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Babylon Bee


demsdisprove_cheatlieAUGUSTA, ME — In a move designed to push back against criticism that they have a track record of rigging elections in secret, Democrats have now adopted a policy of rigging elections in broad daylight so everyone in the country can see it.

"We are being entirely transparent about our election interference," said Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows after announcing former President Donald Trump will not be allowed on the 2024 primary ballot. "Any wild allegations of covert efforts to rig elections are simply preposterous. As anyone can clearly see, the steps we are taking to interfere with and rig the outcome of our elections are being done in plain sight. This is a win for democracy."

Bellows's decision to rule Trump ineligible to be included on the state's ballot came on the heels of a hotly debated ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that also attempted to keep Trump's name off the ballot in that state. Though serious questions have been raised regarding the legitimacy of elections, Democrats deny any secret plots. "We aren't hiding anything," Bellows said. "Everyone can see what the FBI and DOJ are doing. All these baseless indictments aren't being made in secret. Heck, I made a public announcement about taking him off the ballot. I don't know where these accusations of us covertly rigging the election are coming from."

At publishing time, top Democrat powerbrokers were reportedly also preparing to begin operations in every state to rule all Republican voters ineligible to vote in any elections in order to save democracy. Babylon Bee reporting


SKYE’S LINKS 12/28/23

constitutionburning"Protecting our democracy" doesn't mean what you may think it does.  The Woke catch-phrase means “they are protecting their democracy; not a democracy of the people, but now merely a word used to fig leaf the ever-expanding slither of socialist socialite statism, the velvet fascism that is deftly hammering its way through the society and the culture.”  A very worthwhile read:

The Velvet Fascism Of "Protect Our Democracy"

How do all those illegal migrants get here?  Ever notice that these hordes are always wearing clean serviceable clothes not filthy rags in tatters? That they’re not dying of thirst or hunger?  Where do they get food, water, clothes, shelter, transportation?  How is all this and more provided and by whom?  It is a grand racket:

"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

Here we go!



sioux-massacre-spree-1862In 1862, Dakota Sioux Indians went on a mass murder spree, butchering more than 600 innocent whites, mostly women and children at New Ulm, Minnesota.

The Indians murdered babies, beating their brains out and nailing them to trees. They tortured children. They engaged in gang rape of women on a mass scale. Their rampage was enabled by the fact that many Minnesota men were away, fighting in the Civil War.

That slaughter was the worst massacre by either whites or Indians from 1492 to the present. On a per capita basis, it was five times the carnage of September 11.

If the narrative sounds familiar, it should. What the Dakota did in 1862 was remarkably similar to what Gazans did on October 7. And the reaction, too, was similar.



supermileiArgentina's new president, Javier Milei, has unleashed a slew of new deregulations on the Argentinian public, doing exactly what he promised the public during his election campaign.  For giving Argentina less government not more, the Left is hysterically denouncing him as a “dictator.”

From this report: Argentina: Javier Milei Signs Executive Order Weakening or Ending 350 Socialist Policies.  And yeah, it’s a lot of stuff.  The edict was put into effect late last week (12/21).  What happened: Food prices dropped 15% overnight.

Milei was like a mad anarcho-capitalist all right, just as he calls himself, running wild through the prison of Argentina's economy and opening every last cage to let the prisoners out, everybody out, all at once.

The Argentine Left can’t stand it.  It’s glorious - and instructive - fun to watch.



gene-sharp-the-degree-of-liberty-or-tyrannyWe should remember the now modern proverb of Nixon-era economic advisor Herb Stein to the effect that what cannot go on (without destroying the nation), simply will not go on.

In some sense, the country for recent years has been cruising on the fumes from prior and likely better wiser generations and institutions. In 2024, the tab for our current apathy, toxic politics, and incompetence will come due.

So next year we will likely see the climax to a number of current dangerous ideas, events, and forces, which finally will either overwhelm us or be addressed and remedied. We live in a Neronian age but can recover if we first understand how we got here and the nature of the suicide we are committing.

Then we can answer: What then do the campaign and election of 2024 foreordain?



longshan-temple[This is a useful nutshell history of Taiwan since WWII, helpful in understanding its tussle with Chicom China.]

The problem of identity is the most important issue in Taiwanese politics, occupying the center stage for both presidential campaigns and cross-strait relations. In recent years, there has been a notable decline in Chinese identification in Taiwan.

This decline is the result of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s monopolization of Chinese identity since the 1970s. Beijing’s goal is to use Chinese nationalism and cultural appeal to draw Taiwan closer to the mainland. However, it backfires by pushing Taiwan away; Taiwanese people are searching for an alternative identity to demonstrate their difference with the PRC.

Here’s how that evolved.


SKYE’S LINKS 12/21/23

chevron-deferenceThis could lead to the most important Supreme Court win in the past century - no kidding.  The case is Loper Bright v Raimondo. SCOTUS arguments start Jan 17 for why at least 5 Justices should overthrow a 1984 Court monstrosity called “Chevron Deference” allowing administrative agencies like ATF to act as lawmakers. They create "rules" and "regulations" based on existing law, then use Chevron to affirm their rule change as "reasonable."  This is a Very Big Deal!

Could This Supreme Court Case End Government Overreach By Three-Letter Agencies?

Are you ready to LOL?  The FBI agent who started the Trump-Russia conspiracy investigation just got sentenced to 50 months in Federal prison for.... conspiring with Russia!

Ex-FBI Intel Chief Who 'Investigated' Trump-Russia Collusion Gets 4 Years In Prison For Colluding With Russia

Let’s roll!



beyond-hypocrisyThe abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite.

And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral and assume their opponents are irredeemable and deplorable.

Apparently, for example, we have never appreciated the supposedly unnecessary and cruel encumbrance on a president when his son is indicted.  So, we are told that a son’s legal exposure is an unfair weight on a president.

Have we again forgotten the subpoenaed Trump children, much less the four weaponized indictments of Trump himself? Does anyone wish to compare the drug-addicted, prostitute-hiring, gun-losing, pornographic-photo-taking, shake-down grifting of Hunter with the conduct of the five Trump children?



how-schadenfreudeliciousAt the COP28 climate summit in Dubai this December, the climate change world was waiting with bated breath for a final document that would declare war on fossil fuels.

The 70,000 delegates at the United Nations-sponsored event in the oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates hoped for a radical turning point where countries might agree to the “phase-out” of the production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal by mid-century.

For much of the conference, the debate was centered on whether to use the term “phase-out” or “phase-down” to describe the pace of the process to keep world temperature increase frozen at 1.5 degrees Celsius. Either term would put energy companies on notice that their days are numbered.

The climate-change movement has been waiting for this strong commitment since 1995. However, delegates were horrified to learn that the final draft document consisted of a watered-down agreement that did not mention fossil fuels and recommended actions that “could” be taken to reduce carbon footprints. There was no sense of urgency, drastic action plans, or concrete timelines.

Yep, it happened again:



thumbs-up-and-grin-trumpWhy is Donald Trump so resilient?  Here’s a clue – its source goes back centuries.

As 2023 draws to a close, the ex-president is on track to win the Republican nomination and beat Joe Biden come November.

If the election were today, Trump would get his second term.

Yet he’s charged with crimes that run a gamut from election interference to mishandling classified information.  He’s under gag orders and lost a $5 million civil suit this year.

Why don’t voters care — or if they do, why are they rewarding Trump, not punishing him?

A hint can be found in the work of a great historian who died last week at age 99, J.G.A. Pocock.


SKYE’S LINKS 12/14/23

poison-ivy_leagueAll the shock and headlines over presidents of three of our most prestigious universities – Harvard, UPenn, and MIT – turning out to be woke fascisti comes as no surprise to famed conservative historian, Niall Ferguson.  He explains how academics helped to destroy Western Civilization nearly a century ago, and the lessons that we can learn from this as a very similar racist academic treason unfolds again today.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme with a period of about 90 years. A must-read of the week!

Niall Ferguson: The Treason of the Intellectuals

And if you’re an investor: from Rabobank; why the tolerance of rabid antisemitism on campus is a challenge to future investment strategies:

Western Academia Is Just As Morally And Intellectually Corrupt As Congress, If Not Worse

Here we go – another mind-grabbing edition of Skye’s Links. Jump on in!



anti-white-sprmcyIn the calculus of blame, whites are the new Jews.

Racebaiting superstar Ibram X. Kendi made this clear when he remarked on a panel recently that white people—globally—have failed to “reckon with how much their own personal identity is shaped by constructions of whiteness.” He went on to explain how “that construction of whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity.”

The discourse about “whiteness” comes in whole-cloth from the rhetoric of classical antisemitism. Ever wonder why Kendi-style racial debate sounds so familiar? You just have to substitute “white” for “Jew” and it all falls into place.

Antisemitism still exists, of course, but it is the sharp and narrow end of the anti-whiteness spear. The realignment of Leftist animosity has brought all struggle under the banner of anti-whiteness, or as Ibram X. Kendi would probably put it offstage, “Get Whitey.”



asia-pacific-on-earthOn the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leader’s Meeting in San Francisco last month, Chinese leader Xi Jinping told U.S. President Joe Biden that Taiwan is the “biggest”  and “most dangerous issue” between the United States and China.

In response, Biden asserted the U.S. commitment to defending “Indo-Pacific allies.” Should the U.S. worry about an impending invasion in the Taiwan Strait?

In contrast to the constant bombardment of warnings on Taiwan’s perilous future, the Biden-Xi summit, and evolving China-Taiwan-U.S. dynamics suggest a slim probability of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in the short-term. While China’s long-term intention for Taiwan remains unchanged, there are reasons to believe that peace will hold in the Taiwan Strait, for now. Here are the reasons why.



clapping-trumpIt is “Trump Will Destroy Democracy” season again. And predictably the Left has gone hysterical, after experiencing a trifecta of frightening 2024 news.

One, current polls in the primaries and in a general election for now show that Trump would win.

Two, unequivocal evidence is mounting that the Bidens are one of the most corrupt political families in American presidential history.

Three, Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and feebleness have reached a point where he is one fall, one bad cold, or one long brain-freeze away from incapacity. He clearly is not running the country.

Truth is, the Left has shown itself to be grotesquely dictatorial for years now – let’s itemize what they’ve done.



regions-of-n-caucasus[The Caucasus Mountains run east to west from the Caspian to Black Seas.  The peoples of the North Caucasus (north of the east-west watershed) have been fighting for the freedom from Russian imperial conquest since 1800.  For historical background, please consider reading about the great warrior leader of the Caucasus’ struggle in the 19th century, Shamil.  He remains a legendary hero to this day. The Caucasus soldiers fighting in Ukraine against Russia’s occupation call themselves the Imam Shamil Battalion.]

Russia’s war against Ukraine has significantly altered the geopolitical terrain of Eastern Europe, and its repercussions have extended into the North Caucasus.

One of the most notable consequences has been the reawakening of aspirations for independence among the dozens of ethnic groups that populate the region. On November 7 and 8, a major milestone was reached when the Congress of the Peoples of the North Caucasus convened in the European Parliament (, November 9; YouTube, December 7).

Circassian, Chechen, Dagestani, and Ingush pro-independence representatives gathered to discuss their shared goal of independence from Russia. With most of Moscow’s attention fixated on the war, these movements have gained traction in recent months and will likely build on that momentum as the fighting in Ukraine rages on.


SKYE’S LINKS 12/07/23

texit-2024TEXIT!!  Some people are getting really fed up with the central government's shenanigans. Heard of the Texas Nationalist Movement? It has over 600,000 supporters and growing.  Until SCOTUS starts giving 10th Amendment rights for real back to the states, more states are going down this path:

TEXIT Progress: Secession Question Expected To Appear on March 2024 Texas Primary Ballot

Shenanigans like this.  Nothing to see here folks, so just move along… right.  It’s the folks on the Jan 6 Committee who should be rotting in the Capitol Police Gulag, not the patriots there now with no justice whatever.

Jan. 6 Committee Tapes Have Disappeared, Says House Republican

OK, here we go! A lot here, and cool memes too. Jump on in!



fake-cityscapeHave you heard about Joe Biden’s historic presidency? Or about the historic accomplishments of Joe Biden’s first term?

I have. Repeatedly. I force myself to watch “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Jake Tapper on CNN, and Jonathan Karl on ABC, so I’m well-informed about the thinking of left-wing elites and their game plan for keeping Donald Trump out of office.

Apparently, part of the plan is to convince the American public that Joe Biden has been a great president, mostly when you weren’t looking.

In a sense, this is the political equivalent of the recent cleanup of San Francisco by California Gov. Gavin Newsom to make the dangerous and dirty city look better for the arrival of the Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping.

But here’s the real explanation for why the media thinks that Joe Biden is a great president and the rest of us think he is an addlepated place keeper.



unhappy-chirussAccording to reports from Chinese media in late November, Beijing has refused to invest in the construction of the Power of Siberia-2 natural gas pipeline, proposing instead that Moscow fully cover the multibillion-dollar project. China also insists on substantial discounts for Russian gas, demonstrating strong “bargaining power” in negotiations with the Kremlin (South China Morning Post, November 24).

Power of Siberia-2 is pivotal for Russia in mitigating the losses incurred after Gazprom’s withdrawal from the European market. As Western sanctions have weakened Moscow’s geopolitical leverage with its energy resources, Beijing has capitalized on the situation to increase energy flows to China at cheaper prices.

Most economists argue that Moscow cannot fully compensate for the losses resulting from limited access to European markets. They also point out that the gas supplies currently flowing through the Power of Siberia-1 pipeline are already being sold to China at almost half the price of rates for the European Union and Turkey



pro-hams-columbia-universitySomething eerie, something creepy, is happening in the world—and now in America as well. The dark mood is brought on by elite universities, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry, and massive immigration from illiberal nations and anti-Enlightenment societies.

At Hillcrest High School in Queens, New York, hundreds of students rioted on news that a single teacher in her private social media account had expressed support for Israel.

Waving Palestinian flags, and screaming violent threats, the student mob rioted, destroyed school property, sought the teacher out and tried to crash into her classroom—before she was saved from violence by other teachers and an eventual police arrival.

Hundreds of such incidents are now occurring on a daily basis—as the country is leaving its Weimar phase and heading at warp speed into normalizing Jew-hatred and worse.  What explains the collective madness?



15fmm-shellsHere is the best-kept secret about U.S. military aid to Ukraine: Most of the money is being spent here in the United States.

That’s right: Funds that lawmakers approve to arm Ukraine are not going directly to Ukraine but are being used stateside to build new weapons or to replace weapons sent to Kyiv from U.S. stockpiles.

Of the $68 billion in military and related assistance Congress has approved since Russia invaded Ukraine, almost 90 percent is going to Americans, one analysis found.

At a time when both major parties are competing to win working-class votes and strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base, our military aid to Ukraine does exactly that — it is providing a major cash infusion into factories across the country that directly benefits American workers.


SKYE’S LINKS 11/30/23

mcgregor-for-presidentWill Conor McGregor be the next Prime Minister (“Taoiseach”) of Ireland?  He may be the man to save the Irish from themselves, who elected a woke girlieman to apologize for their country’s existence.  McGregor rightly called Leo Varadkar a “disgrace” for describing the return of 9-year old Emily Hand to her Israeli parents from being held hostage by Hamas terrorists as her being “lost” then “found”:

Conor Mcgregor Torches Ireland's PM Over Response To Hamas Release Of Child Hostage

In fascist response, Varadkar ordered a witch hunt to persecute McGregor!

Conor Mcgregor 'Is Being Investigated By Irish Police For Allegedly Inciting Hate Around Dublin Riots'.

There’s so much cool stuff in this week’s links – jump right in and enjoy!



pdjt-waivesWith less than one year to go until Election Day, the polls show that we are beating Joe Biden by wide margins both nationally and in the battleground states—and young people are a major part of the reason why.

A recent NBC News poll found that we are leading Biden 46 percent to 42 percent nationally among voters ages 18 to 34—a clear sign that young Americans are rejecting Joe Biden's reign of failure, incompetence, and corruption.

Sadly, many younger Americans are putting their lives on hold because they think the Biden economy leaves them no choice. Sadly, many younger Americans are putting their lives on hold because they think the Biden economy leaves them no choice.

Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream.

When I take the oath of office as the 47th President of the United States, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world so that young people can thrive and prosper.  Here’s how.



ukr-fighters-on-tankAll too often, one hears claims that, in the long run, Russia will win over Ukraine because it has a much larger economy and population. Historically, that is a flawed conclusion. Historical precedence suggests that Ukraine is more likely to win, so let’s take a look at the reasons why.


This is the most important factor in a war. Ukrainians know why they are fighting. They are defending their nation's existence. If they stop fighting, Ukraine will cease to exist as an independent state.

Russians, by contrast, don't really know why they are fighting. Most seem to fight for fear of being killed by their own, while their families are supposed to be richly paid if they die.

Other reasons are…



geert-wilders-stands-w-israelFor Israel, it had to be good news to learn that Geert Wilders, the supposedly wild and crazy Dutch version of Donald Trump, came in with a huge parliamentary victory in the Netherlands and now may become the country's next prime minister.

That's because Wilders is a ferocious advocate and ally for Israel.  He’s got company.  All of the proto-Trump leaders now emerging in the world today are indeed nationalists, America-firsters, or fill-in-the native country first, make one's country its best, in spirit.

How is it every nationalist out there emerging in public life can all be so pro-Israel?  There couldn’t be a better reason.



6mdie_sovifamine[2023 is the 90th anniversary of one of history’s greatest acts of evil.  The definitive book to read is Robert Conquest’s The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine.]

People across Ukraine and around the world are lighting candles this month in memory of the millions of Ukrainians killed in the artificial famine engineered by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s regime in the 1930s.

Known to history as the Holodomor, this man-made famine remained hidden in the Soviet shadows for decades.

In recent years, a growing number of countries have finally recognized the famine as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian nation, but despite this growing international awareness, many have yet to grasp the chilling continuity between Stalin’s attempt to erase Ukraine and the genocidal objectives of today’s Russian invasion.


SKYE’S LINKS 11/23/23

81-on-fire-bidenMonday (11/20) was our ersatz White House Occupant’s 81st birthday.  Some staffer genius released this photo of him with his 81-candle birthday cake on fire, mercilessly mocked all over social media as “Biden’s Portal to Hell.”  Many observed, “That cake is what he’s doing to America.”

Biden Mocked Into Oblivion After Posing with 81st Birthday Cake: 'Portal to Hell’


Trump Expands Lead Over Biden in New Poll as Women, Blacks, Hispanics Jump Off Sinking Ship

Welcome to a Thanksgiving edition of Skye’s Links!  Lots of enjoyable stuff – and also some head-ups on what you need to know.  Jump right on in, it’s Turkey Day!



milei-boxesThe global economy, and more importantly, the entire world as we know it, is about to undergo a seismic shift toward freedom. Here is why I believe this to be, how it will happen, and why I think this week may have marked step one of a long journey in the right direction.

By now you know that Javier Milei, an outspoken and eccentric libertarian, has won Argentina's presidency after promising to aggressively tackle inflation, shutter the country’s central bank, end woke culture and significantly reduce government.

Most important and least mentioned this week is that under the wild exterior, Milei has it where it counts: he has two masters degrees and has “been a professor of macroeconomics, economics of growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists” with specializations in economic growth.

In other words, the “bold” financial ideas aren’t just bluster. Beyond Milei’s outspoken demeanor and explosive personality, something far more meaningful is taking place under the surface. Argentina is the first of many dominoes that will fall, leading the world toward a new “Great Reset”—one that prioritizes liberty and freedom instead of big governments and collectivism.



sinking-chinaIn a historic turn, China’s rise as an economic superpower is reversing. The biggest global story of the past half century may be over.

After stagnating under Mao Zedong in the 1960s and 70s, China opened to the world in the 1980s — and took off in subsequent decades. Its share of the global economy rose nearly tenfold from below 2 per cent in 1990 to 18.4 per cent in 2021. No nation had ever risen so far, so fast.

Then the reversal began. China’s decline could reorder the world. Since the 1990s, the country’s share of global GDP grew mainly at the expense of Europe and Japan, which have seen their shares hold more or less steady over the past two years. The gap left by China has been filled mainly by the US and by other emerging nations.

To put this in perspective, the world economy is expected to grow by $8tn in 2022 and 2023 to $105tn. China will account for none of that gain, the US will account for 45 per cent, and other emerging nations for 50 per cent.



harvard-out_palestine[Another excellent piece by VDH – with one major flaw.  Of all his suggested solutions, the most necessary is missing: the complete total abolishment of the unconstitutional federal Department of Education.]

It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jewsfinally to convince Americans that their own hallmark universities are illiberal centers of mediocrity and intolerance—and increasingly unsafe.

Of course, Americans had long known that something had gone wrong at their colleges. They had increasingly encountered college graduates who were poorly educated in basic skills and lacked general knowledge—and yet highly politicized, and intolerant of different views and opinions. Ignorant but arrogant is a sad way to start an adult life.

How can we fix this?


SKYE’S LINKS 11/16/23

lawful-search-warrantGood news!  This is a real step in the right direction!!  A strong bipartisan bill protecting the 4th Amendment rights of Americans is coming out of Congress.  This bill goes far beyond reforming Section 702,  it prohibits any government agency from buying information on Americans from a data broker without a search warrant signed by a judge based on sworn probable cayuse.

It gets even better!  It prohibits government from demanding business records (such as your phone and bank records) with a mere administrative demand or subpoena; a real search warrant will be required.  The bill also contains audit provisions and penalties for violations.  The Xiden administration has said that they will veto it, even without having read it:

Biden White House Shoots Down Massive Bipartisan Surveillance Reform Bill They Have Not Read Yet

This edition of Skye’s Links is chock full of good, even wonderful news, plus cautionary and useful news as well. And we end with what Trump’s plans are for a second term – now we know!  So come on in…



speaker-wimp-of-the-houseWhen Louisiana’s Mike Johnson was pulled from obscurity and elected House speaker last month, many conservatives were cautiously optimistic that the man with the self-professed biblical “worldview” and somewhat solid voting record would be the fighter they’ve needed to halt Democrats’ Marxist takeover of society.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to discover that Johnson is just as weak-kneed as his Republican predecessors.

On Tuesday afternoon, Johnson and House Republicans surrendered to Democrats yet again on a major government spending fight. Rather than stand strong and fight for conservative priorities, Johnson agreed to another continuing resolution, or CR, to keep the federal government funded through the beginning of next year.

Unsurprisingly, the proposal does nothing to address key issues plaguing the nation, such as the Biden-manufactured crisis at the U.S. southern border, and maintains already-high spending levels.



A Funeral Speech for Putin?

A Funeral Speech for Putin?

A trickle of whispers has become a firehose of rumors as Kremlin watchers spot multiple signs that Putin may have died, or that he may do so very soon.

“Let me comment like this: Something very strange is going on in the Kremlin,” says distinguished Russia expert Anders Aslund in describing Putin’s alleged death.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s health has been a contentious point of speculation as his public appearances routinely trigger rumors of cancerParkinsons, bathing in deer antler blood, or simply having a steroids habit developed from his obsession with body-building.

Unlike earlier times, the recent rumors about the 71-year-old having died, something which the Kremlin denies, comes in tandem with several other signs that some Russia-watchers believe may be a configuration in the tea leaves indicating a political change is afoot in Moscow.



whos-the-racistOne of the key reasons leftwing anti-Semites have been so effective at galvanizing campus hatred of Israel, and by association of Jews in general, is their careful effort to brand themselves DEI victims whiles tarring Jews with the empty white supremacy slur.

Accordingly, Jews and Israel now supposedly enjoy toxic white privilege. They are libeled as veritable white supremacists illegitimately in the Middle East to colonize “Palestine,” and as European imperialists picking up the mantle of the earlier 19th century British and French—as if a prior 400 years of Ottoman imperialism in the Middle East never occurred.

As now-privileged white victimizers, contemporary Jews are not seen as victims of the Holocaust, explaining the comfortable alliance between Islamist Holocaust deniers and the DEI crowd.

It was no accident that a racist BLM on news of the October 7 massacres quickly issued posters glorifying Hamas hang-gliding murderers.

Jews are now collateral damage from the damning of an entire group of people, namely white Americans and Europeans.



ca-poll-for-bidenDo polls matter when Dems continue to win anyway?

In the aftermath of another disappointing election night for Republicans, questions need to be asked about supposedly non-partisan get-out-the-vote (GOTV) operations Democrats are using to ensure their low-propensity voters – and only their low-propensity voters – get to the polls.

On March 7, 2021, Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting, President Biden instructed every federal agency to submit a plan to leverage their agency’s personnel and assets to help turn out the vote.

For example, agencies might use internal data to identify aid recipients who are not registered to vote, then use agency personnel to get them registered and ensure their ballot is cast and counted.

Anyone who criticizes GOTV efforts gets accused of wanting to suppress voting. But it’s not voting to which we should object – it’s the exclusive collection of ballots from Democratic voting blocks.  Especially since federal employees are explicitly prohibited by law from participating in political activities.


SKYE’S LINKS 11/09/23


The Fall of the Wall, Berlin, November 9, 1989

Today (11/09) is World Freedom Day! A celebration of what Wikipedia calls “a pivotal event in world history,” commemorated by the President issuing on this day, as in years before, A Proclamation on World Freedom Day, 2023.

It has special significance for TTPers, as TTP’s founder Jack Wheeler, as the creator of the Reagan Doctrine, played such an instrumental role in bringing the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union about.  (November 9th also has quite personal significance to Jack, for it’s his birthday. He’s 80 years old today!)


Jack’s Reagan Doctrine and Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative drove the USSR over the economic cliff onto the ash heap of history. Today, our Deep States Federalies (America’s equivalent of Hobbes’ Leviathan), with enthusiastic help from China and Russia, are returning the favor with unsustainable debt and deficits.  The current situation cannot go on forever, and so we can be sure that it won't.

Dr. Robert Malone is wise in ways that go beyond medicine and biology.  Here he discusses the big picture and the inescapable problems that we must solve to rebuild a free society. Please consider this a must-read:

Malone: PsyWar & Washington DC's Bureaucracy



antiisrael-activists-strikeAmerican University and College Presidents,

As President of Israel, I have spent the past month traveling among devastated Israeli communities, more than 1,400 grieving families, and the relatives of more than 240 hostages. I've been trying to comfort survivors of the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, a sadistic atrocity that included rape and torture.

And while doing so, I hear of Jewish students harassed at Harvard University. A Jewish student assaulted at Tulane, Jewish students locked in a library at the Cooper Union as a mob shouts outside, signs accusing Israel of genocide, swastikas painted on dorm-room doors, hateful and intimidating demonstrations - too many examples to list.

All of this is happening not on the fringes of society but in the very temples of scholarship, in halls meant to be beacons of humanism, progress and rigorous inquiry. And it is happening not in Europe a century ago, but in the United States in 2023.

Debate is welcome on any topic, including Israel's actions. But the events on campus are not debate but a defilement of the university and its principles.

How can anyone endorsing, excusing, or glorifying the Hama atrocities have a place in any college, or in the civilized world?



ukr-troops-prepSince Russia invaded Ukraine for the second time in eight years, Russian troops have ravaged Ukraine’s cities, raped its women, and stolen its children. Russian missiles and Iranian drones strike Ukrainian cities daily, often hitting civilian targets. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim.

For Americans who believe in respect for national borders, the primacy of national sovereignty, and the right to self-defense, support for Ukraine is natural. Ukrainians are not asking for, nor do they want, US troops to help them fight Russia. All they ask for is the resources required to give them a fighting chance.

Meanwhile, Russia is among America’s top geopolitical adversaries. As former Secretary of State and Hudson Distinguished Fellow Mike Pompeo said last week, a Russian victory “would be felt well beyond Ukraine’s borders, including by strengthening a Russia-China-Iran alliance that aims to weaken the US and our allies across the globe.”

As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, detractors will spread false and misleading information. It is important to understand the facts.  Here are fourteen to be aware of.



nashville-school-memorialOn March 27, 2023, a woman named Audrey Hale entered The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, and slaughtered three nine-year-old children and three adults. It was only because police were nearby that she was stopped.

The woman, who claimed to be a so-called “trans man,” left behind a manifesto. However, while police departments and media outlets are usually quick to release statements from mass murderers, government officials in this Democrat-run city refused to do so in this case.

Steve Crowder, though, obtained the first three pages of the manifesto, which he released today. In addition to showing an obsessive level of preparation (this was no spur-of-the-moment killing), the manifesto shows that the killer was motivated by one of the left’s favorite mantras: “white privilege.”

So know we know why the woke establishment made this enormous effort to hide the manifesto.



There are 300 miles of Hamas tunnels underneath Gaza

There are 300 miles of Hamas tunnels underneath Gaza

As the war rages on, Gaza is getting destroyed, people are getting killed on both sides, and a resolution of the conflict seems as elusive as ever. On the contrary, the war is escalating and spreading to other theaters.  The main problem is the Hamas tunnels.

The massive spiderweb of 300 miles of tunnels boast an impressive level of engineering, constructed from reinforced concrete, divided into separate self-contained sections by steel doors, and reaching depths up to 100 feet. The tunnels are also equipped with modern ventilation systems powered by generators.

They were built under buildings, hospitals, schools, and other civilian projects. The terrorists currently hold more than 200 hostages somewhere in their tunnel maze.  With the tunnels, time is on Hamas’s side.

So, what is to be done? This:



The Other Shoe Falls

So many changes are occurring with the war on multiple fronts, the near revolution in the House of Representatives, and the frantic attempts by legacy media to push the latest narratives as loudly as possible. The legacy media opposed the revolution on Capital Hill, but was on the wrong side of freedom.

The younger generations do not listen to legacy media. They don’t own televisions; if they do, they only watch major sporting events. Virtually none watched the Texas Rangers defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks to win the World Series. Legacy narratives don’t reach Generation Z.

Gen Z is plugged into the alternative media. The Alt Media is decentralized and operates in real-time, updated every five seconds. The only filters are used to screen out porn, especially child porn. Everything else is there, and it is up to the user to block and mute undesirable content.

This online world without censorship is fascinating to watch. Gen Z wants to recreate something like the 1950s, where people get a job with earning power and can settle down and settle in. Millions are expressing this sentiment along with their desire to blend in. They want to be like the 1950s man in the gray flannel suit.

From first entering school, they were told that their skin was evil and oppressive, and so they tattooed themselves. They are no longer white. They are Tat Brothers and Sisters, and there is logic in this.

Gen Z is responding to the war in Israel as a collective, and they expect the worst from the government.

This matter of Gen Z, America's future soldiers, needs to be on the radar as current events are accelerating the arrival of the climax of the Fourth Turning.