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SKYE’S LINKS 05/09/24


SCOTUS may again be coming to the rescue of the Second Amendment:

U.S. Supreme Court Taking Gun Ban Challenges to Conference



Trump will be speaking at the Libertarian Party nominating convention:

Trump To Address Libertarian Convention In Move That Has Members Debating Merits



Big trouble at the DEI CIA:

Cliff Sims: ‘I Was Really Shocked’ to See the ‘DEI Office’ in the CIA Building



The truth about the economics of colonialism and slavery:

Colonialism Did Not Make British Empire Wealthy, Report Finds



Download the IEA research paper mentioned above by clicking here:

Imperial Measurement, A cost-benefit analysis of Western Colonialism



Words of wisdom from VDH:

Is the End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders the Threat of Extinction



The Blob oozes on:

The Washington ‘Blob’ Seems “Ready To Wreck The Republic To Save Themselves”



The darkening prospects for America:

41% Of Americans Think Civil War Likely By 2029, Some Say Sooner Amid Chaos



CrazyCrats believe that Trump militias are already training up in the hills:

Maxine Waters Claims Right-Wing Groups Are “Training Up In The Hills Somewhere” For Civil War If Trump Loses



For investors, higher for a lot longer… In addition to Mish’s comments and links, some of the reader’s comments are well worthwhile, especially those of Willie Nelson II:

Understatement of the Day: The Fed Notes “Lack of Progress” on Inflation



Interest rates are not high enough yet:

Breitbart Business Digest: The Housing Market Shows Interest Rates Are Too Low



One Fed head agrees:

Fed President Kashkari Warns Rates Might Not Be High Enough



Fed head’s paper:

Policy Has Tightened a Lot. How Tight Is It? (An Update) | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis



The Fed really fixed this inflation problem:


Why we had better hope that the Fed sticks with higher for a lot longer:

David Stockman On The $1.3 Trillion Elephant In The Room


woodchuck-outsourcingUS manufacturing has a serious productivity problem:



Yield curve inversion as a recession warning is an old indicator, but still a useful one:



ABCs of inflation:

Governments Cause Inflation And Hurt Bond Investors



From the third decade of the 21st century:

An AI-controlled fighter jet took the Air Force leader for a historic ride. What that means for war – Breitbart



This would make a good science fiction story! More from the third decade of the 21st century. Science fiction magazine shuts off new submissions due to being overwhelmed by a flood of AI generated crud:

Science Fiction Magazine Stops Taking Submissions amid Flood of AI-Generated Stories



Well, that’s an easy choice for me!