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Victor Davis Hanson

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8ball_bideWhat shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns?

Hunter all but accused his own father President Joe Biden of also being on the foreign take: “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family… Unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Hunter’s alleged felonies range from bribery to tax evasion. That he has not yet been prosecuted for anything is scandalous. His exemption is attributable only to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s likely weaponized directives to federal prosecutors to downgrade or forget altogether felony charges against Hunter.

So given such wild behavior, why would not Hunter tone it down, stop the global grifting, cease the reckless behavior—and quit redirecting attention to the likely illegal acts of his father, the President?



nikki-haley-squishAs you may have guessed from the title of this post, I’m not a Nikki Haley fan. She’s a sort of conservative, which makes her way better than a Democrat, but she’s also a squish, which puts her low on my list. I also really dislike her playing the woman card to run. That’s such a Democrat thing to do. Now, my concern is that she’s attacking Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) because he’s holding the Pentagon’s feet to the fire over its illegal abortion policies.

The Hyde Amendment isn’t complicated: It says that federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortions unless the abortion will save the woman’s life or the pregnancy results from rape or incest.

In 2022, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court held that abortion is not a constitutional right, returning the matter to the states. (To make abortion a federal right or ban it nationwide requires a constitutional amendment.) Several states have since banned or severely limited abortion. There are military bases in many of the states that have placed full or partial bans on abortion.

The Pentagon is currently a leftist institution, from the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on down. Obama started a purge of conservatives, and Biden has been finishing it.



masked-leftist-politicos-vs-trumpWeaponizing impeachment is just one of many precedents that Leftists now would not wish to have applied to themselves

An impeachment inquiry looms and the shrieks of outrage are beginning.

The Left is now suddenly voicing warnings that those who recently undermined the system could be targeted by their own legacies.

So, for example, now we read why impeachment is suddenly a dangerous gambit.

True, the Founders did not envision impeaching a first-term president the moment he lost his House majority. Nor did they imagine impeaching a president twice. And they certainly did not anticipate trying an ex-president in the Senate as a private citizen.

In modern times, the nation has not rushed to impeach a president without a special counsel investigation to determine whether the chief executive was guilty of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

But thanks to the Democrats, recent impeachments now have destroyed all those guardrails.



robert-f-kennedy-jrThe real end goal of the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy campaigns is a leadership position in the Trump administration.  How much criticism of Trump have we heard from these two Trump political opponents?

The key for Trump and for our country to win could be a powerful coalition with RFK Jr. and his millions of Democrat and Independent supporters.  With that coalition, freedom will win and evil will lose.

Many of RFK Jr.’s positions make him more Trumpian than the average Republican politician. RFK Jr. is a DINO (Democrat in Name Only) but actually more appealing to Republicans than to Democrats according to recent polling.

An angry American electorate is desperately hungry for truth and radical counterrevolutionary reforms that only Trump, RFK Jr., and a like-minded administration and Congress can provide.  The GOP and our country cannot afford to experience another close election loss.



Don't Banana My Republic!

The Maui fire last month took many lives and destroyed considerable property. Since then, governments at multiple levels have demonstrated a stilted communication response that increasingly appears inauthentic and politically motivated.

Many children are missing and presumed burned to death. How many? Nobody seems to know. Electronic geofencing prevents private drones from looking at the scene; a tall, opaque fence has been erected around the site. Official government spokespersons do not appear competent or even in the loop.

Censorship has returned to social media with a vengeance as the government demands posts mentioning or discussing the fires be shut down. The immediate question is, why? Why do government agents believe aggressive, centralized narrative control is their best option? Perhaps because we are in election season? Perhaps another reason?

Public relations experts, ministers of propaganda, or whatever they shall be called, did not conceptualize the cause and progression of events effectively. They used poor graphics and messaging filled with blanks and gaps that shredded their credibility.

The official cause of the fire was downed electrical lines into fields of bone-dry grass. Videos of the fire's ignition exist.

But…Many know that directed energy weapons are being researched and that a Chinese satellite operating a LIDAR unit, a laser version of radar, overflew the site. Rumors have expanded to fill the gap without effective official messaging and in light of aggressive censorship.

The fire was a crisis, yet the mismanagement of official communication continues. This begs the question, when faced with crisis communication, why is the first impulse of government to hide, block, and censor? Are government communication teams so thoroughly woke that they cannot perform their jobs? No wonder faith in institutions is collapsing.

Much is being written about expanding the economic zone called the BRICS. Are we supposed to be afraid? And afraid of what exactly? A collection of global extraction-based economies has joined a geographic and political zone centered on China. Most are middle to low-income, low-productivity, low-innovation economies with a collectivist bent. Sure, they can engineer a famine or crisis to promote the debtor/creditor international perspective. At best, they are trying to build a cargo-cult version of the old USSR. In the end, economics are more powerful than political systems. It has been thus throughout all of history,

If the United States stops patrolling the trade routes between the BRICS, pirates and scoundrels will prey on the ships. Even with China as a central member, the BRICS do not have an effective blue-water navy.

We return to the second part of the discussion of Beautiful Trouble, the left's new playbook for revolution in light of modern social media and mobile phones. Today's conversation covers the conceptual framework behind leftist dogma. We will wrap up the conceptual framework next week before moving on to their tactics and logistics, training, and organization over the following weeks.

Troublemakers, as they call themselves,  want to remove individuals' right to think and discuss important topics. What is most annoying is the government action in Maui is in synch with the philosophy behind Beautiful Trouble.

Please click over to this week's HFR and join the forum conversation. They want to silence your voice. Don't let them.


SKYE’S LINKS 09/07/23

Narrative Damage Control. Can the Deep State Save its Political Ship?


The Federal Government relies on political narratives to assert control. Federal agencies are fundamentally narrative management organizations built up during a previous time when lies could be told with impunity. Federal agents with guns attempt to beat political beliefs into the populace when the lies fail. Love it or hate it, it is the system.

Things are getting tougher. First, the narrative-making process appears to have less competency, elegance, and professionalism. You know what is said about going woke leading to “going broke” in the private sector. The government sector is not immune, as social hires were found to be winging it all through COVID-19. They seem to be winging everything.

Federal Narrative Control agents have their hands full as the lunacy from the bureaucrats is getting more challenging to enforce. Government agencies have lost coordination among themselves.

Medical information is falsified, crime statistics are outright lies, Bidenomics is not working, and people act as if anarchy is the rule, whether in shopping malls or at the ballot box.

The ship is on fire, and the damage control crews don’t know how to put the flames out. Instead of authenticity, competent insiders are abandoning ship for the private sector.

The Fourth Turning grumbles on. Anarchy is spreading even while some courts earnestly try to restore faith in the law. A profound problem is that many courts promote anarchy, if not evil. President Trump has much to say about this.

Let’s have a look over at Skye’s Links.



wyoming-hotel-trashedThe headline at the Daily Mail was eye-catching: “Squatters take over Wyoming city: Vagrants leave millions of dollars worth of damage to motel and 500lbs of human feces in downtown area - as Casper fights off a homeless invasion.”

It was an image at odds with how we think of Wyoming; that is, a clean, naturally beautifully conservative state. But the homeless plague is everywhere, and the situation in Casper reminds us that most of today’s homeless are not just ordinary people down on their luck; they are dysfunctional drug addicts who are the inevitable result of 60 years of leftist drug policies.

The Daily Mail has the details behind the headline:

Squatters have taken over a Wyoming city after some left millions of dollars worth of damage to a motel and others left 500lbs of feces in the downtown area.

Casper, the second-largest city in the state, is home to 60,000 residents but now also has about 200 homeless people.

Some have seized various properties that are empty or abandoned, including an abandoned Econo Lodge motel that hasn’t operated since November.

Casper Mayor Bruce Knell described the extent of destruction as akin to ‘third-world-country stuff’.



slay-the-monsterDemocrats are adopting arguments and rationales once used against the left to silence or jail them. Pundits and politicians are becoming the very thing that they have long condemned in this age of rage. It is realization of Nietzsche’s monster theory.

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.” Those words from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche capture the fear that the struggle against the ideas and people we oppose will twist us into the very thing we hate.

For Democrats, that moment has come in an age of rage against former President Donald Trump in particular and conservatives in general. It’s an age when reason and restraint are strangers.

In various areas, Democrats have embraced repellent concepts in the effort to silence or even jail their opponents. What is most striking is that legal arguments now used by the left were once used against the left.



clap-for-oIn the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood.

With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bi-coastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.

The Obamas entered the presidency spouting the usual left-wing boilerplate (“spread the wealth,” “just downright mean country,” “get in their face,” “first time I’ve been proud of my country”) as upper-middle-class, former community activists, hurt that their genius and talents had not yet been sufficiently monetized.



generation-z [No, this is not about America’s Gen Z, named after the Xers and Y Millennials. It is about Russia’s, named after the tactical insignia of Russian troops occupying Ukraine, which they support with a Nazi-genocidal fervor]


Red Square, Moscow

Alina is 19. She loves fashion, and watching pirated Hollywood movies with her mechanic boyfriend Sergei.

But since February 24, 2022, when President Vladimir Putin sent an invasion force into Ukraine, Alina's online life has become scarily violent. She is one of the Z Generation.

She shares and re-posts propaganda about Ukrainian neo-Nazis and child-killers, backed up with warnings of the threat to Russia from shadowy NATO organizations. The people of Ukraine, she believes, can be saved only by wiping out their culture, their government and their language.

Her homepage is plastered with apocalyptic images of a burning White House in 'Fasciston DC'. The Ukrainian flag is renamed 'the Devil's Swastika' and Putin is 'Russia's savior'.

How did Alina, and hundreds of thousands of young Russians like her, become so consumed with online violence and hate?



paper-plane-escapeUnconstrained Information Warfare

Around the globe, there is an emergence of unconstrained information warfare. This differs from the type of information warfare the pros prefer to fight. Constrained vs. unconstrained information is at the heart of military strategies and the Democrat's move to silence Trump.

Trump won in 2016 using unconstrained information, which cast terror into the heart of the political world. The counter, the information warriors thought, was to constrain Biden to the basement and garble almost everything he says.

And why not? The political class learned information warfare from the same contractors that provided tools to the military. As insiders predicted, the Dems secured the White House in 2020 and maintained their iron grip over the vote count.

Both sides' attempts to constrain information shaped the recent wars in Syria and Armenia. ISIS ran websites for the West but shut the internet down locally.

Everything changed with Ukraine as Russia attempted to constrain the information space at home but pushed well-financed propaganda abroad. Ukraine entered the war with a blast of unconstrained, uncoordinated, very loud information. This brought them the initiative but distorted and undercut the traditional psyop tools and forces.

Enter the world of unconstrained information, where the goal is for Team A to grab the wide-open space while Team B must deal with messaging constraints.

The effects are powerful and very much behind the urgent need felt by the Dems to muzzle Trump. Eight recent African coups were fueled by information warfare, and the State Department was caught flatfooted.

One presidential candidate uses unconstrained information tactics to the detriment of his Republican challengers. The experienced hands continue to respond as if competing in a constrained environment. Big mistake!

So where is this coming from? The Dems launched a major political campaign strategy revision called Beautiful Trouble, taken directly from military psyop programs. It includes books, seminars, board games, and study aids. Pretty much everything on the table is in the book.

This HFR is the first four-part series on the Democrat's information warfare strategy.

Please join us, your insights on the forum are very important.


SKYE’S LINKS 08/31/23

economy-stupidOversized Economic Failure Requires Oversized Distractions.

Sometimes, it is not just what they say but what they omit.

The government fears the public will grasp the reality of current corruption and institutional failure. The DOJ is either a partner in Biden's sins or is so afraid that the magnitude, once disclosed, will lead to the permanent erasure of the Democrat Party.

They are not behaving rationally.

The media holds presidential debates but questions a country song instead of the actual inflation issue. Most people missed that sleight of hand.

China is in deep trouble, and the West must figure out how to rebuild its supply lines in a world of rapidly accelerating interest rates.

Environmentalism is now fully exposed as some Keynesian monetary theory scam where the government throws money to its friends in hopes of keeping the game going. Who benefits? The finance industry, with their increasing claims on the labor of taxpayers.

The Trump impeachments are election interference through full-throated government power and the best distraction our betters can create. So far.

Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole, Wyoming speech put the world on notice that he intends to be hawkish with interest rates. Very Hawkish.

Come on over to Skyes' Links, and let's have a look:



The Corruptocrat who runs the Department of Injustice

The Corruptocrat who runs the Department of Injustice

Some truths are so staggering in their ramifications that Americans simply shrug and tune them out as if strangers in a strange land.

Is their current bewilderment because modernist America is unrecognizable —a nonexistent border, downtown homeless juxtaposed to hipster professional elites, DEI racial essentialism, cities reverting to precivilizational wastelands, millions exiting blue states to red, an FBI and DOJ gone rogue, the normalization of violent theft and assault, biologically born men sandbagging women’s sports and their locker room privacy?

We are reaching the point where the once unbelievable has become the banal, as a single generation has done its best to undo the work of a prior 12 generations. Consider the following:



seal_of_the_us_house_of_representativesWhen Congress returns next month, it has little alternative but to launch a long-discussed impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. For House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the case for an inquiry came from a most unlikely source: Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The debacle in the Hunter Biden investigation has left most objective legal analysts in disbelief, with one CNN analyst calling it an “unholy mess.”

House Republicans had previously demanded that David Weiss and his team answer questions about the investigation and the plea bargain. And an appearance before a House committee was planned when Garland suddenly preempted that by doing what many of us have demanded for years: He appointed a special counsel.  None other than David Weiss.

Plus, Garland refused to expressly extend the special counsel’s mandate to include influence-peddling allegations involving President Biden. The House has now no choice but to impeach him.



bide-behind-barsDespite years of Biden family and media disinformation, we are finally learning that Joe Biden really did fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin for looking into state corruption involving the oil company Burisma and Hunter Biden—and ultimately Joe Biden himself.

As Vice President, Biden, in his own words, bragged that he had threatened to cancel the deliverance of American foreign aid to Ukraine unless Shokin was dismissed.

An impeached Trump also was accused of using the power of government to go after his likely 2020 presidential rival by suggesting that Joe Biden and his family were corrupt, and should be investigated by Ukrainian officials for fraud and bribery.

Despite Joe Biden’s denials, Trump was right: there was plenty of evidence to link Ukrainian unwarranted payoffs going into Biden family coffers.

So what is the Congress to do now—un-impeach and exonerate an innocent impeached Donald Trump, and instead impeach a guilty Biden for essentially the same allegations?



fulton-county-mugshot-of-trumpThis can't be the mugshot his many enemies hoped for. Instead of looking cowed, concerned, deflated and defeated, Donald Trump looks strong, defiant, unbowed.

Not for the first time, attempts to denigrate Trump have backfired badly. It has already almost erased from memory the fact that the night before the mugshot was taken, the first televised debate in the Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential election was broadcast from Milwaukee in the swing state of Wisconsin.

During the debate, Trump was 'the elephant not in the room', as Fox News put it, because his presence was never far from the proceedings. Few dared to criticize him for fear of aggravating the Republican base, which still adores him - even more so after that mugshot.

One, Vivek Ramaswamy, said that if he became President he would pardon Trump for any convictions 'on day one'.  He is the glib, arrogant millennial of the Republican field, whose gobby overconfidence blinds him to the fact that often, especially on foreign policy, he has no idea what he's talking about.



handsome-trump-mugshotATLANTA, GA — Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by Fulton County for looking too stunning and handsome in his mugshot photo.

"No man is allowed to look that attractive and fierce," said District Attorney Fani Willis. "President Trump must be held accountable for his overpowering sexiness and raw animal magnetism."

According to sources at the Fulton County DA Office, President Trump will be charged with a range of crimes, including having too perfect of a bone structure. "Thousands of women became pregnant the moment the photo was released," said Ms. Willis. "It's an outrage. No man, no matter how beautifully made, is above the law."

Mr. Trump's photo has already spread around the globe at a record pace, with heterosexual women everywhere suddenly becoming fans of the former President. "He finally earned the women's vote," said Republican strategist Dan Cooper. "The fundraising off of this will be incredible. I hear Mike Lindell already has pillowcases with the mugshot ready to go. Someone named Marjorie already ordered ten thousand of them."

At publishing time, Mr. Trump had been indicted yet again for being too debonaire when talking to the jail staff.

~ Babylon Bee reporting.


SKYE’S LINKS 08/24/23

Before we begin, let me first thank all my fellow TTPers who posted such nice birthday wishes for me on the Forum.  What you expressed means a lot to me – what a wonderful 80th birthday present, for which I am so very appreciative and grateful.  “Live long and prosper” to us all!

shut-free-speech-upGood news!  Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley explains how The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has handed down a major victory for free speech against the District of Columbia woketard judge.  Even better, it’s a Pro-Life free speech victory and loss for Only Black Lives Matter racism!

“A Monopoly in Expressing its Views”: D.C. Circuit Hands Down Major Free Speech Victory for Pro-Life Group


“When disaster strikes, always blame it on Climate Change” is the Dem mantra now. Yes, the mantra helped cause the deadly Maui wildfires -  but not in the way that the MSM and Xiden minions are claiming:

WSJ: Hawaiian Electric Focused on Climate Change, Neglected Wildfire Risk


The above was tragic, but the lethal role that DEI played in the Maui fires was literally insane:

Woke Hawaiian Official Stalled Release Of 'Revered Water' Until It Was Too Late To Save Maui



thumbsup-reaganEveryone seems to have advice for the GOP candidates, so, what the heck, I’ll get in on the action too. Better yet, I’ll shamelessly plagiarize Ronald Reagan—with whom I collaborated on two winning presidential campaigns.

It so happens that the first Republican primary debate is on Aug. 23, the 39th anniversary of Reagan’s re-election acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Dallas.

The current cast of White House contenders are engaged in unconstructive outrage rather than offering a clarifying pathway to reclaiming our government. On that sultry night in Texas, Reagan charted the latter course. The president presented a crucial distinction:

The Democrat Party was marked by “pessimism, fear and limits,” whereas the Republican Party offered “hope, confidence and growth.”

Reagan’s words ring true today. He said the left “sees people only as members of groups,” always offering them grandiose—and unfulfilled—promises. Republicans serve “all the people of America as individuals” and “offer proven, workable answers.”



long-live-ukr-rallyKyiv, Ukraine. The average age of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s 450-seat parliament, is 41. Only three of the elected representatives are older than 60, while 17 were under 30 at the time of their election.

This means that when Ukraine declared its independence, many of us were essentially children, and some weren’t yet born. What do we remember from Aug. 24, 1991?

I was 6. My memories of that day are of something profoundly significant. People didn’t go to work; they gathered in the city center, on what is now Hrushevsky Street, greeting each other in an atmosphere of incredible joy and uplift.

Now, in the 10th year of Russia’s war against Ukraine and 18 months into its full-scale phase, we are renewing our independence with an unquenchable passion to keep it.



jinping-bide-forces[Few scholars know Chicom China better than Willy Wo-Lap Lam.  There is a lot to think about here – please consider reading it attentively-JW.]

After emerging as China’s “leader for life” and filling top party organs such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee and the Politburo with members of his own faction, paramount leader Xi Jinping has been relentlessly buffeted by what he refers to as “high waves and dangerous winds” in his effort to keep the ship of state afloat (Radio Free Asia, May 30).

However, whether the supreme leader and his newly minted Politburo can acquit themselves of handling these challenges remains dubious.

The horrendous rain and flooding of Typhoon Doksuri (杜苏芮) earlier this month (August 2023) that have hit Hebei Province and Beijing itself, which resulted in the displacement of some 1 million people and an undisclosed number of deaths, has again illustrated the questionable governance ability of the Xi Jinping administration.

And Xi—who is General Secretary of the CCP and commander-in-chief—has neither visited the sites of devastation nor spelled out measures to help flood victims re-establish their livelihoods. He has instead gone to the nearby seaside resort of Beidaihe to chair a series of informal policy-making sessions with other Politburo members and top advisors (Australian Broadcasting Corp Chinese, August 10; Radio Free Asia, August 4).

Sounds just like Joe Biden and the horrific fire in Maui, doesn’t it?  The comparisons go far deeper.



chin-dempuppetmasterWhat if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents, and stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property, as they pleased and with impunity?

How would Beijing respond if American biotech company warehouses were discovered in rural China with unsecured vials of deadly viruses and pathogens?

These “what-ifs” could be expanded endlessly. But they reflect well enough the great asymmetry in the bizarre Chinese-American relationship.

Obviously, China would not tolerate America treating it as it does the Americans.  Why then does the imbalance continue?


SKYE’S LINKS 08/17/23

civil-war_chargeThe Fourth Turning becomes ever more dangerous. Jonathan Turley discusses the UChicago Project on Security & Threats survey finding many Americans are embracing violence as an option for political change. 30 million Americans say that violence is justified to prevent Trump from being re-elected, and 18 million say that violence is justified to help Trump be re-elected.  The biggest difference between them?  The former don’t believe in having guns, while the latter most certainly do.

Age Of Rage: UChicago Report Finds 30 Million American View Violence As Justified To Keep Trump From Power

To the 'Crats, everything that Trump did after the 2020 election is a criminal conspiracy.  It’s truly mind-boggling what they accuse him of as criminal. This is TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, on stilts and steroids.  Read these quotes from the GA indictment to see:

Georgia Indictment: Reserving A Room, Asking for Phone Number Are ‘Overt Act[s] in Furtherance of the Conspiracy’


To the 'Crats, everything that Trump did after the 2020 election is a criminal conspiracy.  It’s truly mind-boggling what they accuse him of as criminal. This is TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, on stilts and steroids.  Read these quotes from the GA indictment to see:

Georgia Indictment: Reserving A Room, Asking for Phone Number Are ‘Overt Act[s] in Furtherance of the Conspiracy’



The Queen of Mean telling her husband off in public

The Queen of Mean telling her husband off in public

If Joe Biden is not the Democrat presidential candidate in 2024, will former first lady Michelle Obama take his place?

Some are betting that if the president is driven out of the race next year by corruption allegations, increasing signs of mental impairment and terrible approval ratings, only the former first lady has the name recognition and popularity to step in as a last-minute replacement.

Would, then, Mrs. Obama, allegedly one of the most admired people in the nation, have an excellent chance of winning?

For revelations about Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling and his father’s alleged complicity do not only taint Joe Biden’s presidency – they also cast a shadow on the Obama White House. To be sure, Michelle Obama was not the president, but it is her husband’s reputation and accomplishments that she would run on.

Quite soon, people will ask: what did President Obama know about Joe Biden’s evident corruption and when did he know it?



votefraud-coverup[Yesterday (8/15) on TTP, Jay Valentine told you about the 2020 ballot manufacturing in Muskegon, Michigan.  Jay explains how this is to be prevented in 2024. Here Ben Wetmore explains how the fraud continues to be covered up – by our corrupt FBI.]

Critical information for investigating the Muskegon Michigan voter fraud in 2020 is being illegally withheld from public review.

Investigating systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election in Muskegon requires examining the 8,000-12,000 likely-fraudulent voter applications submitted by Biden campaign-financed GBI Strategies in October 2020… but those files have been withheld from public review on the argument that they are part of an ‘ongoing investigation’ by law enforcement.

This tactic for evading FOIA at the state and federal level is well-known, but its use here to deny access to public records by removing them and not including a duplicate, is unique.

According to far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, the files themselves, in violation of state law, have been sealed and have been ‘under investigation’ by Nessel’s office and the FBI for three years for a criminal case with no prosecutions. The fix is in.



The Ham Sandwich Fulton County Courthouse

The Ham Sandwich Fulton County Courthouse

Gather 'round as we delve into the latest courtroom drama that has left legal minds across the nation scratching their heads.

Consider the grand jury indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, involving none other than the 45th President of the United States and no fewer than 18 co-defendants. The charges? A whopping 41 counts, all related to Trump's 2020 election challenge.

Can you smell the justice in the air? Or is that just the aroma of a certain cured meat product?

In a stunning display of efficiency, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis managed to convene a grand jury for a grand total of 10 hours. Now, I know what you're thinking – surely, such complex matters as racketeering charges involving over a dozen defendants warrant at least a few days of contemplation, right?

Wrong! Who needs the niceties of due process when you've got the news of a Hunter Biden special counsel to knock out of the news cycle?



ballot_harvestingThe world of U.S. election fraud tactics changed forever -- in the most fundamental of ways -- last week with the Gateway Pundit publication of the alleged 2020 Michigan ballot manufacturing factory.

Not ballot harvesting – but ballot manufacturing.

The election integrity world is different today because the Gateway Pundit outed an official 2020 Michigan State Police report with all the pertinent info.  As sleuths dug in, they found this ballot manufacturing scheme tied to an entity, GBI, operating in 20 states.

Fake, pre-printed ballots by the thousands.  Fake addresses, guns, gift cards.  Colorful stuff. Over $11 million came for 2020 “voter registration.”  Some dough from the Biden Campaign.

Bottom line: All the ballot harvesting in the world (by the GOP) cannot stop one ballot manufacturing operation (by the Dems). To fight ballot manufacturing in 2024 one must freeze addresses -- publicly.  We know how to do it.



mike-pence-smileU.S. — In a bold new attempt to win the 2024 election against Biden, candidate Mike Pence has decided to alienate all 80 million voters who voted for Donald Trump.

"It's about time someone had the courage to say it, so today I will say it: Trump is bad," said Pence to a raucous crowd of 12 seniors in the activity center of Shady Oaks Retirement Home. "If that hurts my chances with the tens of millions of people who voted for him, so be it. I am a stalwart man of integrity. Just look at my kind eyes and serious face."

Pence then looked directly into the camera with a look of integrity.

Sources within the Pence campaign confirmed Pence plans to make up the loss in support by courting Biden voters and convincing them he is not a bigoted Nazi fascist homophobe. "We have faith in the virtuous Americans who voted for Biden," said a campaign spokesman. "They will certainly see things our way once Pence has had the chance to talk to them in his comforting evangelical Dad voice and make them see reason."

Pence also expressed confidence that he would be able to make inroads with the 150 million people who didn't vote in the previous elections, such as babies, illegal immigrants, and Chinese spies posing as university professors.

"Trump is an existential threat to democracy and an evil person," continued Pence. "I know this from my 4 years of loyally and unquestioningly serving him. Vote for me!"

At publishing time approximately 100% of Biden voters polled still thought Pence was a bigoted Nazi fascist homophobe.

- Babylon Bee reporting


SKYE’S LINKS 08/10/23

cow-farts-expldeAre cow farts going to destroy the planet’s environment like the Global Methane Hub seems to believe?  Turns out that’s just a Pysop. “Issues like the cow fart threat are absurdly extreme for a reason. The objective is not the achievement of the issues themselves. It is the alteration of the psyche of the populace… The goal is not the elimination of cows; it’s the elimination of thinking and dissent.”

Why Flatulent Cows Matter


CA Gov Gavin Newsom by street artist Sabo

They call him Gruesome Newsom for good reason.  That secret illegal ChiCom biolab in Fresno (Fresno??) filled with infectious agents, medical waster, and a thousand dead Covid-infected mice you’ve heard about?  California’s Psycho Governor funded it and Biden’s Federal Death Agency knew all about it.  It was accidentally discovered by a city business inspector.  Thank Sabo for portraying Newsom accurately.

Newsom Funded Chinese COVID Lab Known To Biden’s FDA

Here we go on another great ride with Skye’s Links!



It's a familiar story: a well-known person disagrees with leftist dogma, gets attacked by the mob, and backs down.  Of course, because leftism is a religion without room for repentance, the person is never forgiven, but he's at least averted the worst of the mob's anger.

That seemed to be what happened with Ne-Yo, a multi-talented musician and singer: he said he does not believe that transgenderism is real, and then, when the mob came for him, he apologized.  Except that this story has a different ending:  In a video on his Instagram page, Ne-Yo completely disavowed the apology, saying that it came from his publicist and not from him.

He reiterated that it's up to him to be the daddy and not to yield to his kids' fantasies. He’s fighting back against the woke fascist mob – watch.



gov-reagan-proven-winnerCalifornia – where Ronald Reagan was easily elected governor twice – is today the epicenter of Democrat power in the United States.

The ultra-blue state backs up its progressive agenda with a state legislature that commands a Democrat “mega” majority in both the State Assembly (62-18) and the State Senate (32-8). Every higher office in the state, from Governor down to State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is occupied by Democrat politicians.

By now every American who values their political and financial freedom should know that what happens in California does not stay in California. The key to winning back California, along with saving the nation, is to recognize the foundation of Democrat power is also its ultimate weakness.

California will turn purple, and then red, if and only if the Republicans still standing in that state decide to espouse a message, and policies, that attack the heart of the Democrat agenda. Here’s how.



mike-pence-pensiveBeginning in the summer of 2020, when myriad states, legally and illegally, changed their voting rules in a way that removed all safeguards against fraud, it was clear that there might be problems in November.  Then, on election night, six major precincts — election outcome–changing precincts — stopped counting votes altogether.

When you add in all the other evidence adduced in subsequent weeks showing fraud (including Biden's unbelievably soaring vote count long after the election ended), there was good reason to question the election.  Mike Pence has now conceded that he believes he could at least have opened the path to question election fraud.

Here’s how that just happened.



stop-the-steal[Jay Valentine is a national treasure. Please consider donating to help him be more so.]

Seems like every day, someone is finding new, fun types of election fraud. This is not accidental -- this is exactly how industrial, at-scale, organized fraud is uncovered. We call it spiraling to accuracy.

When we cracked eBay’s on-line auction fraud -- we were dealing not with organized rings, but individual crime entrepreneurs who sold a computer, took the dough, never delivered, were kicked off eBay, changed every identifier, and rejoined eBay with the same scam. It never appeared before on-line auctions. It was invisible to all current technology.

This is how industrial-scale, organized fraud detection unfolds.  That is happening in the election fraud space with new variants -- SMURFS, algorithms, and shape shifters.  Here’s how we are finding and exposing it to stop the left from stealing elections from state legislators to school boards all over the country.


SKYE’S LINKS 08/03/23

real-scandalsTurley on the Trump J6 disinformation indictment: he has been indicted for speech that is clearly protected by the First Amendment. Of course, the MSM trumpets conspiracy and obstruction charges, but says nothing about the First Amendment protection of Trump's speech; the MSM is splitting Americans into two radically different and inconsistent realities.

This is actually an amazingly weak case. All it has going for it is an Obama donor/appointed J6 hanging judge and an all-Dem DC jury.  In my opinion, Trump is likely to be convicted, and the conviction reversed on appeal - after the next election. The 'Crats and the Fourth Turning are building up to an extremely ugly crisis:

Turley: 'Disinformation Indictment' Is Charging Trump for Free Speech


And here’s amazingly great news!  The following letter wasn't written by Donald Trump; it was written by the liberal black woman head of the Oakland CA NAACP! She bitterly condemns “the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric and progressive policies and failed leadership” for creating crime and harming economic opportunity.

Oakland NAACP: People Are Afraid to Walk to Mailboxes Due to Crime Spawned by Defunding Police, Lax Prosecution



lying-bideSpecial Counsel Jack Smith accuses former President Donald Trump of causing the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot through his “lies” about the 2020 presidential election. To that end, he indicted Trump yesterday (8/01) on four federal counts — one of which carries a potential death penalty.

But Smith’s indictment itself offers nothing new. It carries same criminal charge of the second impeachment resolution against Trump, namely “incitement of insurrection,” and for which he was acquitted by the Senate.  It is barred, therefore, by the Constitution’s Double Jeopardy Clause.

The Double Jeopardy Clause, contained within the Fifth Amendment, prevents any person from being tried twice in a federal court for the same crime.  Here’s how Trump is protected by it.



govt-tyrannyThe Chevron Doctrine is a rule adopted by the Supreme Court in 1984.  It says that when the language of a statute is ambiguous, a court must defer to the regulatory agency's interpretation and may not substitute its own judgment.  That is why it is also known as Chevron Deference.

Chevron  has come under mounting attack in recent years as agencies have learned to game the system and to leverage any scintilla of ambiguity into a wholesale assertion of authority.

The Supreme Court has begun saying "enough" and has developed some caveats to check this game.  For example, the newly articulated "major questions doctrine" is essentially the anti-Chevron: if an issue is big enough, then ambiguity dictates that the agency not receive deference.

But the Court has been ambivalent, sometimes applying the doctrine, sometimes finding that the relevant law is not ambiguous, and sometimes not mentioning it. (See here, pp. 24-26.)

Now the Supreme Court has agreed to address directly the issue of whether Chevron should be overruled – much like Roe v Wade. Here’s the story.



climate-change-craziesThe media wants you to know it’s hot outside. “‘Heat health emergency’: Nearly half the US at risk,” CNN proclaimed last week as temperatures climbed above 90 degrees in much of the country.

If heat waves were as deadly as the press proclaims, Homo sapiens couldn’t have survived thousands of years without air conditioning. Yet here we are. Humans have shown remarkable resilience and adaptation—at least until modern times, when half of society lost its cool over climate change.

“Extreme Temperatures Are Hurting Our Mental Health,” a recent Bloomberg headline warns. Apparently, every social problem under the sun is now attributable to climate change. However, these anxieties are no more rational than the threats from climate change are existential.

A more apt term for such fear is climate hypochondria.



Hunga Tonga: National Center for Atmospheric ResearchSurely you’ve seen all the climate hysteria lately, such as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived.”

But there are some things they haven’t been telling us, that are in themselves complete explanations for any increased world temperatures we might be living through this summer. It’s not carbon dioxide as the eco-crazies (or the head of the UN) think. Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which you may well have never heard of.

You never heard about it since it was underwater and nobody died. But the erupting lava instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years. In only a few days, the superheated water from the Hunga Tonga eruption blanketed the globe, Pole to Pole, East to West. Here’s the story.


SKYE’S LINKS 07/27/23

sorry-no-it-isnt-joeAnother Second Amendment victory! The Fifth Circuit has refused to lift their nationwide injunction against the enforcement of Xiden's anti-do-it-yourself Ghost Gun rule:

Biden's Gun Control Backfires After Fifth Circuit Ruling: Ghost Guns Legal Once More


How Big Tech messes with hundreds of million minds, and what is being done about it.  This is an illuminating must-read by a very serious professor of behavioral psychology:

'The Perfect Crime': Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections And Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them


We need someone in the White House whom we can trust to do what this guy wants. Ramaswamy describes how he will disassemble the administrative state:

Ramaswamy Unveils Plans To Eradicate FBI, Department Of Education, Nuclear Regulatory Commission


There’s plenty more, with memes galore that you’ll love. Jump on in!



Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika

Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika

This morning (7/26), Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to accept the Hunter Biden sweetheart plea deal that the Department of Justice was prepared to sign off on with no prison time and only misdemeanor charges.

So, now the parties have two weeks to satisfy the judge with a new plea agreement. No doubt, Hunter desperately wants to avoid any prison time. I don’t know if he has actually beaten his drug addiction, and with his prominence and mouth full of false teeth, he would be a target for prison brutality of the worst sort.

But the DOJ prosecutors must fear rejection of a new deal that does not include prison time and which immunizes Hunter from further prosecution, so coming to an agreement in two weeks may be difficult.

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