corner of Romania.  The entire church is covered in brilliantly painted scenes of Christian reverence.

The frescoes, with the famous “Voronet blue” made of crushed lapis lazuli, have withstood over 500 winters of wind, snow, and rain.  The extraordinary back panel of the Last Judgment is renowned as the East’s Sistine Chapel (as in Eastern or Orthodox Christianity).  It’s one of Romania’s many wonders. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #98 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



tavurvur-volcanoThe small black mountain in front of you is a volcano called Tavurvur on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea. In 1994, Tavurvur erupted, covering New Britain’s beautiful capital Rabaul in ash.  The entire area is volcanic, including the hot springs where I’m standing to take this picture.  Tavurvur is very much alive and smoking today – starkly beautiful and dangerous.

History can be like this – beautiful and peaceful, then without warning it explodes in violent destruction.  The lesson then is how to overcome, rebuild, and avert its repetition.

It’s an obvious lesson to learn right now, with the destruction of our economy by the Chinese Communists unleashing their virus, and the current attempted theft of the presidency and our entire electoral system by the Democrats.  We must overcome these twin evils, and we must make extremely sure that we never allow such travesties to threaten our country ever again.

You can climb to the rocky rim of Tavurvur to stare down into its smoking caldera.  There’s fabulous scuba-diving along the coral reefs offshore of Rabaul, and upon sunken Japanese battleships from World War II.  It’s a worthwhile experience to come here as you learn the Lesson of Rabaul. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #97 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



million-s-georgia-penguinsThe Antarctic island of South Georgia is home to a million King penguins, plus countless fur seals, gigantic elephant seals, staggering numbers of seabirds such as albatrosses, amidst a backdrop of towering mountains with massive glaciers spilling off them.

Nothing can prepare you for the incomprehensible size of the penguin rookeries here, densely packed as far as the eye can see (all those white dots on the hills behind are penguins).  Nor for the size of bull elephant seals weighing up to 8,000 pounds, especially when they rise up and crash their chests against each other in mating challenges emitting deafening bellows.  Nor being surrounded by a thousand fur seals unafraid of you.  The density of wildlife combined with the magnificent beauty of the island is completely overwhelming.

Here also is the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken where the heroic explorer Ernest Shackleton is buried.  You can only get here by expedition cruise ship.  South Georgia is one of the great experiences on our planet. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #96 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



“A lot will happen between now and January 20.”  You bet it will – and that two-bit CNN propagandist he dressed down had better know it.

Last night I gave a call to a friend who’s been in Congress for many years and asked for his assessment.  He was upbeat.  In his words…

I asked him about Roberts as he’s known him personally for years…

The favor I asked him was to check with Giuliani (whom he knows) to make sure this point is included in his case…

He said he would.



jacksons-at-north-poleApril, 2003.  On my 21st expedition to 90 North, the geographic North Pole, I took my son Jackson. He was nine, but handled it like a trooper. And no wonder – it was his third time!  The first was when he was just six, following his brother Brandon whom I had taken to the Pole back in 1990.

We landed our ski-equipped Twin Otter on the sea ice – and as it’s featureless with the ice slowly moving on the Arctic Ocean surface, nothing stays there for long.  So if you want a physical candy-stripe North Pole, you have to bring your own!  It is so indescribable to actually be on the very top of our planet that it has to be experienced to be understood.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #95 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



of-plymouth-plantationIntro note by Jack Wheeler:

On Thanksgiving Day, Americans gather with their family and friends to celebrate the blessings that Providence has bestowed on their beloved country.

A deep appreciation of these blessings involves understanding that they were earned.  It is to understand the awesome truth of how “God helps those who help themselves” applies to the Mayflower Pilgrims and their First Thanksgiving at America’s birth.

This is an appreciation and understanding of which those on the Left are incapable – for it would mean celebrating the capitalist freedom that made that original Thanksgiving possible.  That made America possible.

Thus they must distort history instead. The distortion starts in Kindergarten, with the childish make-believe of your kid’s school play portraying the noble Squanto teaching the helpless Pilgrims how to feed themselves. So let’s drop the curtain on the distortion and watch the real thing. Here it is.

The real history of the Mayflower Pilgrims was recounted by their leader, William Bradford (1590-1657) in his book Of Plymouth Plantation, completed in 1647.  It is from Bradford that we learn of Squanto, who did indeed show the Pilgrims how to “set” or plant corn (a new unfamiliar crop for them).

Then we learn that the Pilgrims taught the Indians how to grow more corn than they ever had before:

“The Indeans used to have nothing so much corne as they have since the English have stored them with their hoes, and seene their industrie in breaking up new grounds therwith.”

Reading the real history of the Pilgrims is so revelatory that I want you to see it at length.  It is as effective a refutation of socialism and affirmation of capitalism as there has ever been.



rh-and-elephant-sealThis is my wife Rebel relaxing with a native of Antarctica while on a visit to the Palmer Science Station there.  Getting up close and personal with Antarctic wildlife is so easy as they have no fear of us at all, be they seals, elephant seals, or penguins.

Better not get too close to male elephant seals in domination combat, however, as they can weigh up to 7,000 pounds.  And steer clear of full grown leopard seals, which are apex predators weighing over 1,000 pounds.  No worries, though, for Rebel with this young fellow.  Experiencing Antarctica is always a memorable adventure. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #94 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin

Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin

Let’s be clear:  The Democrat Party has gone full Marxist Nazi Fascist.

They mean to eliminate our Constitution and Bill of Rights, such as the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. They have already eliminated due process, free and fair elections, and the democratic legitimacy of government in America.

They mean to impose upon all Americans a totalitarian submission to them equal to that of Soviet Russia, Communist Cuba, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist China.  They mean to commit genocide upon “white supremacists” – meaning all whites but themselves.

Yet there is a fatal flaw in their plan.  Here’s the thought experiment to expose it.



r-gorilla1.jpgYou know the adage about the “800-pound gorilla” going wherever he wants to – such as five feet from you in the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda.  It is one of the world’s great thrills to be this close to these giants and feel at ease doing so.  They are “habituated” to small groups of people whom they ignore.  You of course are very quiet and do nothing to alarm them, just observing the little ones playing, mothers nursing, young ones climbing trees, huge male silverbacks watching over their families.

Gorillas are vegetarians, males eating up to 75 pounds of vegetation a day – thus they spend most of their waking hours chewing!  The biggest silverbacks never get anywhere near 800 pounds by the way – 450 to 500 pounds at most (like the fellow in the photo).  Big enough, believe me.

Rwanda is one of the best-run countries in all Africa.  President Paul Kagame deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for healing his nation after the genocidal horrors of the 1990s.  That’s far in the past now in this beautiful, peaceful land.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #93 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-and-bh-on-safariAnd his father too.  I started taking my son Brandon on expeditions with me at age five.  Here we are in the Serengeti during the Great Migration.  He saw three lion kills happen yards away, a baby born in a Masai hut – he’s never forgotten his first great adventure to this day, over 30 years later.

I encourage you in every way to take your children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces on an exploration of one of our planet’s many wondrous places when they are young.  It will be formational for them, a founding experience of awe for what a magically extraordinary world they are privileged to live in.  And your seeing it through their eyes will be a shot of youth elixir in your veins.  It will be a life-memorable bonding experience for you both. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #92 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



everest-2019Photo taken at an altitude of 22,000 feet (6,700 meters) in a AS 350 B3 ultra-high altitude Eurocopter on our Himalaya Helicopter Expedition.  We are looking into the Western Cwm (valley), West Shoulder of Everest in the left forefront, entire Southwest Face of Everest summit (29,029 ft-8,848m) to base on the left, Lhotse (4th highest on earth at 27,949ft-8,516m) straight ahead, the flank of Nuptse on the right.

The climbing route is from Base Camp to Camp I past the top of the Khumbu Ice Fall (bottom of photo), up the Cwm to Camp II at the foot of the Lhotse wall, scale via fixed ropes to Camp III perched on the wall, then up to the notch between Everest and Lhotse (on the horizon in the photo) that is the South Col and Camp IV.  The summit is reached from there via the Southeast Ridge on the other side of the photo.

We’ll be here again in late April-early May next year.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #91 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



I know that each of you will be a warrior for truth.”   That is what our president believes of us – and that is what every American patriot must now live up to.

Yes, as The Revolution Needs to Start Next Thursday says, we can tell the Lockdown Fascists to get lost and celebrate Thanksgiving exactly as normal.

Marvelously, that’s exactly what a number of County Sheriffs across the country are doing.  As of this morning (11/20), Fourteen County Sheriffs in New York have announced they will not be enforcing Gov. Cuomo’s lockdown fascism.  In California,  Every County Sheriff in L.A. Region Declines to Enforce Gavin Newsom’s Coronavirus Curfew, plus Sacramento and El Dorado, have done the same.

These numbers are sure to grow.  Regardless, enjoy your Thanksgiving as usual no matter what.  However, here’s the most important way for you to be one of President Trump’s Warriors for Truth.



June 2002, the Vulture’s Mouth Glacier. In the deepest heart of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, south of the Flaming Cliffs where Roy Chapman Andrews discovered dinosaur eggs in the 1920s, there is a naked spine of mountains called the Gurvan Saihan. In the Gurvan Saihan there is a deep gorge called Yol Alyn, the Vulture’s Mouth. And in the Vulture’s Mouth, there is a glacier.

It is not a big glacier, the continual ice buildup of a stream that never melts even in the heat of the Gobi summer. Yet it is a glacier nonetheless, thick enough for my son Jackson and I to walk on for more than a mile.  The Vulture’s Mouth Glacier is just one of a multitude of extraordinary experiences Mongolia has to offer the explorer. Are you up for exploring it with me next summer of 2021? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #90 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Is America as spineless as Michael Walsh says in TTP today (11/19)?  We have a golden opportunity to prove him wrong one week from today, Thanksgiving Thursday, November 26.

While the oft-repeated claim that the Chinese character for “crisis” is a combination of the characters for “danger” and “opportunity” is not accurate, what is true is that very often the two go together.  Thus the mantra of the modern Democrat Fascist Party: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Especially if you can create a crisis that terrifies people so much it’s an opportunity to get them to surrender their freedom to you.



At the Temple of the Peacock Angel in the Yezidi holy city of Lalish, you find this entrance to a Sacred Spring with a carved black snake, revered by Yezidis as they believe a black snake stuck itself into a hole in Noah’s Ark and saved humanity.

The Yezidis are among the most ancient of all peoples in the Middle East.  Their heartland is in what is now Northern Iraq, or Iraqi Kurdistan.  You may know of them through the horrific butchery perpetrated upon them by the medieval terrorists of ISIS which gained worldwide notoriety.

They are a fascinating people whose syncretic beliefs are a mélange of Zoroastrianism, Syriac Christianity, Sufi Islam spiced with their own interpretation of all three.  In other words, they are their own people, no one else like them – peaceful, at ease with themselves, and immensely likeable.

Their protectors are the Kurds – an extraordinary people in their own right.  We’ll be visiting Iraqi Kurdistan and the Yezidis once more next year. ((Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #89 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The spectacle takes place in the fall at the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang.  I attended in 2010 and 2012.  It has to be seen to be believed.  You’re looking at 10,000 dancers, acrobats and performers on the stadium floor.  The background screen of a rising sun and Korean letters is a “card stunt,” 30,000 students holding colored cards composing it.

The number “65” is for the 65th anniversary of the surrender of Imperial Japan in World War II (August 15, 1945 – I took this photo in 2010), their Liberation Day (our V-J Day).  The snowy mountain depicted below the 65 is Mount Paekdu, where all North Koreans are taught their country’s founder Kim Il-sung defeated the Japanese and won the war (he was actually at a Soviet army camp near Khabarovsk, Siberia at the time).  They are never taught a word about the events a few days prior to their Liberation Day, nor to whom the Japanese surrendered.  Hands down, NorkLand is the world’s most bizarre country. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #88 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



A cliff-top fishing village on the Italian Riviera?  Nope, Azenhas (ah-zhane-yas) do Mar – Watermills of the Sea – is on the Portuguese Riviera.  This is a magic place of fairy tale castles, thousand year-old fortresses, luxury boutique hotels, fabulous food, great wine, gorgeous beaches, and postcard-perfect scenery everywhere.

The Portuguese people are among the kindest in Europe, while Portugal is one of the safest countries in the world.  Of all the planet’s First World countries, it’s hard to find one more calm and serene than here.

If you’d like a personal experience of the best of Portugal, Wheeler Expeditions can arrange it for you.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #87 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



This is one of the magical places we experience on our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions.  An independent kingdom for 650 years in the remote Mustang region of Nepal, it is one of the last places of traditional Tibetan culture on earth, unchanged for centuries.  There are sky-caves here – apartment complexes carved out of vertical cliffs 2,000 years ago – Drok-pa nomads in the high pastures, spectacular sacred ceremonies, all in a mysteriously beautiful setting where the Himalayas meet the Tibetan Plateau.  We’ll be here again next April. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #86 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



It’s Friday the 13th and we’re going to have some fun.  When I was in high school (Hollywood Professional School) and college (UCLA), from 1958 to 1964 the most popular national television show was 77 Sunset Strip.  TTPers of a certain age are sure to remember it.

Why do I think of it now?  Because last Monday, I turned 77!  Which brought back memories of halcyon days of an America without the cultural annihilation the Left has perpetrated upon it and continues to do so ever more at this moment.

Last Saturday (11/07), the President issued his commemoration of the National Day for the Victims of Communism.  He initiated this Presidential Commemoration in 2017 on the centennial of Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution creating the Soviet Union.

POTUS is here making it very clear he is determined to stop both the oppressive ideology of our foreign enemies who hold over a billion people captive, and the same ideology of our domestic enemies planning to hold 330 million Americans captive.

As we come to the end of this week, 10 days after Election Day, his strategy for achieving the latter is coming into focus



This is the fortress town of Shatili in an extremely remote Caucasus region in Georgia called Khevsureti. It was built by the Crusaders 1,000 years ago. The Khevsur people who live here trace their ancestry back to these Crusaders and until the 1930s still wore chain mail in feud-battles with other towns. I took this picture in 1991.

American traveler Richard Halliburton (1900–1939) saw and recorded the customs of the Khevsurs in 1935. The Khevsur men, dressed in chain mail and armed with broadswords, wore garments full of decoration made up of crosses and icons.  They don’t do that anymore, but they proudly retain their Crusader Christian heritage – for Georgia adopted Christianity in the 4th century AD.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #85 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The ramshackle Club Obama is a shed on stilts above a garbage dump of a beach in Conakry, the capital of the West African country of Guinea.  It doesn’t get much business anymore because Obama is no longer popular here.  Guineans thought he would flood them with US taxpayer dollars but he didn’t.  “Obama did nothing for us,” they’ll tell you.

The sad truth is that Guineans have done nothing for themselves.  Independence from France came in 1958, and the place has been run by one party dictatorships, military juntas, and ridiculously corrupt leaders ever since.  It’s the size of Oregon, with 12 million people who have a per capita GDP of $800 a year.  Yet is has up to half the world’s reserves of bauxite (source of aluminum) and is #3 in world production, has diamonds, gold, and many other resources  – which all goes into the bottomless pockets of whoever the ruling elite are at the moment.

It’s the tragedy of so much of Africa writ large.  In 1974, after Cassius Clay had his “Rumble in the Jungle” in Zaire with George Foreman, he was asked by a reporter upon his return to America, “Champ, what did you think of Africa?”  With wit and wisdom he replied, “Thank God my Granddaddy got on that boat!”  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #84 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



What many consider the world’s most beautiful mosque is in Persia’s most captivating city, Shiraz.  Over four millennia older than Islam, over two millennia older than Persia, Shiraz was "Shirrazish," a city of ancient Elam at the birth of civilization in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago.  Even then, Shiraz was famous for wine.  A thousand years ago, it was considered the best in the world.  Marco Polo praised it. No more.  Prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979, there were over 300 Persian wineries. Now there are none.

Shiraz is still a city of gardens and flowers.  At the garden tomb of Persia’s most revered poet Hafez (1315-1390), young couples gather for discrete romance as they have for centuries.  The beauty of Nasr ol-Molk – with the sun shining through its stained glass windows covering the floor carpets in color, and the interior a dazzling display of pink tile ornamentation – can be overwhelming.  The same for the friendliness of the people – always welcoming with a smile for you.

Especially if you are American.  All the people we met love America and despise their rulers.  The Land of Persia is still here in today’s Iran, and someday it will be free, America’s ally again.  The wine will flow here once more.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #83 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



In the Mediterranean, experienced travelers know the French Riviera from St. Tropez to Menton, and the Italian Riviera from Ventimiglia to Cinque Terre.  There is one Riviera in the Med they may not know – Albania’s. The Med has many beautiful coastlines, and just about all of them have been “discovered” by jet-setters to backpackers.  Not yet, however, for Albania from Saranda in the south across from Greece’s Corfu to Vlora across from the tip of Italy’s Boot Heel.

Here you find an abundance of gorgeous coves and pocket beaches tucked away with hardly a soul there.  The one pictured above isn’t even named on a map – there’s just a tiny wharf for local fishermen.  Yes, the Albanian Riviera is getting discovered, with boutique hotels and nightclubs sprouting up here and there.  But as for now, it’s still the Unknown Riviera, gorgeous with so much untouched.  You might want to experience it before it’s overrun. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #82 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



This is Mysore Palace, home of the Wadiyar Rajas who ruled Mysore from 1399 to 1950.  It is one of the many wonders of Southern India that’s far less known than traveler’s meccas up north like Agra and Rajasthan.

There’s the Nagarhole Tiger Sanctuary, more Asian elephants than anywhere else in the world, over 100 tigers, scores of leopards, their prey in profusion. Christian churches founded by Christ’s disciple St. Thomas in the 1st century AD.  Towering Hindu temples covered with tens of thousands of eye-popping multi-colored sculptures.  The gorgeous beaches of Goa, the serene peace of the Kerala Backwaters – “one of the most beautiful locations on earth” according to National Geographic, that you explore by luxury houseboat. It goes on and on.

And here also you find the business metropolis of Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India. We did all of this and more a few years ago, and may again in ’21 or ’22.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #81 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



The Map That Can Save America

The Map That Can Save America

Yes, this is the map that can save America – not necessarily will.  That’s up to us, America’s patriots who will do what’s necessary to preserve our country by standing up to America’s anti-patriots who want to destroy it.

First, though, let’s talk about how Trump’s lawsuits.  Most are to stop the endless on-going illegal count of ballots with no observers as in Michigan and Pennsylvania.  But what about the ballots already counted with no observers?  What do the courts including SCOTUS do about them?

Trump and the GOP are suing in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  Yesterday, famed constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz explained why the only one that will hold up in SCOTUS is Pennsylvania.  Why has a lot to do with that map.



afghan-jackI showed this picture to my mother after my latest sojourn with the Afghan Mujahaddin fighting the Soviet Union and she didn’t see anything unusual.  She didn’t recognize her own son standing in the middle.  Good thing – if I had been caught by the KGB or Spetsnaz, it would have been, ahh… unpleasant.  I was there with the “Muj” at least a dozen times until they defeated the Soviet Red Army in early 1989 – which led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall eight months later and the extinction of the Soviet Union itself by the end of 1991.  It was one of the most thrilling – and consequential – adventures of modern times. ( Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #80 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



roman-theatreThe best place to see Roman ruins is not in Rome or anywhere in Italy.  It’s in Africa – specifically on the Mediterranean coast of Libya.  This is the Roman theatre at Sabratha built in the 1st century BC.  Over 2,000 years old, it’s still mostly intact.  Starting as a Berber village, the Phoenicians founded the city as Sabrat by 500 BC.  Then came the Greeks, then the Carthaginians, and after the Punic Wars came Rome.

The Libyan coast was a lush fertile place back then.  So much so that Sabratha and the other major Roman city nearby, Leptis Magna, produced several million pounds of olive oil per year – sale of which to Rome enabled them to achieve great wealth.  It’s a shame that Libya remains today in chaotic civil war.  Hopefully the day is not off when experiencing Rome’s most magnificent remains will be possible here again. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #79 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



“Yogi” of course is Yogi Berra.  One of his most legendary aphorisms was, “It’s never over until it’s over.”  Well, this game sure isn’t over yet – despite the virtually criminal deception of CNN and Fox in reporting and displaying the election results.

It’s 4pm eastern time, and both just “projected” Wisconsin to be for China Joe – “Pushing Trump’s prospects of reaching 270 further away,” screeched Fox.

We’ll get to Wisconsin’s massive vote fraud in a moment – but for right now, let’s examine the Newsmax map above.  While it stubbornly like everyone else reports Trumps Electoral count stuck at 214, click on the map link, run your cursor over Georgia, and you’ll get:



wakhan-surpriseOur Glimpse 77 yesterday (11/03) was of the Wakhan Corridor – a skinny finger of northeast Afghanistan separating Tajikistan and Pakistan extending all the way to China. Click on the link to get the photo.  Note the large alluvial fan in the center on the Afghan side of the Amu Darya.  Now look closely and you’ll see a tiny white dot on the edge of the fan next to the green of the river bank.

What could that be?  Well, here’s my photo of it close up.  Certainly no Afghan village.  It’s a modern windowless compound completely isolated with no roads, trails, or any other habitation for many miles in any direction, reachable only by helicopter.  Any guesses?  It’s a CIA interrogation center, where captured Taliban are brought for rather intense debriefings.  That’s the Wakhan Surprise.  I’ll bet many of you canny old TTPers, however, aren’t surprised at all. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #78 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



firedup-burnedout That sums it up as we await vote results. Yet as we can see with the extraordinary Election Day voter turnout everywhere in the country, it’s not just Trump fired up and Biden burned out – it’s their supporters. Trump’s are on fire to vote for him, Biden’s are… meh.

Which is why ZeroHedge reports that major bookmakers like Paddy Power and Ladbrokes say 93% of bets are being placed on a Trump victory over the last 24 hours. As of late this afternoon, the Dow is up 560 points, while any Chinese listing on the NYSE is collapsing.

The night is young and it will be long. While it looks good, even amazing, from Florida to Arizona to Wisconsin, we have quite a ways to go. So relax with your favorite adult libation and watch Tucker on fire last night:

Have fun watching The Trump Train Video:
Salsa dance with Latinos for Trump in Miami:
And celebrate, ‘cause Don’t Believe Me Just Watch!




wakhan-corridorThis is the Wakhan Corridor traversed by Marco Polo on his way to China in 1273.  The river is the Amu Darya, known to Alexander the Great and the ancient Greeks as the Oxus.  The Wakhan is the finger of northeast Afghanistan designed in the late 19th century to prevent the Russian Empire in Central Asia from touching the British Empire in India.  It now separates Tajikistan from Pakistan with its fingertip the only border Afghanistan has with China.

Thus you’re looking at four countries.  The river forms the Tajik-Afghan border – Tajikistan is on the left, Afghanistan on the right, in the center distance are the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan, while in the far distance are the Karakorum mountains of China.  This is a fabulously exotic remote part of our world with people living here tracing their ancestry to the troops of Alexander.  Oh – and the surprise?  I’ll tell you tomorrow.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #77 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)




The picture you see is only part of the crowd of Trump supporters at Butler, Pennsylvania last Saturday evening – 57,000 or more by Secret Service estimate.

How terrifying is this to Democrats?  John Fetterman is the Dem Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania.  He shook his had in dismay, “You can’t fake a crowd like that.”  Can’t fake this either.  On Sunday October 25 there was a Trump Train car caravan outside Phoenix, Arizona.  It was 96 miles long.


There has never ever in human history been such voluntary enthusiasm for a political candidate.  Never in our lifetimes have we seen anything remotely close to it and very likely never will again.  For this is happening all over our country and at every Trump rally.



achilles-statueOn a mountain top on the island of Corfu in 1890, Empress Elizabeth of Austria built a magnificent marble palace called the Achilleion, dedicated to her hero, the legendary Achilles of Homer’s Iliad.  Here she retreated from the world, amidst the palace’s gorgeous gardens overlooking the Mediterranean abundant with larger-than-life statues of her ideal man, “who despised all mortals and did not fear even the gods."

All of Europe knew her as Sisi.   Adored by her husband Emperor Franz Joseph I, renowned as the most beautiful – and most beloved -- woman of her time, she was Austria’s Empress for 44 years.  Her life ended tragically, murdered at random by an anarchist who wanted to “kill a royal.”

The Achilleion today is maintained immaculately in all its original glory as a museum you can visit.  Don’t pass the chance to see it for yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #76 photo ©Jack Wheeler)




Welcome to the Halloween “Will America Live or Die in Four Days?” HFR.

I’m so in Terminal Anxiety that I have to tell you a story about the highest lake in the world, Lake Tilicho at 16,247ft in the Annapurna Range of the Himalayas in Nepal.

Lake Tilicho

Lake Tilicho

We landed our helicopters on the shore you see to the right about 10am on November 9, 2016 – meaning it was midnight east coast time in the US and we hadn’t heard a word on the results of Election Day, November 8.  I was in a state of unglued panic.  My traveling buddy and fellow TTPer Jerry Finn tried to calm me down to no avail.



dewars-n-pole April, 1979 – on the sea ice at 90 North latitude, the North Pole.  I was one of the more unusual Profiles for Dewar’s Scotch.  It was the 3rd of my 21 expeditions to the very top of our planet.  One thing that stood out for me was the photographer brought false ice cubes of carved polished crystal for the photo you see of a glass of scotch perched on a small pressure ridge.  That’s the way the pros do it.  One genuine item he brought was a case of Dewar’s.  We had one heck of a party on top of the world! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #75 photo of Jack Wheeler)



st-john-of-rilaIn a hidden remote mountain valley there is a Christian monastery built over a thousand years ago by the students of a hermit who became the patron saint of Bulgaria, St. John of Rila.  The colonnade you see leaves you awe-struck.  Earthquakes, fire, pillaging by Ottoman raiders, all through the centuries the Rila monks would build it back ever-better and care for it immaculately.

It is little wonder that the Rila Monastery is a World Heritage Site.  The picture you see is only one small section of the magnificent frescoes of the exterior archways – and the interior is equally extraordinary.  There are nine more World Heritage sites in this Virginia-size country, like the 3,000 year-old (and still flourishing) city of Nessebar on the Black Sea.  Bulgaria is one of Europe’s true undiscovered gems. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #74 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



praia-do-sanchoAccording to the many thousands of world travellers on TripAdvisor, it’s #1: Praia do Sancho on the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha.  You’ll also find it on just about any list of most beautiful beaches, such as Condé Nast, Harper’s Bazaar, and Luxury Travel.

The whole island is gorgeous.  Mention that you’ve been there to any Brazilian who hasn’t and their eyes get misty.  Fernando de Noronha (no-rone-ya) is the dream honeymoon, the dream vacation that only comes true for few in Brazil, as it’s hard to get to and hardly any place to stay once you’re there.

You have to get to either Recife or Natal in the far northeast, then fly 220 miles out into the Atlantic.  Then take a boat, or scamper down the rocks of a 250ft-high cliff to be on the sugar sand of this enchanting beach – which you’ll have almost to yourself.

For some reason, all those lists have the name wrong, calling it “Baia” or “Baio,” when it’s “Praia” (beach in Portuguese).  As the welcome sign proudly announces above the cliff trail: “Praia do Sancho – A Mais Bonita do Mundo,” Sancho Beach – The Most Beautiful in the World.  If you’re lucky to ever get here, you’ll surely agree.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #73 photo ©Jack Wheeler)  



orang-utansLive on a private houseboat exploring the jungles of Borneo by river and families of Orang Utans will be your neighbors.

To get here, you fly from Indonesia’s capital Jakarta to a small town in southern Borneo, Pangkalan Bun, on the Sekonyer River.  You hire your own houseboat called a klotok (shower, nice bed, good warm food and cold beer) and English-speaking guide to take you up river through the jungles of the Tanjung Putting Orang Utan reserve.  You’ll see proboscis monkeys, hornbills – and more wild orang utans than any other place on earth.

Spend time among them and you’ll understand how smart and human-like these gentle giants are.  It’s an endearing experience never to be forgotten.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #72 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



tatik-papik2This is “Tatik-Papik” (Grandmother-Grandfather), a stone monument built in Soviet days as homage to the mountain people of the Transcaucasus Highlands of Armenia and Azerbaijan.  After both became independent with the fall of the USSR, Armenia seized the Azeri part, known as Nagorno Karabagh.  Since late September, war has broken out anew, with Turkey supporting the Azeris and Russia supporting the Armenians.

The dispute could be settled easily with a “land swap.”  There is an exclave of Azerbaijan called Nakhchivan (see The Land of Noah, Glimpse #3) separated by a sparsely inhabited corridor of Armenia called the Mehgri Strip running to the border with Iran.  It could be swapped for the Armenian-populated portion of Karabagh.  Result: Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan are united and whole, Armenia and Armenian Karabagh are united and whole.

Should be win-win achievable given recent peace agreements achieved by our genius POTUS between Serbia and Kosovo, plus between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan don’t you think? (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #71 photo ©Jack Wheeler)