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Dr. Jack Wheeler


mongol-nomadsThese Mongol nomads in the vast grasslands of central Mongolia milking their goats have a way of life unchanged for centuries. All of our concerns, worries and fears that plague us are totally irrelevant to them. They don’t know about them and wouldn’t care if they did.

Spending time with people such as these gives you an invaluably broader perspective of life on our planet. Our concerns, the issues that dominate our headline news, suddenly seem more parochial and far less important. An evening drinking kumiss (Mongol beer, fermented mare’s milk) in their yurts, telling stories, laughing at jokes – you realize how easy it is to relate to them through the core humanity we all have in our souls.

Exploring Mongolia in this way is a priceless adventure. We’ll be there again in the summer of 2021. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #9 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



This HFR is dedicated to American Patriot Ashli Babbitt, the First Martyr to a Free America.

Ashli was an unarmed non-violent 100-pound woman peacefully protesting the theft of the Presidency by Congress on Capitol Hill, when without warning or provocation, she was murdered in cold blood by Capitol Hill Police with a point-blank gunshot to her chest.

One by one, every major legal, judicial, political, educative, social and cultural institution in our country has become a traitorous madhouse of lawless fascism and hatred for America – from the Department of Justice and the FBI to the Supreme Court, from the Democrat-Rino Uniparty to virtually our entire educational system Kindergarten to college, from Hollywood to Silicon Valley, from every two-digit IQ commie on Twitter to the Vice-President of the United States.

So what do we do about it?



jw-guinness-parachute-jumpApril 15, 1981 – this is the exact moment when I landed on the sea-ice at 90 North latitude, the North Pole, to set a Guinness World Record for “The Northernmost Parachute Jump.”

On a Wheeler Expedition to the top of the world, we landed our ski-equipped Twin Otter on a configuration of ice called an “old frozen-over lead” precisely at 90N. My clients got out, we took the fuel drums out, rear door off, took off again with me, the pilot and co-pilot. I had pilot Rocky Parsons go up to 8,000 feet for a mile of freefall, directed him to the spot – tiny black dots of our people on the ice – told him when to cut the engines, and I was out the door.

OMG what a rush, falling straight down on the very top of our planet, a world of ice below – meadows of rubble ice, rivers of open water called leads snaking through the ice, lakes of water called polynyas, pressure ridges of turquoise ice, terminal velocity, back flips, somersaults, fun in the sky. Altimeter shows 2,500 feet, time to go – pull out the hand deploy, see the canopy furl out in full, grab the hand toggles, spin around for more fun, line it up to come in next to everyone, stand-up landing, Guinness Book. Totally cool. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #5 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



vintgar-gorgeIn a hidden corner of Europe, the Radovna River pours off the Julian Alps to carve out the Vintgar Gorge with crystal clear water. A mile-long walkway with towering limestone cliffs on either side is your access.

Nearby is the gorgeous Lake Bled, with Bled Castle suspended atop a shoreline cliff. The medieval village of Piran, built on a spit of land projecting into the Adriatic Sea and encircled by a white sand beach is a short drive away. Ljubljana is one of Europe’s most utterly charming capital cities.

Most people have only heard of Slovenia as the birthplace of First Lady Melania Trump, but those who have been here understand it is one of the most entrancing countries on the European continent – pristine beauty, spotless environment, friendly and hospitable people, safe and very well-run. Whenever your next visit to Europe may be, try to include a few days or week or so here. You’ll never run out of fascinating things to do. A stroll through the Vintgar Gorge is an example out of so many. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #19 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



scavino-tweet-on-transitionThe President of the United States had to issue this statement through his White House spokesman because he has been suspended by Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Note that he did not concede – and never will.

For at 3:30am this morning (1/07), in one of the most despicable acts of cowardice in American history, Mike Pence certified the fraudulent non-election of an agent of Communist China to be the next president.  It is Darkness at Noon.

Darkness at Noon is Arthur Koestler’s classic portrayal of the horror of Communism and all forms of fascistic tyranny dedicated to snuffing out any vestige of individual freedom and dignity.  Just such a darkness has now descended upon America.



pence-decision-criticalI am still in Bali, 13 hours ahead of Washington DC.  It’s getting late at night here while it’s only mid-morning on this fateful day of January 6.  Early tomorrow morning Rebel and I will begin the long process of flying back home.  So I can report only what is happening now, before Mike Pence decides America’s fate.

What has happened is the Dems have stolen the two Senate seats in Georgia – which means Pence “coming through for us” is more mortally critical than before.  For his doing so is no longer just winning the presidency – it’s preventing Democrat Fascist Communists from being in total control of the entire federal government.

Which brings me to what Senator Jesse Helms told me decades ago.  And to an unforgettable scene in an unforgettable movie.



takla-makanWhen Marco Polo crossed the Tien Shan mountains and reached the Silk Road oasis of Kashgar in 1273, he faced an enormous desert of endless dunes called the Takla Makan, meaning “You go in, you don’t come out.” To avoid this fate, the Silk Road at Kashgar splits in two – above to the north of the dreaded sand sea via the oases of Aksu and Turfan, and underneath to the south via the oases of Yarkand, Khotan, Charchan and Charklik. The two routes came together beyond Lop Nor, the eastern extension of the Takla Makan, at the oasis of Dunhuang.

His father Niccolo and uncle Maffeo had earlier taken the northern route to first meet Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan, but now with Marco they took the southern route. They traveled in caravans of two-humped Bactrian camels, often crossing dunes on the edge – just like the photo you see. In 2008, I retraced Polo’s route along the southern route – part of it by motorized hang glider. He would be fascinated, I’m sure, to see what a camel caravan looks like from the air! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #13 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



This is the President of the Senate, the plenary officer of tomorrow’s (1/06) Joint Session of Congress, speaking in Georgia last night (1/04):  “I stand with President Donald Trump..  We all have our doubts about the last election…  And I promise you come next Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress.  We’ll hear the objections, we’ll hear the evidence…”

On Sunday (1/03), the first action of the 117th Congress, having just been sworn in, was to pass by voice vote, this Concurrent Resolution.  Let’s read it carefully. It’s Pence’s path to do what’s right tomorrow.



hypogeumThe extraordinary rock-cut necropolis known as the Hypogeum (hi-po-gee-um) is the only prehistoric underground temple in the world.  For over a thousand years (3500-2500 BC), the temple and burial complex (eventually housing 7,000 skeletons) was carved out and down – dozens of chambers, with rock-cut replicas of above-ground temples including simulated corbelled roofs.  (A corbelled roof uses stone slabs that progressively overlap each other until the room is roofed over.)

The Megalthic Maltese learned to cut from the limestone bedrock with tools of stone and antler horn for they had no metal.  These folks figured out all by themselves how to build extraordinary temples to their gods and goddesses close to six thousand years ago.  Nobody taught them.  They were the first. Only one reason Malta is one of our planet’s most fascinating places. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #109 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



ulu-watu-templeBuilt 1,000 years ago on the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the sea on the island of Bali, the sacred temple of Ulu Watu is one of the holiest places of worship for the Balinese people.  They have retained their unique form of Balinese Hinduism for millennia that incorporates their original animism, ancestor worship, and reverence for Buddhist saints or Bodhisattva.  This has resulted in a spiritual warmth and gentle friendliness matched by few other places on earth.  It is little wonder so many who come here consider Bali to be a worldly paradise. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #108 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



giving-upWelcome to the HAPPY NEW YEAR HFR!!  More accurately, From Out of the 2020 Frying Pan and Into the Fire of 2021. At this point, we now know how those who conducted the French Revolution felt about guillotining their rulers.

That should be the fate of every traitorous Deep State scumbag – from the entire senior staff of the FBI and DOJ, every talking head at CNN, every editor at WaPo and the New York Times, every arch-villain of Big Tech like Dorsey and Zuckerberg, every perp of the Russia Collusion Hoax from Brennan and Comey on down, to the entire leadership of the Democrat Party.

That’s a fantasy, of course -- but it exemplifies the bottomless rage scores of millions feel towards the Traitor Fascists determined to steal the presidency and destroy our beloved country.

So we come to history’s pivot five days from now, Wednesday January 6, and one man’s rendezvous with destiny.



city-of-djadoIn the remotest center of the Sahara Desert lies an unknown, unexcavated mysterious lost city known as Djado. No one knows who built it or when. Lying on the ancient Roman trade route from the Saharan salt mines of Fachi and Bilma to the Mediterranean, the Djado oasis flourished for a thousand years (the 1st Millennium AD), but has been forgotten and abandoned for many centuries.

The only people who live near Djado in the vast desert wasteland where Algeria, Libya, Chad, and Niger come together, are the wandering Toubu nomads with no permanent settlements. It is an indescribable experience to explore such a wondrous lost city right out of an Indiana Jones movie that you have all to yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #17, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



mulafassur-waterfallMulafassur waterfall below the village of Gasadalur is only one example of the serenity of the Faroe Islands. They’re a self-governing Danish possession in the North Atlantic halfway between Norway and Iceland. You won’t find a place of more captivating serene and peaceful charm.

Warmed by the Gulf Stream, in the summer it’s so strewn with wildflowers the roads are known as “buttercup highways.” At every turn along them you’re stunned by the incredible scenery. The capital of Torshavn is so laid back the Prime Minister’s Office – the Løgmansskristovan – is a wood cabin with a green grass sod roof. Great beer from the Faroes’ two breweries is always flowing in the pubs, where the Faroese islanders welcome you like an old friend.

You can easily fly here from Edinburgh, London, Copenhagen, or Reykjavik, Iceland . A few days here will do wonders for your soul. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #18 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



serengeti-migrationThe Serengeti Migration is world famous, when the great herds of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelles are strung out mile after mile migrating from Tanzania’s Serengeti to the Masai Mara of Kenya from May through July.  The migration is circular, for starting in October, the herds return.

But return to where?  And from where do the great herds start the cycle anew?  The answer is the Short Grass Plains of the Serengeti’s far south.  It is here where, from January through March, over a million wildebeest congregate en masse as you see in the photo above, not strung out over a hundred miles.  For this is their Birthing Season when the herds are replenished with new life.



pence-speech-video-122320Last Wednesday December 23), Vice-President Mike Pence spoke to the Turning Point USA conference in Palm Beach.  On Wednesday January 6, as President of the Senate, the presiding officer of the Joint Session of Congress with plenary authority to count the electoral votes determining the victor in the November 3 presidential election, he will choose to count the legal votes only or not.

If the former, the victor will be President Trump.  If the latter, the presidency will be stolen from him.  Watching this speech will give you hope for the former:



rock-of-gibraltarWe’re all familiar with the famed Rock of Gibraltar, huge and imposing from the outside – but inside the Rock itself is the enormous St. Michael’s Cave with fantastical formations colorfully illuminated. For millions of years, rainwater created fissures in the Rock’s limestone widening into huge caves with the steady drip of mineralized water creating massive stalactites hanging from cave ceilings and stalagmites rising up from cave floors. A phantasmagorical experience.

Gibraltar has been a British territory since 1713 when Spain ceded it in the Treaty of Utrecht. Thus also high up inside the Rock are the Great Siege Tunnels the British dug then lined with cannon emplacements to defeat Spain’s attempt to seize Gibraltar in the 1780s. Walking through the tunnels, you peer below looking down where the Spaniards and their French allies were vainly dug in – and where there is now an airplane runway stretching across the isthmus.

That’s just a glimpse of what to discover visiting Gibraltar, as there’s so much more! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #12, photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Welcome to The Merry Christmas HFR!

And yes, for us as Andy Williams immortalized it in 1963, this is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – which we get to and will celebrate despite any attempt to stop us.

So before we go any farther, let’s take a moment to appreciate the joyousness in our hearts on this Christmas Day.  Feels glorious, doesn’t it?

It’s a sorrowful tragedy that many of our fellow Americans are suffused with such a depth of fear and anger that they resent our joy – to the grotesque extent of wanting government guns pointed at us to stifle it.

That fear and anger causes the abyss between us and them – we are pro-freedom, they are anti-freedom; pro-America, they are hate-America; pro-honesty, integrity, and moral decency while they have contempt for all three.

Given that, here is the most critical distinction between us and those of the Left:



jesus-birthplaceThe exact spot where Jesus was born is marked by this 14-pointed silver star with the Latin inscription Hic De Virgine Maria Jesus Christus Natus Est- "Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary."

This is in a cave known as The Grotto of Nativity, enshrining the traditional site of the manger in Bethlehem, over which the Church of the Nativity was built, originally by Constantine the Great after his mother St. Helena visited the Holy Land and confirmed the site in 326.

It is only appropriate to commemorate what happened here over 2,000 years ago on this Christmas Day, 2020. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #107 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Equivalent to the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific are the Azores in the European Atlantic. You’re looking at Lagoa das Sete Cidades (Lagoon of the Seven Cities), an example of the Azores’ astounding beauty. As Hawaii is a part of the US, the Azores are a part of Portugal – since the 1430s first discovered uninhabited.

Everything grows here, cedar forest to giant tropical tree ferns, fruit from citrus to tropical, plants from corn to taro. Flowers are riotously everywhere. The sea swarms with fish being on the main Atlantic migration route for whales and dolphins. The islands are immaculately cared for by Azoreans, no pollution, air sparkling clear, weather in the 60s in winter, 70s in summer, so peaceful they are virtually crime-free.

Azoreans love drinking parties, cheerful festivals, and bright colors – with their charming homes painted the color of key lime pie, raspberry mousse, or oceanic blue. They love liberty so much they’ve had this motto emblazoned on their coat of arms for centuries: “Antes morrer livres que em paz sujeitos”—" Rather die free than live in peaceful subjugation.”

This is one of our planet’s truly magical places. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #11 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



runway-ableIt is a profoundly somber experience to stand here on this abandoned weed-strewn airstrip. For this is Runway Able on Tinian Island in the Northern Marianas, where 75 years ago today, on August 6, 1945, a B-29 nicknamed Enola Gay piloted by Col. Paul Tibbets took off with Little Boy in its bomb bay bound for Hiroshima – and three days later on August 9, a B-29 nicknamed Bockscar piloted by Maj. Charles Sweeney flew off with Fat Boy in its bomb bay headed for Nagasaki.

This lost bit of tarmac is the most consequential airstrip on earth. Be prepared for a deep complex of swirling emotions if you ever stand here yourself. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #14 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



phoksundoWest of the Himalayan giants of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri in Nepal lies a roadless high wilderness inhabited only by Tibetan nomads called Dolpa.  The region is named after them, Dolpo.  The Dolpa practice the ancient pre-Buddhist animist religion of Tibet called Bön.  They worship sites of nature they consider holy.  And holiest of all is the Sacred Lake of Phoksundo.

The Dolpa consider the blue of Phoksundo an act of magic by the gods.  Once you see it, you can only agree.  This picture is not photoshopped – it is real. We visit it in late October when it is ice free on our Himalaya Helicopter Expeditions. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #41 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



I must have watched this 98-second video at least two dozen times.  Every time I’m emotionally overcome, bringing tears to my eyes.  Wherever you are, fight for Trump however you can.  Save America.  Save the World. Fight for Trump – now.

As you cannot trust YouTube, here it is additionally on Vimeo and Bitchute.  Send it to everyone you know.


Here it is additionally on Vimeo and Bitchute.  Send it to everyone you know.



bali-monkeysNear the town of Ubud on Indonesia’s paradise island of Bali there is a Hindu sanctuary of spectacularly luxuriant rain forest providing a haven for over 1,000 Balinese long-tailed monkeys. Here’s one communing with a group of moss-covered monkey statues that dot the sanctuary.

This is a sacred place for the Balinese people, as it contains three temples over 600 years old, and is devoted to the Hindu principle of Tri Hata Karana – “three ways to reach spiritual and physical well-being” -- harmony between people, harmony between people and nature, harmony between people and the Supreme God.

There is perhaps no place on earth in which to better experience the blissful harmony of Tri Hata Karana than Bali.  It is a marvelous privilege to be here and experience it for yourself.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #106 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



livefree-or-die-patchThere is one fundamental fact of political reality:  everything the Left is allowed to touch, it ruins and destroys.

At the end of 2020, it becomes difficult to avoid hyperventilating over the ubiquitous scope of unadulterated Satanic Evil the Left has been allowed to perpetrate upon America this year.

All the tens of thousands dying with life-saving drug denial, all the hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs destroyed with fascist lockdowns, all the never-ending tsunami of lies and deceit by Big Media and Big Tech, all the treason allowing China to subvert and control America from the Oval Office --- ALL OF IT just to prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

And now the Supreme Court of the United States – including the Justices we were so very sure would protect us, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh – have acquiesced to this murderous, thieving, traitorous cabal to achieve its criminally insane and satanic goal.

So – as TTPer Paul Rosenberg asks, What now?  Here is my answer.



north-face-of-everestMy first Everest expedition was in October, 1987. I took this photo climbing above the Rongbuk Monastery. The enormous North Face of Mount Everest is entirely in Tibet.  The summit at 8,848 meters/29,029 feet is in the jet stream with the plume flowing left along the Northeast Ridge, the climbing route of Mallory and Irvine in 1924.

On the back side of the ridge is the Kangshung Face, also in Tibet.  On the right side is the West Ridge, the border between Tibet and Nepal.  At the right time of year, the setting sun turns the whole North Face bright pink.  At any time of year on a clear day like this, you are witnessing one of the most magnificent sights our planet has to offer. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #105 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



xikrin-kayapo-tribesman This Xikrin-Kayapo tribesman and his people live in the deepest heart of the Brazilian Amazon on tributaries of the Xingu River. You wonder what he would think of us as panic, fear, and madness engulfs our civilization. Having spent time in his village not long ago, I’m confident he would simply shake his head in bewilderment and say, “Please just let us live our lives in our forest, that’s all we want.”

True indigenous tribes who keep to their traditional way of life are so rare now in the Amazon or anywhere else where they once flourished. Each one is a precious living cultural heritage of humanity. It is such a privilege when they share their way of life with you. They deserve to have their wish granted, as my tribesman friend would express it. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #4 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



yellowstone-prismatic-spring There are places in our world so staggeringly beautiful you have to see them to believe they exist. Yet those people walking along the foot bridge can’t see what you’re looking at. That has to be in the air, hovering from high above in a helicopter. We live in a world of such beauty it really does take your breath away. And best of all, the beauty of the Grand Prismatic Spring is right here in America. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #2 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



©2019 Jack Wheeler10,000 years ago, the Sahara was green, with lakes, rivers, and such an abundance of animals it was a hunting paradise for people who lived here. You’ll find their petroglyphs carved on to rock outcroppings like this that my son Jackson and I found on a Trans-Sahara Expedition in 2003.

The Milankovitch astronomical cycles that drive Earth’s climate produced a West African monsoon that greened the Sahara back then. When the cycles shifted ending the monsoon, the Sahara turned dry desert as it remains today. Political cycles that permitted a peaceful crossing of the world’s greatest desert have also shifted, making this too dangerous now.

A Trans-Sahara Expedition is one of the world’s great adventures. Hopefully, one will be possible again in the not-too-distant future. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #7 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



reef-of-heaven In a remote corner of the Pacific Ocean, off the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia lies one of the world’s great archaeological mysteries: the only ancient stone city built on a coral reef. No one knows who built it or how.

Micronesians say their ancestors called it Soun Nan-leng, The Reef of Heaven. Their name for it today is Nan Madol, the City of Ghosts.

On artificial islets connected by a series of canals are massive walls up to 25 feet high enclosing temples, tombs, ritual centers, and platforms for thatch homes – all made of giant columnar basalt stone. Eons ago, lava flows on Pohnpei cooled into vertical pillars. Over a thousand years ago, ancient Micronesians began hauling these basalt logs miles away to build this stone city. With an average weight of 5 tons, 10,000 pounds – and some up to 25 tons, 50,000 pounds each – how they did this remains unexplained. It lies deserted today, abandoned and lost for centuries.

Paddling a kayak through the canal maze of Nan Madol to clamber over these monumental stone complexes in solitary silence – for visitors are rarely here – leaves you in a state of unforgettable awe. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #6 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



snake-attacks-birdI am writing this on Sunday as my wife and I are on our way to Bali, Indonesia to spend Christmas-New Years with our son Jackson and his wife who live there now.

By the time you read this on Monday (12/14), thanks to the Coward Court all the news will be about a Electoral College Vote Fraud making the Dem theft of the presidency official.

Maybe there’s still some hope that POTUS can triumph in the final Electoral vote count by Congress on January 6.  Yet many a TTPer has reminded me of what I wrote 21 months ago, in March 2019.  It made a lot of people really mad at me at the time, but now, in re-reading it myself, what I feel is real torment, real pain over realizing that I had been right all along when I didn’t want to be.

As we try to figure out where we go from here in a fully lawless land that no longer has courts and a constitution, we’ll step back in time 21 months ago to contemplate the warning that was not heeded.



What is this horrific video?  It is “what the face of real anger and desperation in the face of a government that is equal parts corrupt and inept looks like.”  This took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina one week ago (12/04).  The author continues:
“It is the fundamental problem of rule through force that eventually leads to these regrettable outcomes. No one wants to see policemen, presumably decent men with the right motivations to maintain societal order, stoned in public.


But when people have had their ability to make their grievances heard peacefully taken away from them, they will, eventually, make their grievances heard violently. It’s who we are. It’s human nature.


And the lesson here is for all of these would-be tyrants currently laughing about winning a fraudulent election in the U.S. through changing the rules is that they will face this same moment as these cops did very soon.”

But not with rocks – which is all the Argentines have.  You know full well what tens of millions of Americans have.  At least five Justices must know this themselves – and that the outcome of their decision on Texas v Pennsylvania is binary: ballots or bullets.  POTUS understands:



young-brandon-at-n-poleApril 22, 1990.  This is my son Brandon, age six, happily atop a small pressure ridge of sea-ice at 90 North Latitude, the geographic North Pole.  I started leading expeditions to 90N in 1978.  This was my 12th, and the best weather there we’d ever had.  A glorious day at the very top of our planet, and a glorious memory for both father and son.

If fortune favors you with the opportunity, have grand adventures with your children or grandchildren when they are young. They will treasure the memories so much they will someday tell their grandchildren about them.  Life is short, carpe diem. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #104 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



trump-tweet-on-election-fraudThe stage is set.  The stakes could not be higher.  America has arrived at history’s fork in the road determining its fate.

It’s a true fork, not an intersection leading in multiple directions.  Here the road divides in two and two only, an either-or, the choice between them must be made.  And very soon.



antelope-canyon1We’re now well over 100 Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World since we instituted this daily feature on TTP last July. So to refresh your memory of them, we’ll be sprinkling a recycle of them from now on in the series.

Our very first was Surrealistic Art in Nature, which you’ll find unsurpassed in Antelope Canyon, a slot canyon near Page, Arizona.  No artist could paint something more surrealistic than what nature has created here.  It’s a photographer’s fantasy land – enhanced by a Navajo Indian guide who knows all the best lighting and perspectives.

You can explore the world to experience the greatest wonders of nature, but they are also to be found here in the American West. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #1 Photo ©Jack Wheeler)



nambas-cannibalOn the remote north side of the island of Malekula in Vanuatu, there lives a cannibal tribe called the Big Nambas.  The men wear a penis gourd wrapped in pandamus fibers, and eat “man long pig,” cooked human enemies.  You have to trek over mountains of thick jungle to reach them.  When I was able to years ago, there were a few men who continued the practice.  This gentleman is one of them.  I was in no danger as they were very kind and gracious to me.

That wasn’t the case a century ago when the first explorers, Martin & Osa Johnson, reached them.  Their 1918 film, “Cannibals of the South Seas,” made the Johnsons famous, and you can see it on YouTube.  Today they are far more benign. It is an extraordinary experience to meet a culture of fearsome reputation and realize they are people like you and me. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #103 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



gardens-by-the-bayThe world’s most spectacular nature park is the 130-acre Gardens by the Bay in Singapore.  In the gigantic greenhouse of the Flower Dome, virtually every rare flower on earth flourishes in abundance, while the Cloud Forest is a wonderland of tropical waterfalls seemingly falling out of the sky high above.

Dominating the park are the 160-foot high Supertrees, towering vertical gardens covered in orchids, ferns, vines, and exotic plants.  There are elevated canopies and walkways between them.  Exploring the astonishing display of hi-tech botanical artistry and genius that is Gardens by the Bay is absolutely awe-inspiring.

TTPer Cassowary was kind enough to guide me through the park as Singapore is his home.  Perhaps he’ll tell us more about it on the Forum.  (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #102 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



rock-of-aphroditeThis is the Rock of Aphrodite – where Greek mythology says the Goddess of Love was born fully formed from the sea-foam surging around it – and makes Cyprus the Island of Love.  It is south of Paphos on the island’s west coast.

Adjacent is the Temple Sanctuary of Aphrodite, where pilgrims came from every Greek city and kingdom for 2,000 years to worship her. The ancient Greeks prayed to Aphrodite more than any of their other gods, for she was the apotheosis of love, desire, and fertility or having children. Which explains why today couples travel from all over the world to get married here.

Folks have been living in Cyprus for a really long time.  So long that they were the first people in the world to domesticate cats over 9,000 years ago.  A Neolithic village has been unearthed called Choirokoitia that’s surprisingly sophisticated for being 8,000 years old.  In Roman times, after Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead, he went to Cyprus -- there is a beautiful church, the Agios Lazaros, built over his tomb.

The Painted Churches of Troodos are adorned with magnificent medieval art.  The ruins of a Crusaders’ fortress inspired the fairy tale castle of Walt Disney’s Snow White.  I hope Cyprus’ inspirational history will inspire you to explore it someday. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #101 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



jw-swims-the-hellespontJuly, 1973.  The Hellespont is the famous strait separating Europe from Asia, where the Black Sea after flowing through the Bosphorus at Istanbul and a widening called Marmara empties into the Aegean Sea of the Mediterranean.  One of the great stories of Greek Mythology is Leander swimming the Hellespont to tryst with Hero, the woman he loved but was forbidden to see.

Thus he swam at night, and she lit a torch for him to swim to.  One night a storm blew out the torch and the strong currents swept Leander onto the rocks to drown. So I first swam the Hellespont at night in 1960 and almost drowned myself (LIFE Magazine, Dec. 12, 1960, pp 91-94).

This was the second time, swimming from Leander’s village site of Abydos on the Asia side to Sestos, Hero’s village site on Europe’s.  Here I am having reached the Sestos shore.

The Hellespont is where the Trojan War was fought, where the Persians crossed to lose against the Greeks at Marathon and Salamis, where Alexander crossed to conquer the Persian Empire.  Lord Byron swam the Hellespont in 1803 to make all the legends and history a part of his life.  I was determined to do the same, twice to make sure. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #100 photo ©Jack Wheeler)



Stop the Steal Rally at Michigan State Capitol Building, Lansing

Stop the Steal Rally at Michigan State Capitol Building, Lansing

This is the Down to the Wire HFR.  The Stop the Steal war is being waged on two fronts, with state legislatures and with SCOTUS.

Next Tuesday (12/08) is Safe Harbor Day when state legislatures must appoint Electors.  This week, Giuliani and his legal team presented their case why they should vote to either decertify Biden Electors or appoint Trump Electors instead.

In Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Georgia, in Arizona -- here are clips of each.

Remember how HFR 11/07/20 4 days after the election began with The Map That Can Save America?  It was of a map of state legislature control by party, noting that all contested swing states have GOP control – which is exactly why Giuliani spoke to them this week.

So now we wait until next Tuesday to see if they have American spines or those of jellyfish.



adam-eve-amanita Our last Glimpse (#98) was the back panel of the Painted Monastery of Voronet. Here you see a side panel fresco of Adam and Eve tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Startlingly, however, the couple is not eating an apple at the serpent’s behest but a hallucinogenic Amanita muscaria mushroom – recognizable as the classic Disney cartoon mushroom with the red cap and white spots. Sounds hard to believe but there it is, 532 years old.  It’s the center panel of a triptych, the left panel has Adam and Eve each grasping an Amanita stalk, the right panel knowing they are naked covering themselves with fig leaves.

In all three panels, the Garden of Eden is an Amanita garden.  This is devotional art by deeply devout Christians over 500 years ago.  What’s going on?   Amanita muscaria is commonly found in the Carpathian forests to this day.  Did the Voronet painters engage in Amanita ceremonies giving them visions they used to paint their churches?  Did those visions make them decide it was Amanita and not an apple that Eve ate?

From time immemorial, people have used hallucinogenic plants to commune with the spirit world.  Researchers have shown that Soma, the god instantiated on earth in the earliest Hindu texts, is Amanita muscaria.  And they’ve made another connection.  Google Amanita muscaria + Santa Claus to find out. Better be sitting down. (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #99 photo ©Jack Wheeler)